Dell :: Studio Performance Line?
Oct 4, 2009
Trying to use Dell Financing to get a laptop and had a question.
Dell has 12 months no payment for "Studio Performance" laptops. I cannot find the perrformance line. Is this the same as the regular Studio 15 and 17 line?
They also have 12 months no payments for Sudio XPS and XPS but they are a bit out of my price range.
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Mar 21, 2010
Well im currently using the Dell XPS M1330 since 2008 let me say it has been awesome! The only problem has been the battery which has been dead since early February I believe so I have been operating using the adapter.
The dead battery is still in the laptop.
However, now my idle temps are over 75 c and often over 80 c, so im thinking about selling this in fact I will be selling this shortly. Especially given the fact that the warranty ran out in February of this year.
Anyhow, im wondering if the XPS line will be refreshed in 2010 and when can we expect some new XPS models.
I only purchase my computers from Best Buy and currently they really do not have anything which really grabs me
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Feb 2, 2013
I have installed the most recent driver but still have no line for Touchpad under Device Manager, Mice and other pointing devices. I have 2 lines only: PS/2 mouse and my wireless mouse.
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Mar 3, 2009
I'm looking to purchase an Studio XPS 16 soon. I have never considered buying this laptop given the high pricetag, even though I really like it. But that changed yesterday as I received a 70% OFF coupon.
So here am I, wondering which config I should select. For instance, 500GB @ 7200rpm or 320GB @ 7200rpm or 128GB SSD? Intel 5300 Wireless-N or 5100?
Performance is important but I also want to select components or a configuration that has fewest known problems (bug, incompability or being unreliable).
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Jun 29, 2009
I am looking at getting the Studio 14z at bestbuy tomorrow, its a pretty good deal for me since i dont need the upgraded screen and everything else is exactly what i wanted for a cheaper price.
Anyways I want he 3dmark06 performance numbers just to make sure it scores around 2000 like the xps 13 does with just the 9400.
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Sep 18, 2008
I got myself a shiny 1735. I'm not a big gamer, but I wanted something that could play the odd game and specifically World of Warcraft. With this in mind (and the fact that I've never yet met an integrated graphics solution that didn't suck so hard that Dyson wanted to patent it), I went with the ATi Radeon Mobility HD 3650 gfx upgrade. I've never been a fan of ATi so it wouldn't have been my first choice of card, but given that it's about the same choice as the vegetarian "option" in restaurants (ie, take it, or go hungry) I figured it was worth a punt.
Got WoW installed and played about with settings. To cut a long story short, it looks absolutely gorgeous and will happily fling the game about with all the settings ramped up to max at 1920x1200. But.
WoW seems to run... I'm struggling for the exact word, but it's "choppy". When you're running / flying, the terrain isn't smooth, it kinda jerks past in quick bursts. It doesn't feel like the card is struggling per s�, it's like the sort of thing that you'd expect to be fixed in a driver update.
I grabbed the latest Catalyst drivers from ATi (8.8). They appear to install fine, along with the control centre which is missing from the stock Dell install, but it doesn't actually appear to update the drivers from 8.4. Presumably this is down to it being a laptop adapter rather than a discrete ATi card, but I've not as yet come up with a workaround to make it install though I'm sure it's possible. Anyway.
I took a closer look at the graphics card. The stock 3650 from ATi runs at 600MHz core, 500MHz RAM. yet the adapter supplied by Dell appears to be underclocked, the memory is the same speed but the core is running at just 450MHz.
Experimenting with ATiTool, I can reclock the card to run at ATi stock speeds of 600/500. At this speed it runs rock solid stable under extended load, with no discernable thermal issues that I can immediately make out. Overclocking it much past this almost immediately crashes the laptop so I can't recommend taking it much out of spec, for the sake of a couple of MHz it's just not worth the risk / hassle, but at 600 core it's solid. I can only assume that Dell have underclocked it to improve battery life, I can't see any other reason for such a large crippling.
Clocking the card 'properly' and switching off Full Screen Glow in WoW has gone a long way towards rectifying the choppiness, but I can see that it's still not "right". I've not yet played with other resolutions or tried any other games so I don't know if I'm just asking too much in terms of graphics RAM or if it's specifically a WoW issue but I'm going to carry on fiddling with it. Short of persevering with hacking the Catalyst 8.8 drivers though, I'm not entirely sure where else I can go with this. In the grand scheme of things it's not a huge issue, it's just irritating that my shiny new toy isn't quite the beast I was expecting when I bought it.
