so i have reformatted it at least 5 times in the last 36 hours, i finally have it working enough to write this HELP request.
as i have never experienced a video card crash on a laptop, what do i do now? is there a way that i can bypass the video card? instal a diferent set of drivers? at the moment i have all the other drivers installed minus the video drivers. last time i installed the video dricers the machine siezed up.
or can i simple take out the video card altogether?
i recently purchased a dell xps m170 and i noticed the screen wasnt as crisp as i expected.
so i put the dell resource cd to install a video driver and when i started the driver install the screen went black and that was it the comp was still turned on but nothing on the screen. when first booting up i notice vertical lines during the dell screen and windows screen.
i went to the device manager and uninstalled the nvidia driver and rebooted, everything worked fine i was able to go on youtube and see a video, but when i scroll down it seems the screen is lagging i dont have a better way to describe it. i downloaded the driver for the video card from dell and installed it and immediately the screen went black
Basically the video card went out in my dell xps m170 a while ago, bugger was still under warrenty but they said there was a "spill" in it so they wouldn't replace it... fyi it wasn't a spill got a second opinion and a layer of nicotine formed over the video card couple with some pet hair that got in there it caused it to over heat and fry out. but alas my warrenty is screwed. (also i was runnin linux and they said it was "irregular" buggers)
anywho i want my laptop back up and runnin, its a thousand times better then this toshiba satellite a105 with a broken keyboard but the video card Nvidia go 6800 is like 300 bucks.
I was talkin to my girlfriends brother who works at a computer shop and he suggested a different compatible video card.
a Dell inspiron 9400 which has a ATI mobility X1400.
is this compatible with my dell xps m170, he said it looks like it would fit in there and the only major difference is there is one heat sink instead of two. (its not quite as powerful plus side-- better battery life. i do some gaming like world of warccraft and the ati 1400 seems like it would be good enough for that).
I've built numerous desktops but i've never personally worked on a laptop internally before. I do know the xps m170 was made a little different then some laptops in that nothings integrated and its upgradeable (hell has a guide how to take it apart that it came with.)
They gave me a 7900GS instead of a 7950 GTX. I know some of you have had the same problem.
Everything else is fine, I could care less. But, I really feel that I should have gotten the GTX instead. Two Questions:
1) How minimal is the downgrade from 256mb 7800 GTX in my old M170 to a 256mb 7900GS? How big is the difference in the 7900GS vs the 7950GTX?
2) For those of you who have gotten this problem, how did you go about getting the card switched? Did they send a new system? I'd rather they just send the card and I'll swap it out myself.
The replacement was approved on the 8th, and I just got it today. Apparantly it's a new build, not a refurb. But I want the video card that's not a downgrade.
I'm not sure if anyone else has had this issue, but my CPU maxes out at 100% utilization if I try and play any video what-so-ever (uTube,, sling media, etc). It's causing video playback to stutter and is driving me crazy. I try and keep my video drivers at the newer releases - currently I'm using the 180.43 from laptopvideo2go. I also always format and perform a fresh install on the system once or twice a year to keep it running at it's peak. Specs are below:
OS: Vista 32 bit Ultimate SP1 Memory: 2gig Processor: Intel Pentium M 2.26 ghz
took my 1730 apart to blow out the dust and quiet a noisy vid card fan. Upon re-assembly, I used a long screw instead of a short when securing the monitor back to the body of the laptop.
That screw pierced a resistor and killed my video card... POOR design Dell + idiot move me= dead 1730. The short of it is, I need someone who has had their 1730 apart to tell me the value of the resistor R12, which is under the rubber flap below the left lid support screw.
(UPDATE) I purchased a new card..I know, I know, but I had to as I had projects that I needed access too. I would still like to fix this card though.
The R12 resistor is a micro resistor with "2A2" printed on top of it.. Anyone have any idea where I can get one of these? I thought at first it was 202 but under the magnifying glass I am pretty sure its "2A2".
Both m8800gtx have an error code 43 in hardware device manager (vista32). Well, here is what is going on. I have an m1730 that has been working A1 since I got until yesterday when I installed CoD:WaW.
