Dell Inspiron 9400 :: Hard Drive / OS And RAM Upgrade
Dec 6, 2014
I am trying to upgrade my Inspiron 9400 to 320GB hard drive, Windows 7 OS and 4GB RAM.
I replaced the hard drive and the ram. Now when I power up the computer I have nothing. Power comes on, but nothing happens. Within a minute or so the powers shuts off.
I re-installed the original RAM and tried it again. Still nothing. Same results.
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Apr 17, 2009
What is the MAX Size hard drive my Dell 9400 can take ?
The 9400 went down during last night and came up on the screen with this.
** Hard Drive - DST short Test**
Test Result : Fail
Error Code 2000-01-42
Msg : Unit 0 : DST Log Contains Previous Error(s)
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Aug 27, 2009
I've got an Inspiron 9300 that I bought in 2004. Now, I know that it's a bit outdated (it's processor is an Intel Pentium M 1.86) with a 100gb hard drive.
My question is is it possible to get a bigger compatible hard drive in the computer's slot? I'm almost full with music (that I've copied from my CDs) and family photos, etc. so it would be handy to have more space to work with.
It's still in good shape. The warrantee just ran out a year ago and I've got a bunch of newer expensive parts (screen, heat sinks, heat fans, etc.) so it's likely worth my while if such a hard drive is available.
My computer might last another three or four years without having to need serious costly repairs making it best to simply buy a newer one. (I'm keeping all of my necessary files on a 320 gb USB drive in case that happens.)
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Feb 10, 2013
I would like to update the factory installed 160G Seagate HD to a larger WD750G. The Seagate is a 1.5 G/bs drive and the WD is a SATA II 3 G/bs drive and I have read that first generations controllers might not read the new drive. My Dell has a 0U990C motherboard with Pentium dual T3200 processor, BIOS A17 and an Intel GM965 chipset.
Will I be able to install this new drive without any problems?
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Mar 11, 2009
I want to upgrade my laptops hard drive. It currently has a Hitachi Travelstar 7200RPM 80GB Hard drive. I want to upgrade to at least 300gb capacity,
preferably not losing out on speed either. Another issue is heat, currently my laptop gets MEGA hot and sometimes even freezes up/slows down (Im pretty sure its because of heat) and I wouldnt want to get a hard drive that runs hotter than the current one.
I dont know whether I need SATA or SATA300, 8MB or 16MB, 2.5" SFF or 2.5"x1/8H. Also, if I got a 5400RPM replacement (effectively downgrading the speed)
would I really notice that much difference ?? I 80% web browse, but the other 20% I video and photo edit and game, and I wouldnt really want to sacrifice performance if it made a big difference.
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Jan 2, 2009
Can only Dell upgrade my laptop with special RAM?..
I guess it would cost more and also I have to ship my laptop to them which means I will have no laptop for a period..
So can I just buy my own RAM and install myself?..
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Dec 14, 2008
i'm looking to upgrade the screen of my E1705/9400 from WXGA (1440x900) to WUXGA (1920x1200).
My current screen model is a LG Phillips (LPL0000).
I've found an inspiron 9400 compatible: Samsung WUXGA (LTN170WU-L02)
But i'm not sure if i can upgrade screen from differents manufacturer easy like that.
I've already look over the net but didn't found same situation.
If someone knows something about that kind of upgrade...
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Dec 4, 2007
Currently I have a 60gb 7200 drive and I'm constantly battling for disk space and I regularly have to move files off on to my desktop to reserve space. The last straw was just last week I wanted to install all of the Orange Box and well that's like half my hard drive. I had to remove my entire mp3 and photo collection and uninstall a ton of crap to find room for it.
Anyway, I'd like to get a bigger hard drive. 100+ gig minimum. I'd like to stay with a 7200 rpm drive but it seems from some threads around here that you can get virtually the same performance from the larger 5400 drives. If that's the case, I don't really care which speed it is.
Is there a certain formfactor for the drive I'm looking for? Certain brands? Anyone who's upgraded the harddrive in this system have any advice? Most of the threads I found regarding new harddrives are on the newer Dell systems; and mine is a few years old.
I suppose an external drive is always an option; but like another post here it'd have to be usb powered as I need it to be fully portable and carrying another power cord around just isn't gonna work. I've never had any experience with external drives however; though I imagine they work identical to an internal for all normal purposes. How about speed though? Are they feasable to run games off of or can you pretty much only use them for file storage?
