Apple :: Time Machine Backup Taking Too Much Space
Apr 24, 2009
Here is the thing, I only have used 285gb of 500gb on my internal hard drive. I got myself a new 500Gb external hd as a time machine.
However, when I go to the time machine' options it says: Total included: 503.1gb
How can a backup be bigger than my internal hd?
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Jan 2, 2009
Back in my Windows days and for my servers at work (just a few), I always did the following to do backup:
Use SyncToy or copy the data folders (My Documents, etc.) to an external hard drive
Create an image using Acronis's TrueImage, so I don't have to re-install the applications or re-configure the OS
With Time Machine, I know it backups my User folder (Documents, Music, etc.), but does it also backup the computer settings, such that in the case of re-install, I just pop-in the original OSX Installation CD and restore from Time Machine without reconfiguring the OS AND re-installing the application again?
I noticed in the Time Machine hard drive there is also an Applications folder that contains the list of the same applications as installed in my MBP.
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Jun 23, 2009
Which folder can I delete to conserve disk space? I only need one back up. Also how iomega in general? Is GTECH worth the extra money? What about this one: [url] Thats two 1tb drives mirrored right?
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Sep 20, 2009
Just started TM backups on a new 1TB drive today....
It did 30GB in 2 & half hours! A little slow...
Why does it go soooo slow? Supposed to be faster in SL.... don't think so....
Went for Carbon Copy Cloner..... much better.... currently 27GB in 23 mins.... thats more like it.
That'll be my weekend moan out of the way I guess...
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Apr 18, 2010
If I want to replace my HD in my MBP, and I use time machine to backup my hard drive.
I don't want to lose any content or reformat, so I think time machine would be my best bet.
The thing is, I have a lot of purchased music/movies from itunes. Would time machine preserve the authorizations play this stuff on the new hard drive?
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May 9, 2009
Does time machine function as a complete backup solution?
Does it backup every file?
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Mar 18, 2009
I got the new aluminum macbook 2.4ghz and it is taking a long time to go to sleep. I cant figure out what it is. I close my lid and the apple logo takes about 4 seconds until is shuts off and another 30 seconds until the light starts to fade in and out. I've shut the lid of another macbook at an apple shop and they go to sleep instantly.
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Feb 14, 2009
I just accepted an offer on my MBP and I'll be purchasing a new unibody MBP in the following week.
I have a lot of personal data and applications that are backed up right now in the form of a Time Machine backup.
The old MBP is a SR (sig below) and the new one will be the unibody; different specs, GPU, HD etc...
Can I just plug in my external HD that has my Time Machine backup into the new machine and restore it? Would the fact that there are different hardware complicate matters? And if so, since I still have my old machine for now, what would be the best solution to do what I'm trying to do here?
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Jun 17, 2009
I have two laptops. One is a macbook and the other is a Toshiba that has Vista. The Toshiba works pretty well, but I want to be able to back it up like I can with the mac and time machine.
Is there any Windows software out there that can come close? I know there is backup software that comes with some external hard drives, but I think they just save your files and not your settings.
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Nov 3, 2009
I upgraded to Windows 7 today on my Fusion Virtual Machine on my Macbook today. I preceded it with a Time Machine backup, and it copied a few gigabytes, which I expected since I installed CS4 the other day.
Two hours later...
I installed the Windows 7 upgrade, and then did another Time Machine backup. This time it copied 36 gigabytes (the amount of my virtual machine file).
This got me thinking... Does Time Machine backup the entire virtual machine file each time there is a slight change? If so, then merely launching Windows in Fusion would be enough for Time Machine to backup the virtual machine file, using almost 40 gig on my backup drive most every time I launch time machine backup, even though the change is minor (a few bytes)
The consequence is that for a Fusion user, the backup device is going to fill awfully fast because of the relatively minor changes to the VM file, thus making for paltry space for history on all the Mac files.
I figure that a 320 Gig backup device is effectively extremely tiny for a 250 Gig HDD with only 90 Gig of files. My backup drive is already full after only ~8 backup sessions, hence deleting old history, which is hardly a few months old!
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May 13, 2010
I dont have my Time Capsule just yet, and am looking to set up Time Machine to an external USB HDD.
If I dont have the external drive plugged in, does it just skip the scheduled backup its missed?
