Dell :: Studio 1535 Vs Studio 1555, Which Is The Most Beautiful?

Oct 14, 2009

which of the two models seems most beautiful Studio? Think and say why.

Dell Studio 1535

Dell Studio 1555

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Dell :: Studio 1555 -vs- Studio 15 Spcial Edition

May 21, 2009

I've been reading the threads for a while and wanted to get some more opinions on the 1555 vs SSE. I know the SSE is basically the 1537 with the edge to edge monitor.

I placed my order for the SSE last week with an estimated delivery date of 6/15
I could cancel my order and go with the 1555 with an estimated ship date of 6/01. what do you think. I have ~$1000 to play with ......

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Dell :: Studio XPS 1640 Vs Studio 1555

Oct 4, 2009

I'm getting a new laptop soon,which one should I get ?? Does the DDR2 ram make any differences to DDR3?

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Dell :: Studio 1535 XP 64 Bit Driver

May 8, 2009

please send me link for download studio 1535 Radeon HD 3450 for windows XP 64 bit Driver
because in dell and ati web site can'nt detect this driver

hardware id and detail:


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Dell :: Hot Temperatures Studio 1535

May 13, 2009

Well people in my country is summer, and from some days (4-5 days) my Studio 1535 has annoying for me HDD and GPU temperatures.

I will attach old picture and current picture and you can compare the temperatures.
Plus the fan stays on higher speed and it just don't want to turn itself back to normal light speed mode, I guess because high HDD and GPU temperatures.

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Will Not Turn On

Jul 8, 2009

My left mouse button on my touchpad of my dell studio 1535 was loose, so I opened up the bottom case to SEE if there was anything I could do.....

I QUICKLY determined there was NOT anything I could do, so I closed it back up and turned it on....ONLY it did NOT turn screen, no lights, no noises....and the battery is fully charged and I tried with the power cord plugged in.....

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Dell :: Upgrading A STUDIO 1535

Feb 21, 2009

i`m new herenot to the laptop world i been upgrading laptops for over 3 years now so i`m no rookie but i always like to ask and rethink what i already know;

so now i just got this STUDIO 1535 its new but no box no warranty but i got it for real cheap dont ask

T5800 2.0GHz AT 800MHz FSB
320GB 5,400RPM

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Dell :: Studio 1535 And Warcraft III TFT

Apr 16, 2009

WC3 is running with average of 45 fps with the ATI HD 3540 GPU.

My other laptop has the same CPU, less ram but have GF 8600M GT and the game runs with 100 FPS. I was wondering why is that big difference between the two GPUs:

ATI HD 3450 - GPU:500 MHz
MEM:500 MHz

GF 8600M GT- GPU:475 MHz
MEM:500 MHz
Both DDR2.

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Cutting Out

Jan 4, 2009

i got mine in july and then in september the screen suddenly just went blank and the whole laptop just died.

It wouldnt turn back on and so Dell replaced the motherboard. Laptop came back and worked fine. But then all of a sudden it kept cutting out randomly again but would switch back on.

But then on saturday it cut out and now wont turn back on again. So will have to be sent off again now!

Anyone heard of this problem before? Getting very anoyed by it

Also sometimes the speakers just wont work at all and the CD drive button stays on and keeps trying to eject a disc even if there isnt one in there!

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Glare

Feb 5, 2009

Does anyone have a solution to eliminating the awful glare from the Studio 1535 screen?

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Dell :: Studio 1535/1537

May 6, 2009

Saw one of these poll threads over in the hp forums regarding the HDX16t; thought I might start one for the Studio 15's since many people (including me) are experiencing problems with them.

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Dell :: Studio 1535 LCD Swap

Dec 11, 2008

I recently received my Dell Studio 1535 after my motherboard on my inspiron 9100 fried. The lcd screen on the 9100 is much better (1680x1050) than the 1535 (1280x800), also i hate glossy screens. After reading this thread

[apparently i cannot post links yet, just search "LCD Swap m1530" in this site and you'll get it right away.]

I was hopeful that i would be able to swap out the 1535 screen and put in the screen from the 9100. I got both successfully removed, but kinda got stuck with the inverters and all that stuff, and got scared because i don't want to break anything. The thing that confused me the most was that the 1535 lcd plugged TWO things (power i think?) directly into the inverter, whereas the 9100 has only 1 thing that plugs directly into its inverter. It seems pretty clear that the original inverter has to be the one the computer uses based on all my googling of this subject, but how can i do that if it doesn't plug into the inverter the same way? can someone please offer me some help in this? i would have like to have contacted the original poster of the thread i linked, but of course, no contact information was available in his profile I may post pictures if i decide to take it all apart again. At the very least, can someone confirm or deny that it would be possible to make this swap? i will be very disappointed if i'm stuck with this low res screen forever...

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Webcam

Mar 22, 2009

I bought new Dell studio 1535.
with 4gb ram, 2Gcore2due etc.
My webcam setting isnt right.
(i am in my room's bright environment)
see this is the picture takken with default settingz
with this default settingz.
even if i increase gamma and brightness,, then quality is shaky.
anybody tell me the exact settingz.

