Apple :: Turned Off Mbp's Mouse Acceleration

Apr 6, 2009

just the way i liked it like windows' mouse.

downside though, when i use it with my logitech vx (800dpi) the distance needed to travel across the screen is so huge i will need another desk just for the mouse! it become natural however when i am on my lachesis with driver settings done in windows. sure i don't get all the buttons configured, but at least it is finally decent, besides the wheel(click) and the two buttons, there are 2 responsible for changing profiles, 2 for dpi adjustment and one more for expose


for those who doesn't know:

open up terminal, type down the following,

defaults write .GlobalPreferences -1

restart computer and there you go. as long as you don't touch the mouse speed setting the status is maintained. you might want to have a gaming mouse though

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Apple :: Mouse Acceleration In OS X

Feb 10, 2009

I even bought this cute Razer mouse hoping their drivers would disable mouse acceleration. Logitech drivers are useless, by the way. Never install them.

The Razer drivers even have a box for 'acceleration', but it appears to toggle between 'less acceleration' and 'a lot more accleration'. I submitted a spport ticket with Razer, but do any of you have a suggestion? For the record, I've tried Steermouse, USB Overdrive. Neither completely disables mouse acceleration, regardless of what their options imply. After a lot of testing, there still exists a noticeable amount of mouse acceleration no matter what drivers/programs I use.

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Apple :: GeForce 320M In The 13" - Acceleration In FireWorks And Photoshop

May 3, 2010

I am considering a new notebook in a month or two. and the Macbook Pro is in my list. I am wondering if the GeForce 320M has been benchmarked, and if it's signifcantly better than the 9400M GT, and if it can handle StarCraft 2 and maybe some acceleration in FireWorks and Photoshop?

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Apple :: Limited GPU Support For OpenCL And H.264 Acceleration In Snow Leopard

Jun 8, 2009


If you check Apple's Snow Leopards specs the following GPUs are supported for OpenCL and h.264:


QuickTime H.264 hardware acceleration
requires a Mac with a NVIDIA 9400M graphics processor.

NVIDIA Geforce 8600M GT, GeForce 8800 GT, GeForce 8800 GTS, Geforce 9400M, GeForce 9600M GT, GeForce GT 120, GeForce GT 130.
ATI Radeon 4850, Radeon 4870

The most glaring omission for OpenCL is for desktops with ATI GPUs, namely the HD 2400XT, HD 2600Pro, HD2600XT, and HD3870. Now it's not like these GPUs can't support GPGPU operation since they already do so in Windows under ATI's own CTM and Brook+ language.

ATI's OpenCL drivers for Windows should be available soon, they were promised for H1, and if it turns out the HD2xxx and HD3xxx series is capable of supporting OpenCL but only in Windows and not OS X it'd be very disappointing. Somehow I don't think Apple envisions iMac users having to use Boot Camp to use OpenCL accelerated apps.............

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Apple :: Macbook - Freeze, And Result In Slowing Other Softwares - Screen Turned Into Blue

Mar 19, 2009

I am a macbook user who had my first OS X blue screen. So I installed a new canon printer today, updated ilife 08 to ilife 09(I discovered that the ilife that preinstalled was 08 and the disk that came with macbook was ilife 09, suprise ), and was about to do some software update.

After the software update program checked that there were 6 new updates, it then freeze, and result in slowing other softwares. Then I figured out there is a force quit in apple menu, so I used it and restarted the system. But after the screen turned into blue, it wouldn't respond any more. So I stared at the blue screen for about a minute, and realized that Mac does crash and has blue screen

After anther one minute of waiting, I pushed down the power button and forced the computer to shut down( something I learned from my old Fujitsu laptop, it is one tough laptop, and it lasts for over 8 years already,and still running).

After the computer was restarted, I launched upgrade again, and this time nothing happened. Then I figured out there is something called disk utility that I can use to check the disk, and after the disk permission check, it came back with many permission changes for the canon printer program and some other programs, so I repaired them.

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Acer :: H.264/AVC Graphics Acceleration In The Series Timeline

Jul 16, 2009

H.264/AVC graphics acceleration in the series timeline.

Download Media Player Home Cinema

Download Haali Media Splitter

Extract the zip and open the Media Player application.

