Apple :: Time Capsules Should Never Be Used As A Backup Device

Oct 17, 2009

Well after time capsule number 22 of 31 died today, I thought I may rant slightly about these so called server grade backups they " Just Work " for a few months to 2 years then seem to LOVE to pack it in taking entire backups and even causing me to transplant drive platters to recover business data.... small piece of advice go find a decent seagate or WD drive and use that, and sure looks like im not alone either as I will soon be entering 22 serial numbers in the dead Time capsule directory [url] next time apple wants a server grade backup try something with redundant power supplies and a SERVER grade drive, not some drive outta the discount bin

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Apple :: Time Machine - Is It An Image Backup Or Just Data Backup

Jan 2, 2009

Back in my Windows days and for my servers at work (just a few), I always did the following to do backup:

Use SyncToy or copy the data folders (My Documents, etc.) to an external hard drive

Create an image using Acronis's TrueImage, so I don't have to re-install the applications or re-configure the OS

With Time Machine, I know it backups my User folder (Documents, Music, etc.), but does it also backup the computer settings, such that in the case of re-install, I just pop-in the original OSX Installation CD and restore from Time Machine without reconfiguring the OS AND re-installing the application again?

I noticed in the Time Machine hard drive there is also an Applications folder that contains the list of the same applications as installed in my MBP.

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Apple :: Time Machine Backup And External HDD

Jun 23, 2009

Which folder can I delete to conserve disk space? I only need one back up. Also how iomega in general? Is GTECH worth the extra money? What about this one: [url] Thats two 1tb drives mirrored right?

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Apple :: Time Capsule Used For Windows Backup

Feb 7, 2009

I have 2 WinPCs and a Mac and I am searching for a solution that will enable me to set up a wireless backup for all the 3.

So I am considering buying the large Time Capsule (1TB) if and only if I can use it as a backup drive for my WinPCs too. Do you know if this is possible or even better, has anyone done it?

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Apple :: Time Machine Slow Backup

Sep 20, 2009

Just started TM backups on a new 1TB drive today....

It did 30GB in 2 & half hours! A little slow...

Why does it go soooo slow? Supposed to be faster in SL.... don't think so....

Went for Carbon Copy Cloner..... much better.... currently 27GB in 23 mins.... thats more like it.

That'll be my weekend moan out of the way I guess...

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Apple :: Time Machine Backup Taking Too Much Space

Apr 24, 2009

Here is the thing, I only have used 285gb of 500gb on my internal hard drive. I got myself a new 500Gb external hd as a time machine.

However, when I go to the time machine' options it says: Total included: 503.1gb

How can a backup be bigger than my internal hd?

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Apple :: Time Machine To Backup My Hard Drive

Apr 18, 2010

If I want to replace my HD in my MBP, and I use time machine to backup my hard drive.

I don't want to lose any content or reformat, so I think time machine would be my best bet.

The thing is, I have a lot of purchased music/movies from itunes. Would time machine preserve the authorizations play this stuff on the new hard drive?

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Apple :: Time Machine Function As A Complete Backup Solution

May 9, 2009

Does time machine function as a complete backup solution?

Does it backup every file?

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Apple :: Windows 7 RC Via Bootcamp- Use External Hard Drive After Time Maching Backup

Jun 22, 2009

Went and did the bootcamp thing and installed Windows 7. I tried to connect my WD external via firewire, but it would not show up in Windows.

This is after I did a backup of my mac to time it related and is there a quick fix?

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HP/Compaq :: Software Which Shows Battery Backup Time

Feb 5, 2009

the name of software which shows time remaining for battery my laptop does not shows it...

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Dell XPS 15z :: Battery Not Giving Backup - Indicator Blinking Four Times Orange And One Time White

Jan 25, 2015

I have a dell xps 15z laptop and I have replaced the battery because it was not giving any backup. Now i plugged new battery but the battery icon says"0% available, (plugged in, not charging)". Also an indicator is blinking (four times orange and one time white) below the laptop screen (the hinge where screen is attached to the base of laptop).

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Acer :: ERecovery Custom Backup Vs Factory Default Backup

Jul 6, 2009

differences are between the two.

Does the factory default., only back up the files that were originally on the drive when I first bought it, regardless of what I install afterwards? and the Custom backsup everything? I noticed that Factory Default is 10GB, but the Custom is 29GB. This is confusing because I only install two small programs on top the Factory Default. WHat is the other 19GB?

I have a Aspire 6930G that came with 3 partitions.

After I make my backup image, so I still need the recovery partitions?

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Lenovo X130e X Series ThinkPad :: R&R Backup Message After 1st Backup?

Apr 25, 2014

I have a Thinkpad x130e.  I completed my first backup using the Lenovo Rescue and backup application.  The backup completed normally but, I still have an outstanding message in the message center telling me 'you need to perform your first backup'. 

