Apple :: External Hard Drive For Macbook
May 20, 2009
can I get any external hard drive for my Macbook? Because I see ads for external hard drives for Macs, as if they're specially designed and made for Macs. Is that legit, or can I buy any one I want?
And while we're on the subject - any suggestions as to which one is the best (fastest, most reliable, etc.)?
I'm looking at getting a 1TB external.
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Feb 23, 2009
i want to purchase a external hard drive for my macbook pro that i just purchased. But i do want it to be something like a "Western Digital My Passport" Series (as in a 2.5" or smaller so that it is very portable). I am also interested in getting it with a Firewire 800 port - which is where the problem i am having on finding what i want.
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May 21, 2010
what would you recommend as a good and reliable external hard drive that I could use with Time Machine.
What do you think of this:
Iomega eGo Portable 500 GB External hard drive - 800Mbps(FireWire800)/400Mbps(FireWire)/480Mbps(Hi-Sp.USB)
Also, from friends I know I've heard only complains about external hard drives - problems with reliability etc. Has anything changed in this regard in recently?
Lastly, what is your experience with Time Machine? How much can I trust it?
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Apr 15, 2010
Is it possible to split my external hard disk into two partition? The drive is originally NTFS.. but I'm looking to split it so that the second partition is Mac OS compatible.
My plan is to use Partition Manager in Windows so that I can split the drive without having to lose data. Then plug it back into Mac OSX so that I can format the new partition to a Mac compatible format.
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Jan 23, 2009
I use my MacBook Pro for most everything except at home where I have a desktop system that's a few years old. The MacBook Pro should generally run rings around it except for disk performance and that's something that I'd like to fix. So I picked up a 1 TB MyBook and it's attached to the MacBook Pro right now but the MBP doesn't see the disk. I assume that I need to partition and format the drive.
The MacBook Pro currently has Mac OSX and Windows XP on the internal drive and they work just fine. What I'd like to do is to be able to boot Mac OSX, WinXP x64 and Win32 off of the 1 TB drive. I was hoping to partition it into three pieces and boot whichever OS I wanted at the time.
What I'd like to know is if it is possible to do this (3 OS on one external drive that the Mac could boot from) and how to go about setting this up. I would grab XP x64 and XP Win32 off another machine (that machine has three Windows licenses running) and move them to the MacBook Pro (with Microsoft's help if needed).
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Mar 29, 2009
Unfortunately the internal keyboard and mouse on my MBP seem to have packed up for good. Fortunately, I can still use a USB keyboard and mouse.
Is there any way I can copy the entire contents of the hard disk onto an external USB hard disk (everything so that I don't lose desktop icons, filing structure e.t.c.) and then restore it when I get a new machine?
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Jan 31, 2009
Will the mac pick up any wireless networks? I notice there is an apple brand wireless base, and wasn't sure if that was needed for the wireless to work?
Will any backup external hard drive work with the mac? For example, I have a WD Passport drive that I use with my Dell. Will it be compatible with the mac?
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Aug 11, 2009
I have the stock 250gb Fujitsu MJA2250BH. It clicks a little and I can hear it working at times, but I suppose it's decent. I'm still going to upgrade to a faster one sometime.
What do you have? You happy with it? Does it make a lot of noise/vibration/etc.?
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Jun 22, 2009
Went and did the bootcamp thing and installed Windows 7. I tried to connect my WD external via firewire, but it would not show up in Windows.
This is after I did a backup of my mac to time it related and is there a quick fix?
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Mar 10, 2009
I had two questions about replacing the hard drive on the 1st generation (rev A) MacBook Air (with the 80GB hard drive):
1. I believe I read somewhere that it uses a not-so-common connector/interface. So, does anyone know where you can get the type of hard drive the rev. A MacBook Air takes?
2. Has anyone ever done this? Is it hard to get inside the case? Hard to swap out the drive?
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a 2.2GHz 15" Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook Pro with the factory 120GB hard drive. I want to upgrade the hard drive in the near future and have a couple questions:
1. Is there a size limit? (memory)
2. I hear that 7200RPM can be loud and/or cause vibration. Have any of you guys experienced this?
3. Is it SATA or ATA? What's the difference?
4. I noticed some are 16MB and some are 8MB. Does it really make a difference?
6. What's the best place to buy online?
5. These are some of the hard drives that I was looking at: [url]
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Aug 23, 2009
My new question is I bought a Used Macbook 13 mid 2007 and the last owner wiped the hard drive clean, and just so I can use the macbook I've been using a Live Linux cd, which is ok for now.. Anyway a friend gave me his set of os x 10.4.6 dvds so I can install a mac os but for some reason they won't install, it starts like it's going to install then a message pops up saying' this software can't be installed on this computer'' or something like that..
