I'm trying to figure out what is going on with my 7950GTX. Any drivers I use in XP have problems. ALL the drivers I have used (93.77, 94.22, 158.18, 158.45, 163.44) have had my LCD go to Black then come back to the normal image, almost as if the LCD lost power and was turned back on.
However, When I put Vista on to see if that would fix the problem, I was plagued with nvlddmkm.sys has stopped responding and has recovered errors, with the same LCD problem as in XP.
Also, while I'm in XP, I MUST disable NvMcTray form starting up or I will blue screen after I login and see the nVidia icon in my system tray.
I was playing around with mine to get it to 645/700, but it gives way too many artifacts.
I was just wondering what everyone elase is runnign here with the same card 521 MB 7950gtx and laptop. And how in the hell do you keep it cool?
Also I am using 97.92 driver, since I cant get any 100XX drivers to recognize my 22" external LCD, but now I see in the Nvidia control panel that my monitor is not showing up. I mean it trasfers picture right, but its not shown in the options...
I've been having problems with my video card. (M1710 with a 7950GTX card). The card was overheating and even after applying AS5 and cleaning the vents it was reaching around 100c in games. After about a year, i started to also get memory parity errors...
Long story short, i contacted dell and they mailed me a new mb and a new video card.
I just got it now, and i am going to open the rig and replace the video card.. I am just not sure about the mother board, should i replace it as well ?
The parts that dell sent are refurbished parts, and as i know that my m.board is working i am not sure whether i should replace it or not.
I just got a 7950GTX for my Dell E1705 from Ebay, my questions is, is there any way I can check to make sure this is indeed 7950GTX not some fake 7900GTX with bios mod. I just ran a quick 3DMark 05 with 90w power supply and got like 7250 score... I am waiting for that 130W power supply,
I just bought a 7950GTX for my e1705/9400 and installed fine. The board seems to work smooth in both XP and Vista. But since I want to work with quad-buffer-stereo modes (in XP), I want to turn this board to a quadro one. As far as I read, 7950GTX is the same board with FX3500M.
This transformation job could be done either with two ways. Software... using Rivatuner bla bla. And by flashing the board to another using nvflash and -6 -5 -4 parms. For my own reasons, I didnt want to do it with any kind of software and I tried the hard way.... Result??? Nothing!!! After I flashed my 7950GTX to a FX3500M, on the first reboot everything became black! The board seems to be not recognized by my machine or was not working So, I had to re-flash it back again to it's original state.
Does anybody from here has already done this before? Because from what I saw personally, must be one of the following cases:
1) the 7950GTX cannot run with an FX3500M bios! So the boards are NOT exactly the same.
2) the bios I used for quadro (FX3500M G71 board p469h7g v05. is not compatible with my board (7950GTX G71 board p468h6 v05. and I may need another
3) my Inspiron e1705/9400 with the latest bios A09 (but also with the older A08) cannot recognize and boot properly with any FX3500M board.
In case that someone has a FX3500M already installed and working on a 1705/9400, please let me know about board's bios version and I may need a copy of his rom.
Also, If somebody knows if this could be done please let me know too.
As more and more 7950 users were complaining of Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) installs on drivers I began to look into the issue personally. I was able to track down its cause to the ever popular coolbits. Apparently, for us 7950GTX users, this registry entry is not so cool. I will give three strategies for repairing this problem. Note that both pre-install and post-install refer to the driver installation.
Caution: All three of these methods will prevent you from being able to use the Nvidia Control Panel to overclock.
This is not a big issue since the control panel interface for coolbits isn't all that great anyway. Just use ATITool, NTune, or RivaTuner to overclock your card if you wish.
Pre-Install BSOD FIX
INF Modification If you are using a LV2G driver then this is the quickest method. Open up the driver INF and remove the coolbits line. It most likely looks like this:
Code: HKLM,"SOFTWARENVIDIA CorporationGlobalNVTweak", CoolBits, %REG_DWORD%, 0xffffffff So just search for "cool" within the INF and delete the whole line. Proceed with the installation. You should be good to go.
Post-Install BSOD FIX You may be forced to use one of these methods if your driver set does not allow access to the INF.
Registry Overwriting I will post an explanation later but all you need to do is download this file Most likely you will have to install it in safe mode (F5 on startup) Once you install it, reboot. Your problems should cease.
Registry Deletion Start -> Run -> Regedit Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARENVIDIA CorporationGlobalNVTweak and remove the coolbits entry
Just got a 7950GTX as a replacement for my 7900GS and after searching for the right drivers, finally manged to install it. To my dismay, it is performing less than a stock 7900GS! On my 7900GS I used to get 6300 and with 7950GTX I am getting 6200 WTF!
Currently using forceware 94.22. I am hoping its not a hardware problem. Can anyone suggest a stable and good performing driver for the 7950GTX?
Im thinking about purchasing a FX2500M from ebay, but my question is, will it be able to perform the same as a 7950GTX if I OC it?
Because I heard that the 7950GTX is just a OC'd 7900GTX / 2500M. And I believe the difference between 7900GTX and 2500M is none, except the FX2500M is optimized for OpenGL stuff, which actually makes it better than a 7900GTX? Am I correct?
Also, does the FX2500M have a higher OC limit than the 7950GTX, since the 7950GTX is already OC'd?
Not sure if I should be worried. I upgraded my XPS 1710 from a 7900GS to 7950GTX in Dec. Running UT3 and Stalker I have been hitting 86 degrees. All seems to be working well, just not sure if I should be concerned...I have necer maxed over 80 yet.
