Apple :: Bootcamp + Gaming On The Macbook Pro

Apr 30, 2009

I'm looking to buy a new machine in the coming weeks and was considoring the
Macbook Pro.

I usually game in the evenings and need something that can play games like
CSS and HL2 which the Macbook Pro's GPU should be able to handle fine.

After doing tons of readinging though, I've read that playing games in via
Bootcamp isn't very stable as the Macbook Pro starts to overheat a lot.

This is due to Apple not offering any drivers that control the fan speed when
running Windows.

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Apple :: New Macbook Pro - Bootcamp

Jun 26, 2009

My new notebook might just be a macbook pro. But I'll also really really need Windows for some stuff. So that's bootcamp then. But I heard there might be several problems. Especially with the multitouch trackpad (not being able to tap to click, right-click, (right)drag. Is that still an issue?

Also, is all the hardware fully available under windows? Like the graphics card and the DVD burner?

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Apple :: Macbook Pro - Running Xp On Bootcamp

Aug 10, 2009

what is the battery life of your macbook pro on bootcamp? i want to compare it to that of windows 7 as i will be doing heavy programming during my second year at uni. i want to know what will be better, vista or xp. i currently have w7 rc. i wanted to purchase it but i do not know when it will be released. therefore i wanted to go with something more stable.

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Apple :: MacBook Pro -How Does Vista Run In BootCamp

Mar 21, 2009

Does the battery really last 8 hours? Also should I wait and buy the new release in a couple of months or should I buy the current one? How does Vista run in BootCamp? My old MacBook Pro died a few weeks ago.

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Apple :: Dragon Age Lags In Macbook Bootcamp Windows XP

Nov 29, 2009

I bootcamped my macbook into Windows XP to play Dragon Age Origin, and the game lagged when I connect the macbook to an external 22" monitor and tried to play Dragon Age with it. What could be the reason that causing the lagging?Could it be a 22" monitor is too much for a macbook in bootcamp Windows?

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Apple :: New MacBook Pro 17" Unibody - Don't Need BootCamp For Windows Applications

May 24, 2009

Just bought new MacBook Pro after about 15 years of using Windows machines (first experience with Macs was in aerospace when for a time there they used Macs almost exclusively.) Very nice. Even nicer I've found that I don't need BootCamp for Windows applications .. don't miss them at all! For office-type applications just use NeoOffice and Photoshop does a Mac version, too. It's great just to be able to get on a computer and do work rather than spending time (sometimes lots of it) trying to figure out how to make the thing work better or even work at all.

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Apple :: Macbook (alu) And Gaming - Gets Very Hot

Mar 3, 2009

I just tried bootcamp and installed the latest nvidia mobile drivers for my Macbook alu. When I tried playing UT3 (which runs pretty ok to my surprise) within minutes the Macbook got very hot (especially around the area where power is plugged in). Is this normal? Fan started blowing pretty hard within minutes too.

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Apple :: Macbook Pro For Gaming

Oct 24, 2009

I am thinking about buying a Macbook Pro 15". I would use it for college; however, I want to be able to play games: sc2, d3. Is this a good choice?

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Apple :: Macbook - Gaming

Apr 30, 2009

I was thinking about purchasing a unibody macbook and was wondering how they are for gaming. I am not talking about crisis or anything like that on them... but maybe Team Fortress 2, Warcraft 3, and a little WoW. How do you guys think the 9400m would handle those (I would be getting the 2.4 GHz CPU).

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Apple :: New Macbook Pro And Gaming

Feb 25, 2009

I just recieved my refurbished 17" Macbook pro yesterday and love it. It looks just like new to me and is built like a tank. I have more of an observation than a question, that i would like to say.

I have been reading posts on this board as well as others about heat related issues when playing GPU intensive games like COD and WOW. I am a MAC newbie coming from Windows based laptops that i have used for years. The last windows laptop I used for several months and gave to my youngest son was a Gateway FX-7811 which is a gaming laptop. It has a 9800 GT 512MEG card and builds up heat fast. What I am trying to say is I would never ever ever use a laptop for gaming WITHOUT using a laptop cooler first. your laptop needs the ventilation and airflow to cool it . I am amazed how many post I have read where users are apparently using their laptop without one.

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Apple :: 32bit Or 64bit Win7 Best For Bootcamp/vmware On Unibody Macbook Pro

Oct 22, 2009

I want to put Win7 on my macbook pro and plan to use it with VMWare 3 as well as for dual booting. Is it better to go with the 32bit or the 64bit version of Win7.