It might be just a coincidence though because the game was playing good for a while until I got kicked out of the game and when I tried to launch the game again it said I had a DirectX corruption. So I took a look at directx diag and saw no problem, except for video card info showed nothing!
This is where I decided to look in hardware manager and saw the dreaded exclamation point (error 43) for both my cards. I did a full video driver uninstall, then did a driversweeper and took out all nvidia stuff and tried to install my drivers again and still get the same error!
Are my video cards messed up? I will be attempting a clean install on another spare drive today to see if it really a driver/software conflict.
I believe my video card in XPS 1530 is failing, from time to time i get half inch by half inch colorful checkboard pattern on part of my screen, usually shows up in the same place.
My wife and I have a couple of Latitude 600m's both seemingly with Radion 9000 video cards.
Her HD has been on the fritz, and my mother board seems to have been on the fritz recently (not powering on), and seems to have finally died, so I put my HD in her machine and everything - except - the video seems to be working properly.
Basically the only two display options I have under the video properties are 1024x768 and 800x600... whereas in the HD's native machine, I can go considerably wider.
about a year ago my e1705's video card memory had a error and I had colored stripes on the screen. I researched a little and found that I could upgrade my card to a xps 512mb card and so I did. Now a few days ago my screen went black and I freaked out thinking my video card died but a few seconds later everything was fine again. Today, the same thing happened although this time the black screen turned to a blue error screen saying "***Hardware Malfunction Call your hardware vendor for support NMI: Parity check/ memory parity error ***The system has haulted***" I ran the diagnostic and the graphics card memory is showing errors. I checked ebay and another card is $300. What options do I have? I like my laptop but I'm kind of tired of this problem especially if I buy another card and expect it to happen again.
I went with the integrated video card. I dont play games, but Will i still be able to watch movies or anything like that? Will the video card effect my SSd speed or CPU speed?
Id thought Id be nice and try to put together lots of GPUZ charts for those wondering about video cards, when compared to one another. I asked a few members to set their OC'd monsters to stock speeds so we could look at them in their original settings.
I have xps m1710 with 512mb 7950 gtx,2 gb ram,2.33 core due
I have some strange picture coming in my lcd some times,so can u tell me if my video card on the way to die,
also it happend a few times with Ghost recon advanced warfigter 2 during the game but if I press Alt+Esc to go to the windows thats strange picture dissapers and then I can go back to the game,its allways happen with the game but only 1 time with my windows,I reinstalled my windows and changed the driver version and still happining
First off, hope everyone is having a great time during the holidays and lets not forget our fellow soldiers still deployed.
So I received my replacement on the 21st with T9800 but they are sending me another replacement with the QX9300 processor.
Scenario, lets say they decide to give me the 260's SLI instead of the 280's SLI (which is what they gave me in this replacement and this is dellienware)... Could I take the 280's in here and put them in the 2nd replacement, obviously put the the 260's in here and return it like that?
So in short, I want to take these 280s out and put them in the new replacement. Take those 260s out and put them in this one and send it back to dell. Any input would be great
According to a Dell Rep at least.. This is mostly for the people who have the SXPS 16 with the 3670. I was speaking with a dell rep today and she told me that if I were to buy a 4670 and called tech support.
I could ask for their help to install the video card without voiding warranty. I don't know if this is true..
but does anyone know where to get a 4670 besides Dell's site where it's $109
My M90 is out of warranty and I need to buy a video card. Don't want to spend $700+ on a new one so I was looking at the refurbished.
The question is, how reliable are they, and if anyone has use one before. I found some on ebay for $250, witch is ok. Also found one that the seller claims is: " Still Sealed In Anti-Static Bag
My E1705 originally came with the X1400. I upgraded the card to a 7900GS I purchased from a member here.
Well - It's time again to clean the HSF. I figured while I was at it, why not upgrade video card.
With my system still under warranty, I contacted Dell chat and stated that my X1400 was running very hot and artifacting (which it was before I switched to the 7900GS). They said that my video card was working too hard and I should upgrade - but also offered to send a replacement X1400.
The Tech stated that I should contact customer service and see if they would discount an upgraded card (subtract the price of the x1400 from a 512 card). He said I shouldn't have a problem.
1. Has anyone had any success with this? 2. Which card should I get?
My laptop hasn't worked for about a month now and I'm at the end of my rope!
