Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p Not Starting Up

Feb 20, 2014

The first week my Y510p worked perfectly, I had a little trouble to install linux but I finally got it. Then, suddenly the laptop stop working.  I restarted the laptop and it didn't want to start again... I got a completely black screen, I know it is on because of the keyboard backlight. The screen is completely black, there is no way to get into the recovery menu or BIOS setup. I expend 1 hour last week with lenovo support trying to get it into de BIOS or recovery menu in all possible ways and nothing works. What can I do?

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y410p Not Starting Up

Apr 4, 2014

I recently recieved a  y410p ideapad I ordered off the lenova website. However, it won't start up. When I try, it brings me to a blue screen with a sad face that says I need to do an automatic repair. This flashes for about two seconds before disappearing and the screen becomes grey and says "lenovo" and "Starting Automatic Repair". From this the screen goes completly grey, and has nothing on it. The computer stays this way for hours and the fan will continue to run. I've tried the reset button on the side and resetting the laptop, but no matter what I do I end up back at that grey screen.

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Lenovo Y510p P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Boot On CD / DVD?

Feb 5, 2014

Just got the y510p laptop and am trying to install Ubuntu so I have this bootable DVD and I wanted to try Ubuntu before installing as usual but I can't get the laptop to bot on dvd. On boot menu options there is only EFI and some kind of network options but no dvd. I tried following instructions here but no matter how many times I press F1 during startup, I can't get to boot menu and windows starts directly: [URL] Is it not possible to boot on dvd. The dvd is ubuntu 13.10 supposedly compatible with EFI and secure boot. I don't understand why there is no option to reorder boot devices like on all my older PCs.
I manage to get BIOS setup pressing restart and shift and then selecting UEFI firware settings and I do get to bios setups but again no way to find the option for booting on a dvd.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p Won't Turn On

Mar 15, 2014

I bought a y510p ideapad from newegg a couple days ago and recently got it. i've been trying to set it up and all that, trying to get rid of the programs that came preloaded with the laptop because I wouldn't think i'd need them. I then shut it, put it down and opened it again and now it won't turn on. It seems like both the power indicator and the battery indicator light are both on, as well as the power button light, but the monitor itself is blank and i can't hear the computer being on. I've tried holding down the power button and resetting it, as well as removing the battery and using only the AC to see if it would turn on but to no avail. I'm worried i might have deleted something important, but I was mostly deleting programs related to shoddy media players and other services of the like. It's pretty upsetting I just got this laptop and it's already died on me! 

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p Fan Buzzing

Dec 17, 2014

I bought my y510p brand new from Lenovo about 11 months ago. About 2 days ago, my fan suddenly started making a very loud buzzing/grinding noise. Prior to this, it was perfectly quiet. The fan makes this noise inconsistently, and at this point, leaving it on a flat surface keeps it quiet. However, any tilting or jostling of the laptop makes the fan start buzzing again. I have noticed that running the dust removal utility will stop the fan from buzzing, and this seems to be the only way to return it to producing a regular sound after it has started.
I really don't think my fan needs to be replaced, but I am unsure what is causing this problem. I have never dropped my laptop--and its spent almost its entire life on my desk. The only thing that's changed is I moved it after it had remained in the same spot for several weeks--because I am currently traveling.
The inconsistency of the noise and the newness of my computer tends to make me think the fan hasn't worn out yet.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p Battery Not Charging

Feb 20, 2014

I recently just received my Ideapad y510p laptop back, and I unplugged it and the battery dropped to 60% but when I try to charge my laptop, it'll just stay at 60%. The battery says its plugged in but it won't charge.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Low Frame Rate On IdeaPad Y510p

May 10, 2014

I had sent in a ticket to blizz with DxDiog and the MsInfo and they cound out there was some errors in some applications and is now fixed c: I simply just did a facotry recovery since honestly i just have steam, wow and a drawing program installed so it was nothing huge lose whne i did it. So everything is working just fine right now !  I did try the one with truing off anti aliasing and it did work as well even if my frame rate is back to it's 90+ it jumped up to 100+

So it started last saturday that my frame rate dropped drastically from 90+ to 15- on World Of Warcraft. I followed the steps that i got told with updating drivers and such, but still low and un-playable. 
It's really strange and all, i bought this laptop for like 1 month ago and had no problems until now. There was a windows update (i use win 8.1) last week that first messed with my latency at first, but then my FPS. 
When i play on steam per say Assasians creed and Portal i have no problem but it seems to only be on WoW.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p - Can't Use Trackpad And Type At Same Time

Dec 9, 2013

I have a:              Lenovo Ideapad y510p
With:                    Windows 8

My problem:I can't type and move my mouse (trackpad, touchpad, whatever) at the same time.  This means i have to use a USB mouse to play most video games.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Enable TPM On IdeaPad Y510P With BIOS Upgrade?

