Dell :: Whats The Difference Between .com And Small Business
Jan 10, 2009
I browsed through both and dell small business and I was wondering what was the difference? Am I not allowed to order from dell small business if I'm not a business? Also which ones tend to have better deals if their inventory is same/similar?
I may be wrong but it looks like dell ireland have increased all the prices in their small business site by 10%! The base prices are the same but upgrading anything is now 10% more expensive.
Just from looking at precision laptops.
Upgrade to 64bit os was 50 euro, now 55 euro.
Component example, yesterday it cost 440 euro to update the graphics card on a m6400 from a FX2700M to a FX3700M, today it costs 490 for the same upgrade
Yup me again, in my hunt to determine if M6400 is right for me as it costs just about as much as a used car, I want to make sure its a good investment before I buy it.
What is the main difference with the M6400 and the M6400 Covet?
I configured both with the same specs and the Covet is about $900 more in price?
I was attempting to buy a Dell Vostro 1510 yesterday, but Dell sent me an email saying they have declined my debit card due to incorrect details. Apparently this is something they've done to quite a few people.
It may be due to my having to supply a company name because I was buying through Dell business, and them expecting the company name I gave to be part of my official debit card address, which it is obviously not. I don't have an officially registered business.
In any case they are not being very helpful about it. I updated my details on my account on the website and removed my 'company' name and have asked them to try and redo the payment, but so far getting no response. I'm considering phoning them but I doubt that they will understand what I'm talking about and of course I will have to deal with the tricky aspect of my not really being a business, but ordering through dell business.
I'm concerned that they will ask me to repeat my order now that the special offer on the laptop is expired.
So been shopping around and the only laptop that really has what I want is the XPS 16, looks good, big but not overly huge(have a 15.4 right now), great screen and good numbers other than that.
But whats the real experiences with it? I'll only get the RGB LED as thats the entire reason for me wanting it, I wont game on it, but I will use it for movies and things like that. Any experiences with it will be welcomed.
Pretty much the title. I know there are 4GB single laptop ram sticks out there. If the M1330 is running a 64 bit OS (such as Vista x64 or XP x64), can I put in two 4GB sticks and will they be recognised?
Standard English (not bilingual) keyboard, so full-size left Shift and normal Enter key
Arrow keys fully integrated into the keyboard so the bottom 3 arrows don't stick out and none are 1/2 size of regular keysWhite backlights and hinge lights,
which I think represent simplicityFlush screen (plastic cover) that hides the cam light and stuff,
so it seems all integrated and stealthy-lookinI actually like the fact that there is only 1 plate to remove on the bottom of the laptop, makes it seem more organized
Picked up a great deal on a 1730 with a 128SSD and 320 2nd drive - Does anyone know if the 120 will be faster than if I were to go with 2 7200 rpm drives? The price difference for the SSD is "UP THERE" so I at least want to know if its as fast as a conventional 2 hard drive raid zero approach.
Also does anyone have any links to spec's for the Dell 128SSD? Is it the Memoright 128GB.
when i start up internet explore for the first time, i get a thin line that run's right across my screen, but when i minimize IE and maximise it again its gone. it only seems to be there when i first start up IE.
this was a response i got from another forum.
"My psychic powers tell me you have a graphics card with poorly written drivers. You should check to see if there is an update available from the manufacturer. Then install it. Reboot. See if your problem goes away"
i have had a brand new motherboard fitted today, and this problem was there beforehand, i also have the latest drivers installed.
if you right click my computer, then manage, then reliability and performance, monitoring tools, then reliability monitor (whew!) you'll see a graph that shows how "stable" vista has basically been for you. i'm just curious what everyones out there is. my last one dated 3-2-08 was 4.86 out of 10!!!! i started at 7.6. my wife has a cheapo $499 compaq with vista basic, 512 ram, not even sure of the processor, and i checked hers. in almost a year, she has never dropped below 8 points! her $499 laptop, is more stable than the $5000 plus laptop i use! the lowest i got was 4.02. i'm now slowly starting to creep back up. all sorts of different windows errors and such.
I was googling for some info on how to make program windows bigger, but I couldn't find anything else except use magnifier or set font to Larger 150 %.
But i like Medium 125 % font and i just want to make text readable on Skype and Aimp2 1920 x 1080 resolution,
everything else is fine but some program windows are just too small
With Vostro models, from what Ive read they are designed for small businesses. Does this mean I cannot buy it as an individual consumer?Im a student,
and prefer the look and options available in Vostro, and the prices seem more reasonable.
But is this because they are offered to small businesses and you must show evidence of this on purchase? Im also still a little uneasy with purchasing a Dell, so any advice would be great
I have vertical lines on my m1330 but not the same kind that I keep finding in my searches.
My computer doesn't crash, it just has a few lines up and down the screen when I boot and they stay there.
A bit of history, the computer was dropped by the previous owner (one of my coworkers) and the screen was broken so I bought a replacement LCD for it and swapped it out.
Worked great for two weeks until I got the lines. Its still functional, the lines are just annoying and I'm worried about a burn in. I tried taking the screen apart again and checking my connections but the lines are still there
I have owned a 10-month-old Latitude D830 (w/1680x1050 screen) for about 8 months now. It's a great machine, but I've decided to sell it in favour of something smaller.
Since I bought it, it has had a very small black speck on the screen that does not wipe away when cleaning it. To me it looks like dust behind the LCD surface rather than a dead pixel .....
Ok so I do not want to have another unit fail as my last order from the outlet did; my previous unit was refurb, but I was considering going the "previously ordered" route-- what is the difference?
Cant seem to get XP device manager to recognise this item says driver cant load or not present, tried dell suppport but all there is for it is some kinda security driver that dosnt do anything AFAICS tried just about reinstalling every bit of S**t dell offered on the drivers support page in the vain attempt to find which if any driver it needed.
Now i wonder if my its broken but as i have no idea what it is AFAIK i have 1 card reader and thats already installed the billion options it has that i will never use though SD card readers useful sometimes :
( this copy of XP i installed started with 16 Processes compared to dells 60 or so )
So my Dell XPS M1730 finally got shipped this morning! (Yay). The thing is the dell person expedited my order and gave me free next business day delivery.
Since it got shipped today, shouldn't it come tomorrow (Hence the name next business day)? The dell estimated delivery date says the 29th ( Which I won't be home on )
Pardon me if this is in the wrong section. But I was going to buy a refurbished Dell Latitude, but when I try clicking on check inventory button, it says sorry page not found.
Is anyone else having this problem? I know the home section works, only the business section doesn't
i have noticed on the dell site that they have replaced their high end systems with alienware...what a laughter for such a large company...cannot dell make there own systems anymore...even the high end desktops are being replaced with
alienware...its like chevy replacing there impala with a buick...bad move. lot of things dell had been doing lately that is non -consumer....sort of got to the point where i don,t look at the dells anymore...
so many notebooks that are non- amd,s cpu anymore, no doubt intels are a bit faster in the desktop., but amds would be a nice second choice,,,,and they are not that much slower.
lot of bad decisions by the top brass at dell...when i buy a system,,,i want some configuration a notebook, i usually want nivida, because i like to mess with linux...doens,t dell understand things like this...i don,t think they even think about it.