Dell Latitude D630 :: Computer Will Not Boot
Mar 27, 2013
I have a Dell Latitude d630 computer. Everytime i turn the power button to turn on a blue screen will suddenly pop up. It will not bring the dell loading screen up and will not bring up the option to "start windows normal". I have had the battery replaced wih a new one. I might think its the memory card or the screen itself. what to do next or at least on how to get the loading screen up would be great. And sometimes when i can press ctrl, alt and delete at the same time the screen will disappear and come back with the blue screen. And after sitting their with the blue screen after a while the "wifi" light will light up as well with the "blue tooth" light.
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Apr 22, 2013
I have Latitude D630 that has been having graphics issues. I reinstalled the graphics drivers previously by booting through the CD, and that temporarily solved the issue, but not my computer refuses to display anything upon startup. I can hear windows booting up, but I get a blank screen. I've tried booting from the CD like I did last time, but it hasn't worked.
I ran the mute button + power button diagnostic and it's giving me a code I've been unable to identify.
The code is:
Num Lock + Caps Lock + Scroll Lock blink 3 times with an accompanying tone, which remains the same.
This happens three times.
Then I get a quicker and higher pitched series of fives beeps that go in tone: low-medium-high-medium-low. Accompanying this, the following light sequence occurs:
Num Lock, Num Lock + Caps Lock, Num Lock + Caps Lock + Scroll Lock, Num Lock + Caps Lock, Num Lock
This sequence also repeats itself three times. Then the entire pattern begins again.
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Jun 19, 2009
The price of 2nd user Latitude D630's seems to be holding up quite well in the UK. Does this indicate that it is still a popular machine and favoured over the E6400?
I briefly checked out an E6400 the other day and for a choice between machines of approximately similar spec I would opt for the D630 rather than the newer E6400.
I would be interested in opinions from users who have experience with both models.
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Jun 21, 2009
I've got a choice at the moment between two latitudes:
1) Dell Latitude D630: 2.2ghz C2D, 3Gb RAM, 120gb HDD, dvd/cdrw drive, vista, nvidia Quaddro GFX
2) Dell Latitude E6500: 2.26ghz C2D, 3Gb RAM, 80gb HDD, DVDRW, Vista,
Which do you reckon i ought to go for between the two?
The laptop will be used primarily between home and university, so will be taken between the two places in my shoulder messenger bag, so will probably take a few bumps
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May 21, 2010
I have a D630 that is still under warranty, but I've been having huge overheating problems with it. (We're talking 160F+ under light load). This is the model with the Nvidia video card.
When I first called Dell, they sent someone to replace the fan and heatsink. That didn't solve the problem. I figured that I was suffering from the notorious Nvidia thermal issue, and they replaced the motherboard. The problem got worse, and they replaced the motherboard again, and the problem got slightly better.
The thing is, I don't actually need an Nvidia video card because I don't do much aside from internet browsing and copying files over the network. I was upset after the fourth time they sent a Dell technician, that I called them and demanded that they replace my Nvidia board with a standard Intel graphics board. They finally agreed.
Yesterday a technician came out with a new motherboard with an Intel video chipset rather than Nvidia, as well as a new heatsink and fan that matches the new board. Now the darn thing is running at 190F at light load!!! it's actually worse than the Nvidia one was!
Do any of you have any clue what the problem might be? I don't even want to use this thing anymore. What's even more interesting is that we've issued about 30+ Intel D630's out to our associates at work, and none of them have any issues. I wonder why it's just mine.
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Aug 1, 2009
I've owned a D630 for about a year now and have noticed that the bottom of the laptop can get very hot. My dad owned the same model for a couple years and he had multiple hard drive failures. His hypothesis was that the computer might have been overheating and burned out the hard drive.
However, in doing a little research, I heard it's not so much that the computer overheats as it is that the metal frame conducts heat very easily. So while the outside might be hot, the inside isn't at a temperature that's damaging to the parts.
Any experiences with this? Any help would be appreciated. If overheating is a common problem, I'll probably shell out the money for a cooling mat. If it's not a problem, then that's money saved.!
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Oct 14, 2009
I'm thinking about getting a D630 and installing the 64-bit version of Windows 7 on it. Is there any reason that this won't be an easy process? Do I need any drivers from Dell?
I read here ( that someone had a problem with audio from a docking station, but apparently it's fixed by installing vista drivers from the Dell website ...
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Oct 28, 2008
I keep waiting to order my E6400 until all these problems I keep hearing about get resolved. However, it doesn't seem to end. Would I be better off just ordering a D630 and be done with it? These will be discontinued at the end of the year. Right now, it looks like I can save around $300-400 when I configure the D630 similarly. Of course, the D630 doesn't have webcam, maxes out at 4 GB RAM, has a mono speaker, and so forth. But aside from this, isn't it a much more well-tuned machine?
