Dell Inspiron M5010 :: 7 Beeps Of Death On Black Screen
Mar 14, 2013
I have had this laptop for about two years and when I went to switch it on this morning I got the black screen and seven beeps which seems to be a recuuring fault with DEL laptops. What can I do?
inspiron m5010 : out of no where i got the black screen and 7 beeps, ive read that its the processor. i am out of warranty and i need this computer alive!
Just two days ago I was using my laptop then turned it off like any other day. Later in the day I proceeded to turn it back on and received the dreadful 7 beeps with a blank screen. For the time that I've had it, I've taken good care of it, (never dropping it etc.) I have read on some of these forums that the 7 beeps could mean a bad motherboard/processor.
My computer worked fine last night and when I turn it on the screen stays black and the lab top keeps beeping and beeping. What should I do? It's an Inspiron m5010 !
I have a dell M5030 that has a black screen on start up. The screen is on but just black - I don't even get the Bios screen. I've tried taking the battery out and hold the power button for 2 minutes. After that I tried holding D and the power button but there was to change. I tried an external monitor which did not work either. There are no beeps. It if I leave the laptop switched on for a few mins I hear the windows start up tune.
My M 5030 is just 1.5 years old and left it on just the other night only to return too it with black screen and a sees of 7 beeps. Read thru posts but haven't had any luck in repairing....
I've had a problem with my LCD for a while now. For around six months the screen sometimes turns black unless it is at a particular degree to the keyboard. For example, at 90 degrees there is a good chance that the screen will flicker and will mostly be black. More than 90 usually works.
Couple days ago I turned my laptop off and before it shut down left the room. When I came back after 15 minutes I heard the beeping sound. I turned the laptop off immediately. After that, every time I turn on laptop, nothing happens apart from beeping. I tried 'D' and then turn on. Also f12. Nothing changes, screen stays black. I also removed battery and pressed on turn on in order to get rid of excess charge.
I understand this is a processor problem. I powered off, disconnected battery, drained all power, still won't power on. Is there anything else I can try?
I've been the ONLY owner of this laptop! So I go to change the info to me but it's still not showing up. Yesterday I went to turn on my laptop to do my homework and it would only power on and beep at me 7 times. My warranty has run out and I can't afford a brand new laptop, but I need something since I'm taking online classes.
I have a problem turning on my dell n5010 laptop with win7/ubuntu dual boot , I was doing some blogging using ubuntu and I went to have lunch and left it on but when I got back I found my laptop dead with the black screen and not turning on again with only the power led always on then the hdd led for a few seconds but not hearing any beeps and not seeing anything on the screen.
I have followed some solutions posted before but none of them worked.
1 - I tried to remove battery , ac and press power button to drain static electricity then trying to boot with ac adapter only but it didn't work.
2 - I tried the LCD test and tried an external monitor but neither works.
3 - I tried removing the memory modules , cleaning and reinserting but no change.
3 - I tried Dell Diagnositic but the only difference was that I heard 7 repetitive beeps when on the mode but not seeing anything on the screen .
My Dell Inspiron M5030 has suddenly come up with the dreaded black screen and 7 beep problem. Having looked at many sites on the internet it seems that this is a common problem with this particular model. I am aware that there are several unofficial and seemingly temporary 'fixes' to this error (involving removing the motherboard and placing it in the oven), but I am loathe to proceed down that particular road.
My question is:- Why has Dell not contacted owners of this model of Inspiron to advise that there is a problem and offer a fix to what is plainly an issue of poor manufacture? Searches on various sites shows that there are literally thousands of complaints similar to mine. This is not an isolated incident, and the solution seems to be contacting Dell Customer Services and being obstinate in refusing to pay for repair.
As other customers have had out of warranty repairs carried out free of charge, is this option available to everyone with a faulty Inspiron M5030?
I turned on my laptop and started getting the 7 beeps. This seems to be an issue with alot of M5010's Is Dell going to do anything about this for its users?
My Dell Inspiron M5010 beeps 7 times and does not work anymore.
I'm no longer covered by warranty, as I purchased this laptop over 3 years ago. What other options do I have to fix my laptop? Ideally, I'd like to recovery everything on my hard-drive, even if the laptop itself no longer works.
