Dell :: M6400: Screen Does Not Come On After Hibernating ?

Mar 3, 2009

When I put my laptop to sleep (to RAM), after a while it automatically suspends. Then, when I wake it up,

it goes to bios, the resuming windows screen, then blank. To make the screen come on, I have to susspend to ram again, then wake it up.

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Dell Inspiron N7010 :: After Hibernating Computer Had Blank Screen?

May 12, 2013

I have an almost 2-year-old laptop with which I've been having problems for the last week or so. It all started when after hibernating the computer had a blank black screen not responding so I shut it off. After that it seems to boot up only once every 20 or so times. What happens after I press the power button: The laptop starts booting but doesn't get to the dell startup screen, after a while (after booting 3-4 times unsuccessfully) the fans even start spinning but the screen stays black and the hard drive light indicates that the drive isn't working.

LED Lights: The first light turns on, the second light turns on for a second or two (indicating hard drive starting to boot up) but then the light turns off and the computer is still running, but nothing happens. The third light is fine, there is no problem with the battery or the power supply.

I've tried reseating the hard drive, the RAM, removing one stick, then the other etc. and nothing works. The strangest thing is sometimes (very rarely) it does work, so far it booted up 4-5 times (if it gets to the DELL startup screen it's fine), but the rest 85 times it didn't .

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Dell Inspiron 1525 :: Laptop Restarts Instead Of Hibernating Or Shutting Down

Dec 20, 2009

I have a 1525 laptop that wants to stay awake most of the time.  I have it set to hibernate when the cover closes.  It behaves most of the time, but occasionally it decides to restart instead of hibernating.  When it's acting up, it will do the restart if you try to put it in hibernation, sleep or if you try to shut it down.  The only way to kill the thing  is to do a hard shutdown using the power button. It's annoying to say the least, since you can't just close it and walk away.  If it restarts with the cover closed, it gets way too hot.

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Dell Studio 1735 :: Reboots Showing Media Centre When Hibernating

Sep 30, 2010

I have recently upgraded my Studio 1735 from Vista 32 to Windows 7 64bit. All has been fine for a couple of months, but suddenly when the machine hibernates it reboots showing dell media centre. How I get my machine to hibernate properly?

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HP ProBook 4530s Networking :: Wireless Network Deactivated By Connection Manager After Hibernating / Sleep

Sep 30, 2012

Wireless network is deactivated by hp connection manager after hibernating, sleep and sometimes when I use the computer. I can't see any preferences in HP Connection Manager to correct this, or in Windows power management.
What is the solution to keep the wireless network activated ALL THE TIME??
Uinstall of the HP Connection Manager doesn't work, then I can't activate the wireless network again!
My computer:HP ProBook 4530s (brand new)
Windows 7 Pro (included with the computer)
No other power or wireless utilities installed, just HP utilities as installed from the factory.

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Dell :: How To Recognize The Antiglare RGB LED Screen In M6400

Sep 21, 2009

I've just ordered M6400 with an Anit-glare RGB LED screen.

Could You give me a hint how to check that I recived correct version.
(I chosed this screen as it was recommended by many people and never saw it on my own eyes)

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Dell :: M6400 Covet RGB LED Screen Profile

Apr 30, 2009

Has anyone successfully calibrated the RGB LED screen on the M6400 Covet using a colorimeter?

I have a Pantone Huey Pro and I'm getting really bad results after calibration (washed out colors, greenish cast). After about 2 months of back and forth with Pantone they have told me that "maybe" my colorimeter doesn't have enough range for a screen with such a wide gamut.

The "maybe" part, which suggests they don't even know their own product, is what I find unbelievable

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Dell :: M6400 Covet - Rubber Screen Stop

May 6, 2009

This is driving me crazy. The left rubber bumper on the keyboard deck of my m6400 keeps coming off. I called dell and they ended up replacing the entire deck just to replace this one little rubber piece and it just ended up coming off again.

I really don't want to call dell and set up a service call just to replace this one little piece. The last time I did the tech completely disassembled my laptop and it took him 3 reassembly attempts to get it to boot,

but I'm worried the my screen will get cracked if I don't (I have the covet with the glass screen). Seems like a really bad design.

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Dell :: M6400 RGBLED Vs Macbook Pro WUXGA Screen ?

Feb 13, 2009

How do they compare ? I see that the MBP is also a LED screen ?

