I have a problem with my laptop, whenever i play a game it will froze on random. I know the computer is still running since the sound is still being heard but the screen is completely frozen. So i need to close the game and re-launch it again everytime this happens. The odd thing to me is it only happens to a certain game. But it doesn't occur to other games even games that requires higher specifications.The game i'm talking about is DotA 2, is there something on the DotA 2 engine that makes this occur?
My Acer Aspire 6920 Laptop freezes occasionally, and nothing but a cold shutdown fixes it. Sometimes after I turn it back on again, the keyboard is unresponsive until after I've logged into my Windows 7. If I was playing music at the time of the freeze, it plays the last few seconds of music in slow motion over and over again.
There does't seem to be anything in particular that causes the crashes (sometimes I'm running games, other times it was idling).
How can I stop it freezing?
What I've tried: Reinstalling my Windows 7 64bit, Installing the latest drivers (from various sources)
I took a video of the laptop in it's frozen state, if this would help anyone? If it would, I can upload it to youtube... Basically nothing but a cold shutdown (holding in the power button) does anything.
The laptop randomly freezes and is unable to run after (need to turn it off using the power button).
- I scanned it for spyware and viruses - Checked the drive using the windows tool - I did not install any new software lately - Installed the newest Intel Matrix Storage Manager (since I found it may be causing freezing problem) - I noticed increased power consumption while running on battery (from 15mWh to over 22mWh)
I'm afraid this really may be hardware related issue.
I have been having issues since upgrading my laptop to windows 7. I initially upgraded to windows 7 32bit and within 30mins the laptop started freezing randomly. Over the last month or so, it hasnt got any better, i have downloaded all the correct drivers and updated everything. Yet nothing stops it.
Due to be a student i was able to get windows prof 7 64 bit so i thought i would do a fresh install, so i formatted my PC and installed the new windows 7. However, the freezing is still happening. Now i have read you can flash you bios which i was a little apprenhensive about. I cant Acers support site and emailed them, and they were no help at all.
I have tried it today and have gotten no where. Tried to run the windows based one from Acer, and it wouldnt run. So then i made my USB stick bootable, downloaded phlash16.exe tried the various ways suggested on this site and others...and all that happens is that it runs in the DOS and just hangs on identifying flash memory part type.
I really dont know what i can do next, and the freezing is getting quite annoying.
I have a brand new Aspire V3-371-596F.  Since the first boot, I have been having problems with the touchpad freezing randomly.  The two finger sroll is reversed and I cannot access any settings to change the direction, either.  I downloaded the suggested Synaptics driver from the Acer website, but Windows will not let me install the driver for the touchpad.  When I go into Device Manager -> Mice and other pointing devices, there is only one device listed: HID-compliant mouse.  It says the manufacturer is Microsoft, and not Synaptics.  When I try to Update Driver, I select the downloaded Synaptic driver it says the best driver for my device is already installed.  How do I tell the computer that it does not have a Microsoft mouse installed so I can use the correct Synaptics driver?   I should also mention that a Synaptics HID Device does show up under Device Manager -> Human Interface Devices.  However, windows does not seem to recognize that this device is the mouse.
My Aspire V5-552PG-X809 has frozen 5 times in the last two days. Why is this happening, and how do I stop it. I just got it back from being serviced about two weeks ago, and did a fresh install of windows recently.  Here's the timeline for my system: About 6 weeks ago the system froze and needed a hard restart. Upon restarting, nothing would load. I couldn't access the recovery partition, and repair media did nothing. I sent it back to ACER for repair, and they replaced the HDD. It ran fine for about two weeks, but I was not paying attention during setup and put in the wrong username (This normally wouldn't be an issue, except it changed the name of the user directory and was a hassle for some R code that I had written). I reinstalled windows and fixed the directory issue about two days ago. Since that time I have had about 5 system freezes requiring hard restarts, and every time I'm paranoid that it will kill my HDD again.
My Acer 7740G has been acting strange lately, it makes a beeping noise of approximately 45 beeps (not exactly sure, because as they are quite quick) when it is restarted. When it is turned off and on everything is fine, the beeping is only when it is being restarted.  Also it freezes randomly no matter what games/programs/apps are running. For example it freezes while playing heavy game, and also while playing Minesweeper with nothing else running in the background. I had to reinstall Windows several times, but the freezing keeps occuring without bsod. Also when restart is needed during installation it beeps like that every time on startup.
Last week I bought an Acer Aspire E1-572 and from day one it keeps freezing to the point where I can't even access the Task Manager. Googling around this seems to be quite a common complaint. Is this an issue with Acers or Windows 8/8.1.
