HP/Compaq :: Battery Dies One Month After Warranty Expires
Feb 18, 2010
One month after my warranty expires, my 12 cell dv5t battery stops dead in its tracks. No warning, no nothing! (Was working fine up until it died, and hadn't even lost much usage time, considering its been used fairly much.) And I have a 3 year extended warranty, that, of course, doesn't cover the battery!
But there's a tiny bit of good news. . . I learned a very good tip ---I didn't know, until I was on the phone with the HP sales guy spending $160 for a new one (double grr) that you can still use your laptop with a dead battery, if you take the battery out! I thought there was no way to use my laptop, and now I can, so at least I won't lose valuable computing time while I'm waiting for UPS. Small consolation, but I HATE it when I don't have access to my computer!
Im the proud owner of an M1330, and I have been for nearly two years. Which also happens to be the time my warranty expires...
Having recenty had my laptop repaired for the second time through gpu failure (the issue that hinders all 8-series mobibile chips) I cant help worrying that Im going to be caught out once the tide of Dell support goes out.
I have read that dell have now extended the warranty on these chips but what about people who purchased a laptop before this issue came to light?
I was watching a video today on youtube when the screen paused and green lines appeared around the video. Next thing I know the display turns off and every time I reboot the computer the LCD screen turns on but nothing is displayed.
It boots into windows(I can hear the login theme) but nothing on the LCD. Anyhow here is my dilemma. I was told that because I'm just five days past my warranty, expired on the 22nd, that I might still be able to get it repaired or I could buy an extended warranty.
However, I'm worried that if I call in and tell them that my laptop is dead that they will not only deny repair, but will bar me from getting an extended warranty? Which according to the dell website and my service tag I can still buy. What should I do?
On my HP Envy M4-1015dx laptop, I was editing a large image file in Photoshop, likely using a large amount of the scratch disk. In the background I had another Adobe program running though I had not engaged the application in the couple hours prior. Google Chrome web browser was also open in the background, with admittedly a lot of tabs open. So, the load on the computer/processor? was definitely heavy.
At this point, the battery died and the computer subsequently shut down. I plugged in a power source shortly after, and pressed the power button to turn the laptop on. The laptop booted and went to the welcome screen, I entered my password and the laptop got stuck on the "Welcome" screen that loads prior to opening to the desktop.
I pressed the power button to turn off the laptop and again to turn it on. At this point everything loaded extremely slowly. The screen where I enter the password moved extremely slow, taking at least 5 - 10 minutes to accept my keypresses and start loading the desktop.
Using any other application did not work, they became unresponsive. Attempting a system restore took over 30 minutes just to set a restore point and "prepare" the computer for a system restore. I was never able to complete a restore, I got an error during the preparation process.
It seems like the processor is just overloaded with even the smallest tasks now.
I forgot my Z-series plugged in AC ( switched off ofcourse) for about a month or 3 weeks. I am so terrified that this might have affected the battery life? The laptop is brand new that makes me more upset
I have replaced my laptop battery and the icon now indicates 100% available but plugged in charging.On removing the power lead the laptop immediately dies.Should I have done something about callibration when installing the battery?
I was a happy DM3-1030US customer for about a month until this morning when an incredibly strange and frustrating problem has rendered the laptop useless.
Last night when I finished using the PC I left it disconnected from the charger so it naturally ran out of juice and turned itself off.
This morning I plugged it back in and slid the power switch, the fans turned on power light lit up (but not caps lock and Wi-Fi light is orange) but the screen is completely black. The fans remain spinning, computer is clearly receiving power and turned on but nothing happens at all. I've tried leaving it in that state for 30+ minutes to no avail.
I tried removing the battery for 20+ minutes then trying again to no avail. Most frightening of all I completely removed the power and turned on the PC via direct AC power with exactly the same result. This leads me to believe something has completely failed at a hardware level in this machine. Has anyone else experienced anything at all like this?
