Apple :: Applications That Trigger Discrete Graphics - 2010 MBP

May 5, 2010

I just got my new MacBook Pro 15" (with auto graphics switching) and was a bit surprised that the discrete graphics card was always on... so I started investigating what apps might be triggering that! As far as I could tell, I wasn't running anything graphics intensive... so it was a surprise to me what I found out

There are a lot more apps causing this than the ones I listed initially... a more complete and up-to-date list can be found at this thread on MacRumors forums.

It's possible to know what graphics card you're currently using by installing GPUInfoMenu or gfxCardStatus, the latter also allows to force switching from discrete to integrated, or vice-versa.

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Dell :: XPS 1330 Integrated Vs Discrete Graphics

Nov 4, 2007

I'll be buying an XPS M1330 soon. The only option I'm still confused on is the graphics card. I'm not a gamer and battery life is important to me as I'm on the road every week for work. However, with Vista now - which I have no experience with - is it true that you need a discrete graphics card to efficiently run Vista (and I guess certain options such as Aero).

Specifically, my questions are:

1. Will an integrated graphics card impair the ability to use Vista in any way and, if so, how?

2. What's the difference in battery life when using a dedicated vs integrated graphics card? I.e., how much extra battery life will I gain by choosing integrated?

3. Will an integrated graphics card cause my system to just not operate as efficiently in general - just every day navigating even - since Vista relies so heavily on graphics? And, if so, how does any inefficiency manifest itself? Slower time bringing up screens? Computer running hot because of a strain using graphics?

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Dell :: 1555 Now In UKno Discrete Graphics

Apr 30, 2009

Subject says it all - 1555 appeared in UK this morning but only has
15.6in Widescreen High Definition (1366x768) WLED with TrueLife

I posted about a week ago about WXGA+ suddenly dropping off the 15.4" version and was hopeful of holding out and getting a higher res option with the 1555. No such luck.

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Dell :: Studio 15 No Longer Offering Discrete Graphics?

Apr 27, 2009

I just went to the Dell US site to configure a 15 Studio laptop and notice when you go to configure the laptop the only choice for graphics is the integrated 4500HD!

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Acer :: Discrete Graphics In A Timeline, Wouldn't That Be Nice

Jul 24, 2009

The Travelmate business line of computers that are based off of the Timeline series have discrete ATI Mobility Radeon� HD 4330 graphics cards. I think there are even some models in the European market that have the ATI graphics card.

Do you think it would be possible to install a graphics card like the HD 4330 into a 3810T (13.3" Timeline) or a 4810T (14.1" Timeline) notebook?

Is it even possible to do this with any notebook?

I'm leaning towards a 4810T as my first choices (the Asus P30A and Acer Travelmate 8371) have not been invited to the Canadian market. The only thing that holds me back is the integrated graphics card. Should I hold my breath and wait for a Timeline notebook with a discrete graphics card?

Why would Acer be reluctant to release a Timeline esque notebook in North America with a discrete graphics card? The ATI card doesn't suck up that much power.

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Acer Aspire 4745g :: No BIOS And All Black Screen After Changing Graphics To Discrete

Dec 30, 2014

I have an aspire 4745G which AMD Radeon Graphics might somehow be corrupted, and so ever since I was using the Intel dedicated VRAM, However I have accidentally changed graphics from switchable to discreet in BIOS and after restart all I get is black screen. I tried resetting the BIOS by shorting the jumpers beneath the WLAN card as per the manual but its still no good. The only thing it does after turning it on is that the HDD LED lights up for a second and then gone all black screen ...

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Lenovo 11e E/Edge :: E540 - Applications Crash Probably Due To Intel Graphics Driver (Win 8.1 64bit)

Jan 9, 2014

In Skype when trying to make a call, the program crashes, I googled the issue and it seems others have had similar problems and it was fixed by updating their Intel Graphics driver.
"Intel® HD Graphics Control Panel" program also won't open, it crashes instantly.
"ThinkPad Video Features" driver fails at installation ....
I have the latest driver to the Intel Graphics, which I got from lenovo support....
OS is Win 8.1 64 bit

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Apple :: New IMacs A Sign Of Things To Come For Discrete GPUs

Oct 20, 2009

Looks like Apple's gone all-ATi now for discrete GPUs on the new iMacs. Could this be a sign that going forward, all MacBooks' discrete GPUs will be from ATi?

