Sony :: Vaio TZ Owners: How Well Can You Work Outside With Sunlight
May 9, 2009
Question for Vaio TZ owners:
How well is the screen visible and readable outside, on a bright and sunny day?
Is the screen reflective and does that limit readability outside?
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Sep 14, 2009
Is it me, or do these massive Official VAIO blah Series Owners Threads not work to well?
They're tooo big and very dificult to find things buried in them.
I think forums work better when you have a specific problem and start a new thread on that... then people respond to help in that thread... And the conversation is so much less likely to go off on a tangent...
I.e. use these forums how they are normally used... One thread per subject. Most people are pretty good a adding the model in the subject if it's needed. This should make it a whole lot easier to browse thru and find stuff that it is right now...
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Mar 6, 2009
I have currently owned a total of 3 Vaio noteooks. All except one "CR" were made in Japan. I am wondering if the owners of the pre-built AW's could look under their laptops and tell me where they were built.
The CR that I have was build in China. I has had several booting issues among other things. I have noticed that the higher end Vaio books are made in the land of the rising sun
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Mar 10, 2010
No vaio E-series official owner yet @ NBR ? Is it available for delivery or not ? And one biggest flaw I can see is there is NO OPTION FOR FHD 1080p at Sony USA site
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May 17, 2009
Interesting article here:
What do you say about this, is it true, did you notice and reduce of speed and after how long?
I plan to buy a RAID 0 SSD Z serie notebook, but if this problems are true, I just need to stick with my current SZ for some time then.
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Mar 22, 2010
For those with the new Sony Vaio Z11, how does the Sony MS card and the SD memory cards fit in their respective slots? Once inserted, are they flush against the notebook body contour or do they stick out?
Also, is there a locking mechanism that holds the cards in place? Or are the cards just wedged in there
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May 17, 2010
I will be needing a new laptop and was thinking about the Z. I kept wondering if the screen is too small for doing some typing on MS office, and general work on the laptop
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Mar 16, 2009
I'll just list the details below, kind of says it all. other than the fact that I am going crazy trying to getthe back light to work under Windows again.
Sony Vaio PCG K23
Raedeon IGP 345M video card
Monitor works up until Windows loads.
Monitor works when running Ubuntu. Repeated 3 times
Monitor works when at C: prompt.
External monitor works when plugged in to port.
If I look hard enough I can see my desk top on the screen so I know it’s there
Have run System Restore 6 times from restore disc that were made on first use.
Have run System Restore 3 times by pressing the F10 key.
BIOS was still at default values, but I reset it anyway
Windows XP Home SP2 and is completely up to date.
All drivers are as current as I could find.
Windows indicates all drivers are working properly.
Refresh rate is at 60HZ.
I know the monitor works as it works fine with Ubuntu. However I cannot run one of the primary applications
I need to use under Ubuntu so I have to have Windows loaded.
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Apr 6, 2010
Is there any way to enable the GPS on the Vaio Z with the Qualcomm chipset while maintaining wifi connectivity? I use Pdanet for sharing my 3g connection with my iphone and the only way to do this (other than using the cable, which isn't an option) is to use wifi.
I'd like to also have the ability to use the GPS functionality of the Z at the same time but because of a software restriction I can only use one or the other simultaneously.
I was wondering what the smartwi program actually does to enable GPS? Is it some sort of command it sends to the device?
I know on the earlier Z models with the Option chipset there was a command that you could use in hyperterminal to enable the GPS function, however it doesn't work for the Qualcomm and I'm unsure of whether terminal access is even possible with this device.
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Apr 10, 2010
after i disassemble my vaio z the enter key and the delete key doesn't work, however rest of the keys work.
I even order a brand new keyboard from sony still have the same problem. Can any one please help me thanks.
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Apr 15, 2010
Does anyone knows how TRIM works in that configuration ?
Have anyone done some tests yet?
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Jul 27, 2009
if anyone here knows of any Sony coupons that would work on the Vaio FW series.