Can I just create the initial full backup, then stop the scheduled backups - so only have it incrementally backup when I manually run it?
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Jun 11, 2009
Will that allow me to just copy it onto a new computer if I get one?
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Aug 25, 2009
I have a 4 month old MB 13" with Leopard.
Say I upgrade to Snow Leopard on Friday......
If I have a subsequent failure, or just want to upgrade my HDD that then requires me to restore my drive from scratch (with a good recent Time Machine backup avaialble), what process would I follow?
1) Install Leopard from my original disk, then upgrade to Snow Leopard, then use the time machine backup to restore?
2) Install Snow Leopard straight from the upgrade disk (if it even possible), then use the Time machine backup to restore?
I guess I am asking whether the "Upgrade Disk" a full install disk, or is it just for an incremental upgrade?. Do I even need my old Leopard disk anymore?
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Oct 17, 2009
Using a mid-2009 MBP -- have grown to really like this notebook. Given that it gets carried around often, I'd like to have everything on it protected by something more than just a simple login password.
I use Time Machine in conjunction with a Time Capsule to keep things backed up, but my understanding is that if I were to enable FileVault to encrypt the disk, I would have to log out of my user account for any backup to actually run. This is pretty inconvenient and a ridiculous issue in general.
What are my other options, folks? Should I just look into using TrueCrypt? (ETA: apparently TrueCrypt doesn't play nice with Time Machine either...)
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Dec 27, 2009
I just installed a clean copy of Snow Leopard but now I don't have permission to access my Time Machine backups, the drive itself shows all the dates of the backups like this:[url]
But say when I try to open any given folders inside the backup it says I don't have permission to do so: [url]
When I enter Time Machine it shows the folders as empty with the red no access icon on desired folders.
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Nov 1, 2009
My understanding is that FileVault's shortcomings are such:
- Documented vulnerabilities
- Requires that user be logged off to backup with Time Machine
I have a few things on my notebook that I would like to be kept safe in the event of a loss or theft. I used to use AxCrypt on Windows for this, but there are no OSX builds for it, so what I'm wondering is this:
- If I create an encrypted image and use it like a TrueCrypt/Cryptainer partition, will Time Machine back the image up as it changes over time like any other file?
- Is there any reason I shouldn't do that over some other way of keeping things safe?
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Feb 7, 2009
I have 2 WinPCs and a Mac and I am searching for a solution that will enable me to set up a wireless backup for all the 3.
So I am considering buying the large Time Capsule (1TB) if and only if I can use it as a backup drive for my WinPCs too. Do you know if this is possible or even better, has anyone done it?
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Oct 17, 2009
Well after time capsule number 22 of 31 died today, I thought I may rant slightly about these so called server grade backups they " Just Work " for a few months to 2 years then seem to LOVE to pack it in taking entire backups and even causing me to transplant drive platters to recover business data.... small piece of advice go find a decent seagate or WD drive and use that, and sure looks like im not alone either as I will soon be entering 22 serial numbers in the dead Time capsule directory [url] next time apple wants a server grade backup try something with redundant power supplies and a SERVER grade drive, not some drive outta the discount bin
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Jun 22, 2009
Went and did the bootcamp thing and installed Windows 7. I tried to connect my WD external via firewire, but it would not show up in Windows.
This is after I did a backup of my mac to time it related and is there a quick fix?
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Feb 8, 2014
I got my Ideapad y410p a week ago. It came with Windows 8 and many useless softwares installed. It was taking around 3 minutes of time and immediately i updated my os to 8.1 (x64). Even after updating to 8.1, the boot time didn't get any better. I unistalled useless softwares like Mcafee, Cyberlink tools and many and installed AntiVir and Visual Studio. Turn on Fast startup is also enabled. But what is painful is it still takes 2 minutes and 31 seconds plus to load my desktop. What is more painful to me is My old laptop (Amd Dual Core, 3GB Ram with Many softwares installed with windows 7) loads earlier than this.
Lenovo Y410P, Interl Core i7 4th Gen, 8 GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 2GB Graphics
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Feb 5, 2009
the name of software which shows time remaining for battery my laptop does not shows it...