Im running snow leopard on the macbook now... i know Apple isnt officially supporting win7 until later this year but has anyone else had any problems running Win7 under bootcamp on snow leopard?

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Apple :: Gaming On 13" Macbook Pro

Oct 14, 2009

Looking to do some light gaming on a 13" macbook pro, I have played team fortress 2 on a mac mini at low res and with a FPS config, but was wondering if the boost in specs, native widescreen would make a difference?

I am getting a gaming laptop seperate, this would be as a backup or if I am without gaming laptop (leave it at home, etc).

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Apple :: Getting The Most Gaming Performance Out Of My Macbook Pro

Apr 2, 2009

I am pretty much deciding between keeping my macbook pro (in sig) and upgrading to an imac 24" with the ati 4850. With student discount it would cost me 1879 + tax. I just dont know if its worth it for me. Most all the pc games i own can be maxed on the pro,Save for world in conflict, crysis, and some others (about 5). My 360 gets most of my gaming time anyway. I just am thinking that it would be great to have the extra power in the 4850 for some of my current titles and having power for future titles would be nice. Also who couldnt use more speed for final cut express and such.

One game that annoys me on my macbook pro is Unreal 3. It is an amazingly graphical game. The new patch enables comprehesive settings adjustment. The thing that bothers me is that I can max it but fps drops by 65% on the water level. I want a card that wont have problems like this. Im not expecting wonders with the 4850, i would still use the modpacks for crysis, and run WiC in DX9.

However am i just missusing the macbook pro? What windows operating system runs smoothest on it? I have tried xp 32 bit and noticed some glitches with the led keyboard and such. Would 64 bit be the better option? Would upgrading the ram help at all? Im pretty convinced it wouldnt because as for vram i got double the ram compared to most people with the macbook pro, and still notice about the exact same performace. Also drivers? I never even touched or looked at the drivers? How do install drivers on a mac? Do i just go to nvidia's site on windows? If i erase the bootcamp partiiton will it delete the drivers? Will it conflict with leopard?

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Apple :: Macbook Pro Core I7 & Paralells Desktop Gaming

Apr 18, 2010

new Macbook Pro 15 w/Core i7 and I was wondering how gaming performance is with Paralells Desktop 5? I really don't want to do boot camp, if at all possible, but do want decent gaming performance. I will be using Fusion for all of my work-related VM's but my main Windows 7 VM will be under Paralells Desktop.

Will I get comparable gaming performance with Paralells or should I stick with boot camp?

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Apple :: Aluminum Macbook 2.0 Ghz 9400 NVidia For Gaming

Aug 7, 2009

I just sold my old black macbook on eBay. Lo and behold, an opportunity presents itself in the form of the Aluminum Macbook in the NBR Marketplace.

Anyway, how does the 9400m compare to the 9300ms that is in the Asus N10J?

I already have a Clevo laptop for gaming, this would strictly be for ultaportability and perhaps some gaming while on the road for clients.

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Apple :: Bootcamp And SP1

May 18, 2009

I installed Vista Home 32bit. I've been getting all the microsoft updates and what not.

However when it comes time for me to get sp1 it keeps failing to install and what not.

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Apple :: Bootcamp On Mac OS

Jan 10, 2009

If i were to use bootcamp on my mac and put Vista on to it, would i be able to install games that require windows on to the mac? This is a question about bootcamp and not games.

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Apple :: Bootcamp

May 23, 2009

I Just popped in a new hardrive and all was well. Finally had enough space to have bootcamp and mac osx.

I installed osx no problem, then used bootcamp assistant and made a 80gig partition. Installed XP Pro but then and all was well. Had some problems with XP and needed to reinstall. Only this time when I erased the partition and re did it when I go to XP install I see one partition, and its 127 gig. Confused I put it on that partition and Mac OSX was gone, it would no longer boot.

So I reinstalled OSX and tried bootcamp assistant and made an 80gig partition. But once again when I get into XP install all I see is a a 127gig partition and it won't let me create a new partition.

Now I have a 300gig and disk utility sees that it is a 300gig, but says that it has 127 gig free, and 448MB used... Very odd... Also it will no longer let me partition or format the drives. This is bad.

I downloaded UBCD and it also will see that the HDD Size is 300gig, but again it is showing that 127gig free and only 448mb used. I really don't want to call apple on this.

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Apple :: Secondary Tap Off After Bootcamp

Jan 29, 2009

I found that Secondary tap doesn't work after restarting in Bootcamp mode.

On restart if checked in Touchpad setup but doesn't work until on -off manually (checked on-off) What can it be?