I'm very dissapointed that such an issue is occuring with a brand new machine like this. I've always thought the price I paid (around $500 from staples with multiple rebates) was too good to be true and now that appears to be the case. Unless HP is extremely graceful in their resolution of this matter I don't see myself purchasing another product from them again, which is a shame since I've purchased multiple laptops as well as my 30" monitor from them in the past. I was even considering purchasing the new Envy 14 when it's released.
My friend received a dv4t a month ago, and we did clean install on it day one. But this morning, it started flickering heavily - past the point where its 90 degrees to table surface. So while opening the screen lid, everything seems and works fine upto the points when screen is approx perpendicular to keyboard, and even a slight push beyond that and screen either goes blank or it flickers heavily altering white and black screens, no desktop visible. I did another clean install, and problem was persistent even while clean install was in progress, and even after it was done and I installed drivers for it from SWSetwup folder. I am currently chatting with HP rep and he apparently knows nothing about it.
I've had my DV7T CTO for less then one month and the keyboard letters (on each key) are already starting to fade/rub off. This is insane! I suppose I'm going to have to do without a computer now to send this in to get it replaced instead of HP just sending me a replacement keyboard... Why do they insist on everything being sent into them? A keyboard replacement takes all of 5 minutes to do.
I had this plugged in but no charging issue and I called, they said it was the MOBO or the AC. So the guy came today and put in a new MOBO and used a new AC, but it still won't charge.
So he called Dell and they said it had to be the battery (even though we don't get the light 1/3/5 indication on the battery meter), and that since I was out of the 1 year battery warranty I would have to pay.
Well here is the thing, I have a freaking 4 year warranty on this thing, and it is barely over a year old and the battery already failed? WTH is up with that? Also, the guy said my battery warranty expired in March, but I didn't even place the order until June and I didn't get the computer until July 18 or even later. And they won't approve my battery replacement, they said if I called before the end of July (like 2 days earlier) I would be able to. This is ridiculous.
I have a 1 year old Inspiron 5050 that does not boot.
It's completely dead With the battery in. No led on front. When I remove the battery and power up it starts to boot , shows the dell screen , beeps once then dies.
I have to remove the power cord to get it to reboot and it does the same again , one beep then nothing.
I have a G72 with the Radeon 5470 gpu. 2 days ago my wife received a bluescreen on Windows 7x64 stating that the video driver had stopped working. From that point on the G72 would not make it to the desktop without the screen going dead. The machine boots to safemode fine. I tried as much as I could think of to resolve this issue but eventually backed off her data and restored to factory. The problem persisted and I ended up disabling the ATI card in the control panel. The machine seemed to be working after that.
I begin the long process of brining the OS up to current. About 2 sets of updates after Win 7 SP1 the problem came back. I booted to safe mode and checked the driver and discovered that it had been re-enabled. I have tried disabling it again and rebooting. Sometimes it stays disabled thru reboot but sometimes it does not. At this point the machine will go to a dark screen (not just black video but dead) after I sign on. This was happening without regard to the enable or disable status on the ATI card.
So... I attempted to do another rehang of the OS and got about half way thru. Windows setup now tries to reboot and after the machine comes up, the screen goes dead. Is there a way to disable the card in bios? Can the card be physically removed?
I purchased my laptop about two years ago. A few days ago, the screen suddenly dies, and on boot, it flickers a few times with the proper display, but then goes blank. The backlight seems to remain on though. When I use an external monitor with the HDMI port, the external monitor works fine, however the laptop screen remains blank. Here's a video of what it looks like when I first boot the laptop: [URL] .....
I just recently placed an order for a Studio 1737 (replacing an Inspiron E1705). It comes with a 1 year warranty.
I'm debating whether it's worth spending $200+ to upgrade to a Dell 3 year warranty or should I get a 3 year Square Trade Warranty for less than $150 (I can get one for around $120 after a coupon)?
I am planning to buy a HP Compaq 8510p. It is an unused opened open box item. The computer has never left the box, I was wondering if I bought the laptop right now the standard 3-year warranty period would begin now.
I was just talking to a HP cs rep, and he said that if I put in an external HDD, the entire system's warranty will be voided (Even the accidental care). That's a huge , and makes me reconsider dell much more.