It seems ideally I'd minimum want to upgrade my internal drive with 100+gig drive and then possibly also get an external drive later. So knowing that what should I be looking for for an internal drive upgrade. Can anyone give me any models or links to good ones or where I should be looking?
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Mar 3, 2009
i'm thinking about upgrade my hard drive,
anyone have suggestion on what HD is good for this laptop?
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Oct 21, 2009
I'm new here, so firstly HELLO! ;-) I'm typical a SONY laptop person, but since their latest model has a seriously bad fault that would have me sending it back to them every 6 months to be repaired, and they refused to swap it for a laptop without that design, I decided to return to Dell.
So far, I'm pretty happy with my XPS 1330, other than my stupid decision to upgrade the operating system to Vista Ultimate. I ended up losing all required drivers and now it likes to crash now and then (I think it's because of the display drivers). However, that's another story!!
The purpose of THIS post is to find out from you all whether the XPS 1330 can take a 750 gig sata drive. I'm thinking of getting this drive and installing Windows 7 onto it, and starting over.
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Apr 17, 2008
Dell 9300 upgrade question.
Bought a Dell 9300 couple years ago and I'm wondering if upgrading my hard drive from 5400 to a 7200 rpm will I notice a big enough boost in performance to justify the purchase?.
and second will this work in my laptop?
HITACHI Travelstar 7K200 HTS722020K9SA00 (0A50940) 200GB 7200 RPM SATA 1.5Gb/s found on this page »···7200+RP
or can someone suggest another hard drive?.
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Mar 13, 2010
I am thinking of upgrading the hard drive on my Dell E1405. I was just curious if there is some kind of limit as to how big a drive I can get or is just whatever my wallet will tolerate.
In addition, can anyone point me to the "correct" hard-drive that my laptop supports? (I'm assuming it's a SATA drive.)
I wasn't sure what type (if there is one) that I need to buy for my laptop. Just anything on amazon or, or something along those lines.
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Feb 9, 2009
I have Vostro1400 with Vista premium and I am planning to upgrade my hard drive from 120GB to 320GB. I have 3 partitions C: OS, Data, E: Recovery and I think hidden Media Direct 3.3
I plan to do the following:
Make an image of the hard drive on the itself or an external USB drive. Get the new 320GB drive install it in a USB enclosure and restorre this image into the 320GB HD.
Once done put the new 320GB that now has the image into my laptop. I thonk I may have to use Vista or some other program to extend the partitions to get the full HD capacity as my HD will only have 120GB because of the image
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Jan 26, 2010
which hdd is best to upgrade the slow 4200rpm 1.8-inch drive that my laptop came with?
I'm interested in the best value price/performance.
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Jan 24, 2015
Using my inspiron 2330 (only 18mths old ) as normal next thing it tells me it encountered fault and has to reboot anyway it keeps saying scanning and repairing drive (c) then does not allow me to log in so i manage to get into bios to do a scan and it guves me a error code of 2000-0142 Â validation code of 112406 and and then says harddrive 0-s/n wd-wmc152946178
When i finally manage to log in my desk top screen is flashing and keeps telling my hard drive fault ....
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Apr 8, 2009
I was reading the switchers' guide and saw that upgrading the HD in my new (Apple refurb store, actually) 15" LED MBP 2.4ghz 8600gt model will void the warranty, and an Apple store tech must do it.
I'm cheap, illustrated well by me buying a refurb MBP for $1350 after waiting for a couple years to pounce on one. Being cheap, I was thinking of purchasing a 320gb HD for the MBP for like $65 off Newegg, and having the Apple store pop it in for me so my 1-year warranty will remain intact.
Does the Apple store charge for this service if they are installing an HD I am bringing in? If I purchase an upgrade HD from the Apple store themselves, will they provide the service free or at a discount?
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Sep 23, 2008
I purchased my M1330 over a year ago, with an internal 120gb hard drive.
I just purchased the HITACHI Travelstar 7K320 from NewEgg, since I'd like a both faster and larger drive.
However, I am curious about the following:
Right now, my hard drive is flush with the side of my laptop. It has a black trim on the side that is the reason for the flush side. It came this way from Dell. However, in purchasing the new hard drive, what can I do to make the side flush again, as well as the hard drive secure (dust, falling out, etc)? Can dell provide the part (side cover)?