Are the problems I keep hearing about overblown? Will the D630 have its own share of problems?
Is going backwards to the D series a wise choice?
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Mar 8, 2013
I pushed the Fn and F1 (which I thought would put it to sleep as I do with my ThinkPad) and it shut down. When I tried to restart later I wouldn't. I push the power button and the power light comes on for ~5 sec, the bluetooth flashes the WiFi flashes and then nothing. If I hold the power button down it seems to do this cycle continuously. If I do the same and hold down the Fn button the 3 lock lights are added to the cycle. I have unplugged the power, removed battery (which shows fully charged) held the power button for 20 seconds to clear all residual power. It does the same on AC or battery alone.
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Sep 4, 2009
In the BIOS on my Latitude D630 there is an option for the CPU to be seen as a single processor or as two processors. The CPU is a T7500 Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz processor.
The BIOS info states that some applications may run faster when it is seen as two processors. Can anyone give me any insight into what these options actually mean in terms of PC performance ?
Also, what types of application would be impacted by the single processor or two processor options ?
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Apr 5, 2010
I have a D630 with nvidia nvs135 and it dont show nothing on the screen, i tried to replace hdd, i disassambled the RAM and put it back, i tried to connect it to a lcd monitor none works.
The display/s are working, but its just a iluminated black screen, even the bios does not loads.
I think that the gpu is the problem ...
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Nov 16, 2009
My motherboard was replaced couple of days ago by DELL technician (GPU problem). Now with new mobo I have GPU temps uder stress up to 100C. Its too much I think. My question is what is your temperatures?
I'm thinking also about copper mod of cooling system, but not sure about thikness of the copper shim for D630, I know that for XPS1330 it is 1.5mm ..
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Apr 10, 2009
I have considered purchasing a Dell latitude D630. I've looked at online retailers such as,, ebay, amazon...but so far can't find a D630 at the resolution of 1440x900, only at a lower resolution of 1280x800.
So, looks like the only option is to buy a screen sold individually, and upgrade the laptop manually to replace it.
The question is, is it safe to replace a lower-resolution screen with a better one on a laptop?
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Aug 17, 2009
My D630 screen is losing it color the whites look yellowish no matter how hard I try to adjust it. The unit was bought from Dell
new and still has about 5 months on the basic warranty. Is screen replacement covered for this problem?
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Apr 4, 2010
I am trying to use a Latitude D630 docked in a PR01 port replicator with a KVM switch. The problem I am having is that the video signal is not displayed using the PR01 DVI port.
The Latitude D630 itself does not have a DVI port, however, when docked in the PR01, the port replicator has a DVI port that will display a video signal when connected directly to a monitor. When the KVM switch is placed in line between the PR01 and the monitor then the DVI signal is not displayed .....
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Mar 4, 2013
I have a new hard disk for a Dell D630. I was able to install Ubuntu but I cannot get Windows to install. When I try, it does the preliminary loading but when it starts to install I get the blue screen of death. A Google search on this came up with make sure the BIOS has the disk set for IDE. In my BIOS settings however, there is no setting for this, only an SATA choice of ATA and ANCI, both of which I've tried.
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May 3, 2010
I recently upgraded the processor in my Inspiron 1545 to an Intel T9400. I think that processor totally rocks and performs as well as I need for everything that I do.
My Latitude D630 is not so fortunate. I forgot what the processor was that it has, but it has a 2MB cache and a 2ghz clock speed. It does not perform as well as my Inspiron does. If I were to buy another T9400 (since I already know I like it) could I pop it in my D630? Or is it not compatible with it?
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Dec 20, 2009
I just received an Intel 4965AGN card i bought from ebay and proceeded to install it in my Latitude D630.
Card was recognized by windows fine and loaded drivers fine, it just doesn't find any networks.
I believe I installed the antennas correctly (1: white, 2: gray, 3: black).
Also the wifi switch on the side doesn't work and the LED is always off even though the Intel diagnostics say that the card's Radio is ON.
Is my card bad or is it just not compatible (BTW: It is toshiba branded.
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Nov 16, 2009
I couldn't remove the keyboard so I turned it upside down and put aside. So from my search in Google I found that I must leave it like that about few days untill everything is completely dry.
I also panicked a bit and it took me about a minute to remove the charger and about few minutes to remove the battery.
My questions are:
1.The laptop turned off - does it mean that it was short circuit or it could be some defence mechanism .....
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Jul 7, 2009
Can anyone please advise me what the "fix" is to get rid of a "? USB Device" indicator in the Hardware Details of a Latitude D630?
It seems as though quite a few people have reported this but I cannot find a definite fix.