Lately I have been having problems with the touchpad this week, started with freezing sometimes, which I typed in google to see another have this problem and to switch setting of touchpad to no delays, which worked as freezing hasn't happened at all anymore at the moment....and later in week, having some difficulty when typing when I click to type in a certain place but then the blinker moves elsewhere, problems with copying and pasting sometimes, as when I copy to highlight upwards, the page did not come up immediately when I slowly moved the mouse up as you do, but when it finally went up, it highlighted the entire document. Doesn't happen all the time....
if your laptop is freezing, u can still move the mouse (using touchpad) but u cant click on anything, it's a complete freeze except for the mouse, alt ctrl delete will not work eitherb. most of the time i get this when i sign in to msn, sometimes i sign in without freezing sometimes it freezes right when i sign in, at that exact moment, sometimes it freezes when i use firefox, it neer freezed before when i worked on a non internet related application
3 days ago i tried to update my iPhone 5s iOS 7.1.1. During the process both iPhone and Laptop froze. I have since reset my phone to factory setting but I cannot sync it to my laptop because each time I plugged it to the laptop it freezes. Now it even freezes without the phone connected to it as soon I go online. Sometime I get a message that it is not responding due long running script.. The model of my laptop is HP570 and the operating system is window 7
Everytime I go onto the internet, try to download something, try to open a new tab my Laptop will freeze, and usually it will not let me open the task manager when I press CTRL + ALT + DEL. I have run virus scans with Norton (I am still in my free 90 day trial) and no threats have been found, I have done disc defragmenter, I have scanned the computer for errors, I have performed disc clean ups and why it is still freezing. I have also changed my Internet browser from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox and I still seem to have the same problems.why it keeps freezing.
Everytime I try and multitask on the internet my laptop freezes and I am forced to shut it down. Before it only happened while I was multi tasking but now it's getting a lot worser. It often freezes while I'm waiting for a YouTube video to load and now while I was in the process of posting a thread right here about this issue! I did some research online and run into two possible problems; overheating and video graphics card.It can't be overheating because my fan is working fine and I just ran a diagnostic.
As for the video graphics card, I did play around the settings last week after I installed a game called Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim. I configured by entire computer to run on high performance but now I've reverted this change and the freezing still happens. What I can tell you is that while I'm playing the game for over an hour, the laptop doesn't freeze at all. It only freezes now while I'm on the internet for at least more than 20-30 minutes or even less. I'm on Safe Mode with Networking right now as I'm typing.
Laptop specifications:
Inspiron 15R Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 64 Bit Processor: Intel Core i5 2410M @2.30 GHz Ram: 4 GB Graphics: Integrated Graphics 3000 with switchable NVIDIA GT 525 GeForce.
I just got around to trying out this laptop from a few years back. It was stored and before that it had only been used a few times.  It's been freezing *every* time I use it. Mouse just freezes in place and it's stuck. I tried doing a fresh install with all of the system disks and it still froze. I then tried to upgrade it to Windows 7, it still froze and it was pretty slow, so I did another fresh install with the system disks. Now I'm back to WinXP and it's still freezing.  I checked the event logs and it doesn't seem to register anything - maybe freezing too quickly? It seems to freeze whenever I do heavy web browsing or transferring files on my network via wireless, But I can't be sure and that might be a false lead, it just seems to happen when I'm doing those.  I think it may be a broken fan, The center fan runs smoothly, but the fan with the cooling unit on the side never seems to run at all. Is there any way to tell if the fan is broken? Is there any way to manually make it run so I can check if it's working? Should it be on all the time, or does it only come on when it gets hot?Â
Aspire 4741 Aspire 4745 Aspire 5740D 3D Aspire 5741
Can't believe you guys missed this over the Timelines
Highlights: 60% color gamut Graphics in them: NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 320M ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5470 NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 330M NVIDIA® GeForce® 310M ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5650
I'm having major trouble with my laptop (an Acer Aspire 3660) which is about 2 years old now. I don't know if there is a problem with the internal power socket or something else, but sometimes when it is plugged it just won't run off the mains or charge the battery. Sometimes I can get it to charge up, seemingly by rotating the power cord cable but at other times it will randomly go to battery even though absolutely nothing has moved, and sometimes it will go to battery power with the slightest little nudge. I don't think this could be related to the battery as the battery seems to work fine (although it does drain quickly I guess it's pretty old in laptop terms). Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions? I bought a new power cable (completely new including power pack and the plug end) but the problem still happens.
