Apple :: MBP13 On Win7 - RAM - Causing Major Slow Downs
Feb 3, 2010I have Firefox, VLC and Digsby running, my RAM is 90% used. What's going on?
My other PCs don't have this problem and it's causing major slow downs on my computer!
I have Firefox, VLC and Digsby running, my RAM is 90% used. What's going on?
My other PCs don't have this problem and it's causing major slow downs on my computer!
I am experiencing some FPS dips and slowdowns and I would like to know if anyone else is having the same problem and if they know how to fix it............................................
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just got my MBP 13, I'm wondering if there's a recommended cover/case I should get. Also, which keyboard cover?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy battery is at roughly 50% charge and I only have 7 cycles through it, yet I get a (Not Charging) message when I plug it in to the wall.
I've tried a few other bricks that other people own, all of which work to charge their MBP13s, but it doesn't work on mine. I even tried booting to Win7 and it still doesn't charge.
I tried shutting down then holding the power button for a long time, but didn't work.
I tried shutting down then holding shift-control-alt and hitting the power button once, then waiting 5 seconds before turning it on and that didn't work either.
Well for about 3-4 months my acer has been playing up. I'l admit its not the greatest of the acers but that doesn't mean it shouldn't work. The problems im getting:
-When im playing Java games, or i leave my P.C on or I have the power cable plugged in(whilst on p.c) it gets hot..
-The laptop then beggeins to lagg...
-And then it just switches off without a warning.
- Also theres a terrible noise in my fan(atleast i think its my fan). I would send it to acer but my warrenty is out. I brought this P.C about 1 year and a bit ago.
I bought the Acer Aspire v3-771G. I've had no problems with it, but lately it shuts down randomly without any warning, like a power cut. I've checked the CPU Temps and overheating is not the problem. The computer sits on a Targus cooling pad and it doesn't get that hot around the fans. The problem occur when the pc is running games or processes (computer scans) that require more memory than when I'm just surfing. The problem happens all from 15 mins to 2 hours into a game or so (depends on how much memory that's used). I've been doing some research myself and it seems like a graphic problem.
The computer always fits the minimum requirements for games I play and I play on rather low graphics on every game (to delay the shutdown).
The second problem is whenever I'm streaming or watching a movie the screen randomly turns into a "snow storm". Tried to move the screen up and down thinking it was something wrong with the cable from the hardware to screen but it didn't react to that. What has made this to happen due to the careful handling of the computer. But the only thing that comes to mind is something wrong with that cable... This problem happens randomly and started last week.
I've done some basic problem solving, with no success. I've tried restoring the computer to facotry setup, updating the bios and all the relevant drivers.
I've been looking for a hardware diagnostic program on the computer itself (like other good brands have) with no luck, even looked on the web. But nothing I've tried seems to find the problem.
The specs for the computer:
Acer Aspire v3-771G
Windows 8.1 (Came with Windows 8.0)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3110M CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40
8.00 GB (RAM)
64-bit operating system
Nvidia GeForce GT 630M
My Z510 has been randomly shutting down when plugged in, but doesn't have this issue when running on battery. I contacted Lenovo and they sent my a new power supply but the issue continues. I called again and they instructed me to repair-install the Lenovo power manager and do a disk check. The issue still continues.
It used to happen when running something intensive like photoshop or a game and only if charging over 75%, but now it'll happen randomly. I can be sitting staring at the laptop with no programs running and it'll shut down.
HD 4600
8 gb mem
1 tb hard drive
Win 8.1
what actuall driver or setup in the BOOTCAMP drivers functions the Volume Screen/Keyboard buttons.
So far I have found that the BOOTCAMP complete drivers have issues with Win7.
I've had this laptop for over a year now, and one day when I turned it on, it doesnt respond. The big 'DELL' logo that comes up with options for bios and boot sequences doesnt appear.
The laptop does have the quickset buttons flashing from left to right, and I do hear the blu-ray drive making that familiar sound, but nothing comes up on screen.
Not even the screen's LED. The lights by the headphones and mic sockets indicate the laptop is on and the battery icon does come up but the hard drive load indicator does not.