Install Haali Media Splitter.

Open Media Player Home Cinema

Go to options, "Output" and leave it:

"Internal Filters" as follows:

"External Filters" add filters --> browse --> seek program files --> CyberLink --> PowerDVD --> VideoFilter:

Filters external brand preference. Thus:

OK and close the Media Player.

Open a movie while playing and right click the touchpad, filters, Cyberlink H.264/AVC Decoder (HD264), tick "Use DxVA" and accept.

Close the Media Player to save the changes and reopen the same movie.

All this assuming that I installed Cyberlink PowerDVD.

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Dell :: ATI Mobility 4650 Driver That Support Flash Acceleration

Jan 9, 2010

ATI official mobility driver pack is old and does not support flash acceleration (10.1 prerelease)

They only provide the driver to the desktop graphic card that support flash acceleration.

Did anyone get the desktop version to install in your laptop?

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Acer :: 1810t (HardwareMod) IPhone Like Acceleration Sensor Analog Joystick

Nov 9, 2009

i take this JoyWarrior [url]

and connect it to the free mini PCIe connector

works great with NFS Most Wanted or WipeOut3 with pSX emu!

damm small these soldering pads.......

i took 5V from USBport on the Left

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Apple :: Mighty Mouse

Mar 19, 2009

I don't know why but I like the Mighty Mouse. I recently purchased the Bluetooth. I guess I enjoy the BT, trackball, and weight. It is a tad too stripped down (could really use forward/back buttons) and the side button seems to need a lot of pressure to activate. But overall I do seem to enjoy using it.

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Apple :: MBP - Bluetooth Mouse

Nov 30, 2009

I am looking for a Bluetooth mouse for my MBP.

There is Apple Magic Mouse, but I am still not sure on its ease and usability. Even though I need it for my notebook I dont want the very small notebook mice, since I will be attaching my MBP to external monitor most of the times, a desktop Bluetooth mouse would be preferred.

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Apple :: Multi Touch Vs Mouse

Aug 16, 2009

I actually find it easier to use the multi touch compared to the mouse somehow, the touchpad is big so i can navigate as easily as with a mouse and the multitouch gestures make it so much better to use.

I was thinking of getting a mighty mouse but im not sure its worth it as apple gestures make navigateing so good. are the press buttons on the mighty mouse just 1 button or two.

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Apple :: Magic Mouse In Windows

Nov 23, 2009

Magic Mouse driver for windows, I can verify the X64 works on Win 7, Darn things were hiding in the Bluetooth update [url]

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Apple :: Mouse Binding Programs

Mar 10, 2009

I've tried Steermouse, great app when it works. It keeps "disabling" itself every so often. I'm guessing it's a bug that has to do with switching apps. It works when I fire it up again. But is there another program that can allow me to specially keybind certain things to my mouse *AND* disable mouse acceleration? (oh I love you steermouse for removing mouse accel!)

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Apple :: Mini DisplayPort - Laggy Mouse

Jul 15, 2009

My MDP to Hdmi arrived today and works great on my Dell 24" however my Logitech Nano mouse would randomly become laggy like its losing signal causing the mouse pointer becomes jerky. Once I unplug the MDP the mouse works fine again.

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Apple :: Magic Mouse Slow Tracking

Dec 31, 2009

Has anyone found a better solution to the slow Magic Mouse tracking problem than the "Mouse Zoom" utility?

Does anyone know if Apple has plans to fix the problem, once and for all, with a native OS update?

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Apple :: MacBook Pro - Mouse Doesn't Respond As It Used To

Jan 16, 2009

My MacBook Pro is behaving funny after wrestling with my wife. Unfortunately the laptop was on a table side when my wife jumped on me and we were wrestling away.

She got my arm and twisted it behind my back i was desparate to get out of the arm bar and neck choke she was applying on me. In desparation I got out of her dealy UFC choke but as a consequence I kicked the laptop off the table by accident.

The laptop flew a few metres and landed hard on the floor. As you could see, this is no way to treat the laptop. Now my laptop is behaving strangely the mouse doesn't respond as it used to.

Will this be covered under warranty?