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Jun 15, 2009
So I am so impressed with my m4400 RGB display will riding the train today that when I got off I thought I would just go to full brightness and be outside but when I got out and direct sunlight the display started going crazy.
Red hue, then orange, deep blue, the black, the up, then back to black and stay off till I did a standby cycle.
I tried it again later with the same result. It only seems to happen in direct sunlight ie i can't even get it to do that through auto glass. Very odd. What is going on here, is there a defect, does this screen have a light sensor
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Feb 28, 2009
I have a Vaio NS230E and my function keys do not work. I looked around and found that I need to download the Sony Notebook Utilities, but the problem is the link on Sony's website doesn't work at all. Does have the file or know where to get the file?
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Feb 20, 2010
The fn keys no longer work and there is no means for me change my brightness, i've had this problem since my laptop was repaired. also the volume controls on my tool bar do not appear
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Aug 31, 2009
How many of you enjoy using the 13.1" (1600x900) screen on the Vaio Z for Illustrator or Photoshop? Do you all plug it into larger monitors before using any of these or other Adobe Creative Suite applications? I do a lot of complex Illustrator work that requires attention to detail, but also some light Photoshop work. Other than that, my use of the laptop would be limited to MS Office, Firefox, and iTunes.
Further, would you prefer a 14.1" (1440x900) screen for Adobe CS work, without an external monitor? Does the extra inch and lower resolution make much of a difference?
At this point, this is the only thing keeping me from hitting the order button on either a somewhat expensive, yet powerful Z (plus an extra monitor, mouse, and keyboard), or a relatively cheaper, albeit less powerful Lenovo T400S (without an extra monitor or other accessories).
(The T400S's beautifully thin (0.83") profile is also rather attractive in comparison to the Z's bulkiness.)
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Mar 12, 2010
I've just installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit on my Vaio Z11MNB. As Google told me there is a problem with the FN + F5/F6 brightness adjust in speed mode.
All Sony software ist installed correctly and in the newest version I found.
As in many threads mentioned I followed the right order. But I still cannot adjust the brightness in speed mode
This thread Problem with Vaio Z Windows 7 brightness lead me to the right graphic drivers I thougt... Okay these drivers[url] are for the ZD790 but this shouldn't matter it's the same 9300GS chipset...
The following sony software is installed:
Another smaller problem: From time to time there is a yellow exclamation mark at the SD-Hostcontroller in the device manager. I've googled a lot but there seems to be no other driver than the windows included. VEN_1180&DEV_0822
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Jan 27, 2009
1. What kind of performance issues have any of you seen in the two different Z-series notebooks, specifically with light gaming? I know the Z540 is a 128MB card and the Z590 is a 256MB 9300GS. I was curious if there was any real downside to the 128MB card?
2. Have any of you heard any rumors about when the new CTO Z-series will be available?
The reason I ask both is that I am looking at a newly released Z-series on Best Buy's website:
Basically looks like a Z540 CTO with good options. My overall goals with the machine are writing code, basic web stuff and of course, WoW.
WoW is my biggest concern with the 128MB card because I have had a 9300GS before and it was pretty poor in the implementation and playing WoW. I was curious if anyone had impressions on the way the 128MB card handles WoW now on the Z-series and if the machine above would work or if I would need to wait for the "newer" Z's to come out and get the larger RAM card.
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Aug 10, 2009
Im considering purchasing a viao with SSD, and I would like to hear your
impressions/experiences with it. Any info, tidbits would be welcome.
Also, if anyone knows of the manufacturers of the SSD in the vaio Zs and SRs that'd be nice.
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Nov 5, 2009
I find it very useful when I'm away from home and have to reinstall my computer. As far as I know, after installing Win 7, I will lose that ability. Let's me know how the computer run on Win 7 vs Vista.
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Mar 25, 2010
I suggest you try this before voting if you did not already tweaked your monitor profile: Vaio_F11 Monitor Profiles Roundup & US glossy vs. EU Premium Displays.
From the FAQ: "You may view the current results for a poll before you vote by clicking the 'View Results' link". Click any blue number to see all the user names.