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Jan 25, 2015
I have a dell xps 15z laptop and I have replaced the battery because it was not giving any backup. Now i plugged new battery but the battery icon says"0% available, (plugged in, not charging)". Also an indicator is blinking (four times orange and one time white) below the laptop screen (the hinge where screen is attached to the base of laptop).
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Jan 20, 2009
I have XP on my macbook pro via bootcamp/vmware. I tried putting 7 on it, but then XP stopped working. So I deleted the partition that 7 was installed on and XP worked again.
Is there a way I can have both XP and 7 working via bootcamp? As far as I know I can't, so I was thinking about running 7 with bootcamp and XP via vmware. Also ever since deleting the partition that 7 was installed on XP doesn't seem to be able to boot via vmware. It was says I have to remove the physical disk from the virtual machine then add it again. How do I do this?
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Feb 16, 2009
I noticed that there were new updates so I went ahead and installed them. On restart, the gray screen came up and just sat there. I shut down and started up a few times and same thing. I restarted and held the option key down and it gave me the OS menu and I'm able to boot Mac OSX from there.
I'm going to try to set the default OS using Boot Camp to see if that fixes the problem.
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May 5, 2009
I use my boot camp partition in Vmware. How do I make a bootable copy of that? I want to know because in Boot camp I'm gonna install Windows 7, but I might still need XP so I was thinking about using Vmware for that.
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Apr 20, 2010
a 200 GB computer but only 190 GB is made accessible to you. I know why I don't get all 200 GB I pay for, and this thread wasn't made for anyone to discuss that.
All I want to know is if I get a 500 GB 13" MBP today ... How much HDD space will be made available to me per "My system" or "My Mac" (Whatever is the Apple equivalent of right clicking and hitting properties in Windows).
I want a 500 GB HDD because I want to carry my Time Machine backups with me. By the way, I've never owned a Mac ... I've toyed around with them at Bestbuy and what not, I don't need OSX, but I just cannot find another laptop that has the style and durability of a aluminum chassis of the MBP.
EDIT: On a side note, would it be cheaper to get the 13" stock model and upgrade the HDD myself? Does anyone know what 2.5" HDDs out there are compatible with the MBP? I'm hoping to get a 500GB or 1TB (7200 rpm) version.
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Jun 17, 2009
there is something I am not able to understand. After I upgraded RAM to 4Gb (from 2Gb) with original Apple RAM. I ran an H/W check (the short and the long one) at next boot and everything was OK (NFF). In spite of this I noted that there were 2Gb less on my HDD and I do not really understand why. Do you have any idea on the reason of this event?
Was it because of the H/W check? Or something odd after RAM upgrade?
why this happened (if you got an idea) and what I could do in order to recover these 2GB (I have plenty of space now but I would prefer to have 2Gb of photos / mp3 instead of stolen space).
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Jul 5, 2009
my expensive massive desktop replacement PC recently died after only 16 months - and I was sick of lugging this monster around.
I'm a software consultant - so I need to be able to run both MS .NET environments, and J2EE depending where I'm working.
Having never really looked at the Mac OS X, before - I thought what the hell, after being thoroughly enthralled by the build quality and price of the new 13" pro. It was a nice contrast from the 7kg beast I was lugging about before.
Well! What an eye opening revelation, seconds after opening my first bash shell and realizing the whole damn thing is sitting on top of Unix.
No need for linux as I was intending. I setup bootcamp but haven't needed to use it yet - for now being able to use a VM - but it's nice to know it's there if need be.
I'm completely recommending this to any Unix or Linux developers out there.
The more I dig, the more I find various Mac OSX binary builds of my favorite Linux packages.
My only minor complaint is I find Finder a little quirky in it's behavior, but no worse than half a dozen X windows file managers.
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Mar 28, 2010
i have installed windows xp on my macbook intel core2Duo 1.83 GHZ, 80GB, 1GB DDRII, 12"" using bootcamp assistant, i restored it using bootcamp, it took about 8 hours but thr process still didnt go successful,and i turned off my mac book, now windows partition has been removed but it shows used space 35 GB and available 5 GB, where did my remaining space go? and for your info i havnt mac installation disk as iam using my friends macbook.
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Jun 10, 2009
I read that Snow Leopard uses about 6GB less disk space than Leopard. I already have Leopard installed so I'm wondering if I upgrade to Snow Leopard do I get about 6GB of space freed up?
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