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Dell :: Dismay With Studio 1535

May 18, 2009

I am just not satisified with this laptop. I paid €1200 euro at the time, and in return got a somewhat unstable system. Windows had this bad habit of crashing often, and not shutting down correctly, until I upgraded to Vista 64-Bit.

I am although, happy with the 4GB of RAM, and graphics, you get what you pay for with them, although the Graphics card is the main reason I am going to purchase a new laptop as my gaming is going to have to go mobile in boarding school soon.

Anyway, the silver casing I bought my laptop with is just unsatifactory. I had it sent back twice for cracked lid hinges, both sides. Now this is the third lid casing I have had, seems to be okay, hinges haven't buckled yet, but the plastic is still flimsy, cheap and very very badly painted. I have had this new lid on for 2 weeks now and the paint is already starting to scratch and peel off above the LCD, and is damaged and quite scratched on the palm rest, although that is to be expected.

I have had a problem with the sound twice. It randomly decides not to play through the speakers, unless I apple pressure to the bottom left of the laptop with my left palm. Got the motherboard replaced twice yet this has only been improved but not prevented.

Sounds like a loose connection or bad fitting issue to me.

Lastly, the media keys above the keyboard, ALWAYS freeze. The keys have been replaced twice to, but still it has not been fixed. Every time I turn on the laptop, whether booting into Vista 64-Bit or XP Professional, it happens. Eventually it resolves itself, but is a major annoyance, especially when it decides it doesn't want to eject my disc, and freezes up as a result when I try to eject it by right clicking "My Computer".

Oh, and to top it all off, the keys on the keyboard tend to flick upwards and appear to almost break off, I had a problem with my "K" key coming half loose once.. Not re-assuring.

Sorry to be a pessimist. Just expressing my opinions, not forcing them upon you. Similar stories or opinions are welcome to be posted in this forum. Also, I do not know, but have these problems been resolved in the 1555?

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Warranty

Mar 28, 2009

I am having MAJOR issues with my Studio 1535 and I could use some input!

About two months ago, the fan kicked on at HIGH speed as soon as I pressed the power button to boot up. It continued to run on HIGH indefinitely, unless I lifted one of the rear corners a bit off the desk. Then the fan would stop instantly until I lowered the edge back down to the desk surface.

I've spoken with a few other 1535 owners who've had the same issue. Motherboard flex seems to be the culprit and it (the system/mother board) needs to be replaced.

I sent it in for warranty repair the first time with a detailed explanation of the problem. I also detailed a problem I was having with the keyboard that needed to be fixed. They replaced the keyboard and didn't address the fan issue. Immediately out of the box, I powered it up and the fan instantly kicked on HIGH, too.

I sent it back a second time with a detailed explanation again (after a long chat with tech support). They replaced the fan itself. I got it back yesterday and as soon as I hit power, the fan kicked in at HIGH speed. Making matters WORSE, the system gave me an error during the boot sequence that it didn't recognize and couldn't charge the battery! It allowed me to ESC out of the error and booted to my desktop. That's when I realized the Touchpad wouldn't work at all! I had to connect a wireless mouse via USB to do ANYTHING!

To add insult to injury, there's an inch-long scratch on the Midnight Blue lid that wasn't there the last time I sent it back!

So now, I've got the FAN/motherboard issue, some sort of Battery problem AND the Touchpad doesn't work! The scratch is the least of my worries...

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Not Starting

Oct 12, 2009

I carried out my laptop when i was traveling.Now when i press power button on ohe media control is glowing nothing happening (even monitor is not displaying).my warranty has expired last month.

When i call to technical support they were saying Pay 16500rs for renew your warranty then we will come and see the issue.

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Won't Start

Mar 15, 2009

Right now I'm posting this from a friend's netbook, for the record.

So, this is something of an emergency. My Studio 1535, as the title says, is not starting. When I first plug in the power cord, the small white light turns on for just a second and then turns off again.

Normally it stays on while plugged in.

When I press the power button, the white ring of light around the button turns on like normal, and the media buttons flash in sequence, just like a normal boot.

Unfortunately, this is where it stops going as usual.

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Dell :: Studio 1535 NEW BIOS A6 Available

Dec 9, 2008

Before minute I just checked Dell's Web site and I found New BIOS Available:...

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Dell :: Studio 1535 To Windows 7...?

Sep 18, 2009

asked over at Dell forums but I expect I'll get better responses from the fine minds that browse these boards

I bought the 1535 last year with Vista Home Premium 32-bit. I will be getting Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on October 22 - assume I'll only have upgrade media for the time being. Here are my questions:

1. Where would I find the correct drivers? Should I just use the Vista 64 drivers for Studio 1535?

2. If I had to format my HDD for some reason, would I be able to re-install Windows 7 with Upgrade media? I've read that the installation will ask for my Vista install disc - will the one that Dell supplied work for this?

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Hot Surface

Dec 8, 2008

I have hot left surface.

Interesting what we have under the table....