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Apple :: Mac DVD Backup

Oct 30, 2009

The Mac DVD Back-Up Guide

This is a guide on backing up DVD’s on a Mac. I myself own the old iMac 21 inch running OS X.

One day I was like hmm, what if I lose some DVD’s, how would I ever watch them again? I was like wait, I could always back them up. But then I realized, I was using a Mac and wondered if it was possible, as I had never backed up any DVD’s before and I thought all the software was mostly all for Windows (I was a Mac noob, forgive me).

Well it turns out there are some fine programs that make it easier.

Some info you should know before I start:

-Try at your own risk! I know there isn’t really that much of a risk, and I highly doubt any of this will somehow destroy your computer, but there always is that far-off slim chance.

-This was all done on the old generation iMac all in one, Intel (this is important), 1 GB of RAM, ATI Radeon HD 2400, 250GB HD, Apple OS X. I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS WILL WORK ON SNOW LEOPARD. However, I think it should, since there really aren’t that much differences between the two operating systems. HOWEVER, since the required downloads were released and designed for OS X, I wouldn't give it a shot, but it's your choice.......

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Apple :: Backup Of Bootcamp

Dec 21, 2009

I've tried disk utility to create an image of it; it won't boot after this and once the bootcamp wizard has been run, still doesn't recognise that an os is on the partition.

Also tried Winclone; of which has to have exactly the same partition size as previous otherwise it doesn't work properly.

Can anyone suggest something like symantec ghost or osx equiv? Same for backing up osx partition; want something that I can just restore if needed. Used CCC but for some reason cannot get it to not keep all my previous files, so when restoring it also restores all deleted files too.

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Apple :: MacBook Pro Backup

Apr 4, 2009

I want to back-up my ENTIRE MacBook Pro to an external hard-drive... (all files, pictures, songs, etc....) What's the simplest way? I'm going to install Windows XP using Boot Camp, and I have been strongly urged to backup my computer. I don't want to spend a fortune on a Mac external drive. I can buy a decent SeaGate model for cheap in my local town. Is there a SIMPLE sequence of things I can do to make this happen? I'm not really that good on computer' and stuff....

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Apple :: Backup Medium For My Server

Mar 10, 2010

We have a server and 10 iMac workstations.

My concern is twofold
1. because these tapes are proprietary, if the drive goes down, the tape can't be read by any other machine. I had this happen a couple of years ago when the tape drive broke and because it was discontinued, I have all 5 daily tapes that could no longer be read and cost almost $100 each. Luckily I have never had to restore from a tape, but if I did, I would have been out of luck.

2. The cost. These drives are expensive. Would it not make more sense to have a couple of 16gig USB flash drives to rotate through. They are more portable and I can do a restore on any networked machine.

Or we can simply do a backup to a networked drive. I like the flash drive better than the last option because it can be moved to a safe part of the office to protect against a water pipe burst or something like that. the total data requiring backup is just under 1 gig

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Apple :: Disk Backup - Cloning - MAC Environment

Feb 4, 2009

I will probably re-switch on MAC Laptop soon ( last time I owned a G3) and was wondering if things have changed since then....:

What I do with my windows machine :

I use Acronis True Image to build an image of the OS partition along with software ( except data stored in a different partition) and save it in two different places, one of them an external USB drive.

In case of virus/driver problem/damaged OS but still bootable, I recover from the image right trough the Acronis software installed on windows.
If the OS is not bootable, I can use the Bootable Rescue CD that I can build with the same software, boot the PC with it and voila'...

I remember in G3 days I used Carbon Copy Cloner to save -not "images"- but snapshot of the OS partition to external drive and eventually recover the main OS partition booting from it, just in case. Can it still be done in Intel/Leopard days?

I also remember that the external boot could be performed only from a firewire drive, is it still this way, or can I use a normal USB drive ( HPS+ formatted)?

And, last question : is the 800 Fw physical port compatible with a 400? ( can I plug my M-Audio Firewire audio device straight to a MBP with a normal FW cable?)

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Apple :: Backup Iphoto Library Inquiry

Apr 5, 2009

She has over five thousand photos on her old Mac tower (10.4) and is backing them up to an external hard drive. It seems that when she goes to the Pictures folder she can copy and paste them over, but it does not preserve any of her naming/etc. that she has done in Iphoto. Unfortunately, she has a lot of important information tagged and would like to preserve it. I am at a loss as I do not own a Mac nor do I have unlimited access to her computer. I have scoured Google for about an hour with no luck. Does anyone know of a way this can be done efficiently? The one option I have come across is Time Machine, but she would have to upgrade to Leopard to get this function. I am not sure if she will be able to at the moment, nor am I sure that her external drive will work correctly.