Nov 10, 2011

Is it possible to enable TPM on an Ideapad y510P with a BIOS upgrade, or does the chip that comes with the 510 simply not support TPM?

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Cannot Find Dragon Assistant On IdeaPad Y510p

Mar 8, 2014

I have been trying to solve this issue for the last few hours. I recently bought a Lenovo Ideapad y510p (Windows 8.1). Normally Dragon Assistant comes preinstalled on this laptop. It is even advertised by several retailers such as Best Buy, Amazon, and Costco (same sku). However, I can not find this software anywhere on my laptop.
After talking to three different Lenovo support technicians, we came to the conclusion that the software was lost with the windows 8.1 update. They still did not know of any way to obtain Dragon Assist, as it is not sold by Nuance and is only a preinstalled software.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p - Touchpad Permanent Disable

Apr 21, 2014

I was wondering if there is a permanent way to disable the touchpad on this y510p.  I hate hitting fn f6 every boot, wake from sleep, etc.
I checked the registry in hklm microsoft windows currentversion run but didn't see any prefixes of syn* in any of the entries.  I checked into RTFTrack.exe and that seems to be the camera.  Is there a way I can disable this touchpad permanently?

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510P Will Not Recognize AC Power Supply

Jun 15, 2014

I have just received this laptop. I followed the instructions out of the box, installing the battery, then connecting the power. The battery started charging that first time, but after that, any time I tried reconnecting the A/C power supply, the laptop would not recognize the adapter and I am not able to charge my battery. 
I have tried the following steps:
1. Shutting down the computer, removing the battery, and starting the computer from the A/C power supply. The computer will not recognize the A/C power supply to turn on the computer.
2. Updating all the power management drivers. Everything was already installed properly.
3. Using the Lenovo Energy Management battery gauge. I must have the A/C power supply plugged in to use it, but the computer still won't recognize it.
4. Held down the power button for 30-40 seconds then reset the BIOS to default settings. No change
5. Tested my outlets and connections between my AC adapter cords. Everything is working properly.
There is one way that I can get the computer to recognize the AC adapter, and that involves all of these steps shown below, but when I unplug the AC adapter I am right back to the beginning, and I have to redo the whole process. I have just received this laptop and I am quite sure that you shouldn't have to go through this process every time you want to recharge the battery, or use your computer while only powered by the AC adapter.
Steps I have to take to recharge my battery:
A.  Disconnect the A/C power supply.
B.  Shut down the computer.
C.  Remove the battery
D.  Connect the A/C power supply
E.  Start the computer.
F.  Uninstall all battery drivers that are labeled Microsoft ACPI Compliant Control Method Battery (which come back every time).
G. Shut the computer down.
H. Disconnect the A/C power supply.
I. Insert the battery.
J. Insert the A/C power supply.
K. Start the computer.
That is the ONLY way I have gotten my computer to recognize the A/C power supply. I know the power supply is functional, but why I have to go through all of those steps for the laptop to recognize it.

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Lenovo Y510p P/Y/Z Series :: New IdeaPad Crashes / Completely Powers Down When Gaming?

Apr 8, 2014

I've had the laptop since last Friday. I've updated drivers and have been installing a few games on the device.
I've been installing a ton of games the past two days while I'm at school (great download speeds from steam and origin) and have been having issues when I try to run said games.
The laptop has a SLI setup with the GT 755M. I've noticed that when I've tried to game lately on the laptop that I've had pretty poor luck. Games seem to crash with frequency, with only a few different times that I thought had narrowed down to SLI being enabled or Anti-Aliasing, but after it crashing a few minutes ago not long after getting into a Team Fortress 2 server, I now don't think that is the case.
What might cause this? I have the battery removed at the present since it's Nearly charged and seems pointless for me to leave it in while I'm running off the 170W adaptor. Could this be an issue where the adaptor doesn't supply enough power and needs to draw additional power?
I don't feel that heat or anything else like that could be the cause because there's no warming and the system powers back up just fine. I'm going to re-attempt to play a few games that crashed immediately (Battlefield 3) and see if this changes anything. I love the laptop otherwise and really hope that this isn't and indicator of a more serious issues.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p - Backup / Restore HDD Clone With Win 8 Pre-installed