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Jul 29, 2009
I'm looking for performance comparisons between a Studio 15 and a XPS16 with the same 2.66ghz processor and same amount of RAM.
I know the XPS16 takes "faster" ram and now is available with a better video card, but I curious as to the performance difference.
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May 12, 2009
Just wondering if someone could tell me what kind of fps they are getting or their experience so far with the ATI Mobility 4570 (256MB/512MB) and which games run fluently it would be greatly appreciated. Games such as:
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Nov 18, 2010
I have a Dell Studio XPS 1645 laptop, 1.73 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU, 4G RAM, Windows 7 64-bit O/S, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670 video card.
Among other things, I'm using this computer for gaming. I play Lord of the Rings Online and World of Warcraft. They both run very erratically on this computer in terms of frames per second. They may run at 60 fps for half an hour, then throttle back to 1-2 fps for half an hour, and it's nearly impossible to play these games at 1-2 fps.
I recently downloaded the new BIOS patch and acquired the 130W power supply, which were supposed to be related to similar performance issues, but they did not seem to make any difference. There is no question that the computer gets quite hot when running these games, but even when hot it will suddenly work properly for half an hour before going painfully slow again. I close all other applications when running these games, and I do have McAfee firewall running in the background.
What gets me is how this problem seems to "throttle" - sometimes it works perfectly and other times it's painful. This tells me that the system has the specs and horsepower to play these games - something else must be happening.
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Jan 5, 2009
This thing is only a week old.
Anyway, he has yet to install anything beyond what came with the laptop and he commented that a antivirus scan took 8+ hours to run.
That seemed incredible to me so I went over and we ran a few benchmarks and the results were frighteningly bad.
Using HDTune, the normal curve one sees of a declining arch is rife with drastic spikes all the way through with minimum of 2.2 MB/sec (seems VERY low), and a maximum of 65 MB/sec (normalish).
Additionally, the CPU usage was 11.9 percent, which seems unusually high.
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Feb 5, 2009
For all the dell studio 15 owners please post the games you have testing and what framerates you receive. Tell us what settings you use to play the game.
Please list the specs of your studio 15.
Let me be the first,
Studio 1537
256mb Ati Mobility radeon 3450
Intel core 2 duo t-5800 2.0ghz
250 gb 5400rpm harddrive
3gb of ddr2 800mhz ram.
My games I play.
Left 4 dead- Medium/high at 1280 by 800 resolution. I have everything on high besides shadows, which i set to medium, and I tuned download AA to 2x. Antrofic filter is on 16x. It runs around 20-35 fps. Average around 30 .....
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Jul 6, 2009
I have an issue with my XPS 13 Studio. In High Performance, It says "Boost Performance", but WOW actually is more choppy and slower. If I put it down to power save, it runs smoother.
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Nov 1, 2008
I recall reading a couple of months ago about a new xps line coming out. In fact it was one of the reasons i passed on the m1330 but i havent seen any news about any new ones.
Anyone know if/when they are scheduled for?
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Sep 8, 2009
I have been a SUPER happy customer with my M1730. I originally owned an XPS Gen 2 (way back in the day). My question is, are they going to make a new successor to M1730? It's been a while, I've seen DELL come out with the new lower XPS line (13/16). Also now with the Adamo. However, I see no mention of further XPS 17XX. Have they discontinued it?
I know they purchased Alienware, but I just don't like Alienware, it looks a little to geeky for me.
If they took the M1730 and just upgraded the board so we could get the 1333Mhz RAM + G270M Video card + QuadCore (However, I'm pretty happy with my X9000)
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Oct 2, 2009
I'm a bit confused and not too knowledgeable on the latest line:
what are the major differences, and/or the pros and cons between the differences of the inspirons and inspiron Z notebooks?
i.e. Inspiron 14 vs Inspiron 14z
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Aug 14, 2007
wondering when you guys speculate the new line of XPS laptops will come out?
I'm anxious to see if they'll have an upgrade to the 2010.
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Sep 12, 2008
I purchased a Dell Inspiron 9200 in Janaury 2005. It has been an excellent laptop since day #1, but an upgrade is now in order!
Can ANYBODY have a clue as to when Dell will release laptops based on the new CENTRINO 2 line? I'd love to buy another Dell, but if they don't plan on upgrading the hardware soon, then I'll have to go to another brand.
