"On Tuesday, Apple won a permanent injunction against Psystar following summary judgement in favor of Apple's claims of copyright infringement and violation of the DMCA. The court orders that Psystar is now prevented from the following:
1. Copying, selling, offering to sell, distributing, or creating derivative works of plaintiff's copyrighted Mac OS X software without authorization from the copyright holder;
2. Intentionally inducing, aiding, assisting, abetting, or encouraging any other person or entity to infringe plaintiff's copyrighted Mac OS X software;
3. Circumventing any technological measure that effectively controls access to plaintiff's copyrighted Mac OS X software, including, but not limited to, the technological measure used by Apple to prevent unauthorized copying of Mac OS X on non-Apple computers;
4. Manufacturing, importing, offering to the public, providing, or otherwise trafficking in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof that is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access to plaintiff's copyrighted Mac OS X software, including, but not limited to, the technological measure used by Apple to prevent unauthorized copying of Mac OS X on non-Apple computers;
5. Manufacturing, importing, offering to the public, providing, or otherwise trafficking in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof that is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing a technological measure that effectively protects the rights held by plaintiff under the Copyright Act with respect to its copyrighted Mac OS X software."
The only catch is this: in the fall, I'll be entering college as a mechanical engineering freshman, which basically screams "PC, PC!" However, now, with the advent of Bootcamp, Mac has become a plausible option for me.
I've really been looking at the Dell XPS M1330 and the 2.26GHz 13" MacBook Pro. My max budget is $1200, but, if I did my basic math right, I can get both of these around $800-900, which will make my parents happy.
I'm a big fan of OS X. I dig the simplistic and intuitive feel. I also enjoy the rigidity of the new-ish aluminum enclosures, especially when compared to the laptop I'm using now. However, I am familiar with XP after having used it for most of my computing experiences since junior high and onwards. 7 also looks like a very promising operating system.
I hear that Windows on a Mac machine runs pretty smoothly. However, the glitches I've read about do worry me: missing/lacking mouse drivers and lack of power management (also related to overheating ). VMWare and Parallels are also viable options, but I feel like it'd make more sense for me to run engineering applications natively on Windows.....
The report claimed that XPS sales were eating into the market share of Dell’s subsidiary Alienware and said the new <nobr>strategy</nobr> is part of Dell’s broader turnaround effort.
Last year Dell fell behind rival HP in PC sales and obviously, touting two different lines of gaming machines wasn’t doing them any favours when it came to profit. Dell has said it will phase out the XPS and focus on what it feels is its premium line. The report also hints that we’ll soon see some new designs for Alienware based on new materials that go beyond the traditional Alienware design.
Dell acquired Alienware in March of 2006 however Alienware continues to develop and market it’s own products whilst leveraging the financing and purchasing power of Dell. Prior to the acquisition Alienware was one of the main competitors for the XPS.
The announcement comes as quite the surprise given that it wasn’t too long ago that the world was introduced to the XPS 730 H2C. The company only officially announced the machine at the beginning of the month so we’re wondering what it is that made them decide to pull the XPS line just a few weeks after the launch of the latest addition to the family, a machine Dell is describing as “one of the most <nobr>advanced gaming</nobr> platforms on the planet”.
Either way if you’re a fan of XPS you should probably get ready to say your goodbyes because starting June, it’s all Alienware.
I have an Acer Asprie 3680 and an Aspire 5570Z 5570-2997.
The 3680 has 1 GB of RAM split in two slots
The 5570 has 2 GB of RAM split in two slots
Am I able to just swap all the RAM from the two machines without any troubles? Are the compatible and how can I do this exactly? Is there a video tutorial?
After buying and receiving a ready-to-ship FW490 (to match my MacBook Pro), I noticed that if I configured the exact same machine it was $181 cheaper... Sony Style won't price match the machine either, saying I have to return mine and re-order it as CTO to get the difference. I think the $181 is probably not worth the hassle but I feel a bit ripped off here... Am I being unreasonable?
