Apple :: Macbook Pro For Gaming

Oct 24, 2009

I am thinking about buying a Macbook Pro 15". I would use it for college; however, I want to be able to play games: sc2, d3. Is this a good choice?

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Apple :: Macbook (alu) And Gaming - Gets Very Hot

Mar 3, 2009

I just tried bootcamp and installed the latest nvidia mobile drivers for my Macbook alu. When I tried playing UT3 (which runs pretty ok to my surprise) within minutes the Macbook got very hot (especially around the area where power is plugged in). Is this normal? Fan started blowing pretty hard within minutes too.

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Apple :: Macbook - Gaming

Apr 30, 2009

I was thinking about purchasing a unibody macbook and was wondering how they are for gaming. I am not talking about crisis or anything like that on them... but maybe Team Fortress 2, Warcraft 3, and a little WoW. How do you guys think the 9400m would handle those (I would be getting the 2.4 GHz CPU).

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Apple :: New Macbook Pro And Gaming

Feb 25, 2009

I just recieved my refurbished 17" Macbook pro yesterday and love it. It looks just like new to me and is built like a tank. I have more of an observation than a question, that i would like to say.

I have been reading posts on this board as well as others about heat related issues when playing GPU intensive games like COD and WOW. I am a MAC newbie coming from Windows based laptops that i have used for years. The last windows laptop I used for several months and gave to my youngest son was a Gateway FX-7811 which is a gaming laptop. It has a 9800 GT 512MEG card and builds up heat fast. What I am trying to say is I would never ever ever use a laptop for gaming WITHOUT using a laptop cooler first. your laptop needs the ventilation and airflow to cool it . I am amazed how many post I have read where users are apparently using their laptop without one.

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Apple :: Gaming On 13" Macbook Pro

Oct 14, 2009

Looking to do some light gaming on a 13" macbook pro, I have played team fortress 2 on a mac mini at low res and with a FPS config, but was wondering if the boost in specs, native widescreen would make a difference?

I am getting a gaming laptop seperate, this would be as a backup or if I am without gaming laptop (leave it at home, etc).

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Apple :: Getting The Most Gaming Performance Out Of My Macbook Pro

Apr 2, 2009

I am pretty much deciding between keeping my macbook pro (in sig) and upgrading to an imac 24" with the ati 4850. With student discount it would cost me 1879 + tax. I just dont know if its worth it for me. Most all the pc games i own can be maxed on the pro,Save for world in conflict, crysis, and some others (about 5). My 360 gets most of my gaming time anyway. I just am thinking that it would be great to have the extra power in the 4850 for some of my current titles and having power for future titles would be nice. Also who couldnt use more speed for final cut express and such.

One game that annoys me on my macbook pro is Unreal 3. It is an amazingly graphical game. The new patch enables comprehesive settings adjustment. The thing that bothers me is that I can max it but fps drops by 65% on the water level. I want a card that wont have problems like this. Im not expecting wonders with the 4850, i would still use the modpacks for crysis, and run WiC in DX9.

However am i just missusing the macbook pro? What windows operating system runs smoothest on it? I have tried xp 32 bit and noticed some glitches with the led keyboard and such. Would 64 bit be the better option? Would upgrading the ram help at all? Im pretty convinced it wouldnt because as for vram i got double the ram compared to most people with the macbook pro, and still notice about the exact same performace. Also drivers? I never even touched or looked at the drivers? How do install drivers on a mac? Do i just go to nvidia's site on windows? If i erase the bootcamp partiiton will it delete the drivers? Will it conflict with leopard?

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Apple :: Bootcamp + Gaming On The Macbook Pro

Apr 30, 2009

I'm looking to buy a new machine in the coming weeks and was considoring the
Macbook Pro.

I usually game in the evenings and need something that can play games like
CSS and HL2 which the Macbook Pro's GPU should be able to handle fine.

After doing tons of readinging though, I've read that playing games in via
Bootcamp isn't very stable as the Macbook Pro starts to overheat a lot.