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Dell :: M6400 Random Black Screen Experience Log

Sep 6, 2009

i am aware that there is a lengthy thread on the owners of the m6400 and even a shorter thread on the crashes of the m6400 while gaming, namely wow and others...

i've recently purchased an m6400 and i too have become a victim of this issue.

until recently, i've no quarrels with Dell, i've purchased mostly Dell systems for my business, over 20 or so systems to date... and they have been doing well for my uses.

but the frustration with the m6400 is begining to wear down on me.

i make this thread and hope that someone from Dell becomes more aware of the situation.

it seems that the m6400 with the 3700 graphics card has brought many woes to owners who utilizes any program that uses 3D accelerator...
in my brief review of the threads here, it seems that the only resolution is like playing a lottery... get the card replaced... and see if it works, if not, repeat... some works after one, some after numerous replacements.

it also seems that this issue is not related only to games such as WoW or FFIX or Guild wars, there's been issues reported with Google Earth, as reported by fellow NBR members, SolidWorks, and by other dell users who have responded to my post on their "support" or rather, "support-less" forums...

now firstly, i am not bashing on dell... as a matter of fact, i have nothing but praise for their service department on the business machines... they've been quite responsive and the quality of service is excellent... just that the resolution of the problem is very disappointing to say the least.

in my experience, the crashes happen most frequently during WoW and also happened while i was installing a program and even in google earth... but it was very random...
i'm sure it's basic tech service procedure to have me check external monitor, fine, then they asked me to reseat the LCD cable.. hmm... i'm being asked to go inside my computer?

i've asked them if it will void warranty if i do this... answer is no... but i still felt that ANY customer should not have to disassemble their machines to make it work...

well, they scheduled a repair, replaced the graphics card and now... it's more frequent.

on a side note, i have to say, dell pretty much sucked on the packaging of the replacement card... the fins were pretty dented on 3 locations... seems that the packaging failed to hold the card in place.

well, as i was saying, it fails more frequently... so far, it failed over 10 times... in frustration, i don't even check the machine... and resorted to using my old one.

now i'm scheduled for yet another replacement... i hope for the best as i am really pleased with all of the other aspects of the machine... except, of course, the power brick... who can have any love for such a big ugly thing?

i am contemplating a requesting a full refund or even asking to replace the quador 3700 to the new ATI card...

but in the end... it's definitely not what i have paid good money for...

the resolution is pathetic... try and let's see? now i have to take off another day off work and schedule an appointment with the tech...

wonder if dell is going to reimburse me for my use of personal day?
wonder if i can charge dell my regular hourly wage when i perform these tasks...

anyway, next week, new card... new hopes? well... let's see...

and as for those who ask... why did you get a workstation lappy and complain it does not game well?... it's not really just a gaming issue... any machine purchased by the end consumer should come as a full working order for the ENTIRE package... fine, show me the disclaimer that says, you cannot game on this machine... and i'll stay quiet...

what do you guys think? should i request for refund or request for the ATI card?

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Dell :: Is The LED Screen In The Non Covert M6400 Matte Or Glossy

Dec 3, 2008

I can't seem to find out if the screen is Matte or Glossy?

From what I've been reading the screen in the covert is way too glossy so I want a Matte screen, but still LED.

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Dell :: M6400 COVET Pics Of Screen Comparison

Nov 22, 2008

***I should also note that some of the close screen shots are a little blurry. I wasnt using a camera stand and taking shots with no flash. So like in the sunset shot, dont compare resolution cause the m6400 pic looks blurrier than the 9100 pic. Just compare color and brightness. Sorry, I just noticed this hours later *

Ok, Ive taken some side by side pics.
Old laptop, Dell 9100 15" about 4.5 years old.
New Laptop - M6400 Covet

As you can see, for me at least, buying this 17" isnt much bigger than the
15" Im used to. Ok, yeah. I wish the power supply wasnt so big but I will still carry this daily with me to work.

I have a backpack by Spire that I LOVE. They make a sleeve that fits this laptop fine and though the backpack I bought isnt SUPPOSED to fit that big of a sleeve, it actually works.

I highly recommend Spire backpacks. My old one for the 9100 has been carried almost Daily for over 4 years with good weight in it and it still really seems like new esp in the strength department.