I want to know since no one has actually been talking about it. Are there any new precision, and latitude updates coming out? Any new quadro cards for the precision m2400, like the new hp elite book with 512mb graphics.
how many people are running Windows 7 and/or Windows Vista on their MBP?
How's the performance of Windows on MBP through bootcamp? Any compatibility issue? I have a few software for PC (i.e.: Nikon Capture NX2, Lightroom, Photoshop CS4, etc.,) and would prefer to run it on Windows w/o having to rebuy it.
Mainly would use the laptop for those purposes, but MBP has that cool factor vs PC laptops heehhe
I might use it occasionally for games (i.e. WOW). Ofcourse surfing the internet on OSX is not an issue.
what is the battery life of your macbook pro on bootcamp? i want to compare it to that of windows 7 as i will be doing heavy programming during my second year at uni. i want to know what will be better, vista or xp. i currently have w7 rc. i wanted to purchase it but i do not know when it will be released. therefore i wanted to go with something more stable.
I just noticed in iStat that my 2 week old uMBP 15 is only running the left fan. Temps seem fine, but I'm just curious is this is the norm or do I have a faulty right fan?
I got the keyboard Eject key to work. Post has been updated accordingly.
This was done on an early 2009 white Macbook, with Vista SP2. Your mileage may vary. I'm not responsible for any damage or loss of files. On that note, always remember to backup data before doing a reformat!
First of all, I booted from the OS X Install disc, went into Disk Utility, clicked on the hard drive and selected Partition. From there, I created a new single partition, under options I selected Master Boot Record table. After it was done I rebooted, holding the ALT/Option key until I got into the boot manager, and I ejected the OS X disc and inserted the Windows disc (I am using the original Vista RTM disc in this case, and I installed SP1 and SP2 later)...........
I know this isn't a cell phone forum but it IS the Apple sub-section so I don't know for a more suitable spot for it.
Anyone have the iPhone 3.0 OS up and running? I just downloaded it a couple of minutes ago and am installing it right now on my iPod Touch to play around with. I'm not sure I want to load it on my phone yet because it states it is impossible (or difficult) to go from 3.0 back to 2.2.1. I am interested in some of the phone features but I believe I will wait for the actual release.
More hits than misses in my opinion but still one feature that I wanted to become built into the "phone" page was voice dialing. Third party apps technically get the job done but I don't want to go scrolling through apps trying to find it. Landscape texting and MMS were my favorite of the announced features.
My first mac is almost a year old now. What should I do to keep my macbook pro running quickly? I maxed out my ram, but what maintenance should I do? I have a lot of programs that I don't want to loose by reinstalling OSX.
I absolutely love the new Macbook Pro 13" hardware. The unibody case and high quality panel makes me want to buy one right now. Nobody really offers anything similar. The problem for me, however is the fact that it comes with and runs OS X, and as far as I understand I will need to use Apple software (bootcamp) to run Windows. Is it at all possible to modify the computer to run Windows exclusively? And if I do run Windows through Apple software, are there any limitations to what I can do there or is it exactly the same as on a regular PC laptop? Running OS X is not an option, as alot of very specialized software I use is Windows only and I frankly dislike Apple OS.
i am planning on running windows xp on my mac (dual boot); do you lose control of the fan speed? multi-touch(specifically, right click)? calibration profile?
I'm going to uni next year to study CSc and have been told nearly every system they run is an XP machine. I also checked what software they run, and it turns out the majority aren't available for the mac. I asked them what would be best for the course and they told me I would get better support if I had a PC and that there may be workarounds for macs. However, the person I spoke to (head of faculty) has no experience whatsoever with OS X.
Anyway, the thing is I want to keep my current macbook mainly because I find it hard to part with and the second being I don't have the cash to dish out on another notebook of comparable quality.
The question: Which version of Windows (XP/Vista/7) runs best on a Macbook?
By this I mean which has the greater support (drivers), and is most stable to work with (incl/ battery life, less glitches etc).