This is due to Apple not offering any drivers that control the fan speed when
running Windows.

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Apple :: Macbook Pro Core I7 & Paralells Desktop Gaming

Apr 18, 2010

new Macbook Pro 15 w/Core i7 and I was wondering how gaming performance is with Paralells Desktop 5? I really don't want to do boot camp, if at all possible, but do want decent gaming performance. I will be using Fusion for all of my work-related VM's but my main Windows 7 VM will be under Paralells Desktop.

Will I get comparable gaming performance with Paralells or should I stick with boot camp?

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Apple :: Aluminum Macbook 2.0 Ghz 9400 NVidia For Gaming

Aug 7, 2009

I just sold my old black macbook on eBay. Lo and behold, an opportunity presents itself in the form of the Aluminum Macbook in the NBR Marketplace.

Anyway, how does the 9400m compare to the 9300ms that is in the Asus N10J?

I already have a Clevo laptop for gaming, this would strictly be for ultaportability and perhaps some gaming while on the road for clients.

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Apple :: MBP 13 Gaming

Apr 22, 2010

I'm curious what the relative strength of this laptop is in terms of gaming? I'm a really casual gamer; I currently play DotA and Dofus, I know the MBP will handle these, but how about WoW, Heroes of newearth and, most importantly, SC2? Any ideas? I'm assuming it will handle most of these OK, but I think the graphics will limit its performance in SC2, the 320 isn't a gaming graphics card, and is painfully truncated with 256mb... any one with a MBP 13 and the SC2 beta around to comment on this?

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Apple :: Macbook V Macbook Pro (My Short Review Based On 2 Hours At PC World's Stand)

Feb 5, 2009

To start I should remind everyone that i'm not a mac user. I have never owned a mac or used OSX properly before today. As such, my opinions should be taken as coming from someone who has much knowledge and experience as far as PC's are concerned, but who is a total mac n00b.

First Impressions

When I first walked over to the Macbooks I was quite taken aback. The build quality is out of this world. In fact, I immediately walked over to the latest PC laptops to compare and immediately thought "manufacturing FAIL". Really, the Macbooks are italian sports cars, and PC's are 30 year old farm tractors to use the typical "car analogy".

The Macbook

I really only had any interest in the Macbook when I first went to the Apple stand, but came away with the intention of buying a MacBook Pro. Let me explain:

The MacBook's build quality is awesome. It's solid, no creaking plastic or flexable build, completely and utterly solid. Awesome.............

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Apple :: MacbookPro - Gaming

Jun 30, 2009

I'm looking @ getting a new 15" Macbook Pro /w 3.06 Core 2 Duo processor, 4 GB RAM, and 320 GB @ 7200 RPM. I am planning on getting it as a desktop replacement and will use it for gaming and office work. I know it's going to be perfect for the latter, but am curious as to how it will hold up for the former. The Mac gaming videos I've seen online are very promising and they are the older model. How realistic would it be for me to play games using a windows OS? Also, I am better off getting XP, Vista, or Windows 7?

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Apple :: Gaming Experience On Your Mac

Jun 12, 2009

If you use your Apple Computer for gaming, how is the general experience? Can you play games like Fallout 3 and Crysis? if so how well does it play?

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Apple :: Future Of Gaming

Mar 24, 2009

Onlive Gaming Service GDC 09

read that thread in the gaming forums


The service works with pretty much any Windows or Mac machine as a small browser plug-in. Optionally, you will also be able to purchase a small device, called the OnLive MicroConsole, that you can hook directly into your TV via HDMI, though if your computer supports video output to your TV, you can just do it that way instead. Of course, you can also just play on your computer's display if you don't want to pipe it out to your living room set.

loots of potential in this. I might just need to upgrade to 17" MBP for this in the future.

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Apple :: 15" Macbook/Macbook Pro With Integrated Graphics For Less

Mar 7, 2009

I have been speculating over this prospect giving the direction that Apple took with the starting price of the 24" iMac (upgrade everything else and downgrade the VRAM).

