Apple :: Weird "Shared" Server On My Private Network
May 24, 2009
How did this show up on my network? It's a private network, and I'm the only one that uses the network that would know how to create a server, and nobody I know would name it "truestoneimage". How do I get rid of it so it doesn't appear in Finder? Why is it showing up at all?
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Mar 26, 2009
we have server at work and we trying to have a folder on ut that anyone can access. the problem is everytime you clic on the short cut it will ask you to log on to the server,
can I creat a shared folder hat doesn't require loging on every single time.
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Jun 2, 2014
I'm working on a HP Envy Touchsmart notebook. Model number is 15-j057cl. It had a serious hard drive crash, and I'm in the process of reloading it using the USB recovery stick from HP since there's no CD/DVD drive. Running Windows 8.
All the drivers are loaded. I've got internet connectivity via a wireless network, but not via the wired one. All other PCs in my office are working just fine, both wired and wireless. The wired network shows up as an unidentified network, and is a public network. I've hunted all over Microsoft and HP to figure out how to get it connected, identified, and classified as a private network. I've got link lights on both the notebook and the network switch. I've switched the Cat5e cable with a good one I'm using on another PC, and still have the issue.
The Realtek PCIe GBE wired NIC is not getting DNS information, as it keeps coming up with the default Microsoft IP of
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Mar 11, 2009
Is it possible to successfully install windows server 2003 server on sony vaio VGN-CS22GH laptop ?
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Mar 10, 2010
We have a server and 10 iMac workstations.
My concern is twofold
1. because these tapes are proprietary, if the drive goes down, the tape can't be read by any other machine. I had this happen a couple of years ago when the tape drive broke and because it was discontinued, I have all 5 daily tapes that could no longer be read and cost almost $100 each. Luckily I have never had to restore from a tape, but if I did, I would have been out of luck.
2. The cost. These drives are expensive. Would it not make more sense to have a couple of 16gig USB flash drives to rotate through. They are more portable and I can do a restore on any networked machine.
Or we can simply do a backup to a networked drive. I like the flash drive better than the last option because it can be moved to a safe part of the office to protect against a water pipe burst or something like that. the total data requiring backup is just under 1 gig
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Oct 19, 2009
i had a few glitches while browsing the web and reading my tutorials on acrobat reader...the temperature has been going quite hot recently remaining in the 70's, sometimes going more and rarely in the upper 60' you think this is a dying gpu?
here's a youtube link for it....
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Nov 7, 2009
While using Preview for PDFs in Snow Leopard, I've noticed that fonts that should be bold look "strange" in many of the files I have to use often.
This does not happen in Adobe Reader for OSX.
Case in point:
The bottom line is supposed to be in bold print, while the top should be "normal" (as it apparently is). Is there a Preview setting I'm missing?
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Jan 18, 2010
I've got a couple of accounts set up in Mail, and I'm anal about keeping a clean inbox. Is there any plugin of which I'm unaware that can automatically move messages in either server's inbox into an archive folder of my choosing, depending on the account?
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Aug 15, 2009
I installed semi-clean Vista on my SR490
But after installing Sony Shared Library, I can't seem to be able to install Sony Notebook Utilities. It says that "This update is not intended to use with your computer model"
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Sep 2, 2009
How do I change the shared graphics memory on this laptop? The card has a 1gb dedicated ram anyway so I do not need it also using 1.2GB of my system memory. There is no option in the bios to change this or no other option I can see, why have they done this? I just want it to use the dedicated 1gb and that is it really.
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Aug 22, 2014
I have just recently purchased an HP 17-e049wm. This laptop has the AMD Radeon HD8650G integrated graphics with up to 4206MB of total memory. I understand that this graphics "card" uses the onboard memory to act as video memory. How can I increase or decrease the amount of memory allocated to the graphics? I don't seem to be able to make any changes from the BIOS. Is this something that adjusts automatically?