What can I do, the last owner of this macbook says he lost the CDs that came with it, when he was moving..
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Aug 25, 2009
I just bought my first macbook ever. I got the 13.3" MBP with the 160gb 5400 rpm hard drive.
I upgraded the ram already from 2gb -> 4gb, and I was considering upgrading the hard drive. Size isn't too much of an issue for me because I keep most of my songs/movies/pictures on an external, but I was planning on upgrading it to something faster.
I was looking at the 320gb 7200rpm Scorpio Black, and was wondering if anyone has it installed in their unibody MBPs. I was worried about whether it would cause it to vibrate more/be noticeably louder/generate more heat.
I was also considering the seagate momentus equivalent.
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May 13, 2009
I have a 17" Macbook Pro, just prior to the unibody. I currently have the 250gig 5400rpm drive. I want to upgrade to a 320gig 7200rpm drive.
1. Which model HD do you recommend?
2. If you don't screw anything up on install, will the Applecare warranty still be valid? I get conflicting answers on this.
3. I would love to keep my current hard drive OS/Apps intact. I'd like image my drive and put it on my new 320 drive. Any tips or documentation on how to do this? What is required? I do have an external firewire800 drive I can use to store the image.
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Jan 4, 2009
i have two macbooks connected to an airport extreme (i haven't actually got one yet), and i connect an external hard drive to the airport.
I want to share my external hard drive through my network. Just wondering how fast are the transfer speeds from the hard drive to the macbook using wireless? (ie copying a movie 700mb etc from the hard drive connected to the airport to my macbook using wireless)
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Oct 25, 2014
I have a HP 15 Notebook PC with no dvd drive recently I was sent the system recovery cds from HP. I dont have an external dvd drive. What i do have is a Toshiba Satelight laptop with Widows 7 and a good dvd drive. Also I have a 500 GB external hard drive. I was thinking maybe I could copy the disks onto the external harddrive with the Toshiba dvd drive. Then attach the external hard drive to my HP 15 Notebook by usb port and install Hp recovey disks from the external hard drive.
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Oct 26, 2014
I have the Beats Special Edition 15-p058n and my USB 3.0 WD My Passport which works fine on 3.0 Windows 7 is connecting and disconnecting continually every 10 seconds or so.
I have checked the internet and found a lot of similar issues so could be a combination of the hardware and Windows 8.1?
I have tried to turn off the power save setting for the usb root hubs in device manager to see if it is the extra power that the usb 3 gives, but this has not worked.
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Feb 23, 2013
I bought my first laptop--an inspirin 17R. I would think in this day and age---being able to boot from USB would be a gimme!
I have a bootable Toshiba Canvio external drive that I have images for restoration stored on. I know you can boot from a dvd drive with a bootable DVD (which I did create) But---if the drive itself is bootable---why does the BIOS not have that option?
What does one have to do in this day to boot from USB?
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Jun 14, 2009
i recently bought a vantex nexstar 3 external hard drive with the option of usb and e-sata. The problem i am having is with e-sata. The e-sata is the prefered method of exchanging information dur to its speed rather than usb.
I would like to know from the community in large if there is anyone who has experienced these problems or has connected an external to their m4400 laptop.
The external laptop has a seagate 7200 rpm FFS(free fall sensor) inside.
The problems:
1) When connecting the exHD to the laptop for the first time the HD spins (i can feel it) but then stops. Windows does not pick it up as well as Intel Matrix Storage manager. Only when i restart the laptop still with the exHD connect does windows pick it up as well as Intel Matrix Storage manager.
I did in both cases check to see if the exHD needs more power and it is sufficient.
2)Another issue is that i have windows reporting to me that an external hard drive has been connect to my system even though i havn't plugged it in .....
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a Dell Inspiron E1505. I just reinstalled XP earlier today and now everything is like new again. Unfortunately, my files and movies from my external hardrive are taking too long to transfer onto my computer.