So non-Vaio_F11 owners, don't skew the results as we can see your user name.
You can only vote once & can't change it by Notebookreview's poll rules.
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Mar 16, 2010
How do you handle 1600x900 resolution on a 13.1" screen?
I haven't seen it yet in person, but it seems like it would make everything VERY small (text, images, menus, etc).
Do you change the DPI? Do you modify any other settings? Do you get a stronger contact lens prescription?
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Jun 6, 2009
I've been comparing the new FW equipped with an hd 4650 and the current AW and am quite torn. I've assembled a few questions to help me figure out which model suits me best. I intend to replace my desktop which I primarily use as a multimedia and gaming am willing to settle for the FW's 16.4 inches only if the 4650 places its performance well over the AW's.
1.) Is there still any risk involved with the 9xxxM series (specifically the 9600m gt)?
2.) Are benchmarks for the 9600m gt reliable/universal (or would the AW's specs enhance its performace)?
3.) Given: P8700 2.53ghz, 4gb ddr2, 7200rpm hdd, and 1080 display in both; is the hd 4650 of the new FW worth the loss of 2" and the sleek build of the AW equipped with the 9600m?
4.) Is the above config suitable for adobe's cs4 products, orange box, ut3, sixth gen console emulators, and occasionally wow all in high settings?..................
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Jul 5, 2009
So ensuring i didnt get a defective device and while i'm still within my 14 day return period I was wondering if other people with the FW series (I have the 465J) version have a little give on the piece on the laptop where you plug it in to charge (top left of the laptop) and if you press it on the top part of it, it sorta pushes in a little bit. I also noticed its easily scratched as a I have a small scratch right where the the screen touches that part when closing the laptop (look at it from above as you slowly close your screen youll notice a little piece sticking out from the screen that can scratch the power input piece).
After rereading my own post I think people might confuse the power input to the power adapter, I'm referring to the place where you plugin your laptop located on the top left of the laptop near the hinge.
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Mar 6, 2010
I have a PCG-F580K running Win2k and Ubuntu in a dual-boot config. It runs great for most things I need it for but could use a little more memory. According to Sony, I am maxed out at 256MB but I believe it could take more. The PCG-F580K uses the 440BX chipset, which accepts 256MB modules, but only certain low density types. These should theoretically be the same ones used by Thinkpads of the same vintage. I will point you to [url] for reference. Can anyone confirm or deny the ability of my Sony to use 324 or even 512MB of RAM?
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Sep 2, 2009
I'm trying to determine if owners of Z590s that were purchased after the win7 upgrade start date (6/26) have been able to register for Sony's upgrade program.
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Jul 26, 2009
Trying to get rid of these questionably useful programs -- but I don't see entries for them in add/remove programs in the control panel (or for any of the other useless VAIO software packages that come on OEM machines sans "fresh start")
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Apr 18, 2009
Does anyone have a link to a website or PDF describing how to properly open and disassemble a VAIO VGN-SZ75GN?
I have a VAIO VGN-SZ75GN, bought about 8 months ago, and now I want to exchange the built-in hard-disc with a solid-state disc.
I need some guide with illustrations/pictures, how to reach the disc
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Jan 15, 2010
I have just been given a VAIO PCG8A2M (GRX316MP) , i was told "it's broken but if you can fix it yo can have it" so having a quick look at it there's no sign of life on the display but the lights come on and i can here the HDD heads moving about.
Looking a little more i found that all the ram is missing , so now im not sure if its worth buying some ram to see if it works or not ? The lack of ram would prob explain the lack of display but i wonder if i should be getting POST beeps at least, which im not.
So my question is if a VAIO had no ram should (if all else was working) it be getting POST beeps ?
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Feb 25, 2009
Just performed a successful XP downgrade on my Vaio Z520, but have noticed that on this copy of the Vaio Silver Desktop Theme/Appearance doesn't exist.
I had it on my SZ and loved it over the XP Blue. Is there a way to get it back? I still have the restore discs from the SZ.
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