I am currently on my dell xps 14z laptop. Ive been having some software issues and I want to reset my computer. I tap f8 like the tutorials say, then I go to repair, state my location and which account to use, but it doesn't have the normal Dell Factory Image Or Dell factory tools for the bottom option. It only has a link to the command prompt window. So how can I factory reset my computer without formatting my hard drive.
I got rid of multiple malware problems, but I still don't have sound when going to youtube e.g., as well as can't install anything. Therefore I think the best thing to do is to reset the computer to factory settings.
cannot access the Dell back to factory condition in my young daughters Inspiron 6400, Ctrl - F11 I get no response except a load bleeping, is there any other way of accessing it?
I have a Inspiron 5437 with windows 8.1. I'm unable to boot it past a blue box asking for the system password. I don't have that password. My wife and daughter had somehow set this password up. before this I could not get windows 8 to open without a password. I do not have either of the required passwords. Is there a way for me to easily restore to factory settings? hey have no data on the computer that needs to be saved.
I have pushed the f8 button every way I can think, before the windows screen, after the dell splash, the whole time, and cannot get to the factory restore menu.
i have a 2008 Dell XPS M1330 laptop that i wish to restore to factory settings. i have saved/copied/transferred any/all files i wish to save.
i have searched (google, you tube, dell.com, forums, support) for the answer and all i find is suggested use of pressing F8 during start up. when i choose 'repair my system" , windows just loads normally.
the only seemingly 'recovery' disk i can locate says:
DRIVERS AND UTILITIES Already installed on your computer/For reinstalling Dell xps m1330 computer software. it also says: contents: device drivers/diagnostics and utilities.
i want to 'wipe the slate clean' and start the computer fresh now that i have a new xps8700. if i use this disk to which i refer, will it do what i am wanting? the computer works fine, but i'm afraid of screwing something up trying to just clean it up and back to original condition.
how to restore / reformat an Inspiron 720 to factory settings? Its 6 years old now and in need of a reformat.online ive found several answers all suggest pressing F8 on system stsrtup and doing it there.however when i do that and choose Repair My PC i then only get 5 options
None of these seem to allow me to reset my PC to its original state.I didnt have a disc with the PC, there is a recovery partition on the hard drive so i presume i should br able to reformat from that.
I have been looking all over the internet and on Dell for the past 2 hours with no luck. I have a Dell Inspiron E1505. I want to wipe everything off this laptop except what was on it when I purchased it. I keep reading hit F12 or control F11 and then click Restore. There is no Restore anywhere. I have searched and searched and I can't find anything. I have found that a lot of other people don't have that option either.
This is my daughters old laptop on which I am trying to restore factory settings. I can access all my programes but am unable to restore as i am not the adminastrator. My daughters ex boyfriend changed the password on her account so she is unable to access to reset to factory settings.
I am trying to do a restore to factory settings on my Dell Inspiron 1420 using Vista. Unfortunately the F8, F11, F12, and all other F options do not work for me (something about a deleted partition??). Soooo, I am trying to locate the discs to use to do this action. I have heard that those are free under warranty, but my computer is from 2007 so is obviously not under warranty. I have done some digging around on the Dell website and have had a difficult time locating any such discs.
About a week ago, some serious problems happened to my TravelMate 3280 to the point that booting in safe mode doesn't even work. I couldn't access the eRecovery Management either and didn't any recovery DVD.
So finally, I reinstalled windows XP SP3 from scratch. As a result, the computer didn't have Acer eRecovery Management installed. I still prefer the original factory settings though. So I browsed around online forums and found a thread by Pupples at Install Factory default, eRecovery
I did what Pupples suggested, managed to restore the alt+F10 function, and entered the Acer Recovery Management during start-up. Then, I chose the Restore Factory Settings option.
The restoration process began smoothly until about 50-60% progress when an error message occured. It says:
Fails in creating or opening a file C:preload.tag D:preload.tag X:preload.tag
After those messages, the computer booted again from the beginning and then entered a black screen with a writing on the top of the screen. The writing:
NTLDR is missing. Press any key to continue.
I pressed any key, but the same NTLDR message kept on re-appearing.
Does this have anything to do with the FAT32 or NTFSthing?
Are there any ways to restore my TravelMate 3280's factory settings?
I am having trouble restoring my computer to factory settings. Just to preface this, everytime i restart my HP Pavillion dv6 laptop, it freezes on the HP logo on the boot up. This freezing only occurs when i restart, if i manually shut it down and turn it on the boot up progresses normally.
So i have tried to restore my computer to factory settings by using the recover manager and the recovery manager requires the laptop to be restarted. However, the laptop freezes on the restart so i have to shut down the laptop manually and turn it back on. This interferes with the recovery manager and i get an error that recovery manager was not properly able to restore my computer.
I have also tried to press F10 on the boot up to enter restore mode. However, when i hit f10 my screen goes completely black. The fan and the laptop are running but the screen goes blank. How i can restore my laptop.