I mean, this is something I would like to see, but I wonder if it is a smart move on Apple's part given how much they make off the current MBP's with the so called Apple Tax.

And, if they made this move, one has to wonder if it still would be considered a Pro.

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Apple :: New Macbook (base Model) VS Macbook Black

Jan 2, 2009

This is going to be my very first Mac. I'm really excited about it, but I don't know which one I should go for... I narrowed it down to these two models. Which one should I go for and why?

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Apple :: Black Macbook - Light Up Keys On Macbook

Feb 10, 2009

I bought a black macbook this summer and every night when I'm in bed trying to do work I can barely see which keys is which. Obviously this wouldn't be a cheap fix but is there a way or is it possible to install the new light up keys of the new macbooks onto a pre-remodel macbook?

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Apple :: MBP Freezing Within Minutes When Gaming

Mar 6, 2009

First my Macbook DVD drive was broken, sent back to store and decided to upgrade to a Macbook Pro while this was possible. This MBP now seems to be having problems with the videocard: when I play a game, within minutes the laptop starts revving up the fans to the highest speed (might be normal?) and a few minutes after that, the game/laptop just freezes. This is with Hallife2, Left4Dead and others.

I'm losing ALL confidence in Apple. Is it normal for the fans to start blowing that quickly after starting a game? And is there a know issue with MBP's locking up after a few minutes (due to overheating?)

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Apple :: Performance In Gaming With CrossOver For Mac

Jan 31, 2009

I've been hearing good things about CrossOver from a few people and wondered if anyone here could recommend it. Normally I just game under boot camp, but apparently this program allows you to game at full speed under OS X. Any truth to this? What kind of performance would I be looking at with a 9600M GT?

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Apple :: Does Extended Gaming Reduce Lifespan

Dec 23, 2009

I am playing games like Modern Warfare 2, L4D2, GTA4, BF2 non stop. I have been playing for about 14 hours a day for the last 5 days, and obviously the fans are going at max speed non stop.

Will this extended heating damage/reduce the life of the laptop?

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Apple :: Gaming On 17 Inch MBP Unibody Resolution

Jun 10, 2009

I just want to know if games (world of warcraft mainly) look good in 1680 by 1050 resolution, and not fuzzy or distorted.

My current laptop is a vostro 1700 with a 1440 by 900 resolution and if i use any resolution below that resolution, games dont look too sharp.

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Apple :: Macbook, Macbook Pro Software Update 1.2

May 9, 2009

I downloaded this updated for my unibody Macbook Pro, and I think it's pretty vital. However, it gave me this error when I tried to install it: "You cannot install Macbook, Macbook Pro software update on this volume. This update requires Mac OS X 10.5.5 or newer." Now don't tell me that I have selected the wrong partition to install the update, or that I need to update my OS to 10.5.5 because I already have 10.5.6 and I chose the Macintosh HD partition to install the update.

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Apple :: Refurb MacBook Unibody Vs MacBook Pro

Sep 12, 2009

So I'm definitely getting a 13" Macbook or Macbook Pro. Apple has some great prices on refurbs so that's probably the route I'll be going however I'm having trouble discerning the difference between the 13" Aluminum Unibody standard macbook and the 13" Unibody Macbook Pro. From what I've read they both have the upgraded screen, they're obviously both unibody, both have the large button-less trackpad, and both have the 9400m. They even have the same dimensions and the only difference I can see between the images is a slightly different case bevel (also the firewire and sd card ports, both are useless to me).

Unfortunately, none of the Apple stores or BestBuys in the area have a non-pro unibody 13" Macbook for me to actually handle and compare. So, basically, what makes the pro version with the slower cpu and smaller hard drive at the same price point worth it?

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Apple :: Disk Image From Macbook Onto Macbook Pro Hdd

Jul 6, 2009

If I make an image of my hdd from my white macbook with disk utility onto a hard drive I take out of a unibody macbook pro will it work and boot properly?

