Dell :: M1530 Vista X64 Lost My Battery Gauge?

Jan 7, 2009

recently I noticed that I no longer have a battery % left gauge in the lower right tray on my Vista install. I used to

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Lenovo Y580 P/Y/Z Series :: Cannot Detect AC Adapter After Performing Battery Gauge Reset

Jul 16, 2014

This is not "battery pluged-in not charging" issue. That issue is software related and can be easily changed the option whether Life or Health of battery you concerned by LEM. I'm one of Y580 owner that facing that issue that the laptop cannot detect the AC adaptor anymore after performing the Battery Guage Reset".

For example: URL...I was tring to search for the solution, but as you know there is nothing without send it back to service center.The tempolary solution I was using is,

1. Remove the battery (if laptop is powering on, then shutdown it first).
2. Remove the AC adaptor from wall ac receptacle.
3. Once the laptop is completely powered down, plug AC adaptor to your laptop and wall AC receptacle.
4. After a few second, insert battery back into the Laptop. And then, the battery will be chaged as usaul.
5. You need to repeat step 1-4 above every time you unpluged the AC adaptor.

By the way, I have been living with that issue for almost 2 years, until it was already out of waranty in June 2014. So rightnow, I can do whatever I want without worrying the waranty. I was trying to teardown my Y580 to find the dead components. I gusted that the issue may be from charging circuit. Afetr opened the chassis, I found that the Y580 uses BQ24737 from TI to be the charging controller.

I cannot found the BQ24737's datasheet, but I was using BQ24735 instead, since, they have the same pinout with difference in optional functions. I found it. The dead one is the input MOSFET. It's shorted between Drain and Source!. That lets the voltage from AC adapter directly connected to Battery. And then, the AC adapter will be tripped with over current protection and the voltage is held to near zero. That's why we cannot plug the ac adapter with battery inserted for this case.

So far, after I replaced it with the similar rating MOSFET from old laptop, it works!. So, I can plug to charge my laptop as it should be without problem.the actual circuit shound not be exactly the same with datasheet. For the Y580, the input MOSFET (Q1 in datasheet and PQ302 in Y580) is P-Channel (AO4423), and it has the external circuitry to dive that MOSFET instead of U1. send it to service center to replace the new motherboard. If not, and you have electronic/soldring skill, you can do it by your self.

Tools needed,

1. Soldering iron (it will be easier for removing part from PCB, if you have 2 of them).

2. Equivalent electrical rating MOSFET.

3. Multimeter.

The different model, different location. Anyway, you can check whether it is the right MOSFET that need to be replace by,

1. Disconnect battrey from labtop

2. Using multumeter (ohm function) to measure the resistance between pin Drain and Source of the MOSFETs. The dead one must has very low D to S resistance (near 0Ohm) for both direction (D(+)<-->S(-) and D(-)<-->S(+)).

3. Search for the dead MOSFET's datasheet and then find/cross the new one from local supplier.

4. Just replace with the good one.

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Dell :: M1330 Lost Vista DVD

Feb 10, 2009

I need to reinstall my OS (Vista Business) but I can't find the DVD that was included with my notebook.

My cd-key is not working or retail versions of Vista that's why I need the OEM disc.
Is there anyway I can order it again from dell?

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Dell XPS M1530 :: WiFi Connectivity Lost When Connected To Power

Jan 27, 2013

I have a Dell XPS M1530 laptop and suddenly it started showing a pecular behavior. Wifi works properly when the laptop runs on battery. The moment I connect the adapter and power the mains on, it looses the connectivity and it newer shows any wifi connections available. If I remove the power adapter from the laptop, wifi starts working again.

I verified by connecting another power adapter and saw the same problem. Condition is same with another wifi connection also.

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HP/Compaq :: Docking USB Ports Lost After Vista Updating

Apr 25, 2009

I did install HP newly released updating sp42660, but all docked usb ports are stll not in function. It might be caused by the previous MS Update HX2LP Kit, but i could not find the removing way for it now.

details for laptop: HP 8510w, advanced docking station, Vista Business x64

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Dell :: XPS M1530: How To Upgrade Vista Premium To Vista Business + HD Change

Jan 11, 2009

Firstly I apologize if this has been asked earlier, but I couldn't find an answer to my question. I have a 1530 on order. The OS will be Vista Premium x86. There are 2 things I need to do-

1. Upgrade the HD from a 5400 to a 7200, I have the HD.

2. Install Windows Vista Business - I have an original retail version, and I absolutely need this.

I have the Vista Business Retail DVD. What I want to do is have Windows and the dell partitions configured exactly as they came with the original computer, only with Vista Business, and on the new hard disk. I don't want to alter Media Direct, or delete the restoration partition. Everything should be the same except the Windows Versio

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Sony :: Battery Care Lost After Win7

Nov 18, 2009

I have searched for a full solution to this but there seems to be none at the moment.

Anyway, i have a sort of quick half-solution that i can share if your battery is stuck at below 100% and can live without the battery care program.