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Apple :: Slightly Off Topicwhats The Best Software To Backup Your IPod

Dec 14, 2009

i used to use TuneAid but it couldnt manage songs that didnt have ID3 Tags and would just rip the song name.

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Apple :: Mac - Wireless Networks - Backup External Hard Drive

Jan 31, 2009

Will the mac pick up any wireless networks? I notice there is an apple brand wireless base, and wasn't sure if that was needed for the wireless to work?

Will any backup external hard drive work with the mac? For example, I have a WD Passport drive that I use with my Dell. Will it be compatible with the mac?

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Apple :: Macbook - Can I Update To Snow Leopard - Restore Everything From The Backup

Mar 26, 2009

I have a time machine backup of my macbook, can I update to snow leopard, and restore everything from the backup? I have a bootcamp partition if that makes a difference.

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Apple :: MAC Pro And Unplugged Time

Dec 16, 2009

I am leaving town for 6 weeks and giving my desktop to a friend to hold onto while I am gone from the dorms. I don't trust the dorms with this computer. She is going to just be keeping the desktop in her room packed up in the box. Is it safe to do this? Will the internal battery die over those 6 weeks and not being plugged in? I just want to make sure that it's kept safely in every sense possible.

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Apple :: Time Machine From Old To New MBP

Feb 14, 2009

I just accepted an offer on my MBP and I'll be purchasing a new unibody MBP in the following week.

I have a lot of personal data and applications that are backed up right now in the form of a Time Machine backup.

The old MBP is a SR (sig below) and the new one will be the unibody; different specs, GPU, HD etc...

Can I just plug in my external HD that has my Time Machine backup into the new machine and restore it? Would the fact that there are different hardware complicate matters? And if so, since I still have my old machine for now, what would be the best solution to do what I'm trying to do here?

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Apple :: Do Macbooks Last A Long Time

Feb 11, 2010

buying a macbook pro and I wanted to know how reliable the machines are.

I assume they're excellent considering the 4 digit price tag.

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Apple :: Mac - More Than One Internet Page Up At One Time

Aug 4, 2009

on a mac are you able to get more than one internet page up at one time? like how with windows u can have tabs.

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Apple :: MacBook - Time To UPGRADE

Jun 8, 2009

I bought a MacBook on THURSDAY and now they already have new ones! Is there a way I can upgrade? My friend also recently bought a MacBook Pro and he mentioned something about Customer Relations refunding him money or something of that nature. What does this mean?

Is there a way to upgrade without paying an arm and a leg (again)?

Third- I bought an iPhone 3G 8gig mid December. I remember that at that time they had some sort of update process where you could trade in your older iPhone for a newer one.

Do you think they're going to do this? Would it be better to leave it jailbroken and do a software unlock on my current one and sell it on craigslist?

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Apple :: Is There Anything Like Time Machine For Windows

Jun 17, 2009

I have two laptops. One is a macbook and the other is a Toshiba that has Vista. The Toshiba works pretty well, but I want to be able to back it up like I can with the mac and time machine.

Is there any Windows software out there that can come close? I know there is backup software that comes with some external hard drives, but I think they just save your files and not your settings.

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Apple :: Time Machine And VMware Fusion

Nov 3, 2009

I upgraded to Windows 7 today on my Fusion Virtual Machine on my Macbook today. I preceded it with a Time Machine backup, and it copied a few gigabytes, which I expected since I installed CS4 the other day.

Two hours later...
I installed the Windows 7 upgrade, and then did another Time Machine backup. This time it copied 36 gigabytes (the amount of my virtual machine file).

This got me thinking... Does Time Machine backup the entire virtual machine file each time there is a slight change? If so, then merely launching Windows in Fusion would be enough for Time Machine to backup the virtual machine file, using almost 40 gig on my backup drive most every time I launch time machine backup, even though the change is minor (a few bytes)

The consequence is that for a Fusion user, the backup device is going to fill awfully fast because of the relatively minor changes to the VM file, thus making for paltry space for history on all the Mac files.

I figure that a 320 Gig backup device is effectively extremely tiny for a 250 Gig HDD with only 90 Gig of files. My backup drive is already full after only ~8 backup sessions, hence deleting old history, which is hardly a few months old!

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Apple :: Time Capsule Signal Woes

Mar 17, 2009

I recently replaced an old Linksys router with a 1TB Time Capsule. I loved the idea of an integrated solution with passive backups. Unfortunately, I am starting to regret this purchase but I'm hoping that I am just missing something.

The TC sits upstairs in my office where my Linksys used to be. On the main floor, I tried to add my PS3 to the network. It ends up showing a signal strength of about 55%-65%, with NAT Type 3. My old Linksys gave me 85%+, with NAT Type 2. I also noticed that my laptop's network signal strength is four bars when I'm on the main floor, which is one less than with the Linksys.

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