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Apple :: Good Wireless Mouse For MacBook

Jan 24, 2009

recommend me a good wireless / bluetooth mouse? Something not too expensive, portable, small size. I really need a mouse right now... Can't play Unreal Tournament 2004 on TrackPad. Once again, WIRELESS Mouse. I know I know they are not the best thing for gaming...

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Apple :: Razer Copperhead - USB Over Drive In OS X - Mouse No Worky In XP

Jan 9, 2009

So I got a razer copperhead mouse it dosn't have support for OS X so I was using USB over drive to give it some better support instead of just plug and play. Now I went to boot into XP to play some left 4 dead, and my mouse won't work, it does not detect it. I have a feeling because the mouse has like 32 mb of memory that USB overdrive messed something up so now it won't work in windows. ( I tired it on other XP machines and it still did not work)

Has anyone else had this problem? Or use USB over drive with this mouse and us windows?

The razer tech support was not much help, they just told me to send it back to where I got it after a couple trouble shooting emails.

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Acer :: Travelmate 2482WXMi - Mouse Will Only Work When I Connect An External Mouse When It's In Normal Mode

Jun 19, 2008

i have a ACER Travelmate 2482WXMi, i have done a fresh install of windows XP home, i have done a full format of the hard drive, but i have issues the touchpad will not work only in safe mode. I have installed most of the drivers through safe mode, but the mouse will only work when i connect an external mouse when it's in normal mode.

Also i do get some bad sectors on the hard drive, and it takes over 2mins to shut down the comp. I havent installed programs yet, except PC Wizard 2008. Also the laptop is not the base model with 512MB ram i have added a 1gb stick and it works fine. I am thinking maybe its the hard drive. If

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Apple :: Next-gen IPhone Rumored To Have Magic Mouse-like Touch Panel

Jan 14, 2010

Apple will introduce a new iPhone in 2010 that will employ a touch-sensitive plastic back casing similar to the one used on the company's new Magic Mouse, one analyst has said.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Robert Chen with Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said the new iPhone will go into production as early as April, and will be available to customers in June or July. He said the plastic back panel of the phone could have a touch-sensitive solid shell, much like on the Magic Mouse.

Indeed, Apple in recent years has described the benefits of touch-sensitive enclosures for future handheld devices in patent filings like the one made in July of 2006 entitled: "Electronic Device Having Display and Surrounding Touch Sensitive Bezel for User Interface and Control."

The new hardware could also include an updated version of the iPhone operating system, Chen said.

"Apple’s going to put a lot of innovation, not just on the hardware, but also on the software of the new iPhone," he told Bloomberg.......................

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Apple :: How Do I Disable The Trackpad On New Macbook Aluminum When I Connect A Mouse

Feb 17, 2009

how do I disable the trackpad on new Macbook aluminum when I connect a mouse?

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Apple :: Mouse Pointer Speed On AutoCAD - Parellel Desktop

Apr 19, 2009

I run autoCAD2008 on macbookpro by parellel desktop. (I use apple wireless mouse)

I've found some problem, pointer speed on autocad screen is very slow. That's not work. But pointer speed on other app. in windows is OK. It's only lack on autoCAD screen.

I've tried it on VMware. It's a same problem.

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Apple :: Bluetooth Mouse Scroll-wheel Does Not Work In Boot Camp

Aug 25, 2009

I have a MacBook Pro (MBP) with OSX 10.5.6. I use Logitech Bluetooth (BT) mouse and it works OK under OSX.

However, in Boot Camp running Windows XP SP2, the scroll wheel does not work. Everything else, like left and right buttons work. I tried it with another BT mouse and it's the same thing.

If I tried using regular wireless mouse, everything works.

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Apple :: MacBook Air As Main Computer With External Monitor /keyboard/mouse

Mar 1, 2009

I'm thinking on using my MBA as my main computer, therefore I'm considering buying the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and the Mighty Mouse and hooking up to my HP Monitor for when I'm at my desk for long periods.

It's very easy to hook up ... this MBA seems quick enough and a usb hub can be added if need be ... why not use it as a main pc?

Further, the only windows app I'm really going to miss is Publisher, I'm thinking on being daring and installing Vista on the Mac with Bootcamp and then run Publisher in Windows. If that worked well I could get rid of the T500... (I have a desktop I could use for heavier app's, movie/music downloading) ...

