Dell :: Vostro 1500 Will Not Turn On
Aug 1, 2009
Just recently i opened my laptop up and got it out of sleep, i opened up the game world of warcraft , and as i was logging in, it froze and made loud noises constantly so i turned it off right away, and tried to reboot a few min later but no dice.
when i push the power button the power led comes on as well as the upper keyboard leds, the caps lock led flashes, idk if that means anything, but nothing from there, screen is blank and no hard drive seems to be spooling. The power brick led remains on when i plus it into the laptop and i have tried it without battery, ram, HD, and such but it won't start
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Feb 27, 2009
I bought a Vostro 1500. It has been fine and I got XP instead of Vista. 2GB of RAM.
It boots up fine with quick Dell screen, black XP start up screen with thermometer line at bottom, then light blue XP screen then Vostro.
Before the destop icons show up next after Vostro and I am all set. Now it stops at Vostro.
I can get to programs using task manager file open and browse. Not very convenient.
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Dec 11, 2009
Dell says the Vostro 1500 only supports up to 2x2GB but I'm wondering if anyone has successfully slotted in a 4GB stick to increase the RAM in use. (under Windows 7 Professional, 64bit
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Mar 22, 2010
Can someone tell me what this chip is? Is it the CPU? I want to buy a thermal pad for it as it's cracked. Btw I replaced the thermal paste under the large heatsink on the left.
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Jan 2, 2010
my vostro 1500 was working fine, it decided to not boot up randomly. when i press the power button, the power led comes on, followed by the hdd led, and the power led stays on . The lcd does not power on. Tried booting using only the battery, same. the power adapter, same. took the notebook apart, reseated the processor, heatsink, ram, and all the connectors, still no luck. tried replacing the ram with my other laptop, same. the hdd works on my other laptop, so i dont know what the exact problem is. This occured once last time, but it booted up fine after 2-3 tries, now it just wont boot on. tried connecting an external monitor, still no life. anything else i could try? and i rule out the faulty 8600 chipset, as i never overclocked my laptop, and always used thermal paste every 6~ months. would really appreciate some help, as im typing this on an ancient hp pavilion ze series, which still works after all these years.
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May 20, 2009
I have a Vostro 1500 laptop with a Core 2 duo T5470, which is supposed to have a 1.6GHz frequency.
I noticed that my computer was going a little bit slower so I check my CPU and saw that it was only running at 1.2GHz.
I thought it would be an easy fix by going to my BIOS and turning off speedstep, but when I looked I see that it is already turned off. I updated the BIOS and turned off speedstep after the update and it is still running at 1.2. Any ideas on what this could be?...
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Apr 27, 2009
I've decided to add more RAM to my laptop. I have a Vostro 1500 and it's already 2GB but i want a 4GB. My question is that if I have a 1 2gb in the slot or 2 1gb RAM in the slots. I don't want to open up and laptop and possibly screw something up. Also what type of ram do i need? DDR2? PC-XXXX?
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Mar 18, 2010
Does anyone know if the Vostro 1500 supports SATAII? I'm about to buy an SSD for my Vostro but if it doesn't support SATAII then I'm not really going to see a major difference..
I planning on upgrading to a new laptop soon and bring that SSD with it, but wanted to know what I should be expecting out of the 1500..
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Dec 15, 2008
Just wanted to see how many people have had the Vostro 1500 and had their GPU burn out. Also how you dealt with it. I'm currently fighting with Dell tech support as they believe that every laptop line they have with the 8xxx series Nvidia card is affected but the Vostro 1500? That is just not logical especially with other OEM using Nvidia GPU having the same issue.
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Jan 4, 2009
There's no 64 bit driver for my Vostro 1500 .....
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Dec 14, 2009
I'm trying to connect my Vostro 1500 to a Philips 32PFL7562D, however it doesn't have a VGA port.
I know I can't do VGA-HDMI, or VGA-Component (I think my card doesnt support the correct output?)