For your reference, you can notice the hard drive cover in this photo (far right of the laptop):
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May 12, 2009
I have a Sony Vaio SR190 with a 160gb@5400 rpm hard drive. I really want to upgrade this with more capacity. I have two main questions:
1) What Hard Drive brand is the best? I was looking at the Western Digital Scorpio and the Seagate Momentus, but I want suggestions on the BEST.
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Apr 17, 2009
I was wondering if it was easy to crack open and upgrade the CD-ROM drive to another hard drive instead. Since customizing a TT is hellaciously expensive and the hard drives they offer are slow and not big enough -I would rather supply my own parts than what they have in stock
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Jun 25, 2009
I bought an FW configured with a 320gb 5400rpm hard drive, originally with a view to taking it out and putting in a faster one, 7200rpm or even an ssd. However, sony said this would void the warranty so I decided to just stick wit the 5400rpm option.
So my question is that if I bought a 7200rpm drive now, or an ssd when they are slightly cheaper, would I be able to slot that in,
but then if something went wrong with the laptop and it had to be returned, simply slip in the original 5400rpm hard drive so the sony guys wouldn't know the difference?? Or would they be able to tell I had changed the drive?
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May 16, 2010
How to replace Hard Drive for Sony Vaio Z...
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Sep 26, 2009
I'm looking at upgrading my 8204 with a larger HDD as it possibly is on its way out after nearly 4 years of constant use. If I am going to reformat may as well increase the space somwhat.
I see some people (in old threads) have gone to a 320GB 7200rpm SATAII drive rather than the 100GB 5400rpm SATA I drive in there at the moment.
I was wondering what is the largest drive the system will support and if any one has any recommendations? I have looked at Seagate 500GB drives but not sure what depth the existing drive is as notice there can be variances.
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Apr 7, 2009
I have been trying to find info on the largest capacity drive I can fit to my Acer 3630 note book, (current size 60 GB)
I believe there may be issues with the Bios set up for larger drives.
I have found Western Digital scorpio ATA100 Drives both 250 and 320GB that will fit in the drive space and I am running a Phoenix NoteBios 4.0 release 6.0 and the Bios date is 20/03/06.
any experience of changing the drive on this model?
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Jan 10, 2009
I am looking at one of the 7200rpm 320gb drives from either Hitachi, Fijitsu, Seagate and Western Digital.
Sony says the systems are not designed to be upgraded (by the end user). I guess they want only overpriced tech to do it. I have already popped my system apart and put it back together so I know how to do it. I have been building and repairing my own PC since 1990 so I am not afraid to do this. I would hate to buy the drive and find out that the BIOS will not support it.
Has anyone had any issues with Hard Drive upgrades on the SZ 330p/b model?
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Jul 7, 2009
I'd like to upgrade the hard drive on my Vaio, and I found a number of options here to purchase a new drive to make sure I get a compatible one. I'm leaning toward the 7200 rpm 320 gig model.
What I'm concerned about is doing the actual upgrade after cloning my current drive to the new one, as Sony says that hard drives are not user-upgradeable.
I've replaced a hard drive before on a Toshiba laptop, and on a TiVo, and many times on a desktop computer, so I have some confidence that I could probably do it if I had instructions, which I don't. I saw the instructions here about upgrading a different model -- is it probably sufficiently similar that a moderately geeky girl could manage this herself?
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Apr 22, 2009
I picked up a 4730Z last week, and it has a 120GB HDD in it. I need a little more room, and am looking to add the full 4GB's of ram.
My question is which hard drive to get for this model. I'm not sure if I can use a 3.0 GB/s SATA or not or if I should get a 1.5 GB/s. I want at least a 320GB drive, but can't find any that specifically say there's a jumper option for 3.0/1.5. Search function yielded me no results either for the 4730Z specs.
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Oct 1, 2008
I am considering upgrading my original HD in my Aspire 5672.
what drive I should consider?
I would like at least 200GB to make it worthwhile to do.
Great if I could increase performance as well.
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Dec 26, 2008
I'm considering a HD replacement for my 5610Z and am considering the HITACHI Travelstar 7K320 HTS723232L9A360. I'm currently running the 0riginal HITACHI Travelstar 5K160 HTS541612J9SA00.
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Dec 9, 2009
I was thinking of upgrading my HDD to 500gb. What is the compatible hd for my laptop? [vgn-fw270j]
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Apr 20, 2009
Will pick up my VGN-TT180c this week and planning to upgrade the stock hard drive to a 7200rpm Hard Drive.
how to do the upgrade?
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