On very rare occassions it does start running up again, I have managed to backup my files onto another computer and I also formatted the hard drive and restored factory settings from the Factory.WIM file in the D: drive. I already had the newest NVIDIA driver and the latest bios (A12) .......
So I own a studio xps 13 and after two motherboard and one ram replacements my studio still can't run right with nvidia drivers installed onto the comp. The only way for it to run right is to totally disable the GPU. I am running windows 7 64bit is anyone else having this problem?
I updated to the latest dell bios and also used the latest dell video drivers and even try out laptopvideo2go drivers and it still hangs sometimes I can't even get past the starting windows portion. I made numerous formatting attempts. My gpu is the nvidia 9500m i personally asked if they would give me the g210m and see if that would fix the problem but they have refused.
Has anyone actually fixed this problem yet? I have been using this system for around 2 months with a disable video driver but have been too lazy to call dell and wait wait and wait.
Between the two series, outside of say the CPU and GPU upgrades that were made, how do these stack up?
In terms of:
- build quality, sturdiness
- LCD quality (1080p vs 1080p)
- heat
- sound/quietness
- on board speakers
- keyboard layout (comfort, since the F looks more cramped)
Just installed Windows 7 on my new 15" unibody MBP. The audio output through the speakers is quite low, and realize this is a known issue.
Is there anyway (third party or otherwise) to fix this? How using external speakers? No low volume issues using headphones which is a relief.
I came across the VMware guide on installing W7 from within Fusion.
However, I'm curious if it is possible to have Fusion recognize my W7 boot camp parititon and create a virtual machine from that?
With Vista and XP, Fusion was able to automatically detect and set it up for me.
Seeing as the prices have come within about $300 of eachother for these machines, I was wondering if there is a major advantage going with Alienware over Dell on the laptops with the i7 CPUs?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI made a clean install of Windows 7 on my Sony VPCEB1S1E/BJ last night, mainly because the language this laptop came in was wrong and I couldn't understand anything (Home Premium, so couldn't change it either). After the install I noticed the laptop became very slow, so I reverted it using recovery discs which were supposed to reset the laptop back to factory defaults. Ok, the language went back to the original and everything was as before. But... now the laptop is very slow, especially with boot times.
I receive a lot of errors and critical errors which show up in the event lists. Event ID is usually 100, or 102-106. A few messages aboiut how some programs delayed the boot, a few about cd-rom driver delaying the boot...
My MacBook Pro used to shutdown in about 6 seconds. Now it takes over 40. I've added and removed a lot of software over time and am wondering if there are shutdown procedures being run where the software doesn't exist (resulting in a long search for shutdown programs that ultimately fail). Could someone tell me the filename and directory of the file that calls other scripts to shutdown? I'd like to take a look at this file to see if there's stuff in it that shouldn't be there. Alternative a shutdown log (if such a thing exists)
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just installed another gig of ram and it still runs as it did when i still had one gig what should i do?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIt looks like lightroom and premier has closed the gap in the windows land compared to Aperture and Final Cut. And with OpenCL's focus on using the GPU to boost performance and Apple doing it's very best to off Adobe.... is there any real advantage in software in OSX anymore? Or is it all about familiarity and preference?
I was kind of considering the i5 MBP since I'm more into editing than gaming but honestly, if I can just get a beefy Win7 laptop and run software with the same features that are just as reliable I don't really see the point in spending less for more.
Apple released two updates today. BootCamp 3.1 for win7 & flash.
Boot Camp 3.1
Good to see Apple finally getting off their lazy arse's in updating BootCamp for complete win7 support.
When I start up VMware fusion and win7 it pretty much makes my computer un-usable while it loads,(programs become un responsive) witch takes about 10 min. Then after it finally gets into windows it take another 10 min to finish loading, but programs become usable with some lag. The weird thing is, is that it's not even using half of my CPU or all of my RAM. After all that, and it finishes loading it is usable. Anyone else have this problem? I'm giving it 2gb of ram, and it's 64bit win 7 RC.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIf anyone experiencing long load times when booting up Windows 7? It takes considerably longer for me to boot Win7 than SL...
