I installed the process explorer and found that when I was having high cpu usage issues, that wmpnetwk and svchost were hogging it all.
I have managed to disable the wmpnetwk service, as I never use media player. But not sure how to tackle the svchost problem. I have only just disabled wmpnetwk, so maybe that will be enought to help with my problems.
Is there anything else I can do?
Inspiron 9400 (A10 Bios)
Windows 7
Nvidia Geforce Go 7900 (With the latest drivers from Nvidia)
Intel Mobile chipset
500mb HD (5400)
4mb of RAM
my i8kfangui shows a temperature of 51*C right now. It is "idling" for the most part. For some reason a process called svchost.exe (Network Service) utilizes much of the CPU, fluctuating between 15% and 50% with 250,420K of memory usage. I've tried to just terminate the process before, but right after I do that my laptop forces me to restart it.
I have troubles with svchost eating 50% (or a full core) of CPU. I can see that two services depending on this svchost instances are plugandplay and DCOM. With another tool (Process explorer) I could find that back thoses services were sometimes bluetoothstack, windows synchro, or just nothing.
Troubles happened after I upgraded two drivers from Dell website: Webcam and GeForce. I have now the latest instances from Dell.
Grafic driver seems quite old to me (11/2008). Any advice against using the nVidia driver (from nvidia website)?
Is it normal that dell.ca would have fewer choices of screens than dell.com? I'm looking at the studio 15, and dell.com lists Hi Resolution/Bright,
glossy widescreen 15.4 WLED display (1440x900) as a choice, which is what I want, but dell.ca doesn't. When I view the system specs though, that choice is listed as on option.
I have a Dell Latitude E6530 and when I plugged in my monitor and keyboard into the docking station, they were not recognized. But I can plug them into the laptop while docked and they are recognized.
I have a Dell Inspiron N5010 purchased about 2 and a half years ago. I was just deleting some random programs which I don't ever use, and accidentally clicked on uninstall Dell Data Safe Local Back up.
How to reinstall it? I tried to do so by clicking this link [URL] .... but it just came up with an error message.
my laptop vostro 3460 won't boot any more. When I turn it on it loads the Dell logo (I suppose it passes the POST) but then it just shows a black page. It could be anything, but I guess that it may have something to do with Windows 8 and the UEFI system. I also would be quite happy to install linux mint and get rid of Windows, but I don't know how to change the boot priority order.
So my questions are:
1 is it a hardware issue ? if not, can I solve my problem easily ?
2 how can I change the boot priority order, to install mint ?
when i first got my dell inspiron and it was all good. when i set the monitor to shut off after 1 minute of being idle, it did and would not turn on unless someone moved the mouse of pressed a button. however, after i reformatted, the computer monitor would shut off after 1 min but soon afterwards it turns on again by itself, then it goes off again, then it remains on permanently. i recently formatted my laptop again and this problem persists. anyone knows whats sup? im using xp ftw... and my configurations are the same as it was before the reformats so idk whats wrong.
Why can"t I get the Dell Webcam Central to load on my inspiron 1545? I have downloaded it twice from the support site for my service tag and each time i attempt t install it and it shows a coorupt or incomplete download
i consider buying assassin's creed for pc to play it on my dell laptop (see sig). any idea, how it will run? anyone with an i9400/e1705/oc'ed 7900gs, who already played it? is it worth it or do i have to turn down the settings too much?
just for info: i can play gears of war, bioshock, ut3, cod4, et:qw, sega rally, orange box, stalker, etc. at max settings at 1280x800 res. everything runs smoothly like that. have to turn down aa or shadow qual. slightly down sometimes, though.
I am going in for a clean windows xp install on my dell inspiron 1525. I have downloaded all the drivers from the support site, but want to know if these are really required?
Dell Notebook System Software http://support.dell.com/support/down...&fileid=247873
Dell System Software http://support.dell.com/support/down...&fileid=303636
I have accidentally spill water on my dell 1525 keyboard and now, when I power on, the keyboard does not work. everything works fine, its just none of the keys on my keyboard or maybe one or two from time to time work.
Dell Inspiron 6000 notebook to boot up and stay unfrozen long enough for me to retrieve my files, and put them on my tower pc.
