HP/Compaq :: HP Pavilion Ze4315us Overheating
Aug 26, 2009
I have an HP Pavilion ze4315us notebook I've had since new. It has an AMD Athlon proc (+1800). It's always run on the hot side, but recently it started locking up (I think caused by the overheating).
If I manage the number of programs I have running, I can run the pc for several hours, but as soon as the heat build up it eventually gets hot enough to cause it to lock up, dispite the fans running. If I reboot right away (which I do to keep the fan running), it will then start locking up quicker after each reboot. After a few re-boots, it will start locking after just after a few minutes even though it has cooled down (again thinking the paste may be the issue causing a bad connection between the proc and heatsink).
Can anyone tell me if the proc/heatsink are user accessable on this machine? I'd like to tear it open and install new thermal paste.
If I can get inside to do this, must I use the (same) tape type paste (I'm assuming was originally used) or can I use something better (I have Spectra Cool)? Or if there are better options?
Additionally, does anyone know if there is a way to change the settings on the fan (to get it to run higher speeds longer). I looked in the BIOS, but couldn't find anything there. I thought maybe someone may have been able to write a little app for this....
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May 26, 2010
I'm looking into this computer:
HP Pavilion 17.3" AMD Athlon II Dual-Core M320 2.1GHz Laptop (DV7-3128CA) - Future Shop
It's the HP Pavilion DV7 - 3138ca. It has an AMD athlon dual core M320 processor and ATI Radeon 4200 GPU. I've seen reviews that say the DV7, and the whole pavilion line has faced overheating issues in the past. I would like to use this computer for at least a year.
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Apr 11, 2009
Recently, my g/f's HP pavilion dv2500 has really been overheating. It's about a year and a half old and it's kept in relatively good condition. It is off warranty.
Over the past week the temps are really high. The air blowing out the side is hot to the touch. I'm not sure the temps, but they have to be high. The plastic covering over the power button on the left side is hot to the touch.
I'm tech savvy, but not an expert. I did research on this model and there are overheating issues. Would I have to reapply thermal paste or order a new fan? I've taken apart notebooks before, but never because of a problem like this.
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Apr 10, 2009
Basic problem, laptop gets so hot at times it can cause burn marks. While playing WoW, ill get 60+ FPS then as soon as it heats up, yes im using a cooling pad, it then drops to 15 FPS and will run at that for the entire time im playing.
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Aug 19, 2009
only after ripping cd or downloading albums from itunes, it can download and install any software off the net without any problems,
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Jul 31, 2014
ive had my computer for years(warranty has expired) and it has worked very fine except it has been always very prone to overheat. A week ago it overheated(again), and after that it hasnt started anymore. I press the power button, i see caps light once or twice(yes indeed, when starting it might show once and then next time twice and so on..). Â startup goes like this: first there will come normally that screen where reads "press ESC to startup menu", hten screen goes black and it should open windows but it doesnt. Instead it makes an restart and does that all the time. Ive ran all diagnostics and those are just saying passed to everything. I have also tried "hard reset" but that has no effect. Also F11 in startup(system recovery) doesnt work.
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Feb 23, 2010
I have sent my laptop off 3 times to HP to have it repaired and its just came back and is running at 197.6 degrees when playing 720p videos. It got hot enough to char a piece of paper that was sitting next to it on my desk, almost starting a fire if I wasn't there.
The kicker is this laptop was given to me by hp a year and a half ago as a replacement for another overheating laptop. I am now told they don't replace laptops. So I cant call up my credit card company and say I received a lemon, or go back to the store and say you sold me a lemon, as it was given to me by HP.
The case managers have been EXTREMELY rude. Essentially calling me stupid and that im not qualified to diagnose the computer, even though Im a computer technician by trade and have been building computers since I was 9 years old.
IS my only options small claims court? is there anyway to get ahold of anyone higher than their case managers? they claim there isnt. Is there a way to get ahold of the board or ceo?
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Aug 14, 2009
i own a DV7 laptop and when im just surfing the net with mozilla the temp goes up to 180 degrees F. the 1 year warranty is not up yet so curious if other owners have had this issue?? is it suppost to be this hot? seems very hott to me? i havent tried any games yet but thinking bout it.
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May 26, 2010
The problem:
as many dv5 owners know, this HP series has a little problem with overheating.