When Win7 boots, whether it be a cold boot or reboot, ill find myself hanging at a blank/black screen with nothing other than a blinking underscore in the top left corner for what seems like a minute, then it'll go to the normal "Starting Windows..." screen from there. Is a format/reinstall in order?
I play a video game, and my fps will go from 70-80fps, then just SPIKE to like 2fps and I will get artifacts.. I figured it was a display driver, I've tried probably 20-30 of them now (just random vista 32 bit drivers), all with the same results. When I monitor my task manager I'm using 100% of my CPU Usage, and around 1gig of ram while a game is running. I am trying to figure out 1) what the deal is and 2) how to resolve it...
Here are my specs:
Inspirion 9400
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz
2046MB RAM
Vista 32-bit Operating System
NVIDIA Geforce Go 7900 GS
I don't think this is the same screen flicker that is experienced by the few others due to auto brightness problems...
It's flickering black and then the whole thing turns unresponsive after a while...and although the video shows it happening during a low light environment, i have had this encounter during a brightly lit area as well...
[URL] ....
I've posted a copy of what really happens on google drive. Is this a case of motherboard problems? I jsut got my laptop about 3 weeks ago. Any chance for a 1-1 exchange?
In the past days I was playing with the performance of my Z and I was able to keep it's temperature quite low hoping for no fan noise.
Even though I was quite succesful about the temp and it's true that the fan is going on much less
i have had 2 problems with my Z for a while and im fed up because its out of warranty and sony will not fix it.
1. The Right hinge i believed is messed up so it does not close correctly. Due to this the right side of the lcd bezel has become cracked on the bottom right i believe because of the tension. (check the pictures). I have to keep a clip on the right bottom side to hold the LCD in place.
2. The notebook is really really hot. Especially using the nvidia. When running any 3d game it takes less than 10 minutes for the temps to get ridiculous on the cpu and gpu. It just turns off when it gets to like 103 or something. Im not sure if its the gpu or cpu but i think they share the same copper pipe for heat. Im going to put arctic silver on both of the chips if i can and clean everything out really good.
My main issue is the hinge. Im not even sure if it is repairable. If it isnt repairable where and how should I go about getting a new Hingle and LCD bezel.
I want to put Win7 on my macbook pro and plan to use it with VMWare 3 as well as for dual booting. Is it better to go with the 32bit or the 64bit version of Win7.
Im running snow leopard on the macbook now... i know Apple isnt officially supporting win7 until later this year but has anyone else had any problems running Win7 under bootcamp on snow leopard?
I have Windows XP installed through boot camp, and it seems the hard drive is acting very very slow. Or basically XP in general. Installations are taking a very long time. It literally took 4 hours to install Modern Warfare 2. In case anyone is wondering I have the 2008 iMac 2.4 Ghz, 1 GB RAM, 7200rpm HD. Also in device manager, under SM bus controller there is a yellow question mark, could that be part of the problem?
View 10 Replies View RelatedHas anyone found a better solution to the slow Magic Mouse tracking problem than the "Mouse Zoom" utility?
Does anyone know if Apple has plans to fix the problem, once and for all, with a native OS update?
out of the blue connecting to a server takes about 20-30 seconds. This problem remains, also the connections close by themselves. When I boot linux on this machine there is no problem. Other machines on the network have no problems. Connecting to these other machines with this laptop show the same results ->slow connection, difficult browsing. (the domain controller is a slack box - no machine restrictions are in order)
-Firewall is down for the occasion but no effect.
-There were no recent updates.
-It doesn't matter what interface I use wireless or Ethernet.
My guess is problem with samba. Restarting samba or restarting osx have no effect. Resolve.conf shows the right info and HTTP traffic is normal.
I find reinstalling is no option. I want to know the problem and if there are more users with the same problem.
OS: OSX 10.5.6
Just started TM backups on a new 1TB drive today....
It did 30GB in 2 & half hours! A little slow...
Why does it go soooo slow? Supposed to be faster in SL.... don't think so....
Went for Carbon Copy Cloner..... much better.... currently 27GB in 23 mins.... thats more like it.
That'll be my weekend moan out of the way I guess...