I'm glad I found some fellow XPS users, maybe you could give me some advice.
I got my new(ish) M1530 yesterday (refurb from Dell Outlet, saved me £200).
Initially I was very pleased, its a lovely machine, but I then found a problem - its the curse of the random shutdown!
I first noticed it when running 3dMark this morning to demo the XPS.
It happens fairly consistently after a few minutes; the machine doesnt feel hot.
I phoned Dell support (took 1.5 hours) and they/we found it shuts down in the diagnostics tests too.
Conclusion: Replace motherboard, engineer booked.
However I have discovered it only happens when its on battery power - everything is fine on AC power.
I use my X201 for 4 years now without any trouble. The original battery getting worned out, I replaced it with a 9Cell Duracell (Sanyo) one. Â Since then and only when I use the new battery, AC unplugged, my laptop randomly shuts down with no warning. No overheating issue. Â The Win7 logs point to powerfailure (Kernel Power at restart shows error 61)
I have an Acer Aspire V3-572PG (about 4 months old), and the machine shuts down randomly when on battery power. It's happened when moving it from one place to another, or with subtle shifts on my lap, and sometimes just typing triggers a shutdown. However, it doesn't happen when plugged in. Battery has been fully charged; it's not overheating; it's not the fan; it's not dust; and I've run comprehensive anti-virus scans.  In the past, it's taken anywhere from an hour or two before it shuts down. Last night it happened simply when I unplugged the thing from the wall ... so, no moving/no touching of the computer, but shutdown when removing plug from wall!!???
I have having serious issues with my Inspiron N5010. It freezes at random times, and after a few seconds just powers off. I have used the restore function built in to restore to factory shipped condition and it did not fix the issue. I have ran the Dell Diagnostics on startup and tested every component possible and it found no errors. I have ran disk surface error check in windows and it found nothing wrong. I have installed windows manually from windows disc, and the problem is still there. Tried making sure the latest drivers are installed and still no fix. This laptop has never been abused, dropped, overheated, or gotten wet. It still looks brand new.
Sometimes the laptop when started wont go past the blue screens. Also sometimes it wont turnoff. I suspect it might be because of usb devices, but even still i get the problem. It's really annoying because MBP is supposed to be a flawless device.
I fired up Call of Duty 4 for some online gaming whilst at the parentals house, all well and good. Then after a few (maybe even one) minutes gaming, PING, and the laptop shuts off.
Strange I thought, as this has never happened to me before. The first things that ran through my mind were the graphics card had overheated and caused the system to automatically shut down. Although this has never happened to me personally before, I have heard of other people having this problem, and since I overclock, I reasoned this could well be the case.
i just wanted to know how high the temperatures on the m1530 can go until the computer shuts down ( for CPU, GPU, and ACPI )
I ask this because my lappy will suddenly restart after some stressing while OCing my GPU to 625 core, 890 mem. (no i dont want you posting that its my fault, that im an idiot, that i shouldnt OC this lappy and such)
Its usually stable when gaming (ie. Team Fortress 2), stays at 72C CPU and 81C GPU OCd, but when i try a heavier game ( EVE Online) it will restart after about 20-30 minutes of use.
I realize that there are several threads on W520 shutdowns, but I haven't quite found a similar problem to mine: A random, sudden shutdown occurs while the laptop is on battery. The problem does not occur when using the power adaptor. It also seems to have nothing to do with physical movement of the laptop, nor with power consumption/heat. After going blank from one second to the next, the laptop restarts. Seeing that the laptop works fine with the power adaptor, is there any reason to believe that components on the main board could be the problem? If not, I could just get another battery, even though this still seems ok.
I bought an ACER ultrathin S7 392 about 7 months ago and for the last month it has been shutting down unexpectedly when on battery but not when plugged into the mains. There is no shutdown routine, crash or error message it just loses all power. A second issue which may or may not be related is that sometimes when i attempt to shutdown the unit it restarts instead. I have sent it back to ACER support to fix but I think they just reinstalled windows and when they sent it back they had not fixed the problem. I have since contacted them again and they said it was fine when it left the workshop. Â Acer S7 392 Bios 2.09 Windows 8.1
Have my critical battery level set at 5% and "shutdown" as the action to take. I reached this point yesterday and the laptop powered down OK, but I notice that the reliability monitor classes this as a disruptive shutdown.
Why ? It's just doing what it's supposed to do.
Is there any possibility of file corruption or anything. It seemed to shut down very smoothly.
I was just about to pull the trigger on a m1530 via dell.com (US) but found I am no longer able to configure it with a 9-cell battery.
I know I can easily buy the battery separately - but I was wondering what the likely reasons for this option disappearing are - could this mean they have stopped making 9-cells (maybe EOL for m1530)?
Wouldn't they normally just delay the ship date if the component was due to come back later?
Side note: as an alternative, I'm considering the SXPS 16 - does anyone have both a SXPS 16 and m1530 and can comment on the size/weight difference?
After over year use of my XPS I have the plugged, non charging problem. I am pretty sure that at work my battery was at 100 %, but suddenly it dropped to 7 and Vista hibernated the laptop.
Tried battery charge gauge for charge it shows 1 light after i hold it for 3-4 seks it shows 1 light again. Tried with other charger (from friend) same as mine it charges for 10-15 seks then stopped.