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Mar 13, 2009
My MBP keeps "forgetting" my wireless network at home. It will work fine for a while and then it will stop connecting and give me a connection timeout error. If I change the password on the network (WPA2) it will work fine for a while. iPhone works fine on the same network and MBP works fine at school on unsecured network. it's the last generation, right before unibody
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Aug 21, 2009
Right now I have a 1st generation Time Capsule that is set to work with b/g wireless adaptors because the iPod Touches in the house need to be able to connect to the 'net.
I'll be picking up an Airport Express in the near future. Will I be able to switch the Time Capsule to the 5Ghz N setting, and be able to extend the network using the Airport Express while configuring the Airport Express to broadcast to b/g adaptors?
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May 27, 2009
I have a USB dongle connected to the USB port on the left side of my MBP. I'm not sure which side the wireless adapter is located in the MBP, but there seems to be interference between the two as I just been having alot of problems connecting to my wireless network. Because of the lack of space on my desk, the left side of the MBP is facing toward a wall (parallel to it), so therefore the Magsafe, USB, and audio ports are facing toward the wall. I have not been able to even detect my wireless network until I decided to remove the USB dongle temporarily and rescan for wireless networks. It finally worked then! So, do you guys think there is a possibility the USB dongle is interfering with the wireless adapter built in MBP? If so, what can I do about it (the right USB port is powering a WD Passport because the left USB does not provide enough power)?
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Sep 20, 2009
I have an Airport Extreme linked to an external hard disk. The HD is formatted in GUID partition scheme and it's split into 3 partitions.
One of the partitions is a Macintosh HD partition with Snow Leopard on it. I can boot into Snow Leopard when the external HD is plugged via USB to my MBP.
But when I plug it into the Airport Extreme, I couldn't find a way to boot from it. Do you know a way?
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Jul 19, 2009
I've got my Vista computer and OS X computer on the same network. I set up Mac's file sharing via SMB. So I can see my entire Mac HD from my Vista computer now. I tried transferring some files to it, and it was incredible slow, around 170kbps. I know there's ways to transfer much faster than this, so maybe I'm doing something wrong.
The MacBook is wired to the router, while the Vista is wireless. At the moment I don't have an extra ethernet cable.
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Mar 6, 2009
If I'm running a copy of say Warcraft III or Age of Empires on my Vista 64 desktop, and have a Powerbook G4 running Leopard 10.5.5 on the same network with another legit copy of the game on it, can the games "see" each other on the network and allow network play, even though its two different OS's?
Or is it a strictly Windows to Windows or Apple to Apple setup in order to game in this way?
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Jan 21, 2009
out of the blue connecting to a server takes about 20-30 seconds. This problem remains, also the connections close by themselves. When I boot linux on this machine there is no problem. Other machines on the network have no problems. Connecting to these other machines with this laptop show the same results ->slow connection, difficult browsing. (the domain controller is a slack box - no machine restrictions are in order)
-Firewall is down for the occasion but no effect.
-There were no recent updates.
-It doesn't matter what interface I use wireless or Ethernet.
My guess is problem with samba. Restarting samba or restarting osx have no effect. Resolve.conf shows the right info and HTTP traffic is normal.
I find reinstalling is no option. I want to know the problem and if there are more users with the same problem.
OS: OSX 10.5.6
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Jun 19, 2009
Recently got a macbook for the first time and I'm having trouble figuring out how to connect to the other (vista pc) computers on my network. Of course on vista I would just click network and it would show all devices online, but here nothing I've looked up walkthroughs and I have to go to GO/ connect to server, then punch in the computer name...ok....but once I'm in, all I see on the pc I tested on is this "users" folder and nother else. I have virtually everything set to share....what am I doing wrong? Why can't I see the normal public/shared folders? Is there an easier way to connect to my home network computers?
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Nov 22, 2009
I took the plunge and bought my second MacBook after having to return the first I got a few months ago after it had a dead pixel and a stuffed optical drive.
