Dell :: Post Your S-XPS 13 Temperatures

Mar 7, 2009

Alright boys 'n girls!

Considering all the debate going on about the ventilation on this system, I figured it would be best to see the sort of temperatures people are getting.

Post your HWmonitor screenies or the temps alone! Also, make sure you post what power mode you're in! Don't forget to mention whether you have the 9500 or the 9400!

Let's see those screenies!

I think after we get some temperature readings, we will be able to conclude just how bad the ventilation issue is.. if at all.

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Dell :: Temperatures Low

Sep 17, 2008

i usually leave my laptop on my desk, which is about 6 in. away from the window. lately, gpu temp has hit a low of 32 c, core temps of 16 c. i need to know if this is a dangerously low temperature to operate the computer. if i should move the desk or laptop or what.

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Dell :: All Of The Sudden: Low Temperatures + Fan Always On

Oct 21, 2008

I've owned my M1330 for a few months now, and have been very happy with it. But today, all of the sudden, things changed. I understand that a fan speeds up when a laptop gets hot, but this is not the case here.

All of the sudden today, this started happening: The fan is always on (around 3000rpm). However, the temperatures are usually low (CPU:38-50 , GPU:47-49). The laptop doesn't even get hot.

I've already cleaned the dust out of the the fans/vents, just in case.

My bios is the one that came with the laptop: A09

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Dell :: M170 Temperatures

Oct 20, 2007

I recently purchased a M170 with 6800 Ultra off ebay and have been using it for the past week or so. During this time, I have noticed that the temps get quite high when running graphic intensive applications. I currently have an e1705 with a 7900GTX installed so I am familiar with the heat dissipated from a high end graphics card but the M170 seems to get very hot in comparison to my e1705. I am not sure what are considered high temps so I will just post my readings from I8kfan (these are the peak temps):

CPU: 95
GPU: 91
Mem: 77
Chipset: 80

Are these readings too high or about normal?

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Dell :: XPS M1530 Temperatures

Dec 30, 2008

Running idle for 5 minutes

notebook temps.JPG

are these normal? this is after running for about 5 minutes. idle

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Dell :: Monitor The Temperatures On 7950 GTX

Jan 4, 2008

i'd like to know what kind of temps to expect from a normally working card.

What are your temps on idle (normal room temp 20c-30c)
and what are the max temp it reaches when say we run the ati tool graphical view. (Just for reference - when idle, ATI Tool reports 65c on my card, and after running the 3d view of ati tool the card will reach 104c).

I'd like everyone who has that info to post it here and i'll do the math and calculate the avarage working temp of that card.

Since different monitoring progs report different tempratures please state which program is reporting the temps.

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Dell :: GPU Temperatures Had Reached 200 Degree F

Mar 10, 2009

I was encoding an 8-minute video using Premiere cs4 and my m1330 turns itself off because the GPU temp had reached 200 degree F.

I am using Windows 7 beta and latest nvidia drivers.

Has anyone been able to encode a long HD video to H.264 without it turning off after 10 minutes or so?

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Dell :: 7950 GPU Actual Temperatures

Nov 18, 2007

I know this as been covered a millions times but I can't seem to find a straight answer. But I am trying to figure out my actual temps on my overclocked 7950 at 650/800

Using I8kfangui my temps are 59 to 82c with out any temp offset
Atitool temps are Identical 59 to 82c
Nvidia Mview is the same 59 to 82c

Now I though there was an 8 degree of set for I8kfangui, but its running the same temps as everything else is this my actual temps or there still an 8 degrees offset making my temps higher?

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Dell :: Hot Temperatures Studio 1535

May 13, 2009

Well people in my country is summer, and from some days (4-5 days) my Studio 1535 has annoying for me HDD and GPU temperatures.

I will attach old picture and current picture and you can compare the temperatures.
Plus the fan stays on higher speed and it just don't want to turn itself back to normal light speed mode, I guess because high HDD and GPU temperatures.

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Dell :: Studio XPS 1640 Temperatures

Jun 22, 2009

Just got my new laptop 1/2 a week ago and installed a clean 7 on it. My idle temperatures are as follows:

Processor (T9800): ~43 degrees
ATI: ~48 degrees
HDD (500 GB 7200 RPM): ~40 degrees
Motherboard: ~44-50 degrees

This is at idle! When I game for a while, all temperatures hover at ~60 degrees. Is this normal?

My old laptop with a T5750 idles at 19 degrees for the processor, does the T9800 produce this much extra heat?

Also, if other 1640 users can post their specs and temperatures it'd be great.

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Dell :: Inspiron 1525High Temperatures

Feb 24, 2009

I got Inspiron 1525 about two months ago. From that time I have been noticing high temperatures but didn`t care much. Averest shows idle temperature 45C and on load about 82C and sometimes 90C.

I started playing WoW from this morning and the cpu fan started running on full speed after 2 minutes in the game. Also laptop turned off suddenly twice today maybe because of CPU overheat.

I already tried "SpeedFan" but it has no support for Dell motherboard. What should I do?

I live in India and ambiance temperature is high here, 20-30 C.

