Dell Inspiron N5040 :: Laptop Not Connecting To Wireless Internet
Mar 10, 2013
I am having some troubles. Inspiron 15 N5040. The hardwire connection works, and the modem connects wirelessly to other devices, such as my Apple itouch and my roomate's laptop; but when my laptop tries to connect it says Unidentified network, no internet access. I have been editting setting and trying everything i can think of for?
Ok. My laptop won't connect to the internet. It connectes to the wifi fine but will not connect to the internet. I tried hardwiring and that won't work either. All other devices connect fine. I uninstalled that and it worked fine. I am unable to find that now. The router is a Verizon Fios / Actiontec router M142RWR.
Last week I purchased a dell laptop on line and received it one day after the shipping notification. That's the good news. During the setup process everything went well except the wireless connection. The laptop was connecting to the router intermittantly and now will not connect at all. I have checked every setting I know of and talked with my internet provider last night to see if they may be the problem. All the people I have talked with tell me that the problem is most likely the Intel Centrion wireless-N 1030 card and site issues documented on other sites.
My attempt to get information from dell on Sunday evening was a nitemare and so I sent an email via customer service but have not yet received a reply. Here is my gripe. This is a new laptop and I should not have to find a fix for this problem. Also, I am computer literate to a point and don't feel I should have to spend my whole weekend "trying" to get a wireless connection on a new machine. It usually takes seconds. I am trying this forum to see if I can get some answers but honestly I will probably return the laptop that is if I can find the spot on the dell website that will let me request that.
My dell Inspiron n5010 stopped connecting to the internet. When I'd connect to my wifi it says limited connectivity. So I followed some old posts, rebooted, checked wifi key and finally Uninstalled the wifi drivers but now I can't reinstall them since I cannot connect to the internet. Im totally stuck and confused. Do I have any options?
I have a dell Inspiron n5040 laptop . from yesterday I have been facing a problem that my laptop won't turn on and it just beep , beep and beep . The day it's start happening before that day I mean previous day some writing appears what says I don't remember hard ware or something is not working or so and it just turn off .
my laptop has failed the hard drive diagnostic with an error code of 2000-0142, and looking here in the forum I see it means that I should replace the hard drive. That being said, I am not actually having any problems with my computer. I ran the f12 diagnostic after a routine scan notified me of a smart short test fail and it came up on the diagnostic as well. Does that mean that at any moment I would actually see something happen?
I have a Dell Vostro 1500, and I recently re-installed Windows Vista on it. I installed the drivers from the Dell CD that came with my laptop, along with the utilities.
But my wireless won't work, it says the driver isn't installed =[ But I installed all the drivers that CD told me to.
I have a sony laptop vgn-s260 and the problem i have is that each time that I try to turn on the wireless card, the laptop restart and the only way to maintain the laptop working is turning the wireless card off.
I'm having major problems with my laptop. Will try and tell you as much as possible.
I have an HP Pavilion DV2700 (DV2799ea) that is about a year old. It has built-in bluetooth which can be quite tempremental. A week ago I searched the net for a way to get my bluetooth working properly and decided to download the latest version of bluetooth for my laptop from the HP website. I then restarted my laptop, like it said. The bluetooth worked perfectly. My internet connection, however, wouldn't work.
I tried going into the very beginning of the laptop and rolling the computer back to a few hours before I installed the new bluetooth in the hope that the bluetooth would be gone but my internet would be back (as I would rather obviously have internet than bluetooth). This did not work.
I also started the laptop in safe mode, but this made no difference.
I also tried diagnosing the problem, finding a new IP address, restarting the laptop again, changing router numbers etc.
I also tried disconnecting the bluetooth, but this didn't make any difference.
I also tried completely removing the wireless connection and then reconnecting it all, this also did not work...................
I have been dealing with this for a while now, and it just happened out of no where. I turned on my computer one morning and it wouldnt allow me to connect to my wifi. I have tried EVERYTHING. My computer does allow me to connect an ethernet cord to it and the router and use the internet that way. I know it's not the router because I use the internet on my iPhone and tablet. When I attempt to connect to internet it has a red X where the wireless icon used to be, now the icon looks like a computer screen instead the the little bars. When I tap my wireless button on my key pad a message comes up and notifies me that i just turned my wireless connection off, but no matter if it's off or on that little button always has the orange light on. I can't figure out whats going on
I just purchased a HP laptop 13-c004TU (I think -- too small to read). It is seeing my home wireless internet and listing on available networks. I have typed in my security key, yet it is still saying that it cannot connect to that network. I have been on the phone with my ISP and they cannot see why it does not connect. Usually, in these cases, I would hard-cable it to the router, but the laptop does not have an appropriate connection port. Obviously, being new, it is Win 8.1 ..........
I have a HP Pavilion g7-1205ev laptop with Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium. I bought a new hard drive so I had to install Windows again. After the installation the laptop can't connect to the internet either by wifi either by Ethernet. After trying troubleshooting it says that windows did not detect a properly installed network adapter.
At the device Manager I can see that there is an exclamation mark to these exact components:
Standard VGA Graphics Adapter BCM20702AO Ethernet Controller Network Controller PCI Device PCI Simple Communications Controller SM Bus Controller
Can I download all these from somewhere ? And of course I will download them to another PC as my laptop doesn't go online at all. I also tried to run Ubuntu from a flash drive on my laptop and the Ubuntu uses the Internet just fine.
I bought a inspiron 17 series 5000, but the signal is poor and I cannot connect to internet mostly of time, I have a cisco router, I read that could be that my router is not compatible, is true?
I just bought a Dell 1710 laptop with a wireless card but no internal modem. I have an old desktop that connects to the internet by dial-up.
