I'm not sure if anyone else has had this issue, but my CPU maxes out at 100% utilization if I try and play any video what-so-ever (uTube, ABC.com, sling media, etc). It's causing video playback to stutter and is driving me crazy. I try and keep my video drivers at the newer releases - currently I'm using the 180.43 from laptopvideo2go. I also always format and perform a fresh install on the system once or twice a year to keep it running at it's peak. Specs are below:
OS: Vista 32 bit Ultimate SP1
Memory: 2gig
Processor: Intel Pentium M 2.26 ghz
i recently purchased a dell xps m170 and i noticed the screen wasnt as crisp as i expected.
so i put the dell resource cd to install a video driver and when i started the driver install the screen went black and that was it the comp was still turned on but nothing on the screen. when first booting up i notice vertical lines during the dell screen and windows screen.
i went to the device manager and uninstalled the nvidia driver and rebooted, everything worked fine i was able to go on youtube and see a video, but when i scroll down it seems the screen is lagging i dont have a better way to describe it. i downloaded the driver for the video card from dell and installed it and immediately the screen went black
Basically the video card went out in my dell xps m170 a while ago, bugger was still under warrenty but they said there was a "spill" in it so they wouldn't replace it... fyi it wasn't a spill got a second opinion and a layer of nicotine formed over the video card couple with some pet hair that got in there it caused it to over heat and fry out. but alas my warrenty is screwed. (also i was runnin linux and they said it was "irregular" buggers)
anywho i want my laptop back up and runnin, its a thousand times better then this toshiba satellite a105 with a broken keyboard but the video card Nvidia go 6800 is like 300 bucks.
I was talkin to my girlfriends brother who works at a computer shop and he suggested a different compatible video card.
a Dell inspiron 9400 which has a ATI mobility X1400.
is this compatible with my dell xps m170, he said it looks like it would fit in there and the only major difference is there is one heat sink instead of two. (its not quite as powerful plus side-- better battery life. i do some gaming like world of warccraft and the ati 1400 seems like it would be good enough for that).
I've built numerous desktops but i've never personally worked on a laptop internally before. I do know the xps m170 was made a little different then some laptops in that nothings integrated and its upgradeable (hell has a guide how to take it apart that it came with.)
so i have reformatted it at least 5 times in the last 36 hours, i finally have it working enough to write this HELP request.
as i have never experienced a video card crash on a laptop, what do i do now? is there a way that i can bypass the video card? instal a diferent set of drivers? at the moment i have all the other drivers installed minus the video drivers. last time i installed the video dricers the machine siezed up.
or can i simple take out the video card altogether?
They gave me a 7900GS instead of a 7950 GTX. I know some of you have had the same problem.
Everything else is fine, I could care less. But, I really feel that I should have gotten the GTX instead. Two Questions:
1) How minimal is the downgrade from 256mb 7800 GTX in my old M170 to a 256mb 7900GS? How big is the difference in the 7900GS vs the 7950GTX?
2) For those of you who have gotten this problem, how did you go about getting the card switched? Did they send a new system? I'd rather they just send the card and I'll swap it out myself.
The replacement was approved on the 8th, and I just got it today. Apparantly it's a new build, not a refurb. But I want the video card that's not a downgrade.
I recently purchased a M170 with 6800 Ultra off ebay and have been using it for the past week or so. During this time, I have noticed that the temps get quite high when running graphic intensive applications. I currently have an e1705 with a 7900GTX installed so I am familiar with the heat dissipated from a high end graphics card but the M170 seems to get very hot in comparison to my e1705. I am not sure what are considered high temps so I will just post my readings from I8kfan (these are the peak temps):
Pentium M 760 2Ghz 1Gb Ram 60Gb HDD Geforce Go 7800GTX 256mb 17" WUXGA Windows Media Center 2005
I was playing CS:S, and all of a sudden i was getting artifacts on the display. Than the computer froze up and i had to power the laptop down manually.
I was able to restart the computer in safe mode a couple times.
But wow when i try to restart the computer, i'm getting artifacts on the Dell Splash screen. And then it would freeze up.
What do you think the issue is? At first i was thinking the GPU is the problem. But now i'm beginning to think its the motherboards.
I'm still on my XPS M170, planning to moved to a Macbook Pro next year because of certain reasons but anyways its still working. some wear and tear on the paint.
Some questions:
If your XPS M170 has Windows Vista which drivers are you running?
OR if it has Windows XP which drivers are you running?
and how's your XPSM170?
For those who moved on /Upgraded to a better system, what is it? WHat did you did with your XPS M170 / Gen 2?
I am guessing my GPU crapped out on me because when I install video drivers and reboot the system it won't boot into Windows without safe mode. Anyways, is it possible to get a replacement GPU without a warranty? Anything I can talk to about Dell Customer Service about? I'm broke and I just got the laptop.
