The last days I have a problem with my HDD and it needs changing. The model of my notebook is HP Pavilion dv6542ev. My problem is that I don't know what type of HDDs I can get. A friend of mine has another model and I can take his. His model is HP Pavilion dv9542ev. Can I use it?
How to change the font colors on my new hp pavilion 14-n201tu notebook laptop. I want to personalize it but I don't know how. I have been trying and can not figure it out.
I have HP pavilion dv7 which won't let me in BIOS to change boot order.
I have windows 8 32 bit installed and it keep booting normally no matter which key (Esc,F9,F10,F1,F2 etc) at start up, is pressed or keep pressed.. it wont stop booting and wont let me in BIOS. All it does it that if keys are pressed it will start beeping but then boot anyway.
I want to boot it from USB and install WIndows 8.1 64 bit.
how to change the screen resolution but, it won't stay at recommended resolution when I restart my laptop, it keeps going back too the smallest resolution. I have to go and change the resolution every time I turn it back on.
My audio is not working and I did a restore point and that did not work. I also checked for the windows update mentioned and did not see that this was installed so I don't think that is the problem.
My machine is HP Pavilion dV6 Notebook PC Product number: LW217UA#ABA Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Service Pack 1 IDT Audio - IDT - 1.0.6345.0
There's problem on Operating system, then i use factory reset on recovery manager, but when the process almost finish , language change to chinese..How to change the language to english again ??
I forgot the bios password and i need to enter to the bios menu to change some laptop is an HP Pavilion dv4 4172lathe OS is windows 7 64the code appeared is: 62023458. How can i reset the password?
I have a pavilion touchsmart 15 - n263sa, my problem is that id like to change the bios settings but they are all disabled apart from date and time, I cant access the options I want to.
My Laptop is Vostro 1500 with WXGA (1280x800) and my friend's ASUS G1S with 1680x1050 panel. He doesn't like his panel because everything is too small and we decide to change panel.
Vostro panel woking great with the ASUS G1S, but ASUS panel can not work with Vostro, when turn on, the screen split 2 part in POST and change to dark when log on to windows.
We just change the panel, can not change the inverter. How to solve this problem? Can anyone help me?
swapping the cpu on my acer 5101 to a dual core. The manual says in can take dual core cpu's but I swaped the mk36 single core for a tl50 1.6ghz dual core and it does not work (tried 2 different dual core cpu's). The machine does not boot. I have the newest bios 3.10a .
I was wondering if I buy a Vaio with Windows 7, can I wipe it clean and install a different OS (Xp, or Linux) from my own CDs? Or does it only allow to install the OS that sony provided in the Recovery Partition?
I am trying to get some basic information on return policies from some different places that sell HP notebooks.
Since I live over three hours driving distance one way from any major electronics store that may carry the HP Envy 15 (such as Best Buy) I am left with the only alternative to see about purchasing a computer online. I'm not completely sure, however, that it will completely fit my needs exactly. So I am trying to find out where I might be able to order an Envy 15 but also have some reassurance that if I do wish to return it for a refund I can do so within a reasonable time.
Sometimes it's hard to tell what places have for their refund policy, especially online. Again, I'd have to be sure that the place offers return for refund and not just return for replacement.
With the application store for the ipod touch and iphone, full blown movie store with TV shows and rentals... the iTunes Store is kind of busting out of its name by the seams, is it not? What is needed here? a new name for iTunes that represents this? nothing splitting up iTunes into multiple apps?
I got my Dell 1557 about a month ago and for a while, it seemed just fine with my display brightness.
I could change it to however bright I want it to be. Then today, when I turned on my computer, my settings for my display brightness was at the highest when it normally is in the middle.
At first I thought nothing of it because I could easily change it with the F4 and F5 buttons, but after I logged on and tried to change it, nothing happened. Not even after I restarted the computer or reinstall the ATI Catalyst Center.
I got dell to send me a new back cover (Blue in color) and instead of the ccfl display i had im now useing the led lcd one.
i used the metal backets that were on my ccfl display and they fit perfect on the led display. how ever when i put it back together the bezel cuts the top of the screen off and the bottom is too low.
is there a bezel espically made just for the led display or do i need to get the correct metal brackets that hold the display into the cover??
I have a Dell 1525, bought in April 08, about 3 months ago time started to get out of sync and multiple problems with battery "plugged in not charging."
So today after charging the battery from a friends external battery charger ( friend had same problem) I was updating the BIOS to A16 from A06 and when the laptop was restarting with the bios update I get a message saying "Time of Day Clock Stopped."
My question is if I replace the CMOS battery will this solve the problem? Looking at dell documentation from looks tedious and time consuming but not hard .....
does anyone know if there is software or a bios hack to change the ram bus speed? the m1730 is getting beat by a gateway because the bus speed on it is 1066 and it seems like we are stuck at 667.