once once again, Apple product is again leaked in VietNam, this time is refresh iPod touch 2 with new 2 megapixel camera, May be a war between Apple and VietNam will happen as many ppl expect will be true. Let see what will going on, it is running iphone OS 3.1 version,GPS,...
what is the BEST, quality loseless, full potential way, to play flac, and many other audio files(all, if possible) on the ipod touch? ipod touch is simply amazing, with millions of apps. I do not want to get a cowon iaudio, or iriver to play flac files and paying the same for their players just because they got better EQ, audio quality, and many many supported formats. I love apple products, but their ipod mp3 player line just needs better and wider formats supported in my opinion.
I want the ipod touch to do the same, i am an audiophile so i expect alot from my gadgets and equipments. does the Zune HD support flac natively, if not, how do u play flac on the zune HD also,
Will the 3rd gen Ipod touch be release before the end of free ipod touch deal (w/ mbp purchase) on September 8th? Or will it be released shortly after?
i cant burn movies from my Itunes onto a dvd, i was thinking that i could either play movies from my laptop and output them to my tv OR, is it possible to output movies from my ipod touch to tv ? so i dont have to lug around my laptop lol, i can just bring my ipod and a cable...
I currently run a very nice gaming laptop that does everything I want but I have one thing I don't think is possible to do. I don't think it is possible to write Ipod Touch apps with it. I'd like to get into this just to try it. I'd like to know if macbook or macbook pro would work for this or if I should be looking at a mac mini or imac for this kind of thing. If I am wrong about Mac necessity for this type of programming I'd like some advice on that too.
I have an current 3rdgen ipod touch 3G, that's beginning to wear over time, and wondering is an ipad worth upgrading to, or just send it to apple to get it fixed. If so, are there any suggestions in particular whether which model I should also get? I live in Canada and the ipad isn't fully out yet, but there have been thousands, literally thousands of ipad listings on ebay, thats the basic 16gb wifi model, selling for 600 bucks and more. So is this overpaying really necessary?
I really want an ipad but i don't know if its worth it if i already have an ipod touch, because imo its just a bigger ipod touch, i mean not really, but it can do anything the ipod touch can, and vice versa.
I bought Macbook and Ipod touch last week and I did claimed online so Do I still need to Mail in UPC? I bought macbook and ipod touch at Apple retail store.
I'm curious on if I leave the iPod Touch screen on all the time on if it suffers from screen burn if the display doesn't change for a long time, like when showing the home screen. I know it drains the battery quicker, but I like knowing it's on when playing music.
my ipod is about to die and i need to copy all the mp3's off of it without messing up the songs names (i know if you copy/paste it renames some songs to SF57KLY or something like that). so is there a reliable program out there you guys would recommend to me for getting my songs onto my lappy? by the way, i am using windows XP. i also dont mind buying a program if i know it will work, so it doesn't have to be free.
Has anyone ever replaced their battery on their ipod? I have a 5th generation 30GB Video ipod and the battery is terrible now that it is two and a half years old. I have seen a few different websites out there that have directions and sell the batteries... I trust I can install the battery from what I have seen on the videos but I don't know if I trust the battery some of these company's are selling.
I didn't pay for the 3.0 software for my Touch because it wasn't (and still isn't) worth it to me. Everything was fine until the latest update to iTunes came out. Now Yahoo IM, Twitterfon and Facebook won't appear on my Touch. Is my only option downgrading iTunes?
Itunes reports that I have 11GB of music in my library but my itunes music folder and my ipod reports 14GB, what is up with that? Anyone else have anything like this happen? I just don't know if it is something with SL or what....
First I must admit that I really did search both the main forums and even specifically in the Apple and Mac OS X forums and didn't find a really good answer to this question. It seems that mostly folks agree that iTunes itself should do a good enough job of backing things up.
Here's the deal...
My wife's notebook needs to have the OS reinstalled. Just to simply clean it up, make it faster, etcetcetc. In the past when we've done this everything always goes smoothly EXCEPT for the iPod.