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Dell :: High Temperatures For All Hardware

Apr 21, 2009

I just started playing L4D. And monitored my temperatures.

My GPU was getting 88c
CPU was getting 98c

Aren't these dangerous temperatures?

I'm using an Inspiron 1520
8600m GT
2.0 Core 2 Duo

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Dell :: My Studio 15's Temperatures Going Too High

Feb 21, 2009

my laptop's temperatures are reaching too high while playing games. i was playing burnout paradise and simultaneously hw monitor was also running. the max temp of both cores reached 89c and of gpu 91c and acpi was 94c. are these temperatures normal of are they too high??plz suggest me what to do...i have also attached the photo of the temperatures recorded....

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Dell :: Could Someone With A 128GB SSD Please Post A Benchmark?

May 19, 2010

I'm getting the feeling mine is underperforming.

Here's mine:

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Dell :: Notebook Doesn't POST

Jan 9, 2009

I had to replace the DC jack in my Inspiron 9300 and it appears to work correctly. Plug a battery in and it charges just fine. However when I turn the computer on it does not POST (or beep in any way at all). I turn on the power, the fans spin up, the HDD spins up, and then about 5 seconds later it all just shuts down. Ive tried taking the HDD and the RAM out to try and get some sort of beep code and i get nothing.

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Dell :: X-25M SSD Owners Post Your Benchmark

Sep 21, 2009

If you own an Intel X-25M SSD, please post your benchmark score(s).
I am having an issue with my 4K read/write. It seems as tho they are 50% less than what they should be. Nevertheless, post your benchmarks. I want to know if any other DELL owners experiencing the same problem as i do..

I would have posted this in the Hardware SSD Thread, but that thread is just out of control. I am mostly interested in the Random 4K reads/writes and this is probably the most important attribute in everyday computing for regular users like us.

X-25M G2

X-25M G2

on a side note, can someone tell me why my 4K reads/writes are so much slower than what they are supposed to be?

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Dell :: Any Tips On Reducing Temperatures While Playing

May 9, 2010

Is the GPU temp reduced if i play in 800x600 instead of 1200x800?

Do you have any tip for reducing the temps while playing?

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Dell :: M1530 Temperatures Fluctuations When Idle

Dec 26, 2008

I have a new M1530, and I noticed some wierd temps. Can someone tell me if this is normal...

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Dell :: M1530ACPI Temperatures Mains Vs On Battery

Jun 14, 2009

Here's an odd one I haven't found much info on...

When gaming, I noticed that the difference between my ACPI temps on mains VS on Battery are a bit of a concern...

For the first time last last night, it shut off on me which I guessed was the lovely overheating. Anyways I know my CPU and GPU temps are great and run very cool so it wasn't to do with GPU temps etc

The only difference when the machine shut off was I was gaming on Battery - So I ran some tests and found that there is a major difference between the ACPI temps when gaming on batt than when on mains.

Temps when gaming:

On Mains of ACPI (THM) = 71c max
On Battery of ACPI (9 cell batt) = 100c +!

For info on other temps on load:
CPU max = 60c
GPU max = 72c

It's nothing to do with positioning of laptop etc as I ran the test in the same position. I'm running windows XP Pro too.

So, what causes such a massive diff in temps of the ACPI chipset comparing mains to on battery ? This is like an instant change when you pull out the mains (under load), so I've narrowed it down to batt vs mains!

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Dell :: Program To Monitor Hardware Temperatures

Jun 24, 2009

I haven't felt any excessive heat, but it certainly gets quite warm like most people have mentioned.

Whenever people are posting there hardware temps, i see CPUID... is that the program of choice then?

What are some good programs to monitor system temperatures?..

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Dell :: E6400 High Fan Speed At Low Temperatures

Nov 25, 2009

Recently bought a E6400 with T9600 and intel GPU. See signature for more details. I'm running windows 7 x64.

My problem is that the fan goes on "high" very quickly in my opinon. It will stay like this until i stop surfing or doing stuff. If i stop it will go down until i start work again.

I wanted to check with others what kind of experience you got with the E6400 and the fan noise. I need to use headphones while working, and using the laptop in the sofa while the wife is watching tv is out of the question!

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Dell :: XPS M1530 Temperatures Just Won't Stop Rising

Dec 30, 2008

There is something wrong with the XPS M1530. Almost every owner seems to have overheating problems and those that don't may just not realise it. It seems to happen amongst gamers. Is the overheating because we're gaming 'too much'? Should the XPS M1530 be able to cope? I have so many questions because I'm having my share of overheating problems...something which I recently feel is unavoidable...

After owning my laptop for 8 months, I only just started to monitor the temperatures after I was getting huge drops in fps while gaming after a length of time as well as some artifacting.

On the 15/12/08 which is just over 2 weeks ago I had my motherboard and heatsink/fan replaced because of the following high temperatures I would get when playing games.

After, they were replaced I played some COD4 for 30 mins or so and got the following temperatures. When I saw these temps, I thought "Awesome, my temps are finally normal".

On the 22nd, 1 week after the replacement, I monitored my temperatures as I played TF2 for an hour. As you can see, there was a increase in my max temperatures and at this point, I wondered if maybe the temps will slowly become high again.