I will do this by taking the 250gb hdd out of the unibody macbook pro and putting it into a sata external usb hdd enclosure, then making an image of my current 120gb white macbook and writing the image onto the 250gb. After, I plan to put the 250gb hdd back into the macbook pro and boot it up normally as if everything from my white macbook was just copied onto the macbook pro.

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Apple :: Macbook Aluminum Or Macbook Pro

Sep 22, 2009

Was curious what is the difference between the short-lived aluminum macbooks and macbook pros. Only thing i could spot is the illuminated keyboard.

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Apple :: Old White Macbook To Macbook Air

Aug 12, 2009

She has a white macbook with leopard I think, and has a separate partition in which she has boot camp, she uses specialized software that can only run in windows (doesnt run in vm). She got a new macbook air but wants to keep everything intact.

Do programs like duper clone drives with all files intact, including partitions? Keep in mind that the windows side is more important, installation of this software can only be done remotely from Russia, so it's a bit of a hassle if we screw up, we have to contact IT at a specific time and get them to do it.

Would I have to take the drive of the macbook air out? Or can i just clone to an external hard drive and then move that to the mba hard drive, in target disc mode or something.

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Apple :: MacBook MB404LL/A Or Macbook Alu 2.0

May 3, 2009

I really love the black color of MB404, but is it good? does it crack easily?(is it plastic?)

Hows screen quality?

What do you think? which one should i buy?

I really wanted to buy Alu one before i hear about slanted keys and loose battery covers(i know %99 of them don't have that, but it's hard to risk when there's no way to fix it in here), because there's no Mac center in my country and i'm SO picky.

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Apple :: MacBook Pro 17" (1920x1200) I5-540M Or MacBook Pro 15" (1650x1080) I7-620M

Apr 16, 2010

I've been looking at basicly two models, both got almost the exact same price tag here in Norway, so I'm not sure which one to go for.

The first ones is a MacBook Pro 15" with High-resolution 1650x1080 glossy screen, featuring the top of the line Intel Core i7-620M CPU the other is a MacBook Pro 17" with even higher resolution (1920x1200) glossy screen, featuring the slightly slower Intel Core i5-540M.

I don't list the other specifications as I don't really care about them, I already got a pair of 4GB 1600MHz CL7 (2x2GB) DIM's and a Intel X25-M 80GB SSD that I'll be using anyway.

There will be lots of movies and series played on my MacBook Pro, that's why I don't really considering paying a premium for the anti-glare screen, even though I love anti-glare and tend to struggle with glossy screens I don't see the point in actually paying more for it. And when watching movies and series, in often very dark rooms the glossy screen actually have some advantages.

The hard thing to decide here is slicker and lighter, with smaller screen and lower resolution, but better CPU versus the bigger, more heavy but featuring bigger screen and Full-HD+ resolution but slower CPU.....................

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Apple :: 13" MacBook Pro - 15" MacBook Pro - Processor Speed

Dec 1, 2009

equipping 2 machines:

1-a 13" MacBook Pro, primary use will be Internet and e-mail and manipulating music files. Will my husband really notice a difference/benefit between the basic 2.26 and the 2.53GHZ (and is it worth about $250 more)? If he uses it for video downloading will that make a difference?

2- a 15" MacBook Pro- here I'm debating between the 2.66 and 2.8. My daughter uses it for Office apps, PhotoShop, music, Internet and e-mail. Again, would video downloading make a difference?

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Apple :: Macbook/Macbook Pro

May 7, 2009

I am currently returning a dell studio xps 16" as its so sooo much hassle to deal with dell and the fact that i got 3 messsed up replacements in a row. i am looking to get a macbook or macbook pro. i would prefer a macbook pro (lowest model) although the cheapest method i can find is £1163 from the higher education store. is there any other way or place that sells it for less? apple seem to charge crazy prices for a low spec. een £100 would be expensive but maybe afordable. only discounts i found for the macbook/macbook pro are 14% higher education (the one i am looking to use) and 6% EPP and school discount. iv looked at the macbook but im going to use the laptop for movies, work and internet. movies on a 13.3" arnt exactly enjoyable to watch so thats why im looking for a macbook pro.

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