Apparently the setting is saved in the battery memory, if you want to change the battery charge setting, stick it in another Vaio that has the battery care program working

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Dell :: XPS M1710 - Battery Isn't Working And Vista Shows It As No Battery Is Detected

Apr 24, 2009

I have a dell xps m1710. the battery isnt working and vista shows it as no battery is detected. bios shows it not installed, my question is it safe to keep the bad battery in the computer and just use the ac adapter?

second question.
my wifi led is blinking, is that normal?

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Dell :: Vista X64 On M1530

Oct 17, 2008

I currently have an M1530 with the specs listed in my signature. My question being, would it be faster to have x64 bit Vista on my computer over the x32 I have right now for everyday applications and stability? I web browse, do some audio editing, listen to music, manage cameras and other devices, and download and watch TV shows etc. Would I notice a speed improvement over x32 besides the obvious "fresh install" feeling? I also should mention that I do some moderate gaming on the computer, CS:Source and BF2 mainly.

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Dell :: Vista 64 Iwth M1530

Nov 13, 2008

I am going to order a M1530 with Vista Ultimate but I want the 64 bit version. Does dell supply that with Vista Ultimate. I thought I read somewhere that Vista Ultimate is both 32 and 64 bit on the DVD but I could be wrong.

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Dell :: M1530 Support More Than 4gb RAM On Vista (or 7) 64?

May 9, 2009

I was wondering in you could stick more than 4gb into the M1530 if you have a 64-bit OS installed (Vista or 7)? Mine is more than a year old, but I've noticed that you can now configure the M1530 with up to 8gb.

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Dell :: Re-install Vista On M1530

Sep 17, 2009

Due to technical problems, I'm having my motherboard replaced by a technician tomorrow.

There used to be a topic on this forum about some sort of "special" installation of Vista on the M1530 (one driver was loaded during setup). Does this still apply to the new driver versions?

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Dell :: Need Vista 64 Bit OEM Disc/iso For XPS M1530

Nov 10, 2009

Alright, my XPS M1530 which I got 1.5 years ago came with Vista Home Premium 32bit. I want to install 64 bit and I only recently found out that Dell will send you out a 64 bit disc at no cost if you have the 32 bit version of the same edition.

I asked them but since my warranty is over they can't help me.

I've looked for torrents but I can't find any for a 64 bit Dell OEM Vista Home Premium iso. All I can find are 32 bit ones..

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Dell :: How To Repair Vista On Xp M1530

May 11, 2010

I have a duo boot laptop. the thing got a virus and I think I got that taken care of
I can use it using the xp boot up.

but the vista windows is a mess I have tons of HD video of the kids on it as well as pics
all my data is ok -

I have removed every program that I ever put on it except factory ones from dell

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Dell :: M1530 And Vista 64 Bits

Sep 27, 2008

I have a XPS M1530 and I installed different versions of Vista 64 bits on it (Ultimate & home premium)...

when the system in running on a 64 bits OS it's verry slow...

When I'm browsing the internet is slow... Scrolling isn't fluently...

When it plays an alert sound it's like: "bbr ooo nnnn ggg"

Which driver could cause this?

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Dell :: M1530 Vista 64 Internal Mic Problem

Jan 19, 2009

Just installed Skype and have spent the last hour trying to get the internal mic to work and failed.
It's a Vista 64 install and I've installed the latest sigmatel drivers for Vista 64 from the Dell website. Appears to have installed fine.
I can see the microphone array and sigmatel codec under sound options, and the speakers are working fine, however the mic just refuses to work (sound recorder, skype etc all don't work)

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Dell :: How To Backup Vista For XPS M1530 Using WIM File?

Jun 15, 2009

My XPS crashes with viruses so I want to restore my Vista to factory

But I have partitioned my HDD so I couldn't wake up my DELL Restore utility. My partitions are: C: for OS, D: for Data and a RECOVERY(E: ) partition that exists before.

I looked into my RECOVERY(E: ) drive and found a WIM file at: E:dellImageFactory.wim with total capacity of about 3.25GB

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Dell :: XPS M1530 Vists 32bit Or Vista 64 Bit

Jan 31, 2009

I have always ran 32bit operating systems and i am having some blue screen issues with the win7 beta so i was thinking of going back to vista but thinking of the 64 bit version. What will happen with programs that are 32bit? I use photoshop cs4 daily as well as some other cs4 suite apps (illustrator, indesign, dreamweaver) as well as programs like VLC, winamp, firefox, MS office, and some games as old as quake 3 and new games.

My question is will they work and what advantages and disadvantages do i gain from vista64 over vista32? and do i need to get a whole new set of drivers as well for my M1530?

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Dell :: XPS M1530 Vista Standby Problem

Oct 11, 2009

I have a Dell XPS M1530 Laptop (T8300, 3gb, 8600M GT, wifi-n, dual-boot Vista+XP, ...), and 4 times out of 5 , when I want to put the PC in StandBy mode, it reboots.