In a nutshell, I got this Inspiron about 3 years ago- I currently have it connected to an external monitor, because my wife dropped a heavy object on the screen last year, and destroyed said screen.
Just this past week, I turned it on, and it started getting really slow. Finally, it got to a point where now, when I turn it on, it boots up, it goes to the desktop, the desktop icons all appear, and within a minute or two, it just kind of slows down, and eventually freezes up, and the hard drive indicator light quits doing anything. It does not respond to anything, and the only way to restart it, is to hold the power button down until it resets.
If anybody knows of a thread already on this site, regarding this problem, please point me in the right direction, as I tried the search function, and did not come up with anything.
and one or two other things, since it initially started having problems, sometimes, I will get two "missing module" error boxes pop up- and also, while it is booting, the screen flashes black for about 3 seconds, and then comes back on and continues to load.
Thank you very much to anybody who could possibly help me out of this jam. I really do not plan on using this laptop (or notebook) anymore, if and hopefully when, I get my files off of it.
And that is the other problem, I can not attempt to boot up in safe mode, as my screen is busted up, and it will not output to my external monitor, when I hit the f key while it is starting. I did make a couple different bootable cds, but they do not seem to do anything.
I enjoy gaming, although I wouldn't consider myself a "hardcore" gamer. I currently have 1024 MB of RAM (2 x 512) and I am looking to upgrade soon. My options are as follows:
- Dell certfied RAM
- Kingston RAM
- Corsair RAM
Of course, for the Dell RAM, I have to wait for the shipping, but it is one of the cheaper ones. However, any of the other three I can pick up at Best Buy (which is more convenient). Can someone point out the pros and cons of each? It seems the PNY is a great buy, but could there be performance problems compared to the others? And why is the Kingston so expensive?
I purchased an Inspiron 14z a few months ago and it has been working fine until recently - upon starting up, it freezes at the dell logo screen. I have searched for posts regarding this problem and have found no solutions that work for me; I've tried pressing F2 and F12 but no keystrokes will register.
i have a dell B130 and the AC adapter will not work .... the light will light up but as soon as i plug it into the laptop the light shuts off and i get no power
now either this could be the AC adapter got to hot and blew something or it could be a sign for the mobo. I just need yall to help me out so i kno
I purchased this Mini to be in touch on an extended personal and business trip in Central America. Dell was exceptional in delivering the unit before I left, even though the promised delivery was after my departure. While away the Mini let me keep up with email and browse for information vital to the trip. The machine worked exactly as expected with no glitches. Bonus points for how easy it was to get the Minithrough security in American airports- an unexpected pleasure. Two of my colleagues and travelling companions were impressed - kept borrowing the Mini and will likely acquire one for travel.
#1 - What is the "Dell Extended Battery Life" option in the advanced power options? What does it do? The help article just says that extends the battery life.
#2 - With the facial recognition software, is there any way to take multiple "logon" images for the same user? 44m .....
Is it possible to sell a dell i bought online from dell.com on ebay? Its brand new i didn't receive it yet. I dont need it anymore because my brother wanted something else for his birthday, but i don't want to refund it. Is it possible to sell it on ebay? Would the service tag be affected?
Laptop is failing to boot up. The screen does not turn on/make it to BIOS. Tho, the lights come on, USB devices light up...
Things that happend up to this problem:
Very confident it's NOT virus related.
I put my laptop into hibernation for the night, in the morning, the laptop still being in hibernation, I took out my Ipod shuffle first gen. Later in the day, we expirenced a black out.
When I got home, My laptop was no longer in hibernation ( the blackout ) and thats when I noticed the problem. My AC Adapter is behind two surge protectors, so I think ( and hoping ) it's a minor hardware misshap with the Ipod.
Are the Dell notebooks currently being sold in Wal-Marts and Best Buys the same quality built machines as those sold on Dell.com? I read on another discussion board that they were not.
I read that the Dell products sold in Wal-Marts and Best Buys were built and shipped out from a different manufacturing source than the Dell computer products being sold on Dell.com.
That the computer products being sold at those 2 mass retailers are not built as good as those purchased directly from Dell.com. Is there any truth to that story?