I have done a clean install of XP Pro followed by the D630 drivers but this is outstanding for a driver or some fix. The only USB item I have connected to the PC is a mouse and this is working O
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Apr 10, 2013
I have a Dell D630 Latitude laptop that connects to most Wifi Networks, but NOT my home network.In fact, It doesn't even show the network when I pull up area networks. It doesn't show any networks at all. However, when I take it to a Starbucks or McDonalds, I can not only find a network, but I can get on the Internet just fine !Do I have something blocking the network from being seen? Is my virus program Microsoft Essentials blocking the network for some reason?
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Dec 16, 2014
I've a Dell Latitude d630 Laptop and I want to change several BIOS characteristics (Boot device order, etc)
The laptop service Tag is <ADMIN NOTE: Service tag removed per privacy policy> and I had the admin PSW: oqzbww34
Last year my son changed the admin BIOS pw and now I can't change this parameters (I can enter at BIOS but can't unlock setup to change boot order, etc..); the old admin pwd doesn't work now
I've opened the laptop and disconnected de CMOS battery but this didn't work
Is there a master pwd to unlock bios setup or a jumper in motherboard to reset admin pw?
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Mar 19, 2013
I am running a Dell D630 with Windows XP, 2 gig memory.Recently, I began having an issue where the screen would lock. Unable to move the cursor,, type or anything. This would occur with various pgms, Word, excel, even with just the desktop.Cycling power would allow me to resume for some time, then it would occur again. It doesn’t seem to be load related as it can occur with little going on.I ran checkit and it showed a memory allocation failure. I have read that this may be a false failure with checkit. I’m not sure.
I replaced the RAM (2gig) and the problem still occurs.I have windows allocating virtual memory..I then tried to do a restore, thinking some update got loaded and is causing the problem, but restore fails when I run it.I am thinking possibly a bad sector on the HD, but have not found anything to check this out.
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Jun 9, 2008
I am having some difficulty getting a Dell Latitude D630 to connect to a projector. I have tried the Fn key+F8 key however this does not work. This option merely cycles through three other options all saying 'Presentation Mode Off'. I have been successful in connecting other laptops with the projector. Is there somthing with the D630 that I have failed to do that is causing this?
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Jan 23, 2013
Dell Latitude D630.... I bought a new battery about 2 months back (had the old one for a good 6 years before it finally bit the dust) and I've had no problems with it. The test button still shows all 5 bright and green. I recently replaced my adapter because it was getting old (almost 3 years) and it stopped charging since part of it's wires were frayed. The new adapter is not charging my computer.
It's Dell made so it shouldn't have a problem with the no-charge chip put in and it's New, not refurbished. I've tried different outlets, restarting computer, updating BIOS, checking battery, and lots of fun stuff in between.
I'm at a loss of what to do because without it charging it, I may as well have just stuck to my old one and saved the money. I'd rather have this issue fixed than never use my battery ever.
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Dec 30, 2009
Ive got a two year old latitude D630 that is shutting down right after the Dell splash screen. pressing down on the left side of the laptop while its booting up and that worked to the point where I got to the login screen, but after a few seconds, it just shut down again.
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Feb 24, 2013
My previous Dell Latitude D630 went out of order (nvidia graphics) so I bought another d630 second hand without hard disk and introduced the "old" hard disk.
Everything works fine (installing drivers...) except the DVD/CD is not recognized at all:
- when in the BIOS, putting the boot sequence to: CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive
the Laptop says: No bootable devices... (It also says that, when I unplug the DVD/CD)
The DVD/CD itself does a short spinning movement when booting, so it seems to have "electricty".
I've upgraded the BIOS to A18 already;
When booting Windows, the drive is missing altogether (the hardware manager does not show it as an unregonized driver; instead the drive is missing altogether)
I understand the DVD, though introduced to the Laptop, is connected via USB - do I need some USB driver update or how can I fix this?
Is there a manual that would tell me how to check cabling or similar things? when I introduce the DVD from the old hardware - which was/is working, it is also not found in the "new" laptop, so I suppose the DVD hardware "connection" is missing??
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Mar 10, 2010
I just upgraded my D630 from 32bit Vista to 64 bit Windows 7 (wiped the Vista off and clean install of 7). It's working very well, but the touchpad isn't fully functional. I have lost the scroll capability. Dell support says they haven't written a replacement driver and aren't sure that they ever will.
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Feb 23, 2013
I can't see the screen !!!!!
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Feb 2, 2015
I wanted to load QuickSet on a D630.
Unfortunately, I can't find the original versions (e.g. 7.1.19) on and the version that says to use (v.8.3.17, A51) is broken. If I attempt to run R180759.exe, I get "Invalid self-extractor configuration. This file may be corrupted." (The MD5 checksum is correct.)
Where can I find a working version of the QuickSet installation file?
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