I used it fine in the morning before I went to work, shut it down properly, but then couldn't get the screen or LCD panel above the keyboard to even light up, let alone work when I got home that night.
At first I thought it was just the screen, except that an external monitor doesn't work and the LCD panel is gone as well, which worries me.
When I did all the "function + power" tests the screen lit up but unfortunately instead of displaying the wavey colours I just got a sort of creamy white on it and the LCD panel still did nothing. The audio tests worked fine and scared the hell out of me .....
Here are some snapshots of a freshly loaded XPS M1710 having some kind of Video issue. Nothing is overclocked and using Dell Drivers for Video etc.. Problem happened when playing WOW and in C&C:3.
I was going to repair my Inspiron 8600 but now I have a chance to get my hands on an XPS M1710 with what is believed to be the same fried video card everyone is experiencing with it...what would my options be for repairing this computer if it is simply the video card needing to be replaced?
I can find the stock replacements through Dell and eBay, but I'm curious if there are other alternatives out there?
if the hard drive from my Inspiron 8600 would be compatible?
Alright, as you can see in my sig, I am the "lucky" owner of a GeForce 7800. I bought my E1705 RIGHT before the Core Duo 2 and 7900 GS wave, but I haven't had any real problems (besides the annoying overheating of the 7800, never caused a crash, just low FPS sometimes during gaming).
Well I went to check my laptop this morning, and after the Windows loading screen (during the Welcome screen) it would glitch and get all scrambled, then jam up.
So I went into safe mode, un-installed all the video drivers, rebooted and it worked fine. Went and downloaded the newest drivers possible from the Official Dell site just to make sure I wasn't using faulty drivers.
But halfway through the install the screen would glitch and what not, I had to go back into safe mode and uninstall the drivers again and it worked fine.
This laptop has no warranty or anything, so if it truly is that the video card finally died I guess my only option is to buy a 7900 GS or GTX?
Just looking for some opinions (I'd hate to buy a card and find out it was some other problem with the laptop, even though I'm not a fan of this 7800 ) to make sure this truly is a video card problem, and to see if anyone knows where I might find a GS/GTX for decent prices.
I've joined the legion of M1710 users that have had their video card crap out on them. Typical green lines and bars results in chat to XPS support to have 7900GS replaced. That lasted ~ 2 weeks. Dust cleaned out every month, on a cooler pad,etc. Screen goes black suddenly (not screen saver) and a reboot leads to green lines again. Another chat/phone call to Dell results in replacement motherboard AND 7950 GTX. Nice upgrade. So, how long should I expect this card to last? I've had no other issues and really do my best to keep everything clean and cool. And when this card goes (they all seem too?).... I should mention that I received the M1710 as a replacement for a E1705 that overheated, had parts replaced, and then needed to go to the depot to be "fixed," only to return un-repaired and with the wires to the wireless antenna cut inside the case.
Here are the videos. They are god-awful small and blurry, BUT you can still clearly see the distortion. I'm also using a unregistered version of a cropping software to make the files small enough to upload to, so there are banners on them. They are also pretty darn short snippets (1 or 2 seconds each... I need to lrn2compress)
This is me flying towards a red carpet in Shatt. Zoomed in on the carpet.
A building flickering at range in Battlefield 2142.
The waterline and metal textures of a boat flickering in SH4.
The flicker I experience between character selections on the WoW Character Selection screen. It is a brief frame between each character.
Another boat from SH4, showing the flicker disappear as I zoom closer.
All of these flickers, with the exception of the character screen flicker, disappear if I get close to the texture, which is why I HIGHLY suspect some problem with the z-buffer. Still, I am at a loss as to how to solve it.
I run Warcraft at 1920x1200 resolution, and the other two at 1600x1200 resolution.
I decided to buy an xps from here . Its great for what it does, and it has everything I need . However Even witheverything, there is one thing that I don't like, which I would like to upgrade, and its the video card which is the - ATI Mobility RADEON® HD 3670 - 512MB
1. Is it as good as an nvdia 9800 ?
2. Is it possible to upgrade it ? I am thinking of buying the video card off somewhere else if that is even possible . Possibly a 1gb one .