Apple :: IPS Screen On Macbook Pro 13"

Apr 6, 2010

I have a question about the screen that is use on the Macbook Pro 13". Does the Macbook Pro 13" have IPS screen.

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Apple :: Best Macbook Pro Screen

Apr 30, 2009

Which model has the best screen quality for movies?

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Apple :: Macbook Pro Screen

Nov 13, 2009

Does this generation of MBP have the best screen? (In terms of accuracy for photography). I'm looking to get the 13" but never owned a mac before.

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Apple :: Macbook - Screen

Feb 19, 2009

saying that the screen of the macbook is really bad, with no specifics of why it is bad. I was just wondering if its just the viewing angles that everyone is complaining about? or is it something else?

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Apple :: Macbook Pro Screen Comparison

Aug 18, 2009

After the disappointment of buying a windows laptop, I've decided to buy a mac.

I'd like to get one of the new pros, either a 15" or 13". i don't need the 9600gt as I just web surf and do documents.
So its either
the 2.26 13" version
2.53 13" version
or 2.53 15" version.

What I'd like to know is which screen has more pixels per inch, ie a clearer/crisper screen.

I'm used to a full hd vaio screen, so which would be the smallest step down in terms of crispness of images?

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Apple :: Washed Out Screen In Macbook Pro

May 21, 2009

I recently purchased the 15" macbook pro from apple online store. I immediately noticed that the screen was a lot less vivid/washed out than what I have seen from demo units at the store.

I did not find many similar complaints about the washed out screen so I was wondering if this is an isolated incident.

I have returned the unit and was thinking whether I should give it another shot (buying it in the store).

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Apple :: Cracked Macbook Screen

Sep 17, 2009

My dad's Macbook (Early 2008 black plastic) got its screen cracked today, I wanna know how much it will cost to get it fixed.

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Apple :: Macbook Aluminum Screen

Jan 13, 2009

I hear a lot of negative about the screen. does anyone actually like the screen? Looking to buy one, but will skip if the screen is as bad as people say.

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Apple :: New Macbook PRO 13" Screen

Aug 30, 2009

Is there a lot of backlit bleeding on the new Macbook PRO 13"? My 13" unibody Macbook has horrible backlit bleeding. We are looking for a second computer and want to go with this notebook (Macbook PRO 13") as we love our current Macbook unibody, except for the screen which has bad backlit bleeding. Are the new screens much better? I can't find any informationpictures comparing both...

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Apple :: Washed Out Screen On Macbook

Jan 26, 2009

I purchased a refurbished macbook the screen looks really washed out, I have gone through the calibrations for the screen but unless I have the screen set just right it is really light.

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Apple :: Upgrade MacBook Pro Screen

Aug 8, 2009

Is it possible to upgrade the 15" unibody MacBook Pro screen (1440x900) to a 15" 1680x1050 screen? Not concerned if it voids the warranty or not, just wondering if it can be done.

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Apple :: New Macbook Screen 9CA8

Apr 23, 2009

I just got a new Macbook in the office for my boss and it has a screen I have not seen with model 9CA8, it looks decidedly better than the 9C89 screen that I have.

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Apple :: Macbook/Pro/Air Screen Calibration

Jul 12, 2009

I was incidentally looking for some calibration tips for my Unibody Macbook Pro (late 2008) and I figured, why not set up a thread in which we can actually share our calibration profiles...

I've got the 9C84 which is the LG/Philips LP154WP3-TLA1 as far as Google says.

You can check your display manufacturer in System Preferences click Displays, go to Color tab and "Open Profile". In this list scroll down to number 17 which is "Apple display make and model information".

This is what Google says:
9C84 = LG/Philips LP154WP3-TLA1 (15" MacBook Pro)
9C85 = Chi Mei N154C6-L04 (15" MacBook Pro)
9C89 = LG/Philips LP133WX2 (MacBook UniBody)

Don't know about the Air, sorry.

There are quite a few people sharing their calibrations on Macrumors and other forums, I've tried some of them and frankly, they're either too blue or too bright...........

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Apple :: New LED Screen For Macbook 13"

May 31, 2009

I read where Apple has issued a new screen for the Macbook 13". It is supposed to be an impovement to the existing one. Does anyone know if it is as good as the screens on the Macbook Pro's?

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Apple :: Macbook Screen Flicker

Jul 21, 2009

my white 13.3 inch macbook has developed like a flickering problem, its a good few years old, max memory on this one is only 2gb's. well anyways, the screen, it has only done it intermittently but when opening it for wake up, or when the screen dims, it ocassionaly does like a flicker thing, but only for a few seconds, then it stops. my guess, its the screen invertor.