Obviously, it gives me the " Windows did not shut down properly ; Start in Safe Mode/ Safe with Network" etc etc screen, and you can understand I find this pretty annoying. It also does so when I put it in hibernation mode.

It does so only with Vista, and it never did with XP. I just reformatted (the Vista partition) and installed + updated every Vista component and it still does it.

At first I thought it might have had a link in applications being open and me standing the computer by, but figured that even with the fewest apps running, it still does it 4 out of 5 times.

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Dell XPS M1530 :: Install XP Alongside Vista?

Feb 22, 2013

How do I install Windows XP along side Windows Vista?

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Dell :: Can't Read Drive During Vista 64-bit SP1 Install On XPS M1530

Feb 16, 2009

I got this Laptop with Ubuntu to dodge being locked into only having Vista and hit my head during many attempts to install Vista Home Premium SP1 64-Bit.

First problem is I keep getting a "can't use this volume" or "can't find volume suitable for Vista" during partitioning.

Got the Intel driver on a flash drive for it but not sure if I need the flash cache driver or not. Vista 32-Bit hung during setup so..

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Dell :: XPS M1530 With 32bit Vista And 4gb RAMWill It Work ?

Jan 2, 2009

Last week I ordered a XPS laptop from Dell with 4gb Ram. I had read that the full 4gb would not be available as the sipplied Vista would only be 32bit ?

When I was on the Dell site configuring my purchase it wouldn't allow me to upgrade to the 64bit Vista although the option was there.

When I selected the 64bit option I just kept getting a box saying there were compatibility issues with the Resource DVD .....

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Dell :: Windows Vista Fingerprint Login Of XPS M1530

Mar 4, 2009

ive seen videos of people logging into there windows vista user account using the inbuilt fingerprint scanner,

I cant seem to find anything on my system which will help me do this??

I previously had XP installed as its operating system and combining it with the dell security centre I was able to login using the finger print scanner,

unlike vista where it simply doesnt work ?

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Dell :: XPS M1530... Dual Booting Vista And Windows 7

May 26, 2009

I want to dual boot the new Win 7 RC with the default Windows Vista OS already on the M1530.

My issues lie in not being able to make a 5th partition on the HDD for Win7 to go onto. Is there any way to keep my computer intact the it is and get Win7 on the HDD?

Before I deleted the Media Direct Partition but thats a horrible idea... just wondering if it would be possible without keeping another 2.5" HDD around just to have Win 7 sit on.

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Dell XPS M1530 :: Windows Vista - NTLDR Is Missing

Jan 12, 2010

I am trying to start my computer, it gives the message:

NTLDR is missing

Press any key to restart

I have Dell XPS M1530 with Windows Vista installed on it.

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Dell :: Vista 32bit Windows 7 64bit; Where To Find Drivers For Xps M1530?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm currently thinking about installing windows 7 64bit instead of vista 32bit, which I am running atm.

Partly to get use of all 4gb and partly cause I've heard good stuff about windows 7, at least compared to vista, which is utter *beeep*.

My questions is now - where do I find compatible drivers for windows 7 64 bit.
My laptop is as the thread name reveals a Dell xps m1530.

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Dell :: XPS M1530 After Creating New Partition Windows Vista Wont Boot

Jan 28, 2009

i created a new partition to dual boot vista ultimate 32bit and windows 7. After i restarted the computer Vista can no longer boot and the new partition does not show up.

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Dell XPS M1530 :: Windows Vista Home Premium Repair Disk - Memory Could Not Be Read

Feb 22, 2013

My xps was having start-up issues and when trying to run the Vista Start-up Repair disk I received an error:

'The instruction at 0x7336e159 referenced memory at 0x00000076. The memory could not be read. Press CANCEL to terminate the program'.

Then at re-boot I accessed the boot menu and ran a PSA Diagnostic and received the following error code while scanning the processor memory:

' ERROR CODE: 0142  MSG: Error 2000-0142  MSG: Hard Drive 1-Self Test unsuccessful  STATUS: 79'.

I have installation disks as follows:

Dell Drivers and Utilities for XPS M1530, Dell Windows Vista Home Premium 32BIT  Reinstallation DVD, Dell Media Direct 3.5 for XPS Reinstallation Disk.

What can I do?

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Dell :: New Battery For Xps M1530

May 8, 2009

I know the safest place to buy it would be dell, but it's expensive. anyone have any experience with other sellers?

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Dell :: M1530: 9-cell Battery Gone?

Mar 16, 2009

I was just about to pull the trigger on a m1530 via (US) but found I am no longer able to configure it with a 9-cell battery.

I know I can easily buy the battery separately - but I was wondering what the likely reasons for this option disappearing are - could this mean they have stopped making 9-cells (maybe EOL for m1530)?

Wouldn't they normally just delay the ship date if the component was due to come back later?

Side note: as an alternative, I'm considering the SXPS 16 - does anyone have both a SXPS 16 and m1530 and can comment on the size/weight difference?

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