Also, will Snow Leopard provide better compatibility with Windows and how? Thank you in advance for any information you can provide me with.
i'm pretty close to buying the 17" mbp, but i was hoping to clear somethings up beforehand. now, i know nothing about computers, so don't ask me stuff that i wouldn't know. how would the mpb cope with running counterstrike source, for say a couple of hours everynight.? i play on low settings and @ 1024x768 res. - read a little bit about bootcamping but that means nothing to me. and about heating, i have read that the mbp overheats/gets hot quite easliy, so would it be worth getting a stand/cooling to help?
Few weeks ago I brought the WD blue 640GB, and lately swapped it out and put the old Hard drive back in because the WD was making too much noises. AFter I putting the old one back in here, the OS X starts running at the temperature of 56-58 degree C. The CPU is also running something such that it's used percentage is jumping around 10% and 20 % constantly. I start using it right now, and the upper left corner is getting warmer without running any significant job.
I have Windows XP installed through boot camp, and it seems the hard drive is acting very very slow. Or basically XP in general. Installations are taking a very long time. It literally took 4 hours to install Modern Warfare 2. In case anyone is wondering I have the 2008 iMac 2.4 Ghz, 1 GB RAM, 7200rpm HD. Also in device manager, under SM bus controller there is a yellow question mark, could that be part of the problem?
About seven months ago, I bought a Lenovo T400 for law school and left my 2006 13" MB with my dad (the computer mentioned in the subject line). All he did was install Snow Leopard on it, and then let it sit and barely use it. So, last time I was home I took it back from him to have as a fun/backup laptop.
I know the fan on this model (compared to the older G4 iBooks) always did run somewhat frequently, but usually I could tell what I was doing that would do it (something CPU intensive). However, since I've been messing around with it, I've noticed the fan runs a LOT more often, at a high speed. I could even let it sit for five minutes with no applications running and the fan will turn on for a bit.
I don't think I'm just spoiled by the cool-running T400, but I'm fairly sure the fan is running more often than when I used this MacBook. Can anyone tell me if Snow Leopard (at 10.6.2) is making a difference? Or is there some other issue that can be present here? I've also done the PRAM reset tricks to no avail.
I'm running Windows XP (32 bit) on Bootcamp on my 2008 MBP with nvidia 8600m GT graphichs card. I cannot select my external monitor to be the primary monitor because it's grayed-out (I can't select it where it says 'use this monitor as my primary monitor').
I just went onto nvidia's website and downloaded the latest drivers and installed them. No difference. Anyone know how I can achieve this?
I bought the unibody MacBook some weeks ago, probably nearing a month now. And I'd like to perhaps get some answers on some things that have been bothering me a little here and there. I've called AppleCare but they almost always tell me to bring my MacBook down somewhere to have a look at it, and that is not a very viable option. Unless it of course is something major.
1. What is the normal temperature for a MacBook running say Firefox with maybe 5+ tabs open and a video streaming in one of those tabs? Along with maybe aMSN and Pages. Before I had SMCFancontrol running, with power attached it would run at or between 55~61 degrees celsius or so. Currently with SMCFancontrol running, it runs at about 45~51 celsius but the fans are working doubly hard.
While running games on my Win XP partition, it gets hot, sometimes if I put it on my lap for a second or two, it almost feels like the surface could scald me. But I guess that's because I'm running games.
2. Is it more advisable to have the battery out or in if when I'm at home and using just the power adapter?
Applecare has advised that I leave it in all the time, but I'm not entirely convinced on this. Macs aren't PCs but most if not all of the people I know that use PCs have the battery out all the time and only plug it back in when they need it.............
I want to buy a macbookpro laptop. Because I have to work with windows as well I am trying to get a sense of the processor speed running on Mac under parallels or vmware, especially on the 2.8Ghz or 3.06Ghz (but not only) processors.
Can you run super_pi (you can find it from one of the links at the bottom on this page: [url] in the windows virtual machine (parallels or vmware) with 2M digits and then post the following information: - processor speed - software used (parallels or vmware) - windows os host (XP or Vista or W7) - super_pi result (2M digits),