I am no expert in video card and monitor stuff as Im an audio guy, so I havent tweaked anything with these screens. They are just both set to highest brightness level and as they came. Im not sure how "fair" it is to compare these since one is an LED screen and one is not and right there, you should expect one to be "colder" and one "warmer".

The LED on the m6400 is definately more saturated with color and way brighter. In whites, my old one looks a bit yellowish though it doesnt really show on the pics.

I tried to so some comparison glossy vs matte (9100) screen. Yep, the Covet is glossy as it IS glass after all, but nope, it doesnt bother me a bit. My first glossy screen too.

I tried to show the screen at angles but both these screens seem to have a wide angle range for viewing.

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Dell :: Where To Get Precision M6400 Screen Comparison Pictures?

Jun 18, 2009

I would like to see the WUXGA CCFL Next to the RGB LED Screen. Anyone know if anyone did a comparision?

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Dell :: M6400 Screen Resolution Gets Reset To 1024x76

Jun 12, 2009

I'm having some trouble with my m6400, but I'm not sure if its a Dell problem or my gfx card or Windows Vista itself.

Whenever I start my laptop the screen resolution gets reset to 1024x768, and I need to manually re-configure my screen.

Does anyone have an idea why this may be?

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Dell :: Precision M6400 Screen Color As Blue Push/tint

Dec 15, 2008

17" UltraSharp™ WXGA+ (1440x900) LCD Display
NVIDIA Quadro FX 2700M, 512MB Discrete
Windows XP Pro

I got my Dell M6400 in about 10 days ago and immediately noticed a bluish/purplish tint in the grays. I compared it to my other two laptops and several desktops and it is definitely off. I connected my desktop monitor to the video out on the M6400 and it looks like it is suppose to.

After trying about everything possible, I contacted support and they immediately sent someone out to replace the LCD. The tech noticed it as well and agreed that it was not (or at least should not) be normal. I have never seen a screen do this before.

At any rate... Dell is sending me a new machine, but I am worried that this might be something that is inherent with this video card and LG screen combination.

I simply cannot imagine this being inherent and Dell allowing laptops to go out with the problem. I can't even imagine how they could have tested the screen and not noticed the problem.

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Dell :: M6400 And The M6400 Covet? Whats The Difference?

Jul 17, 2009

Yup me again, in my hunt to determine if M6400 is right for me as it costs just about as much as a used car, I want to make sure its a good investment before I buy it.

What is the main difference with the M6400 and the M6400 Covet?

I configured both with the same specs and the Covet is about $900 more in price?

Does orange paint really cost that much?

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Dell :: Which Bag For The M6400?

Nov 22, 2008

i'm waiting for the M6400 I ordered. I didn't choose any of the Dell bags cause I wanted to get it myself.

So here's the question. Which bag to choose - especially regarding the big power supply.
I already did a search:

Targus - Atmosphere ....

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Dell :: If You Like Your M6400 Please Tell Me..!!

Apr 16, 2009

I guess I'm about to get a mobile workstation. I already got an M90 it is great. Only one dead/stuck pixel and the front panel silver button paint came off in a few month of usage.

But I love it. So I am thinking of getting an M6400. Can you back me up on this one..?? Please if you own one tell me the pros and cons.. Have you noticed any Dead/stuck pixels.

What about built quality, feel, comfort, performance, heat, cooling, fan noise, screen quality ( thinking of LEG or RGB LED)..

Any creeking noise while opening the lid or holding or working on the laptop?? Any thing you can tell me about this beast of a machine will be a great help for me indeed

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Dell :: M6400 Lcd

Sep 26, 2008

im about to buy my first laptop and just some things a want to clear out.

Whats the diffrent between a CCFL LCD and a RGB and E2E Silver LCD Panel?

And the diffrent between a LCD Back Cover : Silver with CCFL

LCD Back Cover : Silver with Regural LED?

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Dell :: My M6400

Oct 23, 2008

my M6400 is here - just wanted to post some first impressions.

X9100 - 3.06ghz
Quadro 3700M
1440x900 WXGA+
Wireless 5300
Bluetooth 370
DVD+RW slot load
Silver Color
Backlit keyboard
2x 80GB 5400rpm drives

2 Intel X25-M 80GB SSD drives will be replacing those 80GB's.

First - my first thoughts are that this system is Fantastic!