On the right side is HDD - I'm 100% sure but on the Left?

attach picture for better visualization!

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Won't Eject Disc

Mar 12, 2009

I've had a Dell Studio 1535 for a couple months now and have had no problems with it at all. In the past couple weeks I've been backing up my dvd's and have done them all so far succesfully until now.

I put a blank dvd disc into the slot loading drive and it sucked it in just like it does every time. When I click start to begin burning I get a message from the program that there is no disc in the drive.

I go into my computer and right click on the e: drive and select "explore" and it says "please insert a disc into the drive". So for some reason the blank dvd disc isn't being read and the computer doesn't acknowledge that there is a disc in the drive. I've tried many methods to eject the disc but all have failed........................................

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Operating System

Feb 15, 2009

I have a Dell Studio 1535 laptop that was given to me as a gift. It included Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit...

I want to use the 64-bit version (it's an option when you initially buy the laptop), but Dell does not seem to have an option to order replacement OS recovery disks...

Is there any way I can get hold of the 64-bit Vista Home Premium recovery disks for the Dell Studio 1535, or at least somehow install the 64-bit version using my existing 32-bit product key?..

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Vs 1536 Vs. 1537

Jan 14, 2009

I would like the better graphics (even the integrated graphics), but can't determine which model is which at (not looking for an outlet purchase, just a regular new computer).

Also, can someone tell me the differnces b/w the 1535, 1536, and 1537? I am not a gamer, outside of an occasional game here or there (nothing too crazy-i.e. I have never bought a game that cost more than about $20 for context)...............

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Overheating/Cooling

Apr 18, 2009

The processor (Core 2 Duo T5750) is idling at about 54-57 C which I gather is relatively high. Is there anything I can do about this? I ran ORTHOS with HWMonitor and the peak temperature is about 64 C for both cores.

In general, it's not too hot of a laptop, but when stressed, sometimes the area to the left of the trackpad gets unbearably hot.

I'm considering a cooling pad, but preferably nothing too expensive or obscure.

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Dell :: Best Place To Buy Studio 1535 Battery?

Sep 27, 2009

I have one of the older Studio 15 laptops (aka the 1535) and the battery I'm using now barely lasts an hour and Windows 7 is giving me a notification saying that I should "consider replacing my battery."

Where would be the best place to buy a new one?

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Dell :: Change LCD Panel On Studio 1535

Jan 25, 2009

This may be an unusual inquiry but I'm wondering how hard it can be done.

Yes, I took a look at their service manual but if you have done it and have some tips, please let me know.

I have 2 Dell Studio 1535 laptops bought from their Outlet.

System 1: Blue LCD cover, ATI 3450 video, Duo Core 2Ghz.

System 2: Black LCD cover, Intel X3100 video, backlit KB, Duo Core 2.16Ghz

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Has A Dead Battery

Jan 9, 2010

This is 1.5 years old Studio 1535 machine (out of warranty). When I log in now (past 1 month or so),

I get a white dialog box saying thaa my battery is able to charge normally but its nearing its end of life.

However for past 1 week or so, I see that the battery shows 0% charge and says "Not charging" even though the AC adpater is plugged in.

Laptop works fine as long as AC power is on but the moment one removes it rightway goes to sleep .....

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Dell :: Does The Studio 1535 Really Have Up To 8+ Hours On The 9-cell

Apr 18, 2009

Looking at this model right now, I see the battery option has up to 8 hrs and 42 min with the 9-cell. Is this true?

Are Dell Studios really superior on battery life, or is this over-exaggerated?

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Dell :: Studio 1535- Fan Now Runs Constantly

Jan 21, 2009

In the last two weeks or so, the fan on my Studio 15 (1535) has been running continuosly. Even when it's under little/no load for extended periods of time, the fan stays on at higher-than-low-speed (from the sound)?

I've had it for about four months and this wasn't an issue until very recently. I have updated the BIOS twice (A02 to A03, then A03 to A06) and wonder if the most recent update was the culprit. I skipped A05 initially, but a few days ago I re-flashed using A05 to see if that might fix the issue- no dice! I'm debating whether I should go back to A03 and see if that does the trick?

But I don't want to keep arbitrarily flashing the BIOS over and over if there's no chance of it fixing the fan issue.

Anyone else have similar issues with the fan running constantly? Any suggestions on how to fix or, at least, mitigate the problem?

FYI- I always use the laptop on a flat, hard surface (desk or wooden lap-desk) to allow proper heat dissipation. I have also tried elevating the back of the system by 1/2-inch or so to improve airflow- NADA!

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Dell :: Studio 1535 Won't Save My Power

Apr 2, 2009

This is an issue that's only been going on for a couple of days, as far as I can tell.

Lately, whenever I boot up my Studio 1535 into Vista, it starts off in Power Save mode by default.

Ever since I got this thing and reinstalled Windows, I've had it use High Performance mode by default, and just edited the profile power settings to those of Power Saver when it's on battery.

Once Windows starts, I can go into power options and set it to run High Performance mode again, but it's annoying having to do that at every boot now. It just doesn't save my setting anymore

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