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Apple :: Mac Applications

Feb 8, 2010

what kind of applications (Free Preferably ) you like to use on your Mac. If its possible link a picture of the application with a brief description on what its used for.

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Apple :: Reinstall With Given Discs - Will All The Ilife Applications Be Gone

Mar 30, 2009

This is my first time re installing OS 10 and would like to ask a question. If I do a clean install with the os x discs, will all the ilife applications be gone?

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Apple :: Microsoft Recognizes VM Operations For Windows And Applications

Apr 25, 2009


I'm not sure if this really needs a separate thread or could go in the VM sticky, but I thought it's pretty important.

It's just been revealed that Windows 7 will have a Virtual Windows XP mode that will basically be running Windows XP in a VM and include integration features like Coherence in VMWare Fusion and Unity in Parallels Desktop. They are doing this to address the remaining software backwards compatibility issues in Windows 7. Of course, Microsoft being Microsoft with their product segmentation, is currently limiting access to Windows XP mode for Professional Edition users and higher, although it is commendable that they are offering it for free.

Why is this significant for Macs? I think this is very useful because future Window operating systems and applications will be written with the expectation that they will be running in VMs in future OS for compatibility. It wouldn't surprise me if Windows 7 (kernel 6.1) and Office 2010 are already being designed in a way so that they can run well in a VM for a future kernel 7.0 based Windows OS. These optimizations would of course benefit Mac users who still have to use Windows application or perhaps even play games. I'm sure it'll also be a compelling transition point to encourage switchers, especially if they are already familiar with virtualization from Windows 7.

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Apple :: Office 2010 For Mac

Nov 1, 2009

Just a quick question:
has anyone seen what Office 2010 is going to look like? I know that it's suppose to have Outlook, but I haven't been able to find any legible screen shots or credible information on what the new program will contain or how it's different that 2008, etc. I don't know, maybe there's nothing out there except rumors, but I was just curious.

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Apple :: Macbook Pro Mid-2010 CPU & GPU

Apr 29, 2010

We have all been curious about exactly what is going on under the hood in the new Macbook Pros. It would appear that Apple is indeed underclocking the GPU a bit, at least as reported from GPUz:

I also fired up CPUz and was pleased to the see that the i5 turbo mode appears alive and well, at least in Windows 7:

This is all from the base model, off the shelf 15" Macbook Pro.

I would love to see this thread turn into results from other new machines so download CPUz and GPUz!

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Apple :: 2010 MBP With I7 And GT330m - Does It Get Too Hot

May 17, 2010

I am debating on getting the 15.4 version.... does it get too hot? and is it portable?
please answer the TWO questions...

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Apple :: Macbook Pro (2010) XD

Mar 6, 2010

Just a myth:

Let's wait 5-6 more months for Nvidia GTX 480M (mobile version) into Macbook Pro... xD with 3D support + glasses...


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Apple :: Migration Assistant Between Two Macs To Transfer Applications And Data

May 18, 2010

When using Migration Assistant between two Macs to transfer applications and data, Apple's instructions indicate you can use an ethernet cable.

Does one use a straight cable, or a crossover cable for this function?

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Apple :: New MacBook Pro 17" Unibody - Don't Need BootCamp For Windows Applications

May 24, 2009

Just bought new MacBook Pro after about 15 years of using Windows machines (first experience with Macs was in aerospace when for a time there they used Macs almost exclusively.) Very nice. Even nicer I've found that I don't need BootCamp for Windows applications .. don't miss them at all! For office-type applications just use NeoOffice and Photoshop does a Mac version, too. It's great just to be able to get on a computer and do work rather than spending time (sometimes lots of it) trying to figure out how to make the thing work better or even work at all.

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Apple :: Office On Mac Is Getting Outlook In 2010

Aug 13, 2009


Microsoft better not be teasing me.

This is probably the biggest reason why I can't stand being a Mac only person. Outlook keeps me alive and isn't as nagging as a wife.