I have an Aspire V3 which has become very crippled. As the laptop was not in my care before now, I had tried to use the Restore Factory Settings option in the Recovery Management tool, however when I click the button to restore, nothing happens.
I have tried running windows 8 in safe mode as well as pressing alt-f10 on start up. Nothing seems to be working. Is there any way I can reset this short of using a pre-made recovery disc?
I have an Aspire V3 which has become very crippled. As the laptop was not in my care before now, I had tried to use the Restore Factory Settings option in the Recovery Management tool, however when I click the button to restore, nothing happens.
I have tried running windows 8 in safe mode as well as pressing alt-f10 on start up. Nothing seems to be working. Is there any way I can reset this short of using a pre-made recovery disc?
I'm trying to restore my Compaq CQ56-115DX back to the factory settings. I ordered the recorvery disks from HP. The computer will not read the recovery disk on restart.
I have a Pavilion dv7-1103ea laptop which I need to restore to factory settings. I created a recovery disk from the system but it has become corrupted. I gave my laptop in for repairs to a local repair shop. My laptop is now working but it is not in the same format as when I purchased it. Is there any way of restoring the laptop to its original format?
How do I restore my Compaq Presario CQ61 - 415SA back to factory settings. I have been told to press F11 on start up but it won't work. just loads as normal. Have tried F10 too same result.
I need resetting my Dell Inspiron. My laptop was running really slow so I decided to reset my laptop but when
I did, an error came up and I couldn't reset it. I can send you if a photo if you wish just message me cause the photo size is too big I can't upload it.
Recieved a New XPS 1340, powerd on went through the setup screens, got to where Windows indicated it was preparing my desktop, and the screen went blank waited about a half hour same blank screen. Called Dell Support, finally got through cell, phone service was real bad.
I lost the restore partition on the original SSD that my Yoga 13 shipped with. Is there a collection of drivers and whatnot that would allow me to restore it to factory defaults on my own with a fresh windows installation? I have the win8 key from the BIOS but don't want to lose out on all the required drivers if I were to just reinstall windows myself.
I have tried to make a fresh Windows 7 installation, but after installing updates via Lenovo System Update the system gets corrupt.I replaced the hard drive on an T400 and loaded a image that I had on to the drive. After a installing a few updates and program I noticed strange system beaver. So I did a system file check and it came back that files was corrupt and cold not be repaired.So I did a new fresh Windows install. But it to became corrupt after just running Windows Update and Lenovo System Update.So I ran some hard drive and memory diagnostic without find and problems.
Then I did a new Windows 7 install again. After I installed all recommended updates from Windows Update I did a system file check, all OK. The I installed Lenovo System Update and all its recommended updates and did a new system file check, Windows system files corrupt. What Lenovo update is destroying the system?
I had an HP Pavilion dv6, but some part inside relating to the power failed. Ultimately, the constant cutting of power caused my hard drive to fail. I was able to use HP Recovery Manager to back up my files (music, documents, pictures, etc.). For Christmas, I was gifted a new computer, but it is not an HP. I tried to restore my backup file to my computer but it says that HP Recovery failed. I'm guessing the issue is because the new computer is Lenovo Thinkpad and doesn't have the HP Recovery software. How can I restore my files to my new computer?
I'm trying to restore my SXPS16 back to how it was when i bought it using the recovery partition. But when I go to the advanced boot menu the option to do the factory restore is missing.
I know I can do a clean windows install using the CD that came with it but I'd rather just have it the way it was when I first got it.
Does anyone know of a way to fix this, or otherwise, is there another way to do a factory restore?
I don't use it very much; it's more a backup machine and the occasional Skype to grandkids. Been having a problem with being unable to use windows update; keeps getting an 8007005 error.
Googling reveals a lot of folks with the same problem, some different fixes, and mixed success stories. I've tried several of the fixes with no luck and probably made things worse than they were before (now Defender won't update).....
I am trying to restore my laptop (studio xps 16) to factory settings using the recovery image. If I look in my computer, i can see C and D drives.
D is my recovery partition with 7gb full out of 10gb. This is good and dandy except when i open the D drive, there is one folder that says RECOVERY that is empty. Why is it empty when there are 7gb's of files in there? I already have hidden files shown
I have a Aug 2006, Dell E1505, 1.83 ghz, 1 gb ram, ati 256 1400 etc etc + 80gb HDD (note) win XP & media center
for last three year never formatted my system, it was going good... recently some virus attack happend and it made my notebook verrrrrry slow, so i did the famous Ctrl + F11 !!
follow mark mck's bloatware removal, did a hdd defrag for non-c drive.
But my question is, even after everything the system is not running as fast it did in 2006
boot time is ~1min, shut down is 35 odd seconds...
So, my 2 cents say that after long usage, even if you do a factory restore DO NOT EXPECT a out of the factory hardware/speed, all u get is out of factory windows settings and bloatware ((