Upon thinking about it, if I just placed the hdd that originally shipped with it, there's no way they would know that I was using something 3rd party would they? (unless there's red tape or something i dont know about)
i bought a pavilion dv4 about 4 months ago, so its still under warranty, and recently not only does the battery not charge but the volume button on the panel doesn't work.
when i call HP, will they waste my time by trying to walk me through troubleshooting, or is there a way i can just have the laptop sent in since its still under warranty.
also, im really exposing my ignorance here, but is there any way to just be refunded rather than a repair?
I just ordered a Latitude E6400 from the outlet but I won't be able to open it for another month. Is it ok to leave the laptop inside the box for that long?
I have the M1330, T8300, LED, 4GB, 250 GB, 8400 GS. This is the second time the GPU failed(GPU failed first week of use) and there will be a technician coming later on this week.
Has anyone had success getting a replacement laptop, i.e XPS Studio 13. Seeing that I have 6 months left on the warranty and the extra 1 year for GPU issues, should I continue to get the 8400 fixed?
Have they resolved the issue with these "newly soldered motherboards"? Should I just ask to be replaced with an X3100? I don't really game, but do watch a lot of movies, especially HD rips.
One thing I hate about PCs and laptops is that they inevitably slow down, which is somewhat understandable as OS and software demands increase year on year. However, my fear is that my Acer 6930G is slowing down on me only after a month of use! I can see the beginnings of it struggling to do what used to be simple tasks.
For example, streaming HD videos on the net (youtube HD, GameTrailers HD) was a cake walk during the first few weeks of use. Now it struggles and stutters when trying to stream sub-HD content. Opening the task manager shows that its maxing out both cores of my CPU when viewing these videos. This is abnormal. And from time to time the system will fail to respond for 30 seconds or so.
I'm not too happy as I've only recently purchased the laptop. There are probably many reasons why, but I'm not sure where to begin. Anyone be able to lend me some insight at why my laptop is behaving like this all of a sudden?
I have a DV9220US that was purchased last August. Didn't take too long for me to see this notebook runs quite hot. So first the CPU fan starts to make a lot of noise, although still blowing the same amount of air. Then a week later the video goes bonkers in Windows, then within a few hours the notebook will not display any video at all. I call HP, and after 2 calls talking to their not so wonderful or English speaking technical support I get this RMA'd. I have a 2 year extended warranty on this as well. So they get it in and I wait, I am then informed there is a delay in the motherboard.
Well today, I checked the status page, and now it says there will be a service charge of $764! I immediately call them to ask this is, and am told this ia due to spill damage. The one thing NOT covered by the warranty, but happens to be the one thing that did NOT do this. I immediately recognized what was happening was simply the machine had overheated and damaged the GPU. My last HP notebook I had the LCD cut off switch die, and ended up having to send it in twice as the first time they sent it back without doing a thing to fix it.
Considering this notebook did not even last 6 months is just plain ridiculous. Then to ask for $764 to replace the motherboard? I might add that I also work as a HP reseller, and only paid $900 for the notebook + 2yr warranty. Well, it looks like HP will be losing me as a customer, and quite possibly a reseller with this customer service. I can only imagine with the bad economy and slowed sales they have instituted a policy to look for any reason, legitimate or not, to push the costs of repairs and service back on to the customer.
I'm looking at the HP Elitebook laptop range (business laptops) and wondering if they come with international warranty?
If i buy the laptop in the US it comes with "3 years warranty", but it's taking me a lot of (unsucessful) efforts to find out if this warranty is global.
This is the Elitebook range too and info on the net is even more limited!
Does 6930p come with a LED backlight WXGA+ (1440x900) screen? I read somewhere that it would come with a LED backlight WXGA or a CCFL backlight WXGA+.
2nd question: What are the differences between a refurbished 6930p and a canceled order one? Is there a chance to a canceled order 6930 be marked as refurbished?
i ordered my dell online at a dell kiosk center. They told me it would only take 7-10 days but when i checked my order online it said it would arrive in a month time. -_- whats going on?