I just recently acquired a m170 and have an issue. I could not get it to stay on for more than 30 sec to load windows.....as soon as i disabled speedstep in the bios i was able to load windows.....only problem laptop runs at 800mhz......if i enable speedstep it shuts off before windows loads.....
I have built lots and desktop PC's in my time, but know very little about laptops. I have a few year old Dell M170 XPS which is getting a little ragged.
I thought I recalled when buying it that it had a dedicated graphics card which could be upgraded in the future.
It currently has a 7800 GO (I think) in it with PCI-E interface.
I have a dell xps m170 laptop I got back in April of last year, and I forgot to renew my warranty, so it's expired. My problem at the moment is that a few times the past week, I'd be using the computer normally and the screen would go black and everything would stop. I'd try to turn it back on, but wouldn't go to BIOS screen.
I would wait a few minutes, come back, power on again, everything would work fine. Then on Wednesday of last week, it crashed again, but would not go to the Dell screen/BIOS etc, just turn on, fans and lights go on, but just a black screen. I'd wait it out a few minutes, no change.
I took out the Hard Drive, tried to boot up still, powers on, but no Dell screen or anything. I took my computer to Geek Squad thinking they can tell me what my problem is, so I paid them 60.00$ to identify the issue. A day goes by, and they tell me after completing some sort of tests, that it may be a motherboard issue of some sort.
I go to pick it up, and they weren't able to tell me any specifics, they just said, we think it's the motherboard.
all m170 owners out there.. what is the latest game that you have played on your system and how good does it play? the last game i had bought and played with mine is warhammer dark crusade.. haven't been gaming for awhile and interested in buying a very good game..
Yesterday when i was watching movie strange lines appeared on screen. I restarted and noticed they even appear on DELL welcome screen;/ so its not driver problem. My laptop temperatures are ok also, and i never overclocked it.
Performance in games dropped to zero too.
Is there any way to fix it or i have to replace my graphic card ?
I have an XPS M170, with the 7800GTX card installed. Been working perfectly for several months now then all of a sudden the screen went black, and I had to force a powerdown.
(I was only browsing the web at the time).
Turned it back on, and all that happened was the power light came on, the hard drive light flickered, then the DVD seemed to power cycle (the light came on and I heard it spin), even the XPS lights came on, but that's it, nothing else.
If I leave it alone, it remains in that state with no change, hooked up an external monitor to it, and nothing there either.
I am looking to see if anyone can make a laptop skin for my xps m170; I don't want it to cover the black part or the dell logo though, just the silver part.
I want to use one of these for the skin: [url] [url]
I'm thinking about getting a Dell XPS M170 notebook from eBay. I wanted to know how much the CPU and memory could be upgraded. And if the system will support Vista. I'm looking at getting one with the 7800 GTX video card in it.
So I upgraded my 9300's internals to an xps m170 motherboard and go 7800gtx and now when I turn the laptop on the screen is dim and does not get brighter when I hit Fn and the Arrow keys. Another problem is that when using 18fangui the temperature on the 7800gtx reads 00 and will not display a temperature
I need a new hard drive for my M170. It uses the ATA6/IDE interface, so the new SATA drives are not an option. Is 160GB the largest drive available for my laptop at the moment? I have a feeling it is, as I can't find anything larger than that.
EHM. my 4 years old xps m170 was getting slow, dirty, and hot. Few days ago I got a good deal on studio 1555 laptop and decided to give it a go. I thought it was a reasonable upgrade, considering processor core duo over centrino. Disk space 60gb over 300.
But, I'm having buyers remorse, I totally hate new laptop screen. It's horrible! With bluish, purple cast, I used a fix provided here, but boy it makes a little difference. Color cast changes according to the viewing angle, hearts my eyes!
now I have few questions, is it because I'm used to high end but old monitor? 17 ultra sharp XPS monitor was fantastic. Colors dead on, everything perfect. Now I see photos and I want to puke... all colors messed up!
I tried fix, I found it on this forum, it messes with color management and fixes some of this issues.
I've been using my M1710 that I built from parts over two years ago and it still runs great. But guess what sports fans...this thing does have a supreme maintenance issue. An issue that Dell has never admitted. I might even call it a design defect.
And that major issue/design defect is the fact that dust bunnies form between the cooling fan outlets and the heatsink cooling fins located on the ends of the CPU/GPU heatsinks arms. The result is that air flow is blocked and heatsink efficiency goes way down, so "baddaboom baddabing"...higher temps. If your lappy is getting hotter than normal, check your fan speeds if you have I8kfanGUI as they will most definitely be running faster than normal. As an example, my maximum fan speeds are pretty consistant at 42CPU/38GPU. Right now, as I'm typing this they are 44/40 and my CPU/GPU temps are above average so I have to do something I hate to do...