Sep 18, 2013

I recently bought an ideapad y510p. It came with win8 pre-installed and I don't have any recovery CDs. I plan to play around with linux on this laptop, but don't want to lose win8. So before I potentially reformat everything away, I'm thinking of making a clone copy of my hard-disk to an external USB drive. The general plan is like this,
1. make copy of laptop HDD to external usb drive
2. muck around with linux - and stupidly reformat everything in the process
3. get fed up with linux and want to go back to windows
4. copy back data from external usb driver to latop HDD
5. return to comfort of win8
Will using this tool (clonezilla) work in the above scenario? [URL] ...
My intent with the backup, is that after I "restore" things, the "one key recovery" button should continue to work as before.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p Stop Responding While Playing Any Game

Nov 17, 2013

I bought my ideapad month ago and had some problems. It is gt 755m sli model.

While playing any game my screen goes weird(Picture bellow) and PC doesn't respond at all. Only way is hard restart. this problem shows only while gaming ad just a few times while watching videos on Youtube. 

I tried taking SLi on and off. No difference just Fps drop while sli off but it still crashes.

Also I noticed that it doesn't crash so easily without power cable plugged in so maybe it´s something wrong with my settings.

I bought this laptop mainly for gaming so this problem gets really annoying.  

Link to picture....

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Windows 8.1 On IdeaPad Y510P ExpressCache - Constant Freezing

Feb 20, 2014

I recently bought the Y510p laptop and upgraded windows to 8.1
Since the upgrade i'm getting contant freezing, which could last 10seconds or 10minutes.
Any time i restart the computer it will hang, and the only way to kill is it to press on Power button.
Checked the eventviewer and i found the following warning appearing every minute:
Log Name: System
Source: iaStorA
Date: 20/02/2014 17:36:40
Event ID: 129
Task Category: None
Level: Warning

[Code] ....
After long research i came to conclusion that the ExpressCache is causing this.
The moment I uninstalled it, issues disappeared. System will restart without any issues, it won't freeze either.
Checked the following article: [URL] .... 
Tried to re-install ExpressCache but the issue started to presist straight away, constant freezing and the above message in event viewer.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Low Memory Message When Playing Battlefield 3 - IdeaPad Y510p

Apr 15, 2014

Ive been playing battlefield 3 for quite a while and this low mwmory thing keeps popping up. I have 8gigs of ram in the laptop. yet i get this error.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510p Doesn't Configure To Screen Resolution 1920x1080

Nov 1, 2013

I have bought ideapad y510p with an already pre installed windows 8 and intel vga card. however, i have found out that the nvidia geforce GT 750M is not installed, so i have downloaded the driver with the latest version R331.65  So, normally i have installed the driver. and now even though that i have the latest drivers i wonder why i still have the 1366x768 as the highest resolution and not the 1920x1080. also to my wonder is why when i connect to the monitor it can have the 1920x1080 and not on the laptop screen.
So How to have the 1920x1080 resolution?

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: IdeaPad Y510P Freezes At Startup - Takes 10-15 Minutes To Fully Boot Up

Mar 18, 2014

For the first week or two it worked fine and everything was going really well. Then about a week or two ago it started acting up. It is freezing programs(firefox, IE, Chrome, explorer, Flash CC, blender, and a few other programs I needed to install for school. It sometimes freezes on startup and I have to hold the power button down to restart it. Sometimes when it restarts it takes 10-15 mins to fully boot up and load up to the login screen.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Camera Isn't Starting On Y550

Aug 9, 2010

Ok, I have a Y550, and lately when I go to start EasyCapture or more commonly Skype, the camera doesn't turn on (no white LED next to it). I go to EasyCapture to see if that works, and then settings, and the only option I have for which camera is UScreenCapture, or None. Do I just need to update the driver, or is something actually wrong?

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Lenovo C/E/K/M/N/V Series :: V100 Not Starting All Of A Sudden

Sep 29, 2010

My Lenovo 3000 V100, was working perfectly till about 3 hrs ago when I switched off the system, the battery is also fine and charges properly.
Now it just doesn't power up, both AC and DC.

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Lenovo B / G Series :: G500 / Windows 8 Not Starting

Mar 23, 2014

I have a G500 windows 8 system, and my windows I dont know what happened but when I start it, it shows the windows logo and then a blank screen appears with the cursor, the cursor does move along the touchpad, but the windows does not show anything else on the screen. So, the windows neither starts nor (I am guessing as cursor moves) hangs.
I thought of reinstalling or repairing the windows from a windows 8 disc, but cant get into the boot menu.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Y410p Stuck At Starting Windows

Feb 25, 2014

I tried to install Windows 7 on my computer and it was stuck at "Starting Windows." I turned off the computer (held power button) and when I boot it up it said "Resuming Winfows." Then it went to a black screen. So I turned it off again and it went back to "Resuming Windows." I pressed CTRL + ALT + DELETE and it said resume windows or start windows again. I said start windows again and it went to frozen at  "Starting Windows" and I can't boot it up or factory reset.