I might just start sacrificing small animals......

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Apple :: MBP 2010 Hard Drive Click

May 21, 2010

I just got a MacBook Pro 13 in and noticed that when I'm using it but then get up to move somewhere else, it makes a clicking sound as I lift up from my lap. Is this normal? Maybe the hard drive is preparing to move or something?

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Apple :: 12.5mm Hdd In Opitbay 2010 15" Macpro

May 10, 2010

been looking around both on this forum and another but never really got a definite answer.

looking to see if a 12.5mm hdd will fit in the 2010 optibay of a mac pro 15"

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Apple :: 2010 Macbook Pro 15" I5/2.4 First Impressions

Apr 15, 2010

I don't have time for a full review because one of the reasons I jumped so quickly into this new notebook is that I am on a deadline. However there are a few first observations I don't want to forget about, should anyone be interested in a more complete review.

A little history first. I have been a Mac user for the past 20 years. I grew up with them, have been responsible for them in an IT capacity and have made a living generating content from them. I know the platform well. I am however not the type of guy to put all his eggs in one basket and also routinely use Windows, mostly for gaming, and Linux, mostly for serving.

The point is, I make my living around the Mac.

Purchase and Arrival.
I made the decision to buy after 6 hours of spec shopping. I called around to the local Best Buy (you never know until checking) and the closest Apple store, which for me is 120 miles away. Neither had them in stock, but they both at least knew what I was talking about. The Apple store didn't have an ETA, but expected them within the week. That wasn't fast enough for me this time, so I ordered directly from Apple. This was Tuesday night at 5pm. Wednesday at 2:30PM, I took delivery. Nice. The outer packaging was a plain brown box. Inside, the standard Mac packaging with nothing but the notebook, a power adapter, and a simple folder with barebones manuals and the OS DVDs. Good presentation, but not a lot of goodies............

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Apple :: New 2010- Model #: A1224, EMC: 2133

Feb 2, 2010

Can anyone tell me if this is a new model or old mid-2007. Cause some one I know thinks they have a newer computer that has this model number/ECM. Is that model # and ECM also for current systems or are they only for older ones?

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Apple :: SSD And Optibay Install In Mid-2010 15" Unibody

Apr 26, 2010

I recently purchased a new base model 15" Macbook Pro with the firm intention of upgrading the main drive to a SSD. Historically, there has been some issues with a do-it-yourself upgrade to SSD using Mac hardware and I happy to report that I have had no issues, save those caused by myself in the doing the swap.

I decided the best course of action was to use a SSD for my main application and OS drive, and use a standard 2.5" mechanical HD for my files. The downside is, of course, you lose your internal Superdrive. However, as I was contemplating this, I realized that I rarely use my optical drive outside of software installs. It then became an easy choice. Of course, you can always just swap the standard internal drive for a SSD, but space and cost quickly become deciding factors. Keep in mind that if you plan to install Windows 7, you need at least 20GB of space just for it, before any other Windows software. Snow Leopard takes around 8GB and some of the higher end software can take gigabytes on their own (The Final Cut Studio suite alone takes around 50GB).

After a ton of research with some conflicting information I decided on the Crucial M225 128GB SSD. It uses the Indilinx Barefoot controller with 64MB of cache and is price competitive at around $325. The Kingston V-series is cheaper, but uses a modified J-micron controller (meh - sorry J-micron, too much history there). Another choice, and one I nearly made, is a Corsair series drive. Note that apparently the Nova series has some issues with the Macintosh notebook line, so the P series will be your best bet there. Of course, you could go for the gold and choose an Intel based SSD. Most Mac guys seem to have the best luck with these drives, but I decided I like the price/performance of the Crucial better..............

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Apple :: Macbook Pro 13" Power Adapter(2010)

May 6, 2010

Anyone know where I can get a extra 2010 power adapter for my macbook pro? Most of the ones I have found use the old style connector.