The laptop has a small aperture for air circulation just below the exhaust vent: the fan takes fresh air from the aperture and then push out warm air.
Many people noted that the aperture is too small but its position is also problematic because when you put the laptop on a desk, the air stream is reduced so much that the heat cannot be dissipated correctly. This leads to very high temperatures under high loads that sometimes causes the laptop to shutdown itself to prevent damage.
Now one solution is to raise the laptop a bit, to allow better cooling.
My findings:
Dissecting my laptop I found a very interesting thing.
In the upper left corner of the laptop there's the fan that cools down the whole thing.
The fan is very near to the upper left corner of the keyboard too, and the notebook chassis has a hole to let the fan aspire more air from the upside.
You may say that's good, the fan is getting fresh air from the keyboard too, right?
Wrong. The keyboard on its back has a thin plastic coverage that prevents the air flow!
The solution:
So, armed wih a cutter, I delicately made a cut on this plastic coverage film near the upper left angle and then I removed the cutted piece from the back of the keyboard (there are some glue strips that fix it for better adherence).
To be precise, when I say "upper left angle" I suppose you have your keyboard in front of you (near the ESC key to be pratical). Since you need to cut the *rear* coverage plastic, it becomes the upper right angle. Just always take the ESC key as a placeholder!
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Feb 1, 2009
I have recently purchased the HDx 16.
I installed 'Speedfan' to monitor the cpu and gpu temps..
Idle temps for the gpu are around the 62-65 C mark which to me seems too much given that I'm not doing any graphic intensive work.
If I set the fans to turn on permanently in bios settings then idle temp goes down to 50C .
I havent done any gaming yet so cant comment on intensive use temps.
Can anyone else share their thoughts on this since I get the feeling that my laptop is overheating.
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Jan 10, 2009
I was looking into buying this laptop but read on the forums that there have been quite a few complaints of overheating. I plan to game a lot with the laptop and so will probably be pushing the laptop. Is it true that the cooling system is quite inefficient? Is it only for games and such, or even for movies, web browsing etc. Was going to go for a Samsung with similar spec but smaller screen cos it has really good cooling.
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Oct 13, 2009
I've had this old dv4000 for almost 4 years now and it's had this overheating problem for pretty much the entire time. I've had to install a program called Notebook Hardware Control to slow the processor down so that the computer doesn't overheat and spontaneously shutdown.
I've tried cleaning out the vents and using a notebook coller,
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May 17, 2009
Is my computer overheating? I have an HP DV9500t with an Intel T7700 Core2 Duo @ 2.4Ghz, nvidia GeForce 8600M, and two 7200rpm 120 Gig Hard Disks.
While my computer is idling just sitting there on the desktop my temperatures are as follows:
CPU0: 45C
CPU1: 50C
GPU: 70C
HD0: 61C
HD1: N/A (no sensor but probably same as HD0)
I know i've got a lot of equipment in my 17" notebook but still it seems to be running hot. I was wondering if this is the norm for similar configurations? I know about the overheating battery recall and my laptop battery was not one of the ones affected. I also know about problems with the solder on nvidia cards. i havent had any display or stability issues. the only symptom i have is hotcrotch.
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Feb 25, 2009
When i first bought it brand new from best buy right after christmas i could run it all the time and i would notice it would get hot but i never had issues with it until january when it overheated for the first time.
Right after that i went to best buy and bought a USB fan to put underneath it and it seemed to solve the problem. It would be cool to the touch. Until once again... it overheated and kept getting worse and worse.
Now i am to the point where i have to use the fan underneath it, have a small room fan blowing on it, and rob it of performance by turning it to power saver mode which is really frusterating. I also updated the BIOS to make the internal fan run faster which seemed to help a little.
Just a note, i use CoreTemp to monitor the CPU temp with the above setup, it reads 71 degrees Celsius right now.
I just switched it to high performance and it instantly jumped up to 85 degrees and is climbing... now its 88 even with all theese fans on it. I have firefox open, windows live messenger and windows media player running. Now its 92. Im gonna unplug it and turn it to powersaver.. (95 degrees and dropping...)
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Feb 13, 2009
I'm having some issues with my dv7t.
Brief specs:
nVidia 9600M GT
4gb OCZ RAM (I installed this)
2x 7200RPM HD's
Integrated TV Tuner
And the thing gets hot when I watch over-the-air HD.