I got a 13" MacBook Pro, 2.53GHz CPU, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 250GB HDD. Running Snow Leopard
It's perfect. No dead pixels, no screwed optical drive (knocking on wood).
BUT I'm having network problems. The AirPort keeps disconnecting every 5 minutes or so. It still appears to be connected, but the internet just simply doesn't work. (Actually it just happened again in that last second, I'm now typing this offline and will have to reconnect when ready to post).
I've read that a lot of MacBooks have this problem and even that it may have something to do with Snow Leopard, and the problem sounds almost exactly like mine, BUT they keep saying that all of the other PCs on the network are fine. The other devices connected to the same network (even the main PC that's connected via Ethernet vs Wireless) get screwed as well! This also includes my iPhone 3GS, which always connects just fine.........
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Mar 26, 2009
I've home network with bunch of PCs on it. I've Verizon FIOS and they have provided wireless router. I've installed retail copy of OSX 10.5.6 on one of my system. Everything is working fine including wireless. It can see my existing wireless network. But when I try to connect it only allows me connecting using WEP. After I put in my security key it fails to connect. It does connect to open network in neighbourhood. Is there a way to make this work ? I've 3 other PC and all of them work fine on network. I tried restarting router but it is not making any difference.
I tried connecting using ethernet and it worked fine. I got latest updates from Apple and that worked okay too.
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Sep 24, 2009
I just bought a macbook! Yah, but I've already hit a snag... a notebook is only good if it contains my music library! so seeing as I have everything on my PC and I already have the network folders set up... I tried ot copy my music (3.71GB) onto my mac, but my mac can only see 945MB of it and that's all it will copy. it can see and copy my video's folder(195GB). but only a fraction of the music!
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Sep 1, 2009
I'm on an ADSL connection with limited bandwidth usage per month, and of late i've been noticing that the usage stats on my ISP's log page has been shooting off the charts.
I want to track my computer's internet usage. I've opened network utility, however, the transmitted and received data are in terms of "packets". Can anyone tell me what the conversion is between packets and bytes/ vice versa ... for the record.. i'm using an airport extreme to connect to the internet.
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Jan 30, 2009
Whenever I'm copying files over the network to/from my M6400 Covet, I lose network connection.
I get the 'Limited Connectivity' message in Vista 64. It seems to happen for larger files transfers only.
I have the latest software from Dell already. My solution is to restart the laptop.
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Jul 4, 2009
I just got my Airport Extreme router, and I set up a wireless network easily. However, it doesn't cover the whole house.
So I have another router (Asus WL-530G) and I am thinking of using either of the two routers as a base and the other one as an extender.
I have tried extending the Asus network with the Airport.I got this message:"The network you selected cannot be extended"
I tried setting up a WDS network with Airport Extreme as main, remote or relay. None worked, it said no other apple airport device can be found.
Is this a compatibility issue, or did i miss something?
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Jan 23, 2010
I have been looking for a device that functions both as a NAS and a print server for a USB printer. My printer (and NAS-to-be) are in a different room than my current wireless router. I have a Windows 7 - based PC.
I would like to be able to connect the Time Capsule to my existing wireless network.
I would like to be able to back up files over the wireless network (probably using Windows 7's included backup software).
I would like to be able to print over the wireless network. My printer is a Samsung ML-2510 printer.
Can I do this with a Time Capsule?
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Jul 29, 2009
how to use this SQL Server. No tools to create/modify table.
I think it is better to install SQL Server Management Studio 2005. But I cannot install it.
Not sure which version of SSMS is suitable for the Pre loaded SQL server.
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Jan 4, 2009
I've just noticed that there is an update on Vista 32 on Acer ftp site, here.
What's this for ? I don't want to download it unless I don't get more info.
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Mar 16, 2009
I am trying to set up this system. Which drivers shall I use? Anybody tried Microsoft server 2008 in their sony vaio AW? Is there some obsticle so it will not work?
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Apr 13, 2009
Would the drivers for Vista 64bit work?
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