I bought an acer aspire 5738G a couple of days ago with windows 7 x64 installed ,catalyst 9.9. When playing any game or using any 3D demanding application both my GPU temp. jumps up to 85-95 degrees C, and the CPU to 75-85 degrees C. according to GPU-Z my fan speed is always at 30% no matter how hot the lappy gets. I also wanna mention I didn't OC or use any modded stuff yet.
My questions are:
-Are these normal temps since this is my first acer and my previous lappy which wasn't an acer with a Nvidia Geforce GO7900 never got past the 75 degrees barrier
- Is there something wrong with the fan or it is supposed to kick in only at critical heat point
I am intending to buy acer aspire 5738G next friday. But I cannot find any valuable reviews on the net . I am concerned about it build and durability. the specs are fine. can any one tell me is it strongly built and durable or not. I hear a lot about the acer screen damage and other stuff.
When I power on, after about 5-6 minutes the fan (I assume the CPU fan) kicks in. However, it then seems to remain on constantly until the laptop is turned off, even if I'm only idling. This is slightly annoying, not just because of the noise, but also it seems to have quite a noticeable effect on the battery life.
I have installed SpeedFan to keep track of the CPU temp and it seems that the fan kicks in initally when the core temps reach about 35 C, but then the fan does not switch off, even when temps drop back down to 25/26 C, which seems very cool.
On every other laptop I have used (none of which were Acers), the CPU fan only comes on now and again, as and when it is needed.
So, is this normal behaviour or is there possibly a fault with the fan control mechanism ? If so I will consider taking back to the retailer for an exchange.
my laptop overheating problems ever since I bought it, I almost tried everything ..... but alas nothing worked the final straw im hanging on is to downgrade my bios to the utterly old version 1.13 which is the last known stable & heat friendly version which is not on Acer website anymore .... So I was wondering if anyone has the windows 7 x64 executable bios 1.13 for aspire 5738G on their laptop
I have bought the Aspire 5738G over half a year ago and it was just a couple of days back from now, when Everest showed me a hardware report about an integrated Intel 4500MHD onboard, which is inactive.
I couldn't find any info on this matter online, so I thought that with your help and my readiness to disassemble my laptop, we could figure out a way to make use of this integrated chip, which would result in serious power savings when running on battery.
I am thinking that maybe there is some place in the circuitry that was cut in order to disable the chip or something, or that it has no access to the LCD and HDMI ports.
Also, I downloaded a Service Manual for my model and I couldn't find my 5738G specification in it.
My original hard drive of Acer aspire 5738G crashed and I bought a new 1 TB WD hard drive. I tried to reinstall Windows 7 from recovery disk. All data copy and system restoration (from 3 restoration disks) completed successfully. But after the auto reboot, during “Setup is applying system settings” stage I encountered error message “Windows Setup could not configure Windows to run this computer’s hardware”. I tried reinstalling the OS multiple times but every time I am getting the same error. Before replacing my hard drive, I was using Windows 7 Home Premium OEM version and now I was trying to restore the same in my system.
under normal operating conditions (having firefox, CPUID HWMonitor, Windows live messenger, and WMP open) the CPU is running at 17~30C but the GPU runs at around 63~69C
this isn't normal is it?
with a fan underneath blowing on the bottom of the lappy, cpu runs at 8~23C and gpu runs at 53~58C
I have acer 5738G with ati mobility 4570 512mb GDDR3
The problem is ati 4570 mobility by default has memory speed of 800MHz but ati catalyst on me laptop shows memry speed of 500 mhz only i tried GPU-Z it also shows defalut clock 800mhz but current 500 mhz and message that current low speed is for low power consumption.
i want to know how can i increase it back to 800 mhz and will there be any heating problems at higher memory clock...
Does anyone happen to find an ati GFX driver from acer that is opencl compatible and works on HD4570 because the 5738G driver doesn't have opencl support
i have acer aspire 5738G witho windows windows vista i upgrade OS to windows 7 and every think ok but my problem with acer powr smart manager didnot work when i press the button not work and lamp not light and not work and open launch manager and i select power smart manager.exe but no change... i have acer upgrade kit and i try install drivers and app but no change
I bought my Acer Aspire 5738G laptop last november and this month I experienced for the first time my laptop shutting down by itself while playing cs-source.
The laptop is quite hot and upon searching the net found out that it's most likely due to overheating.
My question is about the ventilation at the bottom of 5738G.
Is it supposedly closed? No holes/slots? Cause I think it's the cause of overheating.
The system doesn't have a way to take-in air
It's like it was designed to be a bottom vent for air intake but then forgot to make holes in it.
I also searched for it's manual and confirmed that it is a ventilation slot.
It even says there "do not cover or obstruct the opening of the fan".
(I've got a screen shot attached. I'm talking about part 6. That part of my laptop doesn't have holes/slots but clearly there should be according to the manual.
i have update my firmware to the new one, but it seems that it shut down at lower temperature.
but i have also upgrade my ram to 2 gb but its kingston value ram
and i have 2 operating system now, window xp and window vista ultimate
is it true that if i run the systerm on vista, it make the pc temperature hotter? and if run on high performance, its even higher than that?
at the moment im running window xp, running window media player watching videos, with 2 internet explorer running and also the everest ultimate edition which shows 63c for the cpu and 39c for hdd, and now im using those 4 fans notebook cooler.
is this temperature normal?
and sometime when just watching high definition video on window vista my laptop will shut itself down...
do u think its the ram which cause this problem? or is it window vista? or the new firmware which cause my laptop to shut itself down?