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Nov 9, 2009
I installed Windows 7 64 bit on my Vostro 1500 and had no issues. Well, one small one, there was one unknown device (Base system device) in the device manager until I downloaded a driver for the Ricoh R5C833 memory card reader and installed it.
I also downloaded a driver from nVidia for my 8600M video card .....
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Nov 20, 2008
So the LCD in my 15-month old Vostro 1500 went kaput this evening. I immediately hooked up an external monitor to google the symptoms (I could still see a faint image on my display) and I came to the conclusion that something is wrong with the inverter. I've never messed with LCD's before, so I don't even know what that is.
Anyways, I immediately contacted Dell Support figuring this would be covered by my 2-year warranty (guess I'm pretty naive). They got back to me pretty promptly notifying me that the LCD needed replacement and that was not covered by the warranty. I was then given a spare parts number that I should call if I wanted a replacement part.
Does that sound right? The whole LCD needs replacing? How expense and technical would this fix be?
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Mar 12, 2009
I'm planning on doing a touchpad mod from the dreaded Alps to Synaptics on my E6400, and one of the touchpads I was considering using was the one from the Vostro 1500.
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Jul 12, 2009
I opened my laptop to clean it using the manual on Dell website and when I got it back together it doesn't want to charge. When I plug it in the light on the charger goes off and a squeaky sound can be heard from the charger.
My friend has Vostro 1510 and mine and his chargers work with his laptop, but not with mine. So anytime I plug his or mine chargers the light on it just goes off and then it has to be unplugged and plugged again in the socket to restart it.
I believe there is some sort of protection in the charger, other than the fuse. Without the battery the laptop does not work
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Feb 1, 2009
What differences are there? They both support the same cpus, same gpus and probaly ram.
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Feb 22, 2008
Since I couldn’t find any reviews of the Vostro 1500's i thought I’d go ahead and write one so hear goes
My wife and I decided to use our income taxes to get us both new laptops this year. After ordering a pair of these awesome lappys at midnight Friday morning, a scary ordeal (they were missing form the wish list when i went to move them to the shopping cart) I was content to waiting for the estimated build date of Feb 22 and a estimated Delivery date of Feb 27-29.
Then as i was checking my email Monday I got a email from dell stating my laptops had been shipped. Excitedly i read the email to find more good news. my laptops would be delivered the next day! woot! after scaring the hell out of my kids with my excitement (yes i actually yelled WOOT!) i told my wife who Immediately did the same thing, again scaring the kids but they all got a good laugh when we explained to them why we were so happy
First impressions This thing is Fast. Having never used a dual core computer I was always skeptical as to the speed boost (Never saw the speed boosts that sli boasted) but this is hands down the fastest computer I have ever used. And I picked the lowest speed processor available for this laptop.................
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Jan 24, 2010
My wife has a 3-year old Vostro 1500 running Xp Pro, Sp3, and it was somewhat messed up (wouldn't accept Windows updates, the Firewall stopped working, and couldn't be turned on even with administrative tools, stopped being accessible on the network, etc.).
So, I backed up everything 3 times, including a drive image, and wanted to reinstall XP using the Dell XP SP2 disk.
I removed the Dell Mediacenter partition, but left the first (small) partition. I reformatted the remaining partition as NTFS, and installed XP. Despite the fact that the Dell disk contained the SATA drivers, when I looked in Device Manager, I found that the HD was seen as an IDE drive, and not a SATA drive .......
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Mar 12, 2009
I need your help to get the MD iso for my Vostro 1500. I can't ask for it to Dell cause I bought it from a reseller. Dell asked me to do the transfer of ownership but the dealer didn't wanted to give me the information to do that.
So that is why I'm asking four your help. I have downloaded several versions posted in the www but non of them are for Vostro and I can't intall it.