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Lenovo B / G Series :: G580 BIOS Setup Not Starting

Sep 7, 2013

I've a Lenovo G580 Laptop (2nd Gen PDC B960, 2 GB, 500 GB, DOS) When I bought it came pre-installed DOS, and then I install Windows 7 ultimate (32-bit, i didn't know at that time, 2nd gen PDC are 64-bit). My friend recommend me to disable UEFI from boot setup before installing any non-genuine OS, so I did disable that. My laptop is working fine, but all of a sudden it started to do random mouse freezes, surprisingly pressing ALT+F4 works like a charm to make mouse work again (by mouse I mean pointer actually,I think may be it's because any virus/malware or whatever that was, and also I was planning to change my OS to Windows 8 (it's after 10-11 month of purchase date), so I decided to format anyway, instead messing up with mouse freeze problem.

I'm not able to start my BIOS setup, nor able to use quick boot option (to select various bootable device option from list)

I try to press recovery key (small button near power button), that open recovery module properly (no glitch/error).but unfortunately I don't have any backup made previously so no use of recovery module.

and then I restart my laptop, then I press F2, it shows the first screen of BIOS menu, but my system stuck there (unresponsive state), i've no option else directly turning it off by holding power key for few seconds,..

and then no boot menu F2, F12 still unresponsive.

means whenever i open recovery module it able to open F2 menu (not F12) but that stuck too.else it just completely ignore F2, F12 I'm not a computer noob (not flaunting), but I spend last 4-5 hours looking for a solution for it, but couldn't find any solution by myself.

although my laptop is not in not working state. somehow I manage to install windows 8, but it's really weird that I can not access BIOS menu, my laptop is no longer in warranty period so I can experiment with it any way I want.

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Lenovo X Series ThinkPad :: X230 Not Starting After Dc Jack Replacement

Feb 27, 2014

I replaced dc jack by following hardware repair manual, but the laptop is not starting(zero response on pressing power button) afterwards. When ac adapter is connected, the battery light blinks three time, showing connection made. My suspicion is damaged key board or could be mother board. Does standby battery has anything to do with starting up computer?

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Lenovo B / G Series :: G550 Not Starting - Battery Charging Light Was Glowing

Aug 10, 2010

i have a very peculiar problem with my lenovo g550 lap, i kept it aside without using for 2 days, when i switched on the next day it didn't start, i removed the battery and tested but nothing worked only the battery charging light was glowing. suddenly after an hour and half it started working automatically and it worked fine throughout the day, next day i had same problem it started about 2hrs later...

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Lenovo X Series ThinkPad :: Fingerprint To Boot (Starting And Unlocking) X1 Carbon

Oct 25, 2012

Starting and unlocking with Fingerprint is not working. It is set in the Firmware settings boot is by UEFI. With my T430s I could boot and unlock with one fingerprint swipe. 
Was this behaviour changed with the X1 Carbon?

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Y510P Discharging By 1% Every Day

Oct 26, 2013

My lenovo Y510P used to always be at 100% but I have realized it has been decreasing by 1 every day. I have it on Maximum Battery Life with the Energy Management application.

It is currently at 85% and I would have posted this sooner if I had payed attention. I changed it to Optimized Battery Health and it is now dropping, currently at 75%. 

I always leave the laptop plugged in because I usually play games on it such as battlefield, dayZ, counter strike, etc.

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Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Y510p BF3 Sudden Low FPS

Jan 4, 2014

I've been playing Battlefield 3 for some time on Auto settings (most of them are Ultra) and my FPS were always in the range 65-85. Yesterday morning everything was fine, however at night when I opened the game again I had 10-15 FPS. I haven't changed  anything in my laptop settings so I don't know why this is happening.
P.S: I only have 1 GPU (not the SLI version) so I know it's not a loss of power. But my battery settings are set to "Optimized battery health". Does it affect performance ?

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Lenovo Y510p P/Y/Z Series :: USB 2.0 Not Working

Feb 10, 2015

I've got Y510p with USB 2.0 not working. By the time it malfunctioned it was under warranty and I sent it in the service center. They have claimed that it has been repaired (USB  board has been changed) but it is still not working and my warranty ended like 3 days after I sent it back. Since then (1 month ago) I am returning it to the service center for 3 times (last one was today) and I feel they can't fix it. URL....

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