Seems like a lot of work for such a small little machine, lol, can it handle it? Has anyone there done this before with success?

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Apple :: Mac Mighty Mouse - Scrolling Down Does Not Work Or Scrolls Down Slow And Jerkily

Nov 9, 2009

I have a mighty mouse (the one with the scroll nipple), and for some reason I can only scroll upwards properly, scrolling down does not work or scrolls down slow and jerkily.

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Dell XPS 15 :: SSD Cache Acceleration Feature Is Not Enabled By Default - Crashes If Enabled

Nov 23, 2012

I've got a new Dell XPS 15 four days ago. I've been having a lot of issues with its internal mSSD drive. The model I ordered has a regular 1TB hard disk and a 128 SSD. I was quite surprised to discover that the Intel Rapid Storage Technology (that allow faster data access by using the SSD as cache) is not enabled by default. I tried to enable it but no success. An "unknown error" message box showed up when I attempted to do so. That was really strange, considering that the only thing that I've done so far in my computer was installing MS Office and Google Chrome.I contacted the tech support three days ago and I was told to reset my computer to factory default and try again. After a long wait for system restoration I enabled the acceleration mode in the Intel Rapid Storage software.

Everything proceeded according to expected, but when I rebooted my computer it failed to detect any bootable device. I can't even access the system restoration by pressing F8 during initialization now. especially when we consider that this shouldn't be happening in a premium $1,999 model. Also, shouldn't this KEY feature (caching with SSD) be enabled out of the box?

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Apple :: Wireless Mouse - Occasionally Loses Its Wireless Connection To The Computer

Jul 24, 2009

I think something similar has been posted here before. In essence, I find that when I use my VX Revolution (or is it MX? Whichever one is the mobile version), the mouse occasionally loses its wireless connection to the computer, and so I have to click multiple times to get it to register.

This is annoying enough for me to consider getting a wired mouse, but I want to know if I get something like an MX518 if I'm still going to run into the disconnect/lag issue.

In other words, is it a wireless issue or a Logitech/PC/Mac conflict issue? I experienced both with and without the Logitech software installed. The software is currently installed.

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Apple :: MBP 13 - Skin/sleeve/cover/case Sleek Padded Case To Carry The Unit And Typical Accessories (charger- Adapters- Mouse)

Oct 17, 2009

I'm a proud new owner of a MBP 13-inch. couple of matters.

(1) A good skin/sleeve/cover/case to protect it on the go. Ideally I'd like a very lightweight and elegant skin or shell that's on all the time to protect the exterior from wear and tear, without trapping too much heat.

(2) I need a sleek padded case to carry the unit and typical accessories (charger, adapters, mouse) and other small items.

(3) I'm looking for a convenient laptop stand for my desk to set the MBP alongside an external monitor.

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Dell XPS 12 :: Won't Start Up After Turned It Off

Nov 23, 2014

the scree shows dell logo as if starting up with the dots circle rotating as in a normal start.This goes on and on and on endlessly. I'm lost without my laptop, is there a way to bring it back to life?

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Acer :: Aspire - Turned On, No Display

May 27, 2009

I started having problems with my laptop weeks ago. First, there were problems with the screen. Sometimes when I turned the computer on, the screen didn't displayed, so I had to try several times for it to come. Then, even when the image appeared, if I moved the laptop a little bit or it was on for a long time, color stripes would appear on the screen.

After that, one day i tried to turn on the computer and a message appeared that said that the operating system could not be found. By then I asked someone at my school and they told me there could be a problem with the hard drive. So I took it with them, and they told me it was so damaged that there was no way to recover the information I had, so I lost all of it. They formatted the drive because in that way there was a possibility I could save the drive even though the information was gone. So the next step was to install Windows XP again.

So I started doing that, but when I turned on the computer, now there wasn't even a message that said that the operating system could not be found. Now there's only this white line flashing on the top of the screen. What can I do now? For what I've read, there can be a problem with the master boot record. Considering that there's a huge chance that my hard drive is really useless now, I was thinking about buying a new one, but I fear that even then I'll still have problems with that boot record.

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