(This is the only option for me right now because I live in the boonies!) I want to be able to connect to the internet with my laptop and be able to move around the house.
Do I need a modem & router? I can't seem to find a router with a built-in modem. How do I connect it all? Desktop>>>>>router>>>>modem>>>laptop?
I have a Dell Inspiron 1764 about a month ago it started having internet problems. I have ruled out the problems being related to the actual internet service. I have excellent wifi signal and yet my laptop constantly connects and disconnects. The length of time varies. Some days I get to be on the net while others I dont at all. I have run diagnostics, downloaded darn near every update imaginable.
I have a Probook 4520, and the operating system is Windows 7, I am having a problem getting connected to the internet, all other laptops are working in the household. I have connected it directly to the router with the ethernet cord but still no luck. Could it be my Network Card? The lap top was pretty warm on that side also prior to it stop working.
Everytime I try and multitask on the internet my laptop freezes and I am forced to shut it down. Before it only happened while I was multi tasking but now it's getting a lot worser. It often freezes while I'm waiting for a YouTube video to load and now while I was in the process of posting a thread right here about this issue! I did some research online and run into two possible problems; overheating and video graphics card.It can't be overheating because my fan is working fine and I just ran a diagnostic.
As for the video graphics card, I did play around the settings last week after I installed a game called Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim. I configured by entire computer to run on high performance but now I've reverted this change and the freezing still happens. What I can tell you is that while I'm playing the game for over an hour, the laptop doesn't freeze at all. It only freezes now while I'm on the internet for at least more than 20-30 minutes or even less. I'm on Safe Mode with Networking right now as I'm typing.
Laptop specifications:
Inspiron 15R Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 64 Bit Processor: Intel Core i5 2410M @2.30 GHz Ram: 4 GB Graphics: Integrated Graphics 3000 with switchable NVIDIA GT 525 GeForce.
i have a dell studio 1535, work very well, at home anyway, connection wise. I am with virgin media, when i go to my GF place or work or anywhere i can't connect to any wireless network,
Don't have any problem at home to connect.
I managed to find that the internet IP ping failed when running a connection diagnostic.
I have a USB dongle connected to the USB port on the left side of my MBP. I'm not sure which side the wireless adapter is located in the MBP, but there seems to be interference between the two as I just been having alot of problems connecting to my wireless network. Because of the lack of space on my desk, the left side of the MBP is facing toward a wall (parallel to it), so therefore the Magsafe, USB, and audio ports are facing toward the wall. I have not been able to even detect my wireless network until I decided to remove the USB dongle temporarily and rescan for wireless networks. It finally worked then! So, do you guys think there is a possibility the USB dongle is interfering with the wireless adapter built in MBP? If so, what can I do about it (the right USB port is powering a WD Passport because the left USB does not provide enough power)?
I'm having probs connecting wireless my Acer Aspire 8730. I had this issue 5 days into buying this laptop. It seems to be an intermittant problem as sometimes it connects fine but other times it doesn't. Sometimes it finds other available networks but not my router. Comet sent the laptop back to Acer who insist there's not a problem with the network card. I did find a setting on my router for extended range that we have checked but the problem still persists. If I connect via the ethernet cable then no problems but if I sit the laptop next to the router it still doesn't connect wireless. It seems to have completely lost the plot over Christmas and can now find absolutely nothing wirelessly. I could try changing the router but I'm a bit loathed to do this as we have aother laptop that runs fine via my router. I'm not sure where to go from here as I know both Comet and Acer will deny there's a problem.
My wife's Studio 17 laptop developed an issue today. Sometime between noon and 3pm, the wireless card in her computer stopped working. Everything in hardware diagnostics indicates that everything is functioning...but it will not connect to our home network. I have troubleshot the wireless system...and everything on the router is working normally. When I try to connect to the wireless network, the computer tries to connect, but eventfully just says it cannot connect.
At random, the 6,5, - and = keys get pressed (can be seen if a text editor/area is focused at the time) and the Windows 'help' dialog pops up, then shut down (no BSOD) within 2-3 seconds. It can also just shut off at any point during boot/shut down.
I have dell red n5040 i3 processor, service tag<Service Tag removed as per privacy policy> no display. i already remove the cd rom, hdd, wlan. i replace new memory. but still don't display. when i remove the memory it beep twice, when i installed the memory i beep once but still don,t display. I tried the original memory to other laptop it runs ok.
I have a problem with my Dell laptop. I got a virus , and i don't even know what did it do. When i start my laptop it loads like it was before( it says big DELL and Inspiron,then progress bar and F2 Setup and F12 Boot options). After that loads i see this thing flashing _ . And then red text comes up and says something like " Your laptop was blocked because bla bla bla" and after that red text this thing _ flashing. Keyboard is blocked, nothing happens when i try to connect USB or my mouse. The only thing i can do on my laptop now is press F2 or F12 while Dell loads, before that red thing.
I think the problem may be to do with dust in the cooling fan vent .Tried to remove the back to get at it but nothing budges despite removing all screws. How to I do this?
I just got a Aspire 5520 from a friend. Before I restored it to factory i was able to connect to my secure wireless network. Now that i have restored it, I can connect but then the enet mangatment will connect but then disconnect. but the windows icon says its connected. but it will not get past my router or anything and if i try to acess my router from my aspire it will not load the page. my router is fine i have several other devieces connected to it that have no problem. I have checked my router settings to make sure the settings in the comp is right i have a wpa2-personal with a apk securtiy. the router itslef is a belkin n600. since this machine is not under warrenty i cann't ask acer support. Also i can connect to any unsecured with no problem