I recently purchased the highly touted HP dv4-1155se from Best Buy. I am very pleased with it so far, and have found 64 bit vista much less of a pain than I thought.
With that being said, the only thing I am worried about is the heat issues - it seems to get very hot when playing a game or intensive graphic operation. I was using CPUID Monitor, and the temperature of the AMD Turion X2 peaked at 82 Celsius. I assume this temperature isn't normal? Is this temperature hazardous for my computer? Do you feel like it could go even higher? I feel like it should handle heat better than this, especially after playing a game for only 30-60 minutes.
I bought an HDX 16t back in may, and have loved it.
But I notice, after installing Speedfan, that this thing gets VERY hot
even propped up a half inch off the desk, playing any game that's demanding gets the thing to a blistering 96*C... WAY too hot for a laptop.
Now here's the interesting thing, when it hits 96* it stays at 96*, like the fan kicks into turbo mode or something.
is this a defective product? or do all 16t's have this issue?
and if it is an issue I can fix, what are some ideas? besides getting a cooling pad, I don't really like the extra bulk under the front of the laptop. But for fixing the comp, should I mess around with some setting somewhere to make it kick into turbo mode at a lower temp? (like 88), should I under volt it? it's a new laptop with no trapped dust.
I've had my Studio 15 for 10 months now and it has always heated up very soon after startup but lately it has been getting so hot that it burns to put my hands on the palm rest or the touchpad.
In the last few days it has also been switching itself off randomly which I think might be from the heat. When it turns back on I get a blue screen with a memory dump and it doesn't let me turn it back on for a while.
Also when it gets hot, the laptop seems to slow down, freeze or mouse movement/video play stutters on the screen which I don't think should happen for 4GB of ram .....
It came with Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit preinstalled.
I've installed Windows XP as a second OS(dual boot).
Immediately I noticed that GPU under Windows Vista in idle state keeps heating up.
In Windows XP its temperature stays at the level of 60 degrees C in idle state and the fans are not engaged.
In Windows Vista its temperature in idle state goes very quickly to the level of 80 degrees C the fans are engaged, temperature goes down to the level of about 60 degrees, the fans are disengaged and everything repeats.
Anybody knows the possible reason of GPU heating up under Vista?
I buy a dell studio xps 4 month ago. I had few problem with it.
My laptop is realy hot sometime. I was just on firefox ( with alot of page open) and the heat go like 60, 65 degree celsius ( it is 140, 149 in Fahrenheit i think). I don't know if it is normal or if my laptop have a problem. I call dell and they change the cpu fan but it don't seem to have change anything. The laptop is still very hot.
I have another problem. When i play on game my computer go very slow and when i chek in task manager the cpu run a 100%. It happen in some of the game that i play. I don't understand why because a chek the minimum configuration of the game and my computer is over that so i am supose to be able to play the game with no problem. The last game that this situation happen was prince of persia ( the last one).
And when i play on game the heat go at 70, 75 degree celsius ( it is 158,167 Fahrenheit ) ....
I have a D630 that is still under warranty, but I've been having huge overheating problems with it. (We're talking 160F+ under light load). This is the model with the Nvidia video card.
When I first called Dell, they sent someone to replace the fan and heatsink. That didn't solve the problem. I figured that I was suffering from the notorious Nvidia thermal issue, and they replaced the motherboard. The problem got worse, and they replaced the motherboard again, and the problem got slightly better.
The thing is, I don't actually need an Nvidia video card because I don't do much aside from internet browsing and copying files over the network. I was upset after the fourth time they sent a Dell technician, that I called them and demanded that they replace my Nvidia board with a standard Intel graphics board. They finally agreed.
Yesterday a technician came out with a new motherboard with an Intel video chipset rather than Nvidia, as well as a new heatsink and fan that matches the new board. Now the darn thing is running at 190F at light load!!! it's actually worse than the Nvidia one was!
Do any of you have any clue what the problem might be? I don't even want to use this thing anymore. What's even more interesting is that we've issued about 30+ Intel D630's out to our associates at work, and none of them have any issues. I wonder why it's just mine.
Had issues with it during that period mostly on heating up and slowness.
Ive had the motherboard replaced once around the 10 month period.
Now the laptop is still heating up and its really slow/lagging especially when im watching videos(DivX, DVDs etc). Sometimes i would even get the BSOD.
Is there a way to fix this, could this be a software issue?
Got my XPS1640 back in June, undervolted it and never had any temperature problems and it has performed greatly. However, a few days ago I updated the GPU, bios and cpu ( i think) drivers to be more up-to-date. Got A11 (was A08) and used mobility modder for the new ATI driver.
Since then however I have had problems. CPU temperatures have been raising (around 80+ or so - before it would only reach 70 max) causing the laptop to throttle back giving me dire frame rate in games.
Anything new come out such as a driver or download that will help the laptop cool? Been trying everything for months with no lock. Called HP and they said its gonna cost me to fix something that the knew was wrong in the first place. Not to mention Wifi is going out. So any updates?
While playing WoW the FPS is from 15-65. When it cools off, ill get a great FPS and can play it fine but it will quickly heat up and drop for 20-30 minutes at a time. Right now im using a cooling pad but it doesnt help much at all except to give me that 45-60 FPS time for about 5 minutes. The bottom gets so hot at times it can literally burn my skin, I have a couple of marks to prove it.
I need XPS 16 to watch HD movies. I am interested in Full HD 1080p screen and Blu Ray optical drive with 500GB 7200rpm HDD. No gaming. Now I am thinking ways to reduce heating issues.
What minimum processor and GPU is sufficient for my usage?