I formated my HD and tried to installed as factory with those downloaded versions. This make the 3 partitions, I install the Vista and at that point everything is ok, but when I insert the MD disc it says that the system version is not supported by the MD i have
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Jan 12, 2009
I'm looking for an extra Hard Drive bezel/Caddy (the flimsy plastic piece you screw onto your hard drive) for my Vostro 1500. The piece has to cost pennies to make, but I'm having a hard time finding one.
I was appalled to find it here at this price ($45):
Anyone know of a good place to find this part?
They have the entire caddy for sale on ebay, but I'm just looking for the plastic piece:
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Sep 22, 2009
I apologize in advance if there is already a thread dedicated to this issue as I made sure to search around to see whether someone had already started one on this issue.
My question goes out to other Dell 1500 Vostro owners who ended up with a defective card and underwent the painstaking process of replacing their 8600M GT cards:
Have the replacement cards been defective as the stock ones? Are the replacement 8600M GT cards better built to withstand heating? Has Nvidia fixed the silicone issues?
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Mar 6, 2010
So I have a 3 year old Vostro 1500 with T5470 (1.6Ghz), and it's starting to show its age... I'm thinking of adding some extra life to it and doing a CPU upgrade to the best possible CPU. So I'm just wondering what's the fastest CPU the Vostro 1500 will still support? Is it the T9300, or something higher?
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Mar 4, 2009
I have a Dell Vostro 1500. While working on a Ispiron 1525 I noticed how much brighter the screen was than my Vostro.
I had the brightness turned up all the way on both notebooks. But the screen was noticeably brighter.
The Inspirons resolution was 1280x800 or something along that line.
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Oct 30, 2009
I have a secondary laptop, my vostro 1500 and it is running pretty damn hot IMO.
With only the 1.6 and 8600m gt it is running at 60C core 1 70C core 2 and 40C GPU at idle.
I just cleaned out all dust and re-artic silvered it and there has been little change. Infact this is the second time, I thought I might have done something wrong the first time so I did it again and no improvement.
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Sep 6, 2007
This might sound like a really stupid question, but could someone break down the differences and perhaps list the benefits and disadvantages (if any) between the two?
I know they're built on the same chassis. I know the Vostro comes in all black with a silver keyboard and the option of Windows XP whereas the Inspiron has 7 fantastic colours and three versions of Vista. But the reviews say different things, like how the Vostro gets hot but the Inspiron doesn't. Do either come with different versions of the 8600M? GS vs GT, DDR2 vs GDDR3?
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Feb 11, 2010
I am looking to upgrade my Vostro 1500 from a T5270 to a T6400. Does anyone know if this processor is fully compatible with the Vostro? It does have a Socket P setting.
The T8*** and T9*** all have the Socket P. The T64** came out after the 8's and 9's. I would appreciate any help. I don't want to go extreme with it and spend an arm and leg but just get a little boost. Also I know the T6400 will run cooler and use less battery.
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Apr 13, 2009
I bought a Dell Vostro 1500 last June and it's worked fine for the most part. However, just last week I began to run into some problems.
It will start to freeze at random intervals from the tiniest thing, usually just going to another web page.
It'll stay frozen for about 10 seconds, then go back to normal again. It seems to happen more often after I first turn it on, as it rarely freezes when I've had it on for hours on end.
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Apr 11, 2009
I was wondering if its possible to change the current DVD drive in my Vostro 1500 to a Bluray drive.
I know that there are external Bluray drives around but they seem to need an external power source. Has anyone put a Bluray drive in their Vostro or know if it is even possible?
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Oct 26, 2009
i made a wrong step on my opened dvd drive, was bend ~ 30 degrees. sound: typical breaking plastic.
if i were a n00b i would just slide it in and stay calmed. but i know how complex computers are and don't want to loose my data (again) or have my house burned because of a shortcut or so.
btw shaking the laptop even with the drive removed sounds like there is a loosy jumper or something, is that normal?
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Jan 29, 2009
What cpus are supported?Will the Txxxx and Pxxxx work?
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