CPUID Hardware Monitor data:
THRM 35*C Min / 90*C Max
Core0 20*C Min / 20*C Max (shows 70/70 now...)
Core2 21*C Min / 21*C Max (shows 70/70 now...)
GeForce 9600M GT
GPU 52*C Min / 106*C Max
HD1 35*C Min / 49*C Max
HD2 37*C Min / 54*C Max
It doesn't get this hot normally, just when I watch TV. I know that media center automatically records whatever you're watching, so I'm assuming that is heating up the proc and HD, but holy crap 106*C? It seems a little excessive. Where is the video card on these things so I can try and make sure that is always in open air.
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Mar 26, 2010
Ive just bought a HP Envy 15. I think it's first gen because its Graphic adapter is 4830. My problem is that when im playing or doing anything that needs the use of the full power of the pc, it shuts down... Ive been looking for a solution to this problem, trying to update bios and drivers, but bios software cant be downloaded right now. My bios version is F.06, and i saw that there are too many newer versions. U think this could be the problem? has anyone noticed the same trouble? Can somebody send me the flash bios utility with a version more up to date?
Processor is i7 720, dont know if its important...
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Jan 23, 2010
successfully replaced the thermal paste on my HP8510p. It went completely smooth. And the core temperatures dropped for an enourmous 50°C (the laptop was completely clogged with dust and to make it even worse the factory-applied thermal paste was a mess). Anyway, it's been idling at around 55°C and it never ever goes past 65°C (3D gaming and all).
I've just done this to a friend's notebook. The weird thing is, that it was filled with dust and idling at around 80-85°C. I took it apart following this guide. After I removed all of the plastic and the dust and the fan and the heatsink, I used the ArctiClean set to clean the cores and the heatsink, applied a nice thin layer of ArcticSilver and put it all back together again, to find that it's still idling at 75-80°C. I know that the CPU is a Intel Centrino Merom-2M (@1,60GHz) and that supposedly mobile CPUs run at higher temps... But this?
I took it apart again, redid everyhing, this time even more meticulously and still nothing. Whenever I do a CPU hungry task (compressing some random files with winrar for instance) the temps go all the way up to 84°C...........
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Sep 8, 2009
I currently own a HP DV4 1275mx laptop. I have had it since April 2009. This is a product replacement for my DV2000 that had the bad nvidia chip and left this world. It only lasted 9 months.
Here are my issues (i do say they are eerily familiar)
Its freaking hot as a volcano. So hot that I can hardly use my touchpad mouse without it hurting my fingers. I thought I was just being paranoid when I first got it since my last one got hot and then out of nowhere just died. So, I downloaded speed fan a few months ago once it started to really worry me.
The temps range from at the lowest 65C and will get up to 105C. I called HP support right away (3 months ago) they ran BIOS updates and all of that and sent me on my merry way.
Well now it likes to just shut itself off (i'm assuming a fail safe so it doesn't blow up on me). It takes a good few minutes and at least 3 or 4 tries to get it to boot up all the way again. Called HP again, ran the same updates and some diagnostics that my computer couldn't even get through without overheating. They are having me send it in for repair...............
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Apr 16, 2009
I bought an HP tx1309au almost two years ago. A year ago I had it fixed for some problem, and when I got it back, I noticed that it was more prone to overheating and shutting down in the middle of being used. Usually the screen would just fade into black and then before you know it, the computer has shut down. In the last 3 days, this has happened, on average, 5 times a day. Just today it shut down for the 3rd time an hour ago. I've switched to the spare power cord provided, and while that solved the overheating problem, it still shut down unexpectedly.
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Dec 17, 2009
I have a problem with my HP dv6 1299ea laptop. I bought in in August, and was very satisfied with my purchase until lately, when it has been overheating. I have noticed that the fan is running almost non-stop for a while now, but didn't care too much, since I have been playing games and so on. But recently the fan is now running non-stop even when it's idle, or I just browse.
Today I installed speedfan, and it shows core temperature on idle of around 70 degrees C. Sometimes it even goes above 80, and that is without any games or complicated applications running - just browsing. In Medieval II Total war it stays above 80 constantly. Now, when I'm writting it shows between 65-70 degrees C. I see that speedfan does not support my motherboard, since it only shows core, no GPU, HDD, and nothing about the fan speed. Is there any other software that might help me identify and solve the problem?