She has a couple of purchased music on it, she has a couple of purchased games and even a movie, as well as TON of music, 20 GB or so (funny, we used to think that was a lot but it seems not, many people have several times this). The iPod has always given me difficulties with restoring only the purchased stuff, games and the music pieces we purchased legit. Twice before I have managed to cram things back on there with various 3rd party software but the names escape me since it typically takes several hours of installing this, trying this, uninstalling and try again with something else.
My wife's notebook is a PC and she is running Vista. When we go to 'reinstall' we are simply going to use the restore partition and install our other software from there.
I am planning on doing a clean install of windows 7 on my computer but when i do so is it possible that i can just sync my ipod to the empty itunes library and let it put all my ipod music on my computer? or will it ask me if it can erase all the data on the ipod and sync it to that itunes library.
I own an iPod Classic right now, 160 GB formatted currently for Windows. In iTunes(on Windows) I currently have it set at "Manually Manage Songs and Videos." I'm wondering if when I plug it into my MacBook, if it'll sync my songs in iTunes right away and I'll lose all my songs or if it'll ask me if it wants to sync. I'm just scared because I don't wanna lose the songs I have because I don't have backups.
Is there a way to have an artist not appear on your list of artists on your iPod? I have an iPod video. A bunch of random artists that I only have one song by so I'd rather not have them show up when I sort by artist.
I got a new computer and I transfered my iTunes library already and sync'd my iPod to my new computer. I was wondering if there is a way I can get the playlists and ratings from my old computer to my new one.
I already tried this but it didn't quite work out as advertised for me. Is there a quick, easy way to get just the playlists and ratings over to my new computer?
From what I read in the manual I am supposed to put them in the Itunes music library, but it does not say in the manual how to transfer them to the library.
In Itunes, I click on "FIle" and then "add file to library", select the songs, but nothing happens.
Can I drag them from Windows Explorer to my Nano directly?
do you have to use ichat to take pictures ? the last time I tried taking pictures with the camera it would only allow me to do it in ichat, I just wanted to take pictures and not chat.
i got a macbook. Everything is fine with it, except when i try to use photobooth, ichat or any program that uses my camera. What happens is it will bounce as if it were to load, then there is just a question mark in front of the program. I have tried opening them up through spotlight, but still nothing is working. I have tried searching the forums and looked in my Everything Mac user guide.
My girlfriend has a PowerBook G4 (12" titanium), and she wants to know if she can use (and how) her Sony Ericsson K770i as an image capture device, as her laptop doesn't have a webcam installed.
Also, she wants to use the same phone as well to surf the internet (serving as a modem) when she's out of range of telephone lines etc.
Use MultiClutch to assign multi-touch gestures in almost any application in OS X!
Basically, Multiclutch allows you to assign custom keyboard shortcuts in a given app to a given gesture. Want swipes to change tabs in Safari? Done. The same in iChat? Done. Want zoom-in to open emails in Mail, zoom-out to close windows in every app, and a swipe down to bring up Quicksilver? Done done done.
MultiClutch works by installing a simple input manager that catches gesture events, looks to see what shortcut you’ve defined for it in the frontmost app (if you haven’t defined anything, it behaves in the standard manner), and performs that shortcut. You use a System Preference Pane to customize gestures with an interface similar to the shortcut-customization table in the Keyboard & Mouse pane. You can ‘bind’ gestures in a given Cocoa app (due to the nature of input managers, Carbon apps are not supported) or globally.
I actually find it easier to use the multi touch compared to the mouse somehow, the touchpad is big so i can navigate as easily as with a mouse and the multitouch gestures make it so much better to use.
I was thinking of getting a mighty mouse but im not sure its worth it as apple gestures make navigateing so good. are the press buttons on the mighty mouse just 1 button or two.
I was wondering if i would be able to use the 3 finger gesture on the multitouch touch pad to go back and forward through pages, safari allows me too but was just wondering if FF supports it also.
So Apple told Google not to use multi-touch gestures in its Google Android phone and Google listened to them. The phone is capable of multitouch gestures, but Apple told Google not to use it to protect the iPhone.
Is Apple out of line? Are they Microsoft Jr.? Is Apple replaying the patenting of a GUI OS from the 1980s?
Apple is stifling innovation with these anti-competitive practices.