Any 6920G owner have their hard drive access light stuck on "on" for about 30 seconds or so and have their laptops freeze for this duration? Freeze as in as soon as I click any window, it turns white. This happens every now and then, doesn't matter what I'm doing.
I bought a used Acer Aspire One 8.9in Laptop 1.6GHz 1GB 120GB a couple of weeks ago, it works great the only thing that I've noticed is that it only charges the battery while powered on (that is running windows).
If I connect the AC but the laptop is off, it will not charge the battery like any other laptop.
if this is normal for this particular model or is this laptop malfunctioning?
when i get on my computer for extended hours on end, the computer starts getting kinda hot to the touch, i.e. the touchpad feels really really hot. Am i doing something bad or wrong like destroying or melting the insides of my puter? And im using a Celeron 530 @ 1.73 ghz...2 gigs of ram and 80g hard drive.
Im trying to do a factory restore using the Acer eRecovery on Aspire 5100 laptop, which I set up using their wizard, input the password, ran from Vista, it has rebooted and is showing the Windows XP logo and the moving "progress" bar thing. However, after about 3 mins, the bar stops moving and nothing else happens, its been like that for ages now. Resetting the power starts it up and gets to the same point and stops again. I have used it before without problems, the hidden partition was there before I started (I checked). Now I cant do anything with the laptop at all! Can anyone suggest what I can do now? I didn't ever get round to making DVD backup disks. The machine is also 2 years old, and I dont want to spend a fortune on Acer's 50p per min customer service, considering they should've given me a boot disk with the machine in the first place. I only wanted to restore it as for no apparent reason all my USB devices stopped being recognized by vista.
I am about to re-install Windows on my friend's laptop, an Aspire 4520.
I am not super familiar with laptops, however I have noted that at the top of his desktop, there is an utility program, a toolbar that I think is called Empowering Technology. My friend uses it mainly to check his battery charge level, although there are a few other tools in this bar, like "acer eData Security Management".
The problem is, if I reinstall Windows, all programs on the Windows partition will be erased. That included this program/toolbar. And I don't know where to get back it back...like where to download a new one for installation.
i have a kind of cable network system for watching tv.... i want to watch tv on my laptop ... Aspire 5520G .... it has tv out .. can anyone tell me what i have to do to watch tv channels on my laptop?
I've bought my Acer Aspire 5570 with T2450 Core Duo 2.0 CPU and Intel GMA950 Video 1.5 years ago and back then I wasn't into fiddling around with it, plus I also had warranty on it and didn't feel like voiding that.
But lately it has been pissing me off, because if I actually use it for anything other than browsing text-based web pages it gets hot. And if put under max load after 10minutes you run the risk of burning your hand if you touch the laptop underneath (75C according to RMClock Utility).
But now, since warranty is long over i decided to see what I can do to improve cooling. After spending a good amount of time looking for service manual I found one on ed2k network and set it download. Eager to get the things rolling I took it apart blindly (wasn't hard at all) and of course, right when I was done with the last screw the service manual finished downloading... *sigh* (To save you from the same fate I've uploaded the service manual at the end of this post.)
I have cleaned the heatsinks (there wasn't much hair, since i used to blow it out with compressed air occasionally), reapplied thermal paste and then I noticed that about 3/4 of air vent on the bottom of the laptop (where air gets sucked in for cooling) was blocked by a piece of removable plastic, whereas the fan was big enough to use the whole vent......................
i was able to connect the dell cause it had some round hole that i stuck a cable into and then my into T.V. My laptop(Aspire 6920g) doesn't have that hole(I think, didn't find it) , so anyways, how do I connect it to a T.V.?
How to get my Acer Aspire E15 laptop (E5-571P-55TL) touchpad working again? Â It worked when I began using it in January and now does not, and I have been checking the FAQs and spent hours also looking for and downloading user guide info which did not work (maybe I did not EXTRACT it correctly). Â The little mousepad or touchpad below the physical keyboard.Â
I use Google Chrome, not Internet Explorer, by the way, and not the Microsoft Account login stuff, which is messing me up too, as first I had to create a password to login to my laptop,then apparently it wants me to create and use another password and login email, which apparently I did once after some problems with it,and now I cannot get it to let me login OR send me a forgotten password for Microsoft Account. Â It wants to call me at a number whose last 2 digits displayed are not mine! Â
I have aspire 5741zg and I wanted to add some ram blocks to it. Bought the same vendor one and same size, but when I added it, my latop started to reboot. Tried to remove old one and leave new one - same(reboot), tried with another vendor - same result. With only the old one - it works perfectly....