...and you'll hate it too if you're having heat problems, but it MUST be done sooner or later. You, or someone you trust, will have to carefully disassemble your lappy to remove the offending dust bunnies. This requires removing the top palm rest and power switch/hinge covers, keyboard, myriad motherboard connectors, and the video card. Of course, you'll also want to remove the battery first. Here is a link for the Dell service manual to guide you in your disassembly if you don't have access to one: [url]. Until the video card is removed you won't be able to see the dust bunnies since Dell seals the tops of the fan outlets with black tape. After peeling up the tape you'll still have to remove the fans and they will need cleaning also. This is when you'll see why your "Precious" has become a POS. If you've ever looked at the mesh filter screen on your clothes dryer you'll see the same damned thing. So what's next?
After removing the bunnies, thoroughly clean the fan blades, heatsink arm fins and don't forget to clean the bottom case inlet/outlet vents. A mini-sized vaccuum is good to start with and/or take dampened-with-water Q-Tip swabs and maybe even an old soft toothbrush to do the deed. And then?
Afterwords, carefully reassemble your lappy, but don't forget to reseal the tops of the fan exhaust areas. Electrical tape works great. If you unplugged your CMOS battery you'll have to re-enter your bios settings. After boot-up you'll notice the lappy is cooler and quieter and the fans won't be running wide-assed open as often.
Don't forget these lappies generate a lot of heat naturally and any air flow blockage yields dire results. I was quite disappointed after I installed an unlocked T7600G CPU and could crank it up in the U.S, but here in Thailand I can't run it hard above 2.33Ghz for long due to higher ambient temps. This means the cooling system is just adequate and there's not much room for poor conditions.
One more tip. I usually do this cleaning every three or four months and there's always a dust bunny, or two, even if the fans don't look too dirty. Last Spring I actually disassembled the whole unit and used a Dremel to open up the exhaust slots in the back of the case bottom to hopefully increase exhaust air flow . After re-assembly I cut up some old panty hose and taped a small piece over each case fan inlet vent to filter out the dust. If you also add the panty hose filters be careful not to block any of the vent slots with tape. I did this about six months ago and it finally needs cleaning again, so it just about doubled my maintenance interval.
Now then, why do I say this is a design defect? Simple, as this same problem has existed since the XPS Gen2 for all models with discrete graphics cards plugged into the motherboard as they're all the same design. Dell should have revised the design to avoid this problem or at least they could have made the bottom cases such that the cooling vent areas could be easily removed for access. This also should have been added to the manual as a periodic maintenance requirement. I guarantee that they've spent a huge amount of money by having to service or replace probably thousands of these for overheating over the last few years when the condition was avoidable to begin with. How sad, and moreso for the unhappy customers.
Another problem I had with my Gen2 was that the graphics card heatsink wasn't transferring heat away from the GPU and it kept overheating. It was easy to tell once the power switch cover and keyboard were removed because I could then touch the heatsink over the graphics card and it was hot as Hell while the cooling arms were much cooler.
Dell replaced the 6800 with a 7800 under warranty so I was happy at the time.
I've just picked up a second hand XPS170 with the 6800 Go Ultra stuffed inside. Long story short - the GPU died on me yesterday.
I've tried all number of things to bring it back, including removing and reseating the card itself. Blind flashed the rom back to stock (many thanks to zzpulp for the walkthrough!) but to no avail.
Getting no display at POST at all, even though it still boots through to XP eventually.
Question is, do I fork out for a replacement 6800 Go Ultra from DELL (about £220/$430) or do I take a serious look at the upgrade route, perhaps the M1710 path?
I have a dell xps m170 (2 and a half years old) and last 2 days im getting "funky" display problems...
Initially i got a black screen while in windows...nothing to do but reboot. That worked a couple of times...then after rebooting i get a "whiteish" screen that gradually got blacker from outside in..id say it looked like dark storm clouds
I also noticed that the laptop had gotten a lot hotter than normal...this had been gradually happening over time...so much so that i invested in a laptop case / pad to rest it on while working on it..anyways..after reading some threads here i grabbed some monitoring software and logged GPU temps of 70 spiking to 90ish...CPU from 55 to 90's...
Then the funniest thing happened, in order to boot up and avoid the "whiteish" screen and boot into windows i noticed if i attached an external monitor it worked more than if i didnt !! (no idea if this is relevant).
When i did get into windows...it'd look normal for a while, 10 mins or so..then go black (flicker) and id get a diff display res appear (bigger icons n such)..then what i can only describe as red..sometims yello dots, maybe 4 across (width ways ..like bars of them) running the full length of the screen...
Again after reading some threads decided to run the dell diag...That showed me some errors when it did the video test(i think)
Error Code : 5300:0119. Detected a failure while writing and reading video memory. Video mode DH (320x200x16) Address A0044h expected to read 0h but read 101010h instead
he above error message was repeated quite a lot with different references to numbers...
Am i screwed ?? Do i have any options at all...Must point out im NOT a gamer at all...so graffix card isnt an issue, if indeed i can replace it?