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Apple :: Macbook Pro Screen Flicker

Feb 10, 2009

i was working on my thesis in a completely dark room and realized that the screen on my macbook pro flickers even if the background is completely white. this annoyed me to no end since i have sensitive eyes, so i set out looking for a temporary fix before i try and get apple to replace my panel. anyhow, luck has it that there is a fix out there that at least temporarily stops the flicker (i havent seen it posted on nbr before, and my apologies if this is old news): press ctrl-shift-eject to reset the screen. once it goes blank, hit any key and your display should be good to go. worked for me and my screen has been flicker-free for ~30 minutes.

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Apple :: Macbook & Air Screen Quality

Mar 4, 2009

I remember someone talking about the screen quality of the unibody MB being < that of the MBA. Just wondering if anyone can tell me whether that is true? I found it very hard to differentiate at a store.

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Apple :: Macbook Pro Screen Frame Crack

Jul 2, 2009

I currently have a Macbook Pro, from the mid 2007 batch. The frame around the screen started with a hairline crack at the base of the screen on both sides about a year ago and since has developed into full blown crack on both sides. It seems that the rest of the screen is fine, so I don't want to buy a new one. Does anyone have any knowledge about replacing the bezel (not sure what to call it?) around the screen?

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Apple :: 17" MacBook Pro Screen Quality

Jan 13, 2009

I'm curious about the screen they are putting in the new 17 inch MacBook Pro. It says "The 1920-by-1200-pixel resolution (133 pixels per inch) means you can view more palettes and windows or watch HD video in its native 1920-by-1080 resolution. Perfect whether you’re working in the studio or out in the field, the display offers a 60 percent greater color gamut than previous generations for richer, more vibrant colors and a 700:1 contrast ratio that makes whites brighter and blacks blacker." Does this mean that they are using real 8 bit displays? I kind of doubt it since that don't mention the infamous "millions of colors". How are they getting a high quality screen in a such a small compartment? The screen on the Sony AW is easily a half inch thick on it own. I can't wait to see the difference in person.

To me the screen is the most important aspect of a notebook followed by weight. I'm not a fan of Apple's politics, but this new MBP has me intrigued.

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Apple :: Keyboard Mark On Macbook Pro Screen

Aug 23, 2009

I've read about marks being left on the screen when closing the lid of Macbooks but I didn't expect it to happen on my Macbook Pro (late 2007 model) because the keyboard keys are slightly recessed and rounded.

Well, technically the problem didn't arise from the keys but rather that sharp edge just below the spacebar and above the trackpad. What I have now is a thin line that's about 1" to 2" across. It makes the screen look slightly faded in that area. I figured that it came from that spot below the spacebar after placing a sticky note just below it and observing where it touches once the lid closes.

I guess it's not a terrible problem but it is kind of annoying. It especially annoys me to think that I might get a little less when re-selling the computer because of it

Just wanted to let those of you who use the same computer know. It'd be good to place a cloth or something over that area when shutting the lid and transporting the computer. I'm guessing it must have been slightly squeezed in that area of the screen at one point or another while the lid was closed.

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Apple :: 2006 Macbook Screen Replacement

Feb 15, 2010

I need to replace the broken screen on my late 2006 Black Macbook. The thing is I do not know which screen to buy. It would appear that the Macbook was sold with various different screens.

I was just wondering which one was the best? I heard that the Samsung one was terrible. I think the others were LG Philips and AUO, there could have been others Im not sure. As I am replacing it I want to get the best one.

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Apple :: Macbook Pro - Blank Screen On Startup

Oct 3, 2009

I've got a late 07 macbook pro with those faulty 8600 nvidia gpus. My macbook pro was working fine last night and now this afternoon its got a blank screen upon startup. I can still hear the chime and it still boots into the OS as i can still change the volume and backlit brightness etc.... Is it confirmed to say that my luck has ran out and the GPU is dead?

My warranty has expired and have no extended applecare + I bought the macbook in one of those education apple store. Will I still be able to get the free repairs as stated by apple and even if I do, won't they still replace the logic board with another unused faulty one and down the track my macbook pro will still be prone to that same failure?

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Apple :: Macbook Pro 15"crack On A Screen

Feb 2, 2010

I've a problem w/ my Macbook pro 15" Late 2008.
I found some crack on my screen.

1. On last Friday. After I went back to my home. I had open my laptop. At first, I had find some scratch on my laptop screen. It's on the bottom right corner of my screen. Then I use my finger w/ a little cloth to clean it. But it became to a little crack on my glass screen. Then I saw something just like a little dent.
- I always keep my Macbook pro in to a hardcase( AXIO - Black Hardcase, the one I got it from applestore), then carrying it w/my laptop bag with carefully.