I went to bios and noticed something strange. It shows 90 W adapter. If i unplug adapter from laptop directly and plug again BIOS shows unknown device, but if turn of adapter from wall and first plug in laptop and then in wall BIOS detect 90 W.
I bought my M1530 with a 6cell battery. I also bought another genuine 9cell battery off ebay.
I am currently using only the 6 cell battery, for over a year and a half. It only lasts for about 30-40min now, and the system has given me messages of "battery replacement needed".
This said, I want to buy another one, but Dell.com is very expensive.
On ebay you can find genuine for 60-70$ and "non-genuine" for around 40$
I have a Dell xps M1530 laptop. A few months ago my battery started to go. I just purchased a new one from Dell and it worked good for a few days then for some some reason the laptop won't run when it is not plugged into the AC adapter. I have tried unplugging the AC and taking the battery out and holding down the start button for 30 seconds and that didn't do anything. On the tool bar the battery shows its 100% fully charged and the lights on the battery itself also says it's fully charged.
recently I started having battery issues on my m1530. I have the 9 cell, and it always worked fine and gave me 3-4 hours of time. Now, though, it displays 3 hours, then drops slowly and accurately with time, until it gets to about 1 hr. At the 1 hr mark or so, it will instantly fall to 5% remaining (about 7 mins) and then turn off after that 7 minutes.
Also, I have been having issues with the charging as well, where it will get to "plugged in, not charging" and just sit at a certain %charge. I am away from home at a temp housing this month, so I don't know if it is just the outlets here, but sometimes it will charge all the way up and others it will just give me power and no charge.
so my 9cell battery is no longer taking a charge. my 6cell still charges so i know its the battery. i called tech support and they said that batts only have a 12mo warranty.
i bought a frickin 4yr warranty when i bought it is there any loop hole or something that i can use to get another 9cell for free??
I was just wondering, among all the XPS M1530 owners. About how long did your AC adapter and battery (6-cell or 9-cell, please specify) last before they died out on you...
I've owned my XPS M1530 (6-cell batt) for about 8 month now, and I still have not encountered problems.
However, I've read other forums and even on the Dell Store and Website that many XPS M1530 owners are dissatisfied with their AC adapters and 6 or 9 cell batteries.........................
My battery on my XPS 1530 has lived its life. I need to buy a replacememt battery. The Dell website is offering me the amazing price of $189.99 (CDN dollars).
Can anyone recommend me a reliable online store or brick and mortar store that sells the XPS 1530 9 cell battery at a good price?
I started looking at the XPS M1530 way back in early 2008 as a potential laptop to purchase as my first laptop, and I found that it was all around the best deal for a 15" laptop when I bought it in July of 2008.
I originally wanted the 6 cell due to the slimmer design but ended up purchasing the M1530 when the 6 cell was not in stock and the 9 cell was a free upgrade.
So I got it with the 9 cell. When I first tested it a few weeks after purchase I was able to get a little over 4 hours (almost 4.5) with Wi-Fi on and the screen at low-mid brightness. Today I tested again, I unplugged it from the wall at 4:50 today, and at exactly 7:40 the screen shutoff. That is 2 hours, 50 minutes. That is over an hour worse then what it got originally.
so today I took the plunge of buying a 9 cell battery for my m1530 in ebay it was a 7200mah/85mWH. I was wondering if anyone bought this battery here before and if its any good?
i looked at genuine dell batteries and its out of my budget...and my 6 cell can only hold an hour of charge after 1 and a Half year of use.
I got a new 6-Cell battery from Dell for the M1530. I had a 9-cell before. All is well. Only issue is, with the 6-cell, if I place the laptop on the Zalman NC2000, the foot rests are not even. The back right foot rest, is lifted and there is this wobble.
Now, I did check if its fine on a normal, flat desk and the laptop sits perfectly fine, even on all four rubber foot rests.
BUT - with the 9-cell, the laptop sits well on the Zalman NC2000 (and also on a normal, flat table!)
I am confused as to why with the 6-cell it doesn't like to sit evenly on the Zalman???
To summarize:
6-cell on a normal, flat table - all is well, no wobble. 6-cell on the Zalman NC2000 - Back right foot rest (of the laptop) is in the air, hence there is the wobble. * Why?
9-cell on a normal, flat table - all is well, no wobble. 9-cell on the Zalman NC2000 - all is well, no wobble.
By the way, the zalman itself is fine, sitting well on all four corners on the table or on any flat surface!
i installed the Bios A12 for XPS M1530, my battery has been giving me the "plugged in, not charging" message. I've read in other threads that going back to Bios A09 fixed the problem for some people. I want to try that myself, but the problem is i can't install Bios A09 because my available battery left is only 4%. And the only way i would be able to install the Bios A09 is if i have at east 10% battery available. Since my battery can't charge,
My Dell XPS 1645 [see sig for specs] will random shut off on me. I will be doing anything from watching a movie, listening to music, or just browsing and it will random shut off. They are like days apart but It shut off 3 times on my today :S.
These shut offs are not Temperature related as In BOTH Windows and Ubuntu it has shut off and I have been monitoring temperature in both, with log files so I can check the temperature @ shut off time.
I live in Jamaica and it would be kind of hard for me to just send it in to have it looked at. I'm hoping the next BIOS revision along with fresh installs of both OS's will do the trick.