I know AMDs tend to overheat, compared to Intels, but this just seems too much. I did some research, and saw that it is a known problem for HPs. I ordered a laptop cooler (Titan TTC-G4TZ), but will get it in about a week.
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Jan 16, 2009
So I just purchased a DV4t a month ago. Only recently maybe this past week have I noticed that my hard drive is overheating because my left palm is getting really hot. I have no idea what would cause this? What are some causes of an overheating hard drive, and what can I do to keep the temperature down?
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Apr 24, 2010
I got problems with my laptop HP Pavillion dv3-2011TX.
It's only 8 months since the first time I bought this laptop.
I use it to play Dragon Age: Origins with a minimum setting, and only last around 10-15 mins before suddenly it turned off.
Same thing happens when I used it to play Supreme Commander 2 & Demigod.
However, it doesn't lag when I use it to play those games with low setting.
CPU temp is 75-80 C when I turn it on again.
CPU temp around 45-50 C when idle, around 60-65 when I use it for browsing and using other light programs.
It's Ok, when I use it to play DOTA, but the fan seems working on a maximum performance already.
I have cleaned the fans up already, but the same things still happen............
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Feb 27, 2010
I've had my HP dv3t since mid June 2009 and had no real problems with overheating until recently. I've noticed that the fans have been kicking in when watching videos and sometimes to the extent that it shuts off my computer instantly. I'm not sure why watching videos overheats my system. Maybe it's the specs?
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Nov 30, 2009
My laptop has a tendency to have it's fan going like an airplane all the time. Simple flash games can raise my core temperature through the roof. It will often (every couple of days) it likes to heat up so much that it shuts down, even while just browsing on the internet. I've read some things online and this seems to be a fairly common problem in the F700 series. I've had this laptop for about a year and I think that cleaning is overdue. Does anyone have a tutorial for opening up a laptop of close to the same model?
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Jun 24, 2014
i have a compaq presario CQ42 . today i has disassembling my laptop and applying thermal paste on cpu and gpu . so , the problem is when i play games about 5min or 10min my laptop suddenly go on sleep and shutdown itself then i try to restart it and after that i get this message"The system bios has detected your notebook PC was placed in hibernation to avoid overheating .The system is now operating normally and your data should remain intact. Overheating may occur if the cooling vents are blocked or the operating temperature exceed the specification. The notebook PC should return to normal operation once the situation is resolved.
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Dec 18, 2007
I replaced the integrated video card on my computer with a 7900 GS and it's been overheating. I looked at my case, and the vents for the GPU are there, it's just that they're solid. Where the holes are, there is metal instead. Does anyone know anything I can do to knock those holes out so I can get some air in there? WoW overheats in about 15 min,
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Dec 5, 2008
My 2 month old Dell M1530 idles at the following temps:
I really don't know why... It's been like this for a couple weeks or more now. Power settings are all on max of course... But when I first got the laptop, it'd idle pretty cool... Now my hands sweat while typing :
Laptop is not overclocked (I did overclock a bit in October for Crysis now and then)
My room is pretty cold.
I'm going to open it up and look for dust... But I really doubt this is the problem.
Intel T9300
8600M GT 256Mb DDR3
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Feb 17, 2010
seems like every other day or 2 it locks up mouse freeze and I'm forced to power down, no other choice.
Even viewer does not show anything to be the cause I just see a 6008 event id
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Oct 9, 2008
I currently own a dell laptop and have the problem of it overheating very quickly as opposed to other laptops I have used. Is this a normal occurance or could it be a problem with my personal notebook.
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Mar 2, 2009
my computer isXPS M1530 with GeForce 8600m gt. When I play a game named Gunz, which is supposed to not be a graphic-intensive game, my pc will simply go black after a certain time(vary between 10 min - hours). Then, the sound of pc just stop.
I thought this is a overheating problem, but after viewing some threads about overheating, it seems like that overheat only lead to a shut down or a restart. Since my computer simply go black and turn off, I don't know if my pc is overheating. Can someone tell me if Im overheating? If not, what's causing these crashes?
Btw, my GPU and ACPI temp were around 83C five min before my computer crashes...
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