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Apple :: Backup Of Bootcamp

Dec 21, 2009

I've tried disk utility to create an image of it; it won't boot after this and once the bootcamp wizard has been run, still doesn't recognise that an os is on the partition.

Also tried Winclone; of which has to have exactly the same partition size as previous otherwise it doesn't work properly.

Can anyone suggest something like symantec ghost or osx equiv? Same for backing up osx partition; want something that I can just restore if needed. Used CCC but for some reason cannot get it to not keep all my previous files, so when restoring it also restores all deleted files too.

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Apple :: Win 7 Beta In Bootcamp

Jan 8, 2009

What the likelihood of me being able to do this?

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Apple :: Mac - Bootcamp/vmware

Jun 29, 2009

I have been looking for a new computer and am looking at the mac book pro since it is 13 inches now something I like. I have a few questions though regarding bootcamp and Vmware.

So say I install windows xp via bootcamp. Can I still view files that I had on my mac partition or does apple not allow that to happen.

Second question:
Say I install xp via bootcamp. Can I run it with Vmware too or do i have to have a fresh install just for Vmware?

Lastly, what do you like more bootcamp, vmware or parallel?

I am currently a windows user ever since I started using computers so I do not have much knowledge with macs.

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Apple :: Trying To Load Bootcamp

May 17, 2009

I have a 32-Bit Vista Ultimate and I want to load it. Now when I partition my HDD do I need to partition it for lots of space, like 100 GB or do I need just enough to load Vista. And if I load Micrsoft Office and games will it need to be saved on the partitioned HDD or my regular one?

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Apple :: Boots Into Bootcamp From OS X.

Sep 8, 2009

Does anyone know of a App that can boot into bootcamp from OS X, So I don't have to wait and hold option, I can just click the App or something in the menu bar and it will boot into bootcamp?

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Apple :: Bootcamp - Xp Crapping Up

Jul 27, 2009

I just tried bootcamp today. The installation went off seamlessly. I installed all the drivers and stuff. I have some problems.

I'm not able to connect to the internet through my ethernet cable which is connected to a router. What do i do?

Also the backlight on the keyboard is not completely turning off. Is that a common problem? and i'm running windows sp sp3.

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Apple :: Bootcamp AND Parallels

Jun 27, 2009

I have boot camp installed on my Mac, and it runs good enough for me. However, I hate having to restart my comp to just use word or something easy like that. So can I run VMWares, or Parallels on a pre made bootcamp drive? Like it will already have my Vista loaded, my word, my installs and updates and Virsu protection? If so that would be a great help to me. And If I do, how much RAM should I dedicate to it?

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Apple :: Stuttering In Bootcamp

Mar 6, 2009

Anyone have a clue as to why my unibody macbook pro stutters in left for dead every 45 seconds or so? I'm using the default settings and even have a brand new solid state drive in there and it's still stuttering! Maybe my video card drivers need to be updated if so whats the easiest / best drivers out there? Would appreciate any gamers input, as this is the only reason i use my windows partition.

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Apple :: Windows Via Bootcamp

Apr 28, 2009

Is windows 7 stable enough to use or is it still recommended to get windows xp?

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Apple :: X-25m BootCamp Woes

Jan 29, 2009

I just treated myself to a sweet new Solid State Drive but boot camp apparently does not like the new intel ssd drives. Is there any viable work around for this? Lovin my new mac, but bootcamp was fun for lan parties and such... I hear an EFI firmware might be in order, but in the mean time any alternative would be useful. I find the myself using OSX way more often than windows, and if not for gaming would prob convert most of my machines. Sorry if this is a dupe thread, but i've been searching the net days for info on this.

These drives are going to be popular, i hope other future ssd drives don't have issues with these new nvidia based macs.

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Apple :: Bootcamp, Can't Create A New Partition

Aug 13, 2009

I want to install windows by Bootcamp. But I've found some problem about a partition on my HDD.

My MacbookPro HDD has 27 GB free space remain. And it's has only 1 partition on HDD. I try to create a new partition, 10-15 GB on my HDD for Bootcamp. I just want to run windows for some program, some games. But it always show "verification failed", "don't have enough space", "partition failed"...etc. on bootcamp and disk utility

I've seen some thread about a partition for bootcamp problem on some website. Some solution such as

1. use iDefrag for HDD then try to create a new partition.

2. Shrink your HDD space (disk utility) , revert , then try to create a new partition by Bootcamp.

3. Try to remove some files, that size is over 1 GB, then try to make a new partition.

4. Backup your harddrive, reinstall then try to create a new partition (I don't want to do this)...

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