My laptop will not boot up, just get the 7 beeps and a black screen. I have done research on this issue and it seems to be an ongoing problem with this laptop. If this is the case, this should be taken care of by Dell.
I bought my laptop just under 2 years ago. Over the past few weeks, when I switch it on, it beeps 8 times and the screen is black. There is also no battery left (the light on the charger block comes on, but the charging light on the laptop does not).
what's the problem with my laptop? It's dell insiron 15 m5010. when I press the start botton nothing shows and it beeps 7 times, stops 2 seconds and beeps again?
My Dell Inspiron M501R will no longer boot up - its shows a black screen and repeatedly beeps 7 times. I understand this means the mother board has failed. The service tag is <ADMIN NOTE: Service tag removed per privacy policy> - its waranty has recently expired.
Interestingly, if you google "Inspiron M501R" google suggests "Inspiron M501R 7 beeps". So I'm guessing this laptop has been designed to fail soon after the waranty expires.
I have written a letter to BBC Watchdog asking how long a laptop can be "expected" to last and whether this would be covered by the UK Sale of Goods Act.
Yesterday while I was on my XPS 1530 laptop, the colors on the screen turned all screwy and then it crashed to blue screen. Odd...
It happened about 5 more times until when I tried to turn on my computer, the backlight on the screen would go on, but the screen itself would remain black.
I can actually hear it booting up normally, it even makes the window log-in noise, but there is simply no image on the screen at all. I even hooked up my external monitor to my laptop, but absolutely nothing comes up on it.
Several times I have had my M2010 screen freeze and then not come up at all on a reboot.The machine is under warranty and typically they send a tech out with a motherboard which does not fix the problem. Then the tech who pretty much knows its the video card has them send a new video card which does fix the problem and the machine works beautifully again.
However, several months later the card blows again and I have to do the whole process again which knocks out my computer usually when I need it most. Now I keep all my data externally with exceptions of it breaking down (not how I expected it to work).
i have had a dell inspiron laptop m5030 for over a couple years now with no problems. I have never had any major problems with this computer ever. always loved my dell. now i go to turn it on. and suddenly instead of the cute dell screen i got a black screen of death and the 7 beeps of death that woke my service dog up. now this would not be such a issue if this computer was not my actual disabled livelihood. it is no longer under warranty and of course after searching the internet it appears that dell knows of this issue with it. but it still does not see fit to recall them or replace them. of course they will charge you to turn it in and fix it temporary.
I have a relatively new Aspire E1-522. Was in the middle of watching Netflix when it conked out. Now, when I turn the power on very little happens...the blue light comes on, the fan comes on and the screen backlight comes on...and then goes out...and then comes on again...etc.
Basically, turning it on doesn't even get to the Acer logo. Cannot get into the BIOS by any means. In my research this sounds exactly like the Aspire One black screen of death, although I haven't found references to it with respect to the E1.
I think the BIOS is fried. How to re-flash it on the E1-522? I cannot boot windows, so I can't use the self-extracting EXE. I need to be able to flash it from the bare bones hardware like the fix for the AA1 ....
Well, since yesterday, my 2 month old unibody mackbook has been crashing at random. I'll be doing anything from web surfing, to just doing a time-machine back up and "whosh", the screen goes black with a 1/2" wide multicolored pixelated horizontal stripe about 1" from the top remaining.
This has happened about a dozen times, with the only option being to hold down the power button to reboot.
I went into the the nearest Apple Store to a Genius Bar appointment to see if there was anything to be done. Mind you, i also ran every known diagnostic I could get my hands upon, before I went, and everything checks out a-ok.
The Genius bar guy says it's a "known issue" with the new unibody Macs with the 9400M graphics processor. A "known issue"??? How come I have never heard about this on NBR?
I am supposed to wait until Apple issues it's firmware "fix" according the the GB guy.
I have an Aspire 5515 with the black screen of Death. It is running Windows Vista. When you boot up lights come on, fan and HD are on but no screen. I was told to re-flash bios to fix it, so I downloaded Bios from the support site.