I did one movie at a time and it's taking like 35 minutes to transfer, when before it only took 3 minutes to transfer. Anyone know why this is happening
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Dec 4, 2014
HP G56-122US running Win 7. Bought a replacement 320 GB hard drive due being told by a repair shop that the hard drive had crashed and could not be recovered. Turned out to be the CPU, so I bought a hard drive enclosure so that I could use the new replacement hard drive as an external hard drive. Connected it to the computer and got messages that the software had installed and it was ready for use. Now, if I go to "control panel", click on "devices", it shows that it is installed and operating normally. However, if I try to use it by clicking on an item such as music, document, or a video, and click on "send to", it does not show up as one of the choices. Info that came with the enclosure says it is compatible with Win 7.
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Jan 2, 2014
I have a Lenovo R61i. Can it support USB 3.0 for an external hard drive?
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Dec 30, 2014
I have an Acer Aspire 5750Z notebook which has fallen out with it's best friend the 2TB USB 3.0 Seagate expansion drive. The acer does not want to communicate with the external hard drive and will freeze, crash and stop responding. When the hard drive is not connected, the Acer is quite happy infact it works faster than it did before. Here is a list of the things:
1) I have removed the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers software. The acer restarted 3 times (to be expected) and reinstalled the missing drivers.
2) I have managed to gain a limited amount of access to the seagate where I partitioned one sector but it crashed again before I have the chance to do the other, and I have been unable to access the seagate since.
3) When I view disk management, I am never able to see the seagate drive sectors E and F but occasionally after running the seagate drive settings software I will see drive E but I am unable to access it.
3) I have checked the device manager for hardware conflicts both with the seagate connected as well disconnected and there are no hardware conflicts
4) I am tempted but not sure if I should flash the BIOS with this BIOS_Acer_1.21_A_A
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Nov 19, 2011
I just wanted to know if my dell studio 1735 had an USB 3.0 entry? I want to buy an external hard drive and I need this information.
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Feb 1, 2009
I want to buy an external display for my macbook (the new 13" unibody one). But I would also like to hook up my ps2 to this display. And, but this is not a must, aslo a TV antenna....
The main thing I'm confused about here is the connectors for macbook and ps2 for that monitor/tv?
Also I was thinking of 20 or 22"....i'll also use this to watch movies. and i have a separate 2.1 sound system, so i don't need good in-built speakers.
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Jan 26, 2015
Question: How can I back up my Acer Aspire one 532h-2630 to an external hard drive or to another computer? It has Windows 7 starter which does not seem to allow me to do it.
My brother gave me his old external hard drive, it's a Maxtor Shared Storage Drive capacity is 300GB.
I love my Acer but want to back it up and restore it to factory settings. I've been using it for over 2 years so it's full of stuff by now and I'd like to start fresh.
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Mar 12, 2009
In bootcamp, using a Macbook Pro unibody, players were having difficulty hearing me. At first, I thought the mic was near the iSight (similar to my last laptop) but soon realized that it's under the left grill. Do I need an external mic? Are there some settings I missed?
I tried to test it in the game options and it would go up a tiny bit, so I do know it's picking up my voice.
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Jun 6, 2009
I'm pretty sure I crashed my hard drive. I came back in and my two year old white dual core macbook had froze up. I screwed around with it and finally got it to boot from the external backp drive.(Don't ask me how I did it) I know it had the system on it. I put it on when I did the intial backup a year ago. I tried to reinstall the software but the internal doesn't show up. ANd you can't install to an external hardrive. SO can I just install a new harderive and does anybody have any suggestions as to what brand,size and best deal.
Also there is a ton of upgrades that want to download as the OS I have is over a year old on the external.
I'll be checking in cause I know I probably don't have enough info on here. ANd i aint gonna shut down
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Apr 1, 2010
I bought the Macbook Pro 13" on March 21st, couldn't wait for the refresh.
Now my question is, how do I connect to the external monitors, as in which Mini Displayport do I need to buy? I see a lot of displayports at Fry's for under $20 for Mac but don't know which part number exactly do I need for my MBP.
Another question is, I might want to get the Mini Displayport to DVI. Would DVI to HDMI work from the Apple Mini Displayport? Would DVI to VGA work from the Apple Mini Displayport also? I have alot of DVI to VGA/HDMI adapters so I was wondering would it work if I just bought the Mini Displayport to DVI.
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Apr 20, 2009
I don't get it. I try to move one file into a folder and it says it can't be modified.
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