2. Then on Saturday, I went to apple service (retial shop, I had buy my laptop) to claim about a problem on my laptop screen. They took a photo from my laptop and send it to apple. I said that this is not an accident and they agreed that. On my laptop, There is no any scratch outside or beside the point I 've find a crack. They ask me to wait till they get an information from apple service.

3. Today, I 've got an information from apple.
They tell that I can't claim what happen on my laptop. Apple does not allow to claim for a problem like this under warranty.But my laptop is not have an any accident cause...
They tell me...If I have any problem, I can ask their SPS - Supporting produce service staff for this, they refuse it. Or else waiting to talk to their customer relationship service staff tomorrow....

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Apple :: Macbook Pro High Resolution Screen

May 27, 2010

I'm thinking of purchasing a 15" MBP and am debating between the standard screen and the high resolution screen. I had a studio xps 16 with the 1080p screen and though it looked great so I would ideally like to get the high resolution screen. However, I wanted to see if I could get some opinions on the readability of the screen, is text readable? Does Mac OS contain a feature like Win 7 where you can increase the text size? I really liked the look and extra space higher resolution screens offer but did notice on the studio xps that without increasing the text size text (which it did by default) text and menus were too small. What are your opinions on the macbook's high resolution screen, which do you prefer?

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Apple :: New 15.4" MacBook Pro - Glossy Screen

Jan 16, 2009

I've wanting a laptop for almost 5 months now and I simply am having problems choosing between the 15" MBP, Sony Z, and Dell M4400. I am extremely indecisive and I want to make the good decision. I like to have portability, power, and a decent looking laptop.

I'm really leaning towards the 15" MacBook Pro because it fits almost everything what I want in a laptop BUT I simply cannot fathom starring a glossy screen for the next few years. For everyone who has a MacBook Pro, how is the glossy screen? I know I won't be using the laptop outside in the sun, but I could be in a sunny kitchen or living room and I do not want to strain my eyes with glare and reflection. Can anyone make me feel better about this glossy screen?

Also, I plan to use Windows Vista 90% of the time.

Does anyone know if the new right click button is supported with Vista?

Any other problems from using Vista as my primary OS on the MBP?

Do I have to logout to switch graphics mode in Windows... or is that just for OSX?

Is there still an issue with the laptop acting funny with maxing out the ram at 4GB?

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Apple :: Macbook - Screen Useless For Watching Dvd's

Apr 15, 2009

Unibody Macbook 2.4ghz:

Is it only made for pretty much netbook stuff:

- surfing the web
- email
- chat
- word processing

And is the screen useless for watching dvd's?

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Apple :: How To Shutdown Macbook Screen When Connected To TV

Feb 18, 2010

i want to shutdown the screen of the macbook pro when connected to an LCD TV without closing the lid.

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Apple :: New MACBOOK - Scratches And Screen Glare

Feb 4, 2009

im really considering buying a Aluminum unibody macbook. With previous notebooks, i ended up sending them back because of the glossy screens, attracting way too much glare. could someone tell me if the new macbook screens attract excessive glare, and can someone tell me there experiences with the screen. Also does anyone know if the Aluminum body scratches easily? is it the same Aluminum used in the older ipod nanos and minis?

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Apple :: Macbook Pro Doesn't Boot. Black Screen

Jun 3, 2009

i'm having a issue with my santa rosa mbp. I left for dinner and left my notebook on. Naturally the machine went to sleep. After i came back the machine would not boot up, the screen doesn't even turn on. The light on the latch release remains on. When i try a hard reboot, i'm having the same issue. Black screen, doesn't even get to the grey screen with the apple logo. I've tried going on 1 dimm or ram to see if it's a issue with the ram and still doesn't fix it.

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Apple :: Thinkpad T400s Vs. 15" MacBook Pro -- Screen

Sep 17, 2009

if I could get some opinions on the matte screen version of the 15" MacBook Pro versus the the Thinkpad T400s with regards to the displays.

The main thing that is going to affect my decision on which laptop to get is the quality of the screen and the ease of reading/working on the screen. Both the Thinkpad and the MacBook Pro have 1440 x 900 resolution screens, so I don't think that matters so much. However, from my past experience, it has often been difficult to read on high res screen laptops because everything shows up really small. I assume that would be a plus for the MacBook Pro since it's a bigger display. Am I right about that?

Also, which laptop has a better screen in terms of vibrancy and clarity? I don't know much about the technical aspects of displays, so I don't really know how to compare screens without looking at the two laptops side by side.

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