The screen is great - its an LG, fantastic colors, no dead pixels. Typical viewing angles for non LED screen, not great, but not noticeably bad either.

No noticeable bleeding, no graininess - very happy with the screen.

Ran 3Dmark 06 (1280x800, stock drivers) - 11,619

GPU temp was around 80 C - not bad at all.

So far, very happy. Putting the SSD ddrives in now - will post more thoughts as I do more. Will post pics ASAP.

Update 1: 2 80GB SSDs are in place - this has Intel's Matrix Storage which allows the creation of one RAID1 volume (which I will use for valuable data) and a RAID0 volume for the rest of the space - this is very nice - get the benefits of both types of RAID in one system!

Update 2: The power brick is completely absurd. Its HUGE - 210W. The good news is that I plugged in a 130W from a M4400 and although I get the popup about the AC adapter not being at least 150W, it does charge the battery and allow the system to run. To me, this is an acceptable alternative to lugging around the giant brick, at least for most things on the road - Later on, I will test the system with this adapter and see what kind of slowdown is caused.


RAID Setup:

Next to a M4400 (that I believe I'll be returning very shortly):

Next to an older E1705 - these are virtually the exact same size - its astounding what new tech can cram into the same space

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Dell :: RGB LED For M6400

Oct 7, 2008

does anybody know when M6400 will be available with LED option?

I read - in some post - that the LED displays have quality issues.

if I order the notebook now (with CCFL option) can I upgrade to LED afterwards?

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Dell :: Dead M6400

May 27, 2009

Whilst working away at my desk, M6400 docked it just powered down.

Pressing the power button causes it (the power button) to light briefly and then go out. Pressing FN+Power (as requested by Dell Tech) does nothing at all.

I've tried it with another PSU (I got 2, one with M6400, other with docking station) - and if you plug the PSU in, and then hit power on the laptop - the blue light on the PSU goes out - and doesn't come back on till the power is cycled. The M6400 does nothing during all of this.

The PSUs work just fine with my D820.

Dell techs are coming tomorrow to fix it. I'll let you know what they say!

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Dell :: M6400 And Windows 7

Feb 21, 2009

Any experience installing Windows 7 x64 with the Precision M6400..

the Vista x64 drivers will work on Windows 7 x64 ?, it's faster or better..

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Dell :: Ok To Install XP On M6400?

Jun 14, 2009

I've just bought a refurbished M6400. It comes with no preinstalled OS. I have a dell install disk for Windows XP SP2. Is it ok to install this on my M6400? I will then update to SP3 over the web.

I guess i will also need to install drivers for the graphics card, etc etc.

Please let me know if you have any advice and pitfalls to watch out for.

I'm also considering adding a second hard drive. What drive specification do i need?

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Dell :: 3dmark06 On The M6400 Seems Low?

Jun 20, 2009

I know this is a workstation, and not a gaming laptop, but I still want to use this machine for some after-hour gaming.

What I find odd is that the HP 8730w (which was recently reviewed) got scored a massive 14,263 at 1280x800 resolution,

but the Dell M6400 seems to around 11,600+/-. Odd considering the Dell M6400 is a more powerful system?

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Dell :: M6400 Covet64bit?

Mar 10, 2009

I recently noticed that you can not configure a 64bit covet any more, which results in not being able to configure more than 4GB Ram. Also, the covet has only a few specified configurations that are allowed.

Is there an issue with the 64bit? Anyone know why Dell removed the 64bit options?

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Dell :: Can The M6400 Support 5GB Of Ram ?

Mar 2, 2009

In 1Gb+2x2GB config ?

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Dell :: M6400 Fan Noise

Mar 7, 2009

I find the noise of the fans of my M6400 quite disturbing.

It is certainly much louder than the noise from my M6300 (also a 17" high performance laptop), or my former D810

The fans kick in quite often after short periods of being off.

Is there a way to slow down the fans or have them off for longer?

Is there a compatible fan in the market that is quieter?

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Dell :: New ATI Firepro For M6400

Sep 3, 2009

Heard that ATI FirePro M7740 is coming to M6400 soon (no pricing available yet).
This card is already mentioned on dell's official M6400 covet tech spec: .....

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Dell :: M6400 Cooler

Mar 7, 2009

Which is the best (most efficient) laptop cooler for the M6400?

I am zeroing in on the Antec 200. Apparently more efficient temperature wise than the Zalman NC2000

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