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Jul 18, 2009
Anybody know ?
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Feb 3, 2010
The bottom line is that this laptops are not worthy to buy!
1. Throttling Issue (No real fix so far)
2. Random freezing (Speculations about driver fix)
3. Brightness control stops working randomly (remove batery to fix)
4. Sub-buffer rattles (nobody knows why)
5. Stereo leaks between left and right (no fix)
6. System runs extremely hot (1645 a little bit less than 1640)
All-in-all nice looking and feature complete laptop with a lot of issues.
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Feb 16, 2009
new precisin line (M4400 and M6400).
Most of them are solvable, but they require some effort.
A bit disappointing since I wish dell had come out with their top precision line which worked flawlessly "out of the box". Precision laptops have some great hardware and I would like to see dell kicking MBPs butt.
So, did drop the ball on the precision line ? Should it demand more from the device driver development team ?
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Feb 5, 2009
I have a 1520, 2Ghz Duo, 2.5 Gb Ram, running XP.....I also have a Line6 Guitarport USB audio interface. When I use this the audio often drops out a lot, especially when acessing the hard drive - what can I do about this? -
it's a 5400RPM drive - will upgrading to a 7200RPM improve things? It seems something is effecting the USB data stream.
The hard drive I have is a WDC WD1200BEVS-75UST 120GB
Also, is the drive running in SATA mode - when using HD tune it says:
Standard: ATA/ATAPI-8 - SATA I
Supported: UDMA Mode 6 / ATA/133
Active: UDMA MODE 5 ATA/100
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Jun 24, 2009
I have an E4300 with Windows 7 and Bios A07.
I am trying to record the sound coming out of a mixer and going into the line-in jack.
I use a cable which has the RCA on one end, and 1/8 inch on the other. I used MixCraft to do the recording, but
the sound is terrible--it's really noisy.
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Sep 17, 2008
when i start up internet explore for the first time, i get a thin line that run's right across my screen, but when i minimize IE and maximise it again its gone. it only seems to be there when i first start up IE.
this was a response i got from another forum.
"My psychic powers tell me you have a graphics card with poorly written drivers. You should check to see if there is an update available from the manufacturer. Then install it. Reboot. See if your problem goes away"
i have had a brand new motherboard fitted today, and this problem was there beforehand, i also have the latest drivers installed.
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Mar 10, 2008
I was thinking about buying this game for my M1710 and thought to ask if anyone out there with a Dell M1710 tried this game on their M1710.Just want to know fps,setting etc.Just don't want to spend $49.95 at Gamestop to find the game plays like a dog on my system.Don't want to get a "CRYSIS"type game my system can't handle.
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Apr 23, 2009
Is it my imagination or did the order status line change sometime in the past 12 hours?
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Apr 13, 2009
I noticed a thin yellow line (about 1 pixel wide) on my LCD panel running the entire length vertically (I originally wrote horizontally) about 1 centimeter from the far right side.
The line is only noticeable against a colored background and is invisible against white.
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Oct 18, 2007
I know people have stated that they are liking there new laptop. My question is more of a what would you do type deal. How does the 1730 perform in vista with wow and world in conflict etc? are u guys having any studdering issues? Reason I'm asking is that im getting ready to pull the trigger on this or a alienware 9750. I have never used vista, my desktop is running xp.
I have read the forums and searched but i want to know how it performs in game. Are you guys missing the horsepower from the 7950? Im just looking for a some advice on what i should do.
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Feb 6, 2009
I have a 9300 that developed the single-pixel wide vertical line about a week ago. Dell has agreed to replace it but will only do so if I send the entire computer, minus the HDD and battery, to the depot.
The problem is that I installed a 7800GTX using the hacked XPS2 BIOS. The rep specifically stated that the depot checks the entire system "for issues". The hacked BIOS and officially unsupported video card would be very easy excuses for Dell to refuse to replace the panel, even though I did the swap 3 years ago and the system has been fine up until last week.
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Apr 3, 2009
I have XPS 1330 when i swtsh on it give me Black screen with vertical line
i sent it to support center thay told me thay cannt fix it coz the problem from the motherbourd and thay donnt have this model i think now i have to bey it from internet and i have to fix it at home but im not sure if the problem from the motherbourd or no coz i didnot trust the support center in my country
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Mar 18, 2013
My dell latitude 830 boots up with a verticle 1/16th line down the middle. I have reflowed the video chip.
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