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Apple :: Late 2008 Unibody 15 Inch MBP Vs Mid 2010 Equivalent

Apr 19, 2010

I just wanted people's opinions on how they compare the two model lines, and whether or not they would make the upgrade. The specs of my MBP are:

C2D 2.53 Ghz
500GB 7200RPM HDD
512MB 9600mGT w/ 9400m Integrated Graphics

Performance wise, I havent been disappointed with the laptop, but one of the main drawbacks I see in the machine is its battery life - Apple has taken strides in improving battery life over 2009-2010, and its kinda annoys me that I'm stuck with the battery I have now.

I commute a lot to/from school, work on the bus/train, and have to use my laptop in places where power outlets are not readily available (some lecture rooms). Realistically, I get about 3-3.5 Hours with screen brightness on minimum, wifi and bluetooth turned of, and doing some basic word processing, as well as reading pdf's.......

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Apple :: 2010 13" MBP 2.4GHz. No Support For 3rd Party SSD Under Boot Camp

Apr 15, 2010

All those who have a 2010 MBP and a 3rd party SSD, please try setting up bootcamp and let us know if it works.

Has anyone successfully setup bootcamp on any of the new macbook pros? When I use boot camp assistant, I am able to set up the partitions. However, once I enter the windows 7 install, it doesn't detect any partitions at all (not even my mac partition).

I've tried both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows 7 (home, prof, and ultimate). The SSD is an Intel X25-V 40GB

UPDATE 1: Swapped the stock HDD back in and bootcamp install seems to work fine. Partitions were immediately recognized by my windows 7 ultimate 64-bit. Could Apple have blocked support for 3rd party SSDs somehow with these 2010 MBPs?

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HP/Compaq :: Just Pulled The Trigger On AnDV2z

Jul 21, 2009

I just ordered a new HP DV2z notebook and was wondering what everyone/anyone thought about it. I liked the Netbook size with Notebook qualities/performance/etc. Seems like it should work pretty well for what I intend to use it for (no gaming really, just word processing, surfing, some excel/access/etc). What do you think?

Specs of computer are:
� Espresso Black
� Windows Vista Home Premium w/sp1 (64-bit)
� AMD Turion Neo X2 Dual-Core Mobile L625 Processor (1.6GHz, 1MB L2 Cache)
� 4GB DDR2 System Memory (1 Dimm)
� 320GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive w/ HP ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection
� 512MB ATI Radeon HD Premium Graphics 3410 - For L625 Processor and Vista Premium
� 12.1" diagonal WXGA High-Definition HP LED BrightView Widescreen Display (1280 x 800)
� Webcam Only
� Wireless-G Card
� HP Color Matching Keyboard
� 6 Cell Lithium Ion Battery
� External LightScribe Super Multi 8X DVD+/-RW w/Double Layer
� Microsoft(R) Works 9.0

I'm thinking that sounds pretty good compared to my four year old IBM T42p (2.1ghz single-core Intel processor with +-512mb RAM, 80gb HD, etc)... I'm a little worried about the slower (1.6ghz) processor speed but I am thinking the 4gb RAM + dual core processor should compensate for that..?

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Dell :: Pulled The Trigger On A Studio 1749

Mar 5, 2010

As the title says i bit the bullet and ordered a 1749

i5 520m
4gb ram
1TB hd
Ati 5650

All for the paltry sum of �673.
This is the first lappy i have ever bought and i have done so to make space by getting rid of my ageing desktop.
Problem is i am now on the verge of buyers remorse so i am asking for a little input on my choice. I would really like the input of you guys who have been around Laptops for a while.

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Sony :: About To Pull The Trigger On A VAIO VGN-Z670

May 7, 2009

I'm about to buy this, i choose it over the dell xps studio 13.

Anyways what's the best place to buy a sony laptop? I'm in the US

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Apple :: 2010 Macbook Pro - An Electrical "buzzing" Sound

May 17, 2010

I just opened my first ever macbook pro from its box. I've noticed immediately that when the unit is tilted in any direction, sideways, back, any direction, an electrical "buzzing" sound will emit from the components under the keyboard.

It sounds very much like the "zzzzzzzzzzzz" sound one hears as they drive by power lines on the side of the road....only toned down quite a bit, obviously. But it's definetly an electrical noise. It's only emitted when I move the computer, but it's already annoying...I hear it every time. And I move/adjust/reposition this laptop around allot.

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