I just got a memory parity error. I have run memtest, prime95 and gpu tests and all were great. I did some reading and it seems it can be gpu driver related. I am currently using the latest dell driver 94.22 for the 7950gtx
Just wondering if anyone can provide me with a link to download either one of these BIOS. I'm looking to flash my Quadro 1500 to either one of these to see which one works best for gaming. However I have no source for download. If anyone can provide me with a stable/stock clocked BIOS for either of these I would really appreciate this.
Any driver I install other than the Dell driver for my 7950GTX gives me a blue screen of death. I use the Driver Cleaner/CCleaner approach. I've even reformatted to see if it was some operating system anomaly. I know there's a DLL you can delete to make it work, but I'm not willing to give up the control panel.
iv'e owned a M1710 for over 3 years and never had any issue at all with it. Sell it to a friend about 2 weeks ago with a fresh install of Win7 64bit installed.
Last night he calls me telling me it blue screened coming out of Stanby mode and when he reboots there are all kinds of graphic glitches/errors all over the screen during system post and It will only boot into safe mode.
I checked it out today and the graphic card is indeed fried, failed the Video Memory test of dell's diag CD.
Could Stanby mode keep an amount of current going through the video card without fans running and burn the memory? or is this just a big coincidence?
In my 3 years of owning the laptop I never used Standby or Hibernate, it always booted up pretty quick I never saw the point...
I just upgraded to a 7950GTX,and I now experience a wireless issue that wasn't there before. I have the Dell 1390 minicard. And I have the PA-13 adpater.
Before the upgrade, while sitting next to my wireless router, I would naturally get 5 bars out of 5, now I only get 3 bars, and Dell's wireless utility says my connection quality is poor.
Before the upgrade, I could move all around the house and never get less than 3 bars, now I can't go more than 12 feet from the router before losing the connection.
I thought I could have done something wrong when I opened my lappy, but I just looked at the service manual and the wireless minicard sits below the motherboard, so it's not that.
why I get less performance from my wireless network now that I've upgraded to a 7950GTX ?
Dell says the 8700 is an upgrade, but I'm seeing lower framerates across the board. Is there any resource / testting / review that would prove that at 1600x1200 and up the 8700 just doesn't have the nuts to push the pixels like the 7950?
I have tweaked this puppy pretty hard in the last week or so since I have put it in my 9400. I had the T5200 and 7900GS at 675-1200 and was only pulling off 8400's on 3d05.
I have since swapped to a T7400 and the beast 7950GTX, then proceeded to bios mod the heck out of it. I lowered the geometric delta to clock it self -45mhz under the core shader clock. This means when I clocked my card stock it would hit a wall at 660-670 core and that is usual the geometric delta clock stopping us from cranking these higher.
Now I have the core to 705 and that lets the geometric delta run at 660 since I have lowered its ratio in NiBitor. It will go all the way to 730's before it starts to aritifact. I also ran the ram up to 1720 on these runs (860 DDR). I can email anyone this bios and also have screen shots to host when I get time. This thing is rock solid stable at 680 all day long benching and gaming if anyone is interested in that little fact. The 7900GS works well with this delta mod also I had its core to 670's on that but it was a revision 1 so it sucked for memory overclocking as it only went to 1200DDR. Someone with a unlocked CPU needs to do this and crush my scores. I have hit close to 6200 on 3dmark 06 but someone with a 7600G will get me if they used my bios or edit them selves. I was the one with the Gen2 XPS 6800 ultra that was pulling 6800's on 05 a couple years ago that put up a world record also.
I've been watching the order on Dell's site all week, as it was scheduled to ship (on or before today) (2/21/08), and I opted for Next Day shipping.
When I placed the order, the woman I spoke with asked for my Service Tag number. I, um... don't HAVE one... I didn't say this, I simply said I don't have that information at the moment. She asked how I got the part numbers, and I told her from their own Spare Parts page.
Well....the order got cancelled today. Saw it online while at work, just before I left for the day. Another order number with the identical items was created, with a scheduled ship date of 3/3/08. WHAT?
The woman just called....she states they cannot process my order without a service tag number. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!
I told her I don't have a tag number....she asked if I was building one. "Yes." To which I hear...
"Oh....well, I don't think our supplier will allow that without a service tag number, because we reserve those parts for people who bought m1710's."
I said "That's amazing...because I know a number of people who have done the same thing I'm trying to do, and had no problems getting these parts."
"Well, that's because they have m1710's"
*mad enought to scream at this point* "Um, no...where do you think I got the idea from?? I'm certainly not the first person to have this idea."
how I can get them to sell me some refurbished plastics? What's the secret password?
What would cause the computer to come up with the blue screen of death and say system haulted and the number lock led to be lite up? all iw as doing was listening to music. temps were cpu 61c and gpu 54c.
I just acquired my 1st XPS notebook this week (bought it used) and so far, I'm loving it. Not a huge fan of Dell desktops but I must admit, they have done something amazing with their XPS/gaming systems. And their warranty services aren't too shabby.
My current system is as follows: Intel C2D T7200 @ 2.0GHz 4MB L2/667MHz Go 7900GS 4GB DDR2 RAM 200GB 7200RPM HDD Gigabyte wireless adapter (not sure which model but it supports 108Mbps)
Got it for a good price so I wanted to know the following...
Is it worth it for me to upgrade the CPU to possibly the T7600/T7600G? Is it worth it for me to upgrade the GPU to the Go 7950GTX?
I was looking into OC-ing my CPU and GPU but I haven't found any information on OC-ing the CPU. As for the GPU, the sticky here seems to be pretty easy to follow. I will try that tonight and see what I can push out of my system. I've never been huge into the OC-ing scene