Another week later, yesterday on the 30th, I once again monitored my temps and played L4D for 20 mins or so to find that my temps have yet again risen but this time quite a bit more.

Alright so the question is, what the hec is going on with the XPS M1530 and why do the temperatures just keep going up even after getting a new motherboard and heatsink/fan!?!? Seriously, in just two weeks, my temps have risen by as much as 10 degrees celcius! Is this some kind of hardware failure or is this normal? Is it the thermal paste that's melting away or what? What could be going wrong?

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Dell :: Studio XPS 1645: Post A07 Discussion

Feb 16, 2010

Count me in the minority, but I've actually been pleased with the A07 BIOS revision. I'm curious about other opinions since I'd like to have a better understanding of the latest round of complaints.

As I understand the current situation:

The CPU no longer throttles when stressed by itself. With A03, running Prime95 on my 820QM at max brightness resulted in throttling. With A07, that's no longer the case. I get a consistent 13x multiplier. As a software engineer interested primarily in CPU horsepower for compiling and virtualization, this pleases me.

Gaming seems to work fine for a limited amount of time, but at some point stuttering occurs with some frequency. Which games exhibit this? Does this only occur at max settings in 1080p? At least one person was testing for throttling by running Prime95 in tandem with the game. Is that a reasonable real world test?

Prime95 and Furmark still results in throttling. Again, is this a reasonable real world test? Moving forward as more applications become multi-core aware and work is off-loaded to the GPU, I imagine system load will approach this simulated load... but is it realistic? My thought on the matter is that at some point heat becomes a factor, even with the excellent drop in temperatures that I've seen with GC-Extreme. A single fan and shared heat pipes aren't exactly an ideal design for that type of stress. The question is whether the heat dissipation is good enough.

In the event of GPU throttling, I've seen RivaTuner as a suggested workaround. Is it possible to lock the GPU clock to the maximum possible using RivaTuner without the CPU being throttled as a result?

Is the GPU really only throttling at a certain temperature threshold? I saw someone mention 84C as the magic number. Does that mean that you can run, say Prime95 and Furmark without throttling until the GPU hits 84C? Or in a more real world scenario, does that mean it's possible to game without apparent throttling until the GPU hits 84C? Wouldn't that mean you could further reduce (or eliminate) GPU throttling with better thermal paste? (For reference I've never seen my GPU load past 70C). Obviously, if that's a workaround, it would have been ideal for Dell to do this at the factory, but let's put that aside for now in the name of discussion.

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Dell :: Post Some Of Your Game Results On The 1645

Dec 7, 2009

hows modern warfare 2 run?

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Dell :: Inspiron 6000 No Post Just Turn On

Apr 26, 2009

I have a friend's Inspiron 6000 from 2005

The laptop turned off by itself once and since then, it refuses to POST.

I do suspect some CPU power issue.

- The boards can be powered and shutdowns with the power button.
- HDD is detected and HDD LED turns off after detect.
- Only the Power led remains open
- No Image nor backlight on screen
- No access to BIOS
- PSA boot (Fn+Power) give Scroll Lock LED ON
I spoted a black burned zone around what I think is a diode. I removed it and try to mesure it but I'm not equipped to have an exact figure of what it is.
The marking on it is "SR" .....

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Dell :: Vostro 1500 Temperatures Under Full Load

Feb 7, 2009

i ran a load test on my vostro 1500 and came up with these temps at 100% load on the cpu.

cpu 1 was 44c
cpu 2 was 47c
gpu was 36c

are these good numbers?

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Dell :: Inspiron E1705 Determine Internal Temperatures?

Mar 29, 2009

I have had my Inspiron E1705 a little over three years now.

Is there a way for me to tell what the internal temperatures are?

Sometime when on the internet, the bottom of the laptop gets very warm, and I seem to have a problem with pages loading until it cools down a bit.

About a year ago, my onboard sound quit, and Dell ending up sending a technician to my location and replaced my motherboard. Could excessive heat caused premature failure of the m/b?

Also, is there a way of manually controlling the internal fans to run more often than they do?

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Dell :: Changing The POST Boot Image On An M1530

Jan 29, 2009

I found this ( and i was wondering if there was some way to do this on an m1530 or if that technique works on a 1530..

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Dell :: S-XPS 16 (1645) Post All New Driver/BIOS Updates Here

Mar 26, 2010

Im getting my laptop soonish (I hope) and I just wanted to create a thread to compile all the current updates and drivers for the Dell Studio XPS 16,

And I'm a complete novice at all this stuff so I was wondering if you saw this thread if you could please;

post The most up to date CPU/GPU/Video ect.. driver

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Dell Studio 1555 :: Does Not Pass Post Startup

Mar 6, 2013

My Studio 1555 is not passing post startup.It will pass the Dell splash screen with a lot of beeps that I cannot identify, but afterwards, will get stuck with a black screen and a flashing underscore icon at the top left corner. What are some possible problems/fixes/tests? I'm wondering if